Nico2006-08-14 23:43:02
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Aug 14 2006, 07:34 PM) 319417
hey, I could kill a few noobs too, or with hammers and a champ helm, hardly something to boast about either. ^^
And I am never around when Med is, I'd love to seen an instance of that. And yeah, I am an Meatshield. Ask Forren, Geb, Gyorn, Soll and Leef what happened on Water. Was hard enough to kill me.
If you can reach 6.5k health, I'll gladly concede that point to you. ^^
And yeah, that's cool.
I'll edit my comment to you ALREADY kill newbs.

Stagar (*2 one raid) != Noob. Stagar is ranked both higher and 130% my might.
Reiha (again, *2 one raid) != noob. Reiha is 160% my might.
Yurika != Noob. 125% my might.
Not sure if Veo was there those times or not. The only ones you can accuse me of being mean to Noobs were Loyen, Luciden, and Helion. All three of them actively partook in raids on Celestia, water, and the inner sea, though Helion to a lesser extent, before I ever even thought of targetting them.
Veonira2006-08-14 23:44:24
I wasn't.
Nico2006-08-14 23:44:53
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Aug 14 2006, 07:42 PM) 319429
I hate Trueheal... but what I hate more is... missing 5 times when cleaving at Nico... Combatstyle Defensive is out of control.... I mean 5

Agreed, I intend to do some testing and envoy it.
Ildaudid2006-08-14 23:45:28
QUOTE(Ialie @ Aug 14 2006, 07:40 PM) 319425


Umm Nico, you just named 3 "cloth" wearers as Geb would call them.... It is real easy to get them with your crush legs, bashbrain tactic you use.
Thul2006-08-14 23:45:45
QUOTE(Phred @ Aug 14 2006, 06:41 PM) 319428
The problem is it does seem to poison the mood for a lot of people and it ends up coming back in-game at times.
The trick is to let it out and let it go. Which is where this thread's worked in the past. Get some back and forth going, and...
Unknown2006-08-14 23:46:08
QUOTE(Phred @ Aug 14 2006, 04:39 PM) 319421
Think you've just proven your real age by that statement. Do you honestly think this kind of thread helps the game?
Wasn't aware I needed to "prove" my age. I'm 19, and I think I've told just about everyone.
As far as your question, no. It doesn't help the game. Nor does it hurt it. People will bitch whine and flame each other over anything. This is the internet. This is how things work.
Hell, you have people getting into bitchfights in pokemon MUDs with no "conflict". People get into verbal sissyslaps in MUSHes focused entirely on cybersex. Conflict and flaming is inevitable and omnipresent.
Accept it.
Ashteru2006-08-14 23:47:18
QUOTE(Nico @ Aug 14 2006, 11:43 PM) 319430
Stagar (*2 one raid) != Noob. Stagar is ranked both higher and 130% my might.
Reiha (again, *2 one raid) != noob. Reiha is 160% my might.
Yurika != Noob. 125% my might.
Yukari, I think you mean, she has no system. Reiha, again, she tries, but she isn't really anywhere yet. (And she uses Ildaudids coding, zomg! Noob like no one else) And Stagar...well, he isn't as good as you might think he is....
Ildaudid2006-08-14 23:48:27
QUOTE(Visaeris Maeloch @ Aug 14 2006, 07:46 PM) 319436
Wasn't aware I needed to "prove" my age. I'm 19, and I think I've told just about everyone.
As far as your question, no. It doesn't help the game. Nor does it hurt it. People will bitch whine and flame each other over anything. This is the internet. This is how things work.
Hell, you have people getting into bitchfights in pokemon MUDs with no "conflict". People get into verbal sissyslaps in MUSHes focused entirely on cybersex. Conflict and flaming is inevitable and omnipresent.
Accept it.
You mean this isn't a cybersex mud??? Hey Ashteru.... haul up the anchor!!!! We need to set sail to better lands!!! Yarr!!!!

Genos2006-08-14 23:48:27
QUOTE(Phred @ Aug 14 2006, 07:41 PM) 319428
The problem is it does seem to poison the mood for a lot of people and it ends up coming back in-game at times.
If the Idiots! section is "poisoning" your mood then don't read it.
Ildaudid2006-08-14 23:51:16
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Aug 14 2006, 07:47 PM) 319437
Yukari, I think you mean, she has no system. Reiha, again, she tries, but she isn't really anywhere yet. (And she uses Ildaudids coding, zomg! Noob like no one else) And Stagar...well, he isn't as good as you might think he is....
I am leaving you here and stealing the ship!!!

Ashteru2006-08-14 23:53:05
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Aug 14 2006, 11:48 PM) 319438
You mean this isn't a cybersex mud??? Hey Ashteru.... haul up the anchor!!!! We need to set sail to better lands!!! Yarr!!!!

Arr, matey, off to the land of milk, honey and NUDE, BUSTY WOMEN!

QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Aug 14 2006, 11:51 PM) 319441
I am leaving you here and stealing the ship!!!

Come back! I AM THE CAPT'N!
Nico2006-08-14 23:55:38
Oh I know that they're not exactly 'good'. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to survive. But they came to fight me and they're definitely not 'Noobs' like you said. And oops, yeah, meant Yukari. Or Yuniko. I get all them mixed up.
And yes, I know they're all cloth wearers, Ildaudid. When I'm running around the mountains of madness with 8 magnagorans after me, I don't have the time to kill a plate-wearer before the reinforcements arrive. It simply takes too long, regardless of who they are. Not to mention the only plate wearers I remember being there were you and Daevos, then in the other raid Ixion showed up too.
And yes, I know they're all cloth wearers, Ildaudid. When I'm running around the mountains of madness with 8 magnagorans after me, I don't have the time to kill a plate-wearer before the reinforcements arrive. It simply takes too long, regardless of who they are. Not to mention the only plate wearers I remember being there were you and Daevos, then in the other raid Ixion showed up too.
Ashteru2006-08-15 00:03:10
QUOTE(Nico @ Aug 14 2006, 11:55 PM) 319444
Oh I know that they're not exactly 'good'. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to survive. But they came to fight me and they're definitely not 'Noobs' like you said. And oops, yeah, meant Yukari. Or Yuniko. I get all them mixed up.
I usually call people without systems/lacking systems noobs. It means they won't be able to cure at all or properly, which is going to make them as dangerous as a dead whale. I mean, it's still nice you killed that many people, but if you did it like you tried with Veo today, one at a time, it's not that great. Plus, as I said, you can kill someone in 12 seconds, which is, urm....pretty fast.
Ildaudid2006-08-15 00:03:44
Oh VEO, I stole your head.... I
it... I shall keep it for a while 

Unknown2006-08-15 00:06:09
Actually, what I meant is people either do one of two things. (a) start arguing here instead of in game or (
letting this thread affect the game.
And I never said anybody shouldn't bitch, but I did say that if you can't understand why Lusternia is nerfing conflict, all you have to do is look at a simple war leads to player resentment, or conflicts about fair play. I'm pretty sure the status of any successful MUD will end up with ideals about having "compeling PVP" and then end up with strict limitations. Certainly isn't being a "cheerleader".
Actually, it doesn't have to be that way. Manners and civility are only dead if you choose to make it such.

And I never said anybody shouldn't bitch, but I did say that if you can't understand why Lusternia is nerfing conflict, all you have to do is look at a simple war leads to player resentment, or conflicts about fair play. I'm pretty sure the status of any successful MUD will end up with ideals about having "compeling PVP" and then end up with strict limitations. Certainly isn't being a "cheerleader".
This is the internet. This is how things work...Accept it
Actually, it doesn't have to be that way. Manners and civility are only dead if you choose to make it such.
Sylphas2006-08-15 00:20:28
You know, if you killed all our avatars when a freak bug booted every single seren and didn't allow back in, I wouldn't whine. It's war, shit happens. It's GOOD SENSE to do it then. And war is not honorable, it's not nice. If you don't like it, surrender. If you don't want to surrender, hit us back, harder. That's how war works. Don't try to guilt us as players because we're following our RP and finally fighting back after just taking it for so long.
Unknown2006-08-15 00:39:10
I think the problem is what is considered "sportsmanship" behavior? Because after all, this isn't Lebanon and Israel, this is a game.
I made mention a while back about the fact if people wanted to have unlimited PK, all they have to do is have a gentleman's agreement not to use Avenger on each other if they want to respect that. I personally don't feel Karma and Avenger is meant to be anything other than tool to prevent griefing, but others don't feel that way.
I'm not sure whether or not sneak assaults in a game that runs 24/7 is either "good" or "bad".
I do think that if players end up feeling griefed by this decision, sooner or later these beings will either be made invulnerable, or they will only be able to be assulted certain times of the day or week (with floating time to make it fair)--for instance a 2 hour window every thirty hours or something like that. Maybe that's the only way to keep the conflict "fair".
I made mention a while back about the fact if people wanted to have unlimited PK, all they have to do is have a gentleman's agreement not to use Avenger on each other if they want to respect that. I personally don't feel Karma and Avenger is meant to be anything other than tool to prevent griefing, but others don't feel that way.
I'm not sure whether or not sneak assaults in a game that runs 24/7 is either "good" or "bad".
I do think that if players end up feeling griefed by this decision, sooner or later these beings will either be made invulnerable, or they will only be able to be assulted certain times of the day or week (with floating time to make it fair)--for instance a 2 hour window every thirty hours or something like that. Maybe that's the only way to keep the conflict "fair".
Ashteru2006-08-15 00:42:35
QUOTE(Phred @ Aug 15 2006, 12:39 AM) 319472
I think the problem is what is considered "sportsmanship" behavior? Because after all, this isn't Lebanon and Israel, this is a game.
I made mention a while back about the fact if people wanted to have unlimited PK, all they have to do is have a gentleman's agreement not to use Avenger on each other if they want to respect that. I personally don't feel Karma and Avenger is meant to be anything other than tool to prevent griefing, but others don't feel that way.
I'm not sure whether or not sneak assaults in a game that runs 24/7 is either "good" or "bad".
I do think that if players end up feeling griefed by this decision, sooner or later these beings will either be made invulnerable, or they will only be able to be assulted certain times of the day or week (with floating time to make it fair)--for instance a 2 hour window every thirty hours or something like that. Maybe that's the only way to keep the conflict "fair".
The aim was to get conflict off of prime, and it worked. I haven't had so much fun in ages, even though I died a good deal today. (Not that I'd notice that anymore, being a bashing-rabbit and all)
Unknown2006-08-15 00:49:56
Actually I started a Poll to explore the idea.
Unknown2006-08-15 01:05:23
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 15 2006, 12:20 AM) 319457
You know, if you killed all our avatars when a freak bug booted every single seren and didn't allow back in, I wouldn't whine. It's war, shit happens. It's GOOD SENSE to do it then. And war is not honorable, it's not nice. If you don't like it, surrender. If you don't want to surrender, hit us back, harder. That's how war works. Don't try to guilt us as players because we're following our RP and finally fighting back after just taking it for so long.
...we didn't. Please tell me we didn't.
Gods, the last raid was bad enough.