Nico2006-08-14 21:33:37
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 14 2006, 05:18 PM) 319340
Yes, everyone of us plotted to wait until you all left, so we could kill the Supernals. I'm probably going to get killed for something I still don't even know about IC.
And you guys started the god damn war, and pushed us and pushed us until we hit back. Harden the

Like I said, I wouldn't have minded if it was an actual battle. This wasn't even getting owned, this was you guys waltzing in and doing whatever the

Ashteru2006-08-14 21:39:01
QUOTE(Nico @ Aug 14 2006, 09:33 PM) 319345
Like I said, I wouldn't have minded if it was an actual battle. This wasn't even getting owned, this was you guys waltzing in and doing whatever the

Hey, I am sorry, guys do that too.
Diamondais2006-08-14 21:48:24
Anyone recall the posts made in the Seren-Celest war thread? About a certain raid that ended up with Luna dead? How it was such a great feat even though it turned out to be pretty much non-fighters against God-favoured fighters?. 

Unknown2006-08-14 21:55:46
Lusternia players != American players
our European friends shouldn't be left without raiding.
our European friends shouldn't be left without raiding.
Shorlen2006-08-14 22:01:46
As I said before, Lusternia is designed around such downtime raids. How else do you kill the supernals? How else do you kill the Moon Avatars? There's very little strategy to large scale warfare in an IRE game - they're just not designed for it. There is also zero mechanical incentive for fighting against even odds, nor is there any RP to battles in a war. There is no build up, no advancing lines of soldiers, nothing like that. No reason at all for a side to not strike when they can and get away.
And every side does it.
And every side does it.
Ialie2006-08-14 22:02:50
QUOTE(Soll @ Aug 14 2006, 05:54 PM) 319349
Did we take them all down by grouping with another nation? No.
As I said before Magnagora is oppertunistic, we did not ask them for their help. Celest knew they were oppenly hostile with Mag before the war began and should have expected something like this.
Did we do it when you had zero defenders? No.
It is kind of OOC to base your attack time on RL time. In a war someone isn't going to hold back on fighting because their's enemy commander went to the John or is sleeping.
Did we continue to bash the shit out of you for the rest of the day? No.
Its a war?
Did we cause any continuous damage to you? No.
Its a war?
For the longest time Serenwilde only fought on the defensive, but someone went and pushed them where it hurts. Of course it has consequences.
Did we undo hours upon hours upon hours of work for the Moondancers? No.
Did we take all your fae/ladies as well? No.
Its a war?
Did we act, for the most part, with honour and respect of the players' enjoyment? Yes. We didn't cause excessive grief, like this has done.
During the Seren/Magnagoran war, Magnagora constantly raided, constantly attacked. It was a lot worse than this. They were in Serenwilde constantly killing entire groups of people as they pushed their way into the mother tree.
Shut up.
The worst part was just coming back and seeing, all of a sudden, the Nexus down 9000+ power, us down all five Supernals, and then slowly hearing the trickle of information flow back.
Nico2006-08-14 22:03:38
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 14 2006, 05:48 PM) 319347
Anyone recall the posts made in the Seren-Celest war thread? About a certain raid that ended up with Luna dead? How it was such a great feat even though it turned out to be pretty much non-fighters against God-favoured fighters?.

That argument falls short because there were still actually people there to fight back. When I left there was 1 novice, Mitch, Ceren, and Ordos. This was after about an hour's worth of trying to fight off Ixion and Athana off celestia. At one point we couldn't even get back up there because Ceren was praying, I resorted to tesseracting to Ixion for chrissakes, and it ended with just me trying to fight off two titans in an enemy demense. Needless to say, I died a lot.
But that doesn't bother me, cause at least I had some semblance of a chance, however slim. If two orgs team up and attack when there aren't even defenders...meh. Does no one else see the lameness in this kind of tactic? It's like admitting it's no longer about just fighting and having fun, it's about causing as much grief to the opposing organization as possible. We didn't even have an aquamancer to remove a meld, for chrissakes. But oh wait, you guys don't know what that's like! Depending on an aquamancer to remove a silly enemy meld on the plane you need to defend. Dearie, how forgetful of me.
Ialie2006-08-14 22:04:19
QUOTE(Soll @ Aug 14 2006, 06:01 PM) 319353
If you think Celest started the war, consider again.
Celest asked Serenwilde to just ban killing Angels for 5+ IC years, during which time there had been a ban on converting Fae in existance for a long time. Serenwilde hummed and haa'd for far too long, so we gave you a set of conditions - reasonable. We expected you to be diplomatic and argue them down to something that both could agree on. You said "No, stfu, instead of trying to stop a war we're going to turn you away." So be it. You started the war, not us. We gave you chance after chance after chance to stop it.
You cannot claim another nationed started the war, when your nation was the one that Declared it openly and publically. You make it sound like Celest had no other choice when that is not true. The simple course would have just been to be like okay. We'll just start kidnapping fae as we please.
Nico2006-08-14 22:07:34
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Aug 14 2006, 06:01 PM) 319354
And every side does it.
Not to the extent of this last raid, no where near in comparison of defense feasibility and amount of damage caused.
Ialie2006-08-14 22:08:37
QUOTE(Nico @ Aug 14 2006, 06:07 PM) 319359
Not to the extent of this last raid, no where near in comparison of defense feasibility and amount of damage caused.
You were not here during the Seren Magnagoran war when there was around the clock griefing.
Veonira2006-08-14 22:15:06
I agree with Ialie.
I also seem to remember a time when Marilynth was raised, our Demon Lords were all slain, our NECROMENTATE destroyed, and we had to start over from scratch. Granted the symbols did not exist back then, but for crying out loud, it's not like this has only happened to Celest. This is not griefing.
You can't whine about the timing, because there are players from all over the world, and this isn't constant griefing.
I also seem to remember a time when Marilynth was raised, our Demon Lords were all slain, our NECROMENTATE destroyed, and we had to start over from scratch. Granted the symbols did not exist back then, but for crying out loud, it's not like this has only happened to Celest. This is not griefing.
You can't whine about the timing, because there are players from all over the world, and this isn't constant griefing.
Nico2006-08-14 22:16:43
QUOTE(Ialie @ Aug 14 2006, 06:08 PM) 319360
You were not here during the Seren Magnagoran war when there was around the clock griefing.
Granted, I wasn't, but how long has it been since stuff like that happened? Are we forever mired in past grievances by players that are no longer around? It sure seems that way, everytime someone speaks out against a recent occurence, someone else just jumps back at them with some past grievance that gives them the -right- to exact revenge. It doesn't matter who they're killing, it's justified because in the past it was done to them. Can we isolate events people, and subjectively look at them in an OOC perspective? IC sure I'm upset because every supernal was killed and Celest was humiliated, but OOC I'm aghast that not only something like this happened, but people are actually defending it.
Ashteru2006-08-14 22:16:54
QUOTE(Ialie @ Aug 14 2006, 10:08 PM) 319360
You were not here during the Seren Magnagoran war when there was around the clock griefing.
Yeah. Sometimes I catch myself missing the times I kept watch on Faethorn together with Kalo, Zenji and sometimes Shorlen.

Unknown2006-08-14 22:17:04
Dears, this is a war. Doesn't matter if your side doesn't do something, the other side can still and will do things that will hurt you. You're trying to win, whether winning being Celest breaking down and say "truce!" or Serenwilde going "Stop! We'll put the ban in!" Wars aren't meant to be played nice. They never had nor will they ever be. And if it is played "nice" then its not a real war. Its a half assed wussy fight.
Celest started the war by declaring war. Serenwilde helped push Celest to declare the war by saying "No, we're not going to ban angel killing." Every action has an opposite and equal reaction.
Celest started the war by declaring war. Serenwilde helped push Celest to declare the war by saying "No, we're not going to ban angel killing." Every action has an opposite and equal reaction.
Ialie2006-08-14 22:17:46
QUOTE(Nico @ Aug 14 2006, 06:16 PM) 319364
Granted, I wasn't, but how long has it been since stuff like that happened?
Since the last time someone declared war...... ?

Genos2006-08-14 22:19:13
Every organization gets beat down like a red-headed stepchild. It's your turn now so take your beating and suck it up. I spent almost 2-3 RL days working on the Necromentate quest when it fell logging in every day to hunt mutts and collect brains while doing nothing else.
EDIT: I had fun doing it too, I also had to walk 7 miles uphill in five feet of snow BOTH WAYS.
EDIT: I had fun doing it too, I also had to walk 7 miles uphill in five feet of snow BOTH WAYS.
Diamondais2006-08-14 22:23:24
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Aug 14 2006, 06:16 PM) 319365
Yeah. Sometimes I catch myself missing the times I kept watch on Faethorn together with Kalo, Zenji and sometimes Shorlen.

I wish I still had Astrology and the one planet that gives you pox.

War, we all wanted we all got it. Now we all complain. Yay. If its done against us its wrong, but if we do it oh better believe its the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Ashteru, come back to Seren.

Ashteru2006-08-14 22:28:46
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 14 2006, 10:23 PM) 319369
I wish I still had Astrology and the one planet that gives you pox.

War, we all wanted we all got it. Now we all complain. Yay. If its done against us its wrong, but if we do it oh better believe its the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Ashteru, come back to Seren.

Sorry, as long as Fain is in Mag, Ash is in Mag. You could join us though!

Soll2006-08-14 22:29:36
Rant retracted; whee. I am in an exceptionally bad mood! 

Nico2006-08-14 22:33:30
QUOTE(Ialie @ Aug 14 2006, 06:17 PM) 319367
Since the last time someone declared war...... ?

You misunderstood me, I was talking about when Magnagora 'round the clock griefed Seren.
And again, people are drudging up past events from almost a year ago? Necromentate going down? I've been active since January-ish at least, and at no point do I remember something like that happening.
And Sarvasti, I understand your point but that's looking at it IC-ly. Taking advantage of an organization's lack of available players strikes me as an OOC decision. Not only that, but the overall rapeage of Celestia was carrying it a bit far.
As far as I understood events last night, this wasn't some random "Hey guys, wanna raid Celestia?" by some foreign players. It was Ixion and Athana, after an hour raiding themselves, realizing that Celestian defenders were lacking, organizing a bunch of troops, and proceeding to enact pwnage on the poor liddle angels and supernals.
Like I've repeated time and time again. This was NOT a battle. If there were 10 Celestians against 20 Mags and Serens and we got pwned, fine. That would be a battle of strength and political savvy. There would've been grief on the forums about Magnawilde, but I would not have cared much, because like you guys have pointed out, Celest has gotten itself in this mess and we'll have to deal with it. This was blatant taking advantage of an opponent's lack in players to hurt that organization as much as possible.