Veonira2006-08-16 18:47:13
QUOTE(Sipelus @ Aug 16 2006, 02:02 PM) 320155
Kidding. Don't take him to raids next time

Meh, I didn't realize he'd jump out of my inventory.
Geb2006-08-16 19:17:34
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Aug 16 2006, 07:06 PM) 320159
So, like, five Serenwilders, including their Commune leader. Come on now, I'm sure you can see where your statement falls flat on its rear end.

The solo part- sure! You deserve accolades for that, well done. Just like Celest deserves accolades for destroying 4 demon lords and Luna without assistance. But when you have another org helping you-- especially five of them-- you can't really hold it up as "look at how good we are!"
The exact same way that Celenwilde's accomplishments were never really worth much respect, oddly enough.
There is truth to what you are saying Xenthos, but you are pretty much wasting your breath. Just accept the hypocrisy of the situation and know next time to ignore their complaints about the same thing when or if it comes up.
Sylphas2006-08-16 20:08:44
Our Avatars have died, the Demon Lords have died. We haven't bitched nearly this much.
The difference is that Celest wants to be better than us, because we "can't do it alone", whereas as we just don't really care as long as Celest is made to suffer.
The difference is that Celest wants to be better than us, because we "can't do it alone", whereas as we just don't really care as long as Celest is made to suffer.
Genos2006-08-16 20:10:47
Besides, why should Celest be congratulated for having no friends? 

Unknown2006-08-16 20:15:28
Aww, come on now people. Celest needs some love...*cough* wait, you're already doing that. Continue and disregard my post.
Unknown2006-08-16 20:42:39

Diamondais2006-08-16 21:01:43
Yeah..that was just bad..if its what I think it was.
Tiran2006-08-16 21:01:48
My thoughts on the whole affair is that Celest is bringing it on themselves. At the moment, I have one pissed off girlfriend because she was just killed ON THE ROAD ON PRIME by three Celestians (who will remain nameless until I'm not in good humour anymore), just for being Mag, and THEN enemied to Celest (for dying to them? I'd really like to see the city's log entry for that one). So, let me get this straight, she's done nothing wrong, and yet is seen as such a threat that they go out of there way to JUMP AND TEAM her, and then enemy her.
Celest is bound and determined to have a war against the rest of the Basin, aren't they? It's one thing to go raiding, or defend against raids, or even go hunting enemies. But killing non-enemies on prime in neutral territory is about the most blatant declaration of war one can make.
Celest is bound and determined to have a war against the rest of the Basin, aren't they? It's one thing to go raiding, or defend against raids, or even go hunting enemies. But killing non-enemies on prime in neutral territory is about the most blatant declaration of war one can make.
Shamarah2006-08-16 21:03:24
If you're talking about Aia, she was in Acknor, which is Celest territory.
Xavius2006-08-16 21:42:15
QUOTE(Genos @ Aug 16 2006, 03:10 PM) 320225
Besides, why should Celest be congratulated for having no friends?

Celest has friends. Celest's friends just happen to not be sycophants.
Jack2006-08-16 22:00:18
Celest is like the emaciated, hyper kid who tries to pick a fight with two other kids at once. Glom is the little emo in the corner who comforts Celest after it gets the crap beaten out of it and convinces it to go back and try and bruise the other two kids a little bit before it gets both legs broken.
EDIT: Oh, yeah, and you retards going on about hypocrisy and wah-wah-wah - Celest is the one trying to make out that it's superior to everyone else. Evidently a mistaken assumption since your Star is about to fall and all your Supernals are dead, but hey, you have the moral high ground! GOOD FOR YOU!
EDIT: Oh, yeah, and you retards going on about hypocrisy and wah-wah-wah - Celest is the one trying to make out that it's superior to everyone else. Evidently a mistaken assumption since your Star is about to fall and all your Supernals are dead, but hey, you have the moral high ground! GOOD FOR YOU!
Tiran2006-08-16 22:22:29
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Aug 16 2006, 03:03 PM) 320249
If you're talking about Aia, she was in Acknor, which is Celest territory.
Alright, so she was in Acknor, my mistake. Busy raiding or stealing furrikin or whatever it is we do to hurt you in Acknor. I mean she has a history of it too, because she um... helps defend Nil occasionally when outnumbered and has little chance of surviving? Yup, that's what I'd be doing with level 86 and basically no PvP experience. I'm going to go raid a village where we stand to gain nothing, and will probably die again and lose more experience.
If that's the case, she clearly missed the (not-so-nice) request to correct her mistake and get out of your territory that people give to non-enemies, or maybe that's just me being overly nice to people who don't want to fight and occasionally make mistakes. Take out the part about neutral territory, and the point still stands. Maybe there should be a public post saying all non-Celestians will be enemied and killed for entering their territory or looking at them cross-eyed.

Reiha2006-08-16 22:37:49
Doesn't always happen, when Lazurus accidently wandered in there, Mitch helped us get Lazurus out. Depends who's around and who's coming to see what's up.
Sylphas2006-08-16 23:30:20
Oh, she must be pissed. *wanders off to poke her on IM*
All in all, I have to say I like having traded the moral high ground for beating on our enemies. It's so much more satisfying.
All in all, I have to say I like having traded the moral high ground for beating on our enemies. It's so much more satisfying.
Geb2006-08-16 23:33:16
QUOTE(Jack @ Aug 16 2006, 11:00 PM) 320268
Celest is like the emaciated, hyper kid who tries to pick a fight with two other kids at once. Glom is the little emo in the corner who comforts Celest after it gets the crap beaten out of it and convinces it to go back and try and bruise the other two kids a little bit before it gets both legs broken.
EDIT: Oh, yeah, and you retards going on about hypocrisy and wah-wah-wah - Celest is the one trying to make out that it's superior to everyone else. Evidently a mistaken assumption since your Star is about to fall and all your Supernals are dead, but hey, you have the moral high ground! GOOD FOR YOU!
I think you miss the point entirely. Just a few months ago, people in Magnagora and Glomdoring were all over Celest and Serenwilde for working together. They constantly questioned why couldn’t Celest grow a pair and stand on its own. Now Celest has done that, but yet the same main group of complainers (Magnagora) has aligned themselves with Serenwilde. They have done the very thing that they taunted and called Celest names for doing. That right there is hypocrisy.
Oh, and the argument that Celest brings it all on itself is as false as a 3 dollar bill. Magnagora has always raided and attacked Celest citizens whenever it was their want. When called on it by Celest, Magnagora would then constantly reply with fight back or harden up. So essentially attacking Celest over and over again puts the city in a no-win situation. Sit back and do nothing, and your people and areas get attacked and called cowards. Do something in response and your people get attacked and told you bring it on yourselves.
Sylphas2006-08-16 23:40:03
The problem is just that everyone loves Serenwilde, and Magnagora and Celest fight over us while Glomdoring hides in the background being a secret admirer.
Diamondais2006-08-17 01:31:06
Dont touch means DONT TOUCH!
Unknown2006-08-17 01:52:12
QUOTE(Jack @ Aug 17 2006, 08:00 AM) 320268
Celest is like the emaciated, hyper kid who tries to pick a fight with two other kids at once. Glom is the little emo in the corner who comforts Celest after it gets the crap beaten out of it and convinces it to go back and try and bruise the other two kids a little bit before it gets both legs broken.
Jack, you're my hero for the day

Reiha2006-08-17 02:06:16
Don't like spammage during village influencing.
Veonira2006-08-17 02:22:00
Why the
did Dairuchi have to revolt during that? I was having so much fun despite praying, and then it had to go revolt.
