Ashteru2006-08-16 12:24:11
Veonira, Ashteru, Daevos, Singollo, Telrath, Shorlen, yes. The rest were newbies. And Iblis couldn't even fight, Ildaudid wasn't even on during the raid.
I am sorry, but there were only 5 to six every time you hit. There were more at Baalphegar because we defended him better and had more time to gather people there.
I am sorry, but there were only 5 to six every time you hit. There were more at Baalphegar because we defended him better and had more time to gather people there.
Ordos2006-08-16 13:04:31
Silimaur it's no use, they whine even harder about us whining and stuff, always looking for excuses, they just always have to be right.
Ashteru2006-08-16 13:25:23
Yes, you discovered our secret, we are pissed off by your whining. 

Unknown2006-08-16 13:26:42
I don't see the problem.
All organizations have done it before and will undoubtedly do it again. Raiding when there are few defenders is obviously the smart thing to do. Though I'm glad I've never seen it, I'd be extremely surprised and dumbfounded if any one of the four organizations went, "Ooo, look... they've got a full force of defenders and are prepared to take us down - let's go raid them now!"
I don't like it any more than most others here, but I'm not sure what else one is to expect. Complaining doesn't seem very logical, and nor does gloating about the dubious superiority of one organization's skill to another's, based on such events.
Feel free to keep going, I just don't see the point.
All organizations have done it before and will undoubtedly do it again. Raiding when there are few defenders is obviously the smart thing to do. Though I'm glad I've never seen it, I'd be extremely surprised and dumbfounded if any one of the four organizations went, "Ooo, look... they've got a full force of defenders and are prepared to take us down - let's go raid them now!"
I don't like it any more than most others here, but I'm not sure what else one is to expect. Complaining doesn't seem very logical, and nor does gloating about the dubious superiority of one organization's skill to another's, based on such events.
Feel free to keep going, I just don't see the point.
Jack2006-08-16 13:37:43
QUOTE(silimaur @ Aug 16 2006, 12:14 PM) 320019
uhh if by 5 you mean about 15?
No, five. That's why he said five and not fifteen.
"Magnawilde" isn't an alliance between Magnagora and Serenwilde btw, it's Magnagora and Serenwilde being equally pissed off with Celest. And killing Demon Lords while in a war with Serenwilde is only going to exacerbate the situation. Your Supernals are gonna die a hell of a lot more if you keep antagonizing multiple orgs at once.

Alef2006-08-16 14:05:20
Statues on the Road
. I thought it was illegal?

Sylphas2006-08-16 15:27:30
Wish we could grow totems on the road. 
And really, Celest's strategy seems to be to piss everyone off, then whine when they get beaten upon. Their next great plan will probably be to start killing fae and raiding for spiders. Maybe they'll try to take out Gwyllgi or something. They'd love having everyone after them, they could whine more.

And really, Celest's strategy seems to be to piss everyone off, then whine when they get beaten upon. Their next great plan will probably be to start killing fae and raiding for spiders. Maybe they'll try to take out Gwyllgi or something. They'd love having everyone after them, they could whine more.
Shorlen2006-08-16 15:50:05
THE most annoying thing about this war, to me, by FAR, is actually the limit of 30 allies/enemies. It's so ANNOYING when you have to unenemy everyone and enemy each person individually EVERY battle, because you happen to be fighting against 25 people, 15 of whom weren't in the last batch of 25 people.
And if a large group suddenly rushes in and you have an active demesne there, it doesn't help if over half of them aren't on your enemeis list and you have to either unenemy all, disabling the demense while you enemy each one of them, or you have to carefully compare the messages from demesne watch to ENEMIES and figure out who you can unenemy, and who you have to enemy in their place.

I'm pretty sure we were told it was when we did it, and so we removed it - ISSUE it?
And if a large group suddenly rushes in and you have an active demesne there, it doesn't help if over half of them aren't on your enemeis list and you have to either unenemy all, disabling the demense while you enemy each one of them, or you have to carefully compare the messages from demesne watch to ENEMIES and figure out who you can unenemy, and who you have to enemy in their place.

QUOTE(Alef @ Aug 16 2006, 10:05 AM) 320049
Statues on the Road
. I thought it was illegal?

I'm pretty sure we were told it was when we did it, and so we removed it - ISSUE it?
Sylphas2006-08-16 15:52:03
This is why you build a system to enemy everyone on watch who's not on a whitelist you set up.
Veonira2006-08-16 15:53:41
QUOTE(silimaur @ Aug 16 2006, 04:56 AM) 320000
um im not moaning that you killed them, im moaning because you as players delibarately raid when no one is about, your not owning us, it takes both magnagora and serenwilde for you to do anything. we alone took out 4 demonlords and luna with a group of just celestiand against both magnagora and serenwilde, we owned your defenders totaly we won. you on the other hand are too scared to attack when we have defenders, im sorry but you cant say you are owning us when you are to scared to fight celest at its full strength
Oh my god, please get a clue. Just because Magnagora and Serenwilde have decided they might as well team up to kill the supernals does not mean we couldn't do it alone.
I'm honest to god, sick of the "holier than thou" crap I see on here. Everyone raids when no one is there, and wow, guess who just raided when people WERE there. Cry me a damn river and I'll build you a bridge so everyone can just get over it.
Silimaur, who killed your supernals a while back? Magnagora ALONE, kthx. So please stop spouting off things to make yourself feel better. I hate to be mean, but I'm sick of it from all sides.
PLEASE NOTE, I do not claim Magnagora or Serenwilde does not do this, but I'd actually like EVERYONE to get off of their moral highhorse.
Diamondais2006-08-16 15:54:46
The fact that I have health but Im dead.

Then the memory of your death hits you hard, and if you had a body, perhaps you'd shed a tear. Not because you died, but because there were so many things left undone, so many stories unfinished, so many futures cut short. You heave a mental sigh and realize you are surrounded by a cold harsh light.
1800h, 2178m, 2700e, 10p ex-
1800h, 2178m, 2700e, 10p ex-
Shiri2006-08-16 15:56:58
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 16 2006, 04:54 PM) 320069
The fact that I have health but Im dead.

I think that's a cosmetic bug with stag totems.
Diamondais2006-08-16 15:59:33
Oh, ha. I had health and thought I had vitaed cause I lagged big time and I missed both deaths. And I could barely make out, "Youre dead. Perhaps you should Pray for Salvation?
Unknown2006-08-16 16:02:35
Same thing happened to me.
Xenthos2006-08-16 16:07:42
QUOTE(Veonira @ Aug 16 2006, 11:53 AM) 320068
Oh my god, please get a clue. Just because Magnagora and Serenwilde have decided they might as well team up to kill the supernals does not mean we couldn't do it alone.
Then I suppose my question is... why don't you, if you can? I mean, Celest is certainly willing to do it alone.
And in response to Jack- Magnagora killed all five Supernals working with Serenwilde first, *before* Celest responded and killed their Demon Lords. I don't think Celest was even doing much with Nil at all before Magnagora joined in the little war, though I could be wrong-- they were mostly concentrating on Seren.
Ashteru2006-08-16 16:11:09
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 16 2006, 04:07 PM) 320077
And in response to Jack- Magnagora killed all five Supernals working with Serenwilde first, *before* Celest responded and killed their Demon Lords. I don't think Celest was even doing much with Nil at all before Magnagora joined in the little war, though I could be wrong-- they were mostly concentrating on Seren.
Actually, yes, Raizan always raided Nil, alongside with a few others, they killed our elemental Lords and so on and so on.
Shiri2006-08-16 16:12:47
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 16 2006, 05:07 PM) 320077
And in response to Jack- Magnagora killed all five Supernals working with Serenwilde first, *before* Celest responded and killed their Demon Lords. I don't think Celest was even doing much with Nil at all before Magnagora joined in the little war, though I could be wrong-- they were mostly concentrating on Seren.
I'm pretty sure I was there on the first Supernal raid we did (although my memory is fuzzy right now) and Nil had been hit by Celest before that, evidenced by people dying there.
Sylphas2006-08-16 16:14:58
Because it's far more difficult to get enough people? Because there is absolutely no reason to do so? I mean, what does it matter to Celest if Magnagora raids by themselves, and Serenwilde raids by themselves at the same time somewhere else? Neither of us are just going to sit back and watch, and if we both attack, we're construed as having an alliance. There is no point in dancing around each other trying to make it easier on Celest because they like to feel superior and put upon. If they want it to be equal, recruit Glomdoring to help them out. If not, keep the victim routine up.
Veonira2006-08-16 16:17:22
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 16 2006, 12:07 PM) 320077
Then I suppose my question is... why don't you, if you can? I mean, Celest is certainly willing to do it alone.
Why would we do that? Ialie's said it perfectly, Magnagora is an opportunist city. We're willing to try on our own, but if someone else wants to help, we're definitely not saying no. And for the record, Magnagora did kill Raziela with no help from Serenwilde last night, and it's not because we asked Serenwilde to and they didn't want to, it's because we DID want to do it on our own.
Magnagora has killed all of the supernals on its own before, so it's not a question of "can't", it's a question of, "why would we reject help that would SECURE success?"
I'd also like to note, that just because there might be one or two seren present (not saying this for last night, but in general), or one or two magnagorans present with a majority of the other, doesn't mean said org can't do it ALONE, those people are just eager and blood thirsty. That's it. Two people don't make a difference.
Xenthos2006-08-16 16:26:00
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 16 2006, 12:14 PM) 320086
If they want it to be equal, recruit Glomdoring to help them out. If not, keep the victim routine up.
Except for the little fact that Glomdoring is the only org that outright refuses an alliance... ie, completely disallowing its members from fighting alongside members from other organizations.
As to the being "far more difficult to get enough people" bit... so what? Serenwilde has huge hordes of people, often gets the top cultural activity, you should be more than able to get a decent number to rival the numbers of Celest. Magnagora less so nowadays, but they're not completely lacking either.
QUOTE(Veonira @ Aug 16 2006, 12:17 PM) 320087
And for the record, Magnagora did kill Raziela with no help from Serenwilde last night, and it's not because we asked Serenwilde to and they didn't want to, it's because we DID want to do it on our own.
Then... you failed, for the record.
During the Raziela raid, these were some of the deaths I sensed:
Malarious has been frozen to death by Aqua Initiate Narsrim Peulus, Veradin Champion.
Narsrim has been torn to shreds by Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero, Blood Swordsman.
Collvan has been torn to shreds by Begotten of Boulders, Hallen, Surfeit of Stone.
Collvan has been overcome by the immense electrical force of Kalas Ixion, Moonlit Ranger.
Shamarah has been overcome by the immense electrical force of Kalas Ixion, Moonlit Ranger.
Collvan has been burned to death by Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight.
Kaalak has been torn to shreds by Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight.
Forren has been choked to death by Apprentice Feyrll, Disciple of Klaymech.
Forren has been cut down by Apprentice Feyrll, Disciple of Klaymech.
Ixion has been judged and found wanting by the holy power of Postulant Acrune Glacielle, Earl of Celest.
Shamarah has been cut down by Begotten of Boulders, Hallen, Surfeit of Stone.
Mitch has fallen to the magical prowess of Heresiarch Nigredo d'Valeros, Harbinger of the Unholy.
Dysolis has been torn to shreds by Deathlord Daevos Feyranti, the Dragon of Midnight.
Malicia has been cut down by Aspirant Kalas Athana, of the Hart.
Stangmar has fallen to the magical prowess of Raziela the Loving Radiance.
Dvyrus has fallen to the magical prowess of Raziela the Loving Radiance.
Vauraugli has been beaten to a pulp by Raziela the Loving Radiance.
Vauraugli has been beaten to a pulp by Nonpareil, Admiral Forren Glacielle, Vindicator of Light.
Shortly after Raziela's death:
Forren has been overcome by the immense electrical force of Kalas Ixion, Moonlit Ranger.