Unknown2006-08-14 14:31:45
So... you've got stoneskin, biofeedback, psiarmour, forcefield if you have high charisma and want to use it, reflections, you can change the environment type to get regen if you're viscanti, and you have one of the best mob bashing attacks there is.
What is the problem again?
What is the problem again?

Shamarah2006-08-14 14:33:43
Apparently he wants healspring, which SUCKS
, and sweetfount, which costs 3p to use.

Xavius2006-08-14 14:34:23
QUOTE(Avaer @ Aug 14 2006, 09:31 AM) 319196
So... you've got stoneskin, biofeedback, psiarmour, forcefield if you have high charisma and want to use it, reflections, you can change the environment type to get regen if you're viscanti, and you have one of the best mob bashing attacks there is.
What is the problem again?

Why, it's so unfair that he can't have sweetfont, of course. Oh, and merian charisma will always be better than his. Yes, so unfair.
Ashteru2006-08-14 15:19:15
QUOTE(Xavius @ Aug 14 2006, 02:34 PM) 319199
Why, it's so unfair that he can't have sweetfont, of course. Oh, and merian charisma will always be better than his. Yes, so unfair.
Sarcasm doesn't suite you, besides you missed my point. I didn't ask for sweetfountain or any other skills from Aqua, I just said they were sweet and I'd love them. I want something that's unique to Geomancers and that helps them a bit defensively.
Ialie2006-08-14 15:32:44
Nastyfont- brings fourth a fountain of sluge and slime that makes your enemies stinky like poo.
Veonira2006-08-14 16:07:02
QUOTE(Ialie @ Aug 14 2006, 11:32 AM) 319207
Nastyfont- brings fourth a fountain of sluge and slime that makes your enemies stinky like poo.

Rauros2006-08-14 16:53:02
Rather than start a new thread just to rant, I'll just post it here:
Supernals dead. No symbol. The conflict quests may be gone, but those of us with symbols still have tedious work to do every day (in this case, getting 100 supplicants just so we can have the Celestine equivalent of a mage staff's damage).
Sucks to be a Celestine these days.
End rant.
Supernals dead. No symbol. The conflict quests may be gone, but those of us with symbols still have tedious work to do every day (in this case, getting 100 supplicants just so we can have the Celestine equivalent of a mage staff's damage).
Sucks to be a Celestine these days.

End rant.
Reiha2006-08-14 18:28:03
Random whining: I suck at coding which makes me rather annoyed at myself, but I'm doing better then when I first started - which was ask Ildaudid to do everything :/
Diamondais2006-08-14 18:30:23
Sabretooths are not worth the experience they give. They hit wayyyyy too hard for it. 
edit: What the hell? Why do I suck at hunting more than anyone else. People my level and might can kill bigger stuff that me. What the hell is wrong with me?

edit: What the hell? Why do I suck at hunting more than anyone else. People my level and might can kill bigger stuff that me. What the hell is wrong with me?
Aiwendil2006-08-14 19:12:38
It's all Corinthian's fault.
It's all Corinthian's fault.
Shorlen2006-08-14 19:30:14
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 14 2006, 02:30 PM) 319277
Sabretooths are not worth the experience they give. They hit wayyyyy too hard for it. 
edit: What the hell? Why do I suck at hunting more than anyone else. People my level and might can kill bigger stuff that me. What the hell is wrong with me?

edit: What the hell? Why do I suck at hunting more than anyone else. People my level and might can kill bigger stuff that me. What the hell is wrong with me?
Shieldwhore, use an autosipper

Unknown2006-08-14 19:57:00
QUOTE(Aiwendil @ Aug 14 2006, 02:12 PM) 319285
It's all Corinthian's fault.
It's Reiha's avatar fault


Sylphas2006-08-14 19:58:33
Yeah, shieldwhore against them. Nymph does jack since they're aggro, and even with sprite and perfection my mana won't keep up with the crazy clotting most of the time. Not worth the time, really, but when it's all that's around at the time...
Diamondais2006-08-14 20:06:56
I did, it doesnt help that they do 1k damage to me.
I have Ethelons system so an autosipper. Dont know how Im still sucking against everything.

Shorlen2006-08-14 20:29:35
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 14 2006, 04:06 PM) 319310
I did, it doesnt help that they do 1k damage to me.
I have Ethelons system so an autosipper. Dont know how Im still sucking against everything.

Enchanted greatrobes? Mercy and kingdom enchants?
Diamondais2006-08-14 20:36:41
Greatrobes. Have had no chance to get any enchants cause Ive only got one piece of jewelry and have never seen one of the great and elusive enchanters that the cities boast to have. Me leaving my demesne also tends to give trouble for people. Never see anything in the shops in Celest when I was able to go, never anything in Seren.
Ive been yelled at for not having a geyser enchant too, when and where am I to be getting this stuff?
Ive been yelled at for not having a geyser enchant too, when and where am I to be getting this stuff?

Shorlen2006-08-14 20:41:27
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 14 2006, 04:36 PM) 319327
Greatrobes. Have had no chance to get any enchants cause Ive only got one piece of jewelry and have never seen one of the great and elusive enchanters that the cities boast to have. Me leaving my demesne also tends to give trouble for people. Never see anything in the shops in Celest when I was able to go, never anything in Seren.
Ive been yelled at for not having a geyser enchant too, when and where am I to be getting this stuff?
Ive been yelled at for not having a geyser enchant too, when and where am I to be getting this stuff?

Speak with Aia - her prices are great and she's around often enough. She's a cosmic enchanter. Geyser knocks people from the sky, right? I need one of those too... but then I need to find an elemental enchanter

Nico2006-08-14 21:12:39
Meh, hypocrites, the lot of yas.
I wouldn't mind if there was a big org v org battle on celestia when a raiding party attempts to kill a supernal. But come on, doing this at what, 5:30, 6am eastern is kinda of lame. I know I left at 4:45ish because I was so damn tired, and at the time, there were maybe 5 Celestians in total around, maybe 1 or 2 that could put up a fight. So, now all 5 supernals are dead. Sweet. Athana and Ixion raiding and defiling on their own is annoying enough, but not rant worthy. Serenwilde and Magnagora teaming up to kill all 5 supernals when there's no one to oppose them is pathetic, dishonourable, and lame. If that's the way this war is going to be fought, so be it. Don't accuse me of not having any honour whenever I kill any seren/mag out of novicehood now, you brought it on yourselves.
How long ago was it that Celest was accused of waiting to raid till no defenders were there? Hypocrites.
I wouldn't mind if there was a big org v org battle on celestia when a raiding party attempts to kill a supernal. But come on, doing this at what, 5:30, 6am eastern is kinda of lame. I know I left at 4:45ish because I was so damn tired, and at the time, there were maybe 5 Celestians in total around, maybe 1 or 2 that could put up a fight. So, now all 5 supernals are dead. Sweet. Athana and Ixion raiding and defiling on their own is annoying enough, but not rant worthy. Serenwilde and Magnagora teaming up to kill all 5 supernals when there's no one to oppose them is pathetic, dishonourable, and lame. If that's the way this war is going to be fought, so be it. Don't accuse me of not having any honour whenever I kill any seren/mag out of novicehood now, you brought it on yourselves.
How long ago was it that Celest was accused of waiting to raid till no defenders were there? Hypocrites.
Sylphas2006-08-14 21:18:03
Yes, everyone of us plotted to wait until you all left, so we could kill the Supernals. I'm probably going to get killed for something I still don't even know about IC.
And you guys started the god damn war, and pushed us and pushed us until we hit back. Harden the
up and stop crying. You want to hit us back? Fine, we're at war. But don't try some poor victim routine when you get owned. If you didn't expect Mag to help trample you while you're down, you weren't thinking at all.
And you guys started the god damn war, and pushed us and pushed us until we hit back. Harden the

Ialie2006-08-14 21:32:28
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 14 2006, 05:18 PM) 319340
Yes, everyone of us plotted to wait until you all left, so we could kill the Supernals. I'm probably going to get killed for something I still don't even know about IC.
And you guys started the god damn war, and pushed us and pushed us until we hit back. Harden the

Aye I keep saying this over and over again. Celest feels there is a Seren Mag alliance when that is not the case. Magnagora has always been an oppertunistic organization. Those in Celest really should have expected having to fight two enemies during the war, as they had not ENDED hostilities with Magnagora. If Magnagora seems a weakness in their long time enemies they are going to exploit it. They weren't just going to sit back on their thumbs.