Sarrasri2006-07-23 23:49:31
I hate when there are bloody 6 people capable of teaching a novice around yet, when someone asks if anyone is able to teach, the guild channel goes absolutely bloody quiet.
No excuses or anything. Like HELLO I -know- you are around. I can check GWHO like any other bloody person in the guild. I'm NOT going to teach every time because YOU'RE too lazy. ESPECIALLY when I'm already doing one of my jobs in the commune. Like come on, sitting at the damn Moonhart Tree does not count as I'm busy and have no need to teach.
ALSO people who absolutely refuse to teach right now should stop complaining about not advancing in the guild. Advancements are being worked on, if you want to advance before they're implemented, do something useful like teaching. 

Joli2006-07-24 00:46:52
What I hate more than what she just mentioned is when undersecs sneak off to their manse to mudsex as soon as novices pop up.
Then they wonder why I take away the position...
But that was a long long time ago..

But that was a long long time ago..
Sylphas2006-07-24 03:07:54
QUOTE(Sarrasri @ Jul 23 2006, 07:49 PM) 310857
I hate when there are bloody 6 people capable of teaching a novice around yet, when someone asks if anyone is able to teach, the guild channel goes absolutely bloody quiet.
No excuses or anything. Like HELLO I -know- you are around. I can check GWHO like any other bloody person in the guild. I'm NOT going to teach every time because YOU'RE too lazy. ESPECIALLY when I'm already doing one of my jobs in the commune. Like come on, sitting at the damn Moonhart Tree does not count as I'm busy and have no need to teach.
ALSO people who absolutely refuse to teach right now should stop complaining about not advancing in the guild. Advancements are being worked on, if you want to advance before they're implemented, do something useful like teaching.

I refuse to count anyone out of novicehood who happens to be on gwho as someone capable of teaching. Learn to train new undersecs, and kick the ones who don't work.
Sarrasri2006-07-24 03:41:22
Yeah, but there was the guild admin around, GR 19, GR 4, and a few GR 1's who -weren't- just out of novicehood. And if you never taught before, ask someone to supervise and do it according to the scroll saying what to teach. That's why it's there! And I do notice a lot of our undersecs don't work but try to pass off teaching to someone lower in rank. 

Veonira2006-07-24 03:51:38
Someone killed mammoth.
Someone is going to die.
Someone is going to die.
Unknown2006-07-24 03:57:53
I swear if my jouralism teacher read these forums...oooher. PEOPLE GET IT RIGHT! IT IS NOT ". IT IS ." Its not hard, y'know!! And don't give the excuse of being a lazy bum, because CORRECTING THAT DOES NOT TAKE FOREVER!
And I absolutely hate that right now I do not want to play either of my muds.
Instead I want to play Guild Wars but alas I can't because my sis' bf has it on his comp and there's no way in hell I can play GW on my comp. >:( MOM! BUY ME A NEW COMPUTER ALREADY. I hate my parents for having the mindset, "the best graduation gift is a new computer."
Give meh a car or something not a computer. My current one is like 6 years old, it is dying! Let it die peacfully please....Ok, I feel slightly better now...will feel better when I find that I am going to get a new computer for christmas.
And I absolutely hate that right now I do not want to play either of my muds.

Sylphas2006-07-24 03:59:48
QUOTE(Sarrasri @ Jul 23 2006, 11:41 PM) 310924
Yeah, but there was the guild admin around, GR 19, GR 4, and a few GR 1's who -weren't- just out of novicehood. And if you never taught before, ask someone to supervise and do it according to the scroll saying what to teach. That's why it's there! And I do notice a lot of our undersecs don't work but try to pass off teaching to someone lower in rank.

I've noticed that a lot, actually, trying to pass the work down the ranks until someone gets stuck with it. At least with novices.
Also, that scroll is crap. You can't give someone an outline and expect them to be able to train someone. I think I did a passable job, but I've been here since open beta. It's better than leaving them to rot, I guess, but it would be nice to see more training in how to intro novices.
QUOTE(Veonira @ Jul 23 2006, 11:51 PM) 310928
Someone killed mammoth.
Someone is going to die.
Someone is going to die.
We should all pitch in and send Veonira an anonymous letter with mammoth money.
That, or pictures of mammoth in a closet somewhere, wrapped in duct tape, with a ransom note.
Shiri2006-07-24 04:00:09
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Jul 24 2006, 04:57 AM) 310931
I swear if my jouralism teacher read these forums...oooher. PEOPLE GET IT RIGHT! IT IS NOT ". IT IS ." Its not hard, y'know!! And don't give the excuse of being a lazy bum, because CORRECTING THAT DOES NOT TAKE FOREVER!
And I absolutely hate that right now I do not want to play either of my muds.

Like someone commented when you last posted this...why are you getting mad about ." when you can't even get "it's" right?

Unknown2006-07-24 04:15:19
1. I absolutely SUCK at spelling, I try the best I can y'know. 2. It so is not my fault that my journalism teacher practically BEAT it into me.
If I could I would erase all memory of her and her wicked red ink pen, well...the evil things she beat into me at least, and I would be like "meh, they screwed up. I shouldn't worry about it." BUT I HAVE A TWITCH NOW! A twitch...and my mind tells me "CORRECT IT!" I then whimper and say "Yes ma'am!" and I do it. So don't blame me, blame the evil teacher with the red ink pen in my head!

Tervic2006-07-24 05:30:24
Super rant regarding artistic works:
A staff is longer than most people draw them as. The short little dumpling things are more like, oh I dunno, STICKS or WANDS rather than STAVES. They might be good for mebbe a furrikin or faeling mage, but that's about it. and no it is -not- staffs. you say staffs and I will whack you with -staves- which -do- exist, unlike staffs. In my head at least, a staff should be taller than its wielder, unless its a bo staff in which case same height, or heck even a little shorter might possibly be acceptable, especially if it's shiny or spiky.
oo shiny. (is easily distracted)
A staff is longer than most people draw them as. The short little dumpling things are more like, oh I dunno, STICKS or WANDS rather than STAVES. They might be good for mebbe a furrikin or faeling mage, but that's about it. and no it is -not- staffs. you say staffs and I will whack you with -staves- which -do- exist, unlike staffs. In my head at least, a staff should be taller than its wielder, unless its a bo staff in which case same height, or heck even a little shorter might possibly be acceptable, especially if it's shiny or spiky.
oo shiny. (is easily distracted)
Veonira2006-07-24 20:59:27
I really wish there were more neutral higher-level bashing grounds, because currently half of the bashing grounds basically give someone the excuse to hunt people they can kill just for the hell of it.
Hazar2006-07-24 21:01:39
Re: Latest Events Post
Glomdoring has a DARK MARSHALL, not a pansy "dark seneschal". Get your facts straight, ignorant Events scribe!
Glomdoring has a DARK MARSHALL, not a pansy "dark seneschal". Get your facts straight, ignorant Events scribe!
Ashteru2006-07-24 21:10:35
I hate....that I can't consider 2 kids at the same time. that I need my wife to consider.
AND THAT D'ILLICIS AREN'T A MAGNAGORAN GREATHOUSE. Which will soon change...*cackle*
Now....I HATE bad music comming on when fighting or bashing. Usually I just chill with random music, but I need Bubba Sparx, DMX or System of a Down to fight. For bashing, random rap or Heavy Metal does it. Don't have that much music for nothing.
I hate that I don't find a cool pic for Ash that I can make a desc off, or that I can't find a cool pic for a desc I wrote. Gaaaah. Someone help me look for Assssh. >.<
Hrm. What else. Actually, I am pretty happy. I can't wait for my credits to arrive, I rarely die on prime anymore (mainly because I only bash offplane) and I slowly get all that I want. Mwahaha.
Well....continue hating, you haters.
And again, I HATE bad Music coming up.
AND THAT D'ILLICIS AREN'T A MAGNAGORAN GREATHOUSE. Which will soon change...*cackle*
Now....I HATE bad music comming on when fighting or bashing. Usually I just chill with random music, but I need Bubba Sparx, DMX or System of a Down to fight. For bashing, random rap or Heavy Metal does it. Don't have that much music for nothing.
I hate that I don't find a cool pic for Ash that I can make a desc off, or that I can't find a cool pic for a desc I wrote. Gaaaah. Someone help me look for Assssh. >.<
Hrm. What else. Actually, I am pretty happy. I can't wait for my credits to arrive, I rarely die on prime anymore (mainly because I only bash offplane) and I slowly get all that I want. Mwahaha.
Well....continue hating, you haters.
And again, I HATE bad Music coming up.
Unknown2006-07-24 21:10:41
Actually sometimes Serenwilde is listed as Marshall, it depends on how many villages you control. Since Glomdoring has none, they get a pansy Marshall, and since we have so many, it's a Seneschal. N00blet.
Diamondais2006-07-24 21:21:33
I hate how Nexus isnt working for me right now and I think my mom was messing around with the computer and thats why
No lusty for Dia..

Xenthos2006-07-24 21:36:58
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Jul 24 2006, 05:10 PM) 311177
Actually sometimes Serenwilde is listed as Marshall, it depends on how many villages you control. Since Glomdoring has none, they get a pansy Marshall, and since we have so many, it's a Seneschal. N00blet.
But apparently we controlled many villages during the time of this post.

Diamondais2006-07-24 21:47:19
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jul 24 2006, 05:36 PM) 311179
But apparently we controlled many villages during the time of this post.

Meaning of the title: Glomdoring needs to go conquer some villages.

Ashteru2006-07-24 21:51:52
I want an "autoconvertkids into Viscanti" button. -.-
Hazar2006-07-24 21:55:30
Bet you wouldn't mind a "autoconvert kids into Mags" button either.
Bet you wouldn't mind a "autoconvert kids into Mags" button either.

Sylphas2006-07-24 23:17:51
I need a little Moon amulet I can hypnotize noob glomlets with, instead of just propagandizing them.