Shiri2006-08-05 12:34:26
...gingham dress?
Jack2006-08-05 12:35:49
And a little bonnet. And white mittens. And little slippers with buckles.
And a little bonnet. And white mittens. And little slippers with buckles.
Vix2006-08-05 13:09:49
Suits you and your newfound genderbending.
Shiri2006-08-05 13:10:50
I thought he was talking about IRL. Hmm. 

Aiwendil2006-08-05 14:28:44
QUOTE(Shiri @ Aug 5 2006, 09:10 PM) 315449
I thought he was talking about IRL. Hmm.

...Yes, I'm sure he wasn't.

Veonira2006-08-05 14:36:24
QUOTE(Ialie @ Aug 4 2006, 05:43 PM) 315137
I hate that when I take my swords of death and go kill newbies that their blood splatters all over my evening gown and I have to spend ours getting blood and guts of my pretty rainbow clothing.
Unknown2006-08-05 15:11:05
I hate wasting my time teaching alts.
Unknown2006-08-05 15:12:12
QUOTE(geb @ Aug 1 2006, 03:32 PM) 313699
Seren has been doing the same to Celest from what I can tell.
Seems they didn't catch enough of them, as Thoril was slain by hand-picked/taught non-enemied Celestians.

There's a differance between that and someone who would never, ever take offensive action.. or who has in fact not even stepped outside of the Seren in the last few ooc months other then to go to the peak for godly interactions during events, enemying people like that is just getting silly in my mind.

Then again logic doesn't play much into the causes of war in lusti, it's mostly "whaaa I'm not getting my way" -person 1 "whaaa I'm not getting my way" -person 2 *war commences*
Tervic2006-08-05 17:35:12
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Aug 4 2006, 02:13 PM) 315120
did you just imply that he needs to grow a plug in his colon made of dirt, leaves and other organic materials?

No, I'm implying that he needs to take it -out- since it's clearly causing massive gastrointestinal discomfort, and I will attribute Ash's... Ash-ness... to said discomfort.
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Aug 5 2006, 08:11 AM) 315474
I hate wasting my time teaching alts.
I hate teaching people who create a char with no intent of staying at the keyboard and then go afk for half an hour without telling me while I poke prod, etc in a vain effort and then they come back like "hwaah? did something happen?" and yet I'd feel to guilty about abandoning someone who just lagged out to say "screw you" and walk away, especially when they probably don't even know how to check their messages.
Alts are nice. I just reference them to the skillset they need to have and tell them to bug me if they have any questions. nice and easy and no

EDIT: I think I've said this a lot before, but last night really pissed me off. I hate people (novvies or alts) who abuse Grace of Innocence. They need to DIE. Although, we -did- find a fun way around that

Shorlen2006-08-05 20:09:10
QUOTE(Tervic @ Aug 5 2006, 01:35 PM) 315509
I hate teaching people who create a char with no intent of staying at the keyboard and then go afk for half an hour without telling me while I poke prod, etc in a vain effort and then they come back like "hwaah? did something happen?" and yet I'd feel to guilty about abandoning someone who just lagged out to say "screw you" and walk away, especially when they probably don't even know how to check their messages.
Make your novice intro more interactive. Ask them questions, make them do things. If they don't respond, say something to the effect of, "Well, I have something to take care of, but send me a tell when you get around to (doing whatever)!"

Shiri2006-08-06 03:36:13

I got booted AGAIN. The friggin' shop better not get robbed. GRRR. What the hell is causing this? Everything else internet related is FINE.
EDIT: And it's not Nexus because telnet doesn't work either.
Unknown2006-08-06 11:06:11
I so wish I could INFLUENCE (insert nation other then seren here) WITH AMNESTY
or INFLUENCE (vesar/xenthos/daevos) WITH AMNESTY.
or INFLUENCE (vesar/xenthos/daevos) WITH AMNESTY.

Tervic2006-08-06 11:46:07
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Aug 5 2006, 01:09 PM) 315607
Make your novice intro more interactive. Ask them questions, make them do things. If they don't respond, say something to the effect of, "Well, I have something to take care of, but send me a tell when you get around to (doing whatever)!"

Yeah, see, I -do-, but some are very obsitnate about pissing me off. Too bad guild policy won't let me beat some sense into them.
Jack2006-08-06 14:08:36
QUOTE(Shiri @ Aug 6 2006, 04:36 AM) 315832

I got booted AGAIN. The friggin' shop better not get robbed. GRRR. What the hell is causing this? Everything else internet related is FINE.
EDIT: And it's not Nexus because telnet doesn't work either.
Might be an English thing. I keep getting kicked, and I've been lagging on and off for days.
Hazar2006-08-06 14:22:21
New thing I noticed.
I hate that two of the four org leader's names end in 'os'.
I hate that two of the four org leader's names end in 'os'.
Sylphas2006-08-06 19:31:52
QUOTE(Veonira @ Aug 4 2006, 02:30 AM) 314784
And I hate when gorgogs get HUGE hits on you, arg! Or when you're reckless and don't realize it >_<.
Gorgogs hit like little girls. A huge hit from them is like, 800.
Freaking Surtami, on the other hand, instakills me. That'll teach me to pay attention more when I'm out hunting. Damn aslaran.
Xenthos2006-08-06 20:12:12
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 6 2006, 03:31 PM) 316025
Gorgogs hit like little girls. A huge hit from them is like, 800.
Freaking Surtami, on the other hand, instakills me. That'll teach me to pay attention more when I'm out hunting. Damn aslaran.
Surtami gives recklessness.
She does not instakill.
Sylphas2006-08-06 21:52:11
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 6 2006, 04:12 PM) 316028
Surtami gives recklessness.
She does not instakill.
Surtami killed me in one hit. It may or may not have given recklessness; I wouldn't know, I was dead.
Forren2006-08-06 22:30:49
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 6 2006, 07:31 PM) 316025
Gorgogs hit like little girls. A huge hit from them is like, 800.
Freaking Surtami, on the other hand, instakills me. That'll teach me to pay attention more when I'm out hunting. Damn aslaran.
You're a furrikin with lots of magic resistance.
Gorgogs are a bit hard when you first start with them. When in doubt, run or shield/heal
Tervic2006-08-07 05:12:19
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 6 2006, 12:31 PM) 316025
Gorgogs hit like little girls. A huge hit from them is like, 800.
Freaking Surtami, on the other hand, instakills me. That'll teach me to pay attention more when I'm out hunting. Damn aslaran.
Surtami's annoying, but there's no way she instakills. I killed her with what, a level 30 blacktalon faeling. yeah there was a lot of runing involved, but rawr, you should be able to do it too.
Gorgogs totally do not hit like little girls... they make pains. (wait... does magic resist protect against their breath/boiling water punch thingy?)