Acrune2006-08-20 05:27:51
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 19 2006, 10:17 PM) 321884
Oh, and no job cause everywhere I apply never calls me.
I have the same problem. Call them. Can't hurt. Job hunting is a pain in the @$$. Has caused a good deal of stress for me over the past couple weeks, but I think I've finally gotten one.

Also, general tip, those personality tests SUCK. They apparently look for this thing called consistancy. I don't understand it myself, I guess they just want us to lie consistantly or something. Only one place I applied to with one of those cursed tests called me back, and that was because I failed it so bad that they didn't beleive the results were correct. (I scored 1%

Diamondais2006-08-20 05:49:15
QUOTE(Acrune @ Aug 20 2006, 01:27 AM) 321944
I have the same problem. Call them. Can't hurt. Job hunting is a pain in the @$$. Has caused a good deal of stress for me over the past couple weeks, but I think I've finally gotten one.

Also, general tip, those personality tests SUCK. They apparently look for this thing called consistancy. I don't understand it myself, I guess they just want us to lie consistantly or something. Only one place I applied to with one of those cursed tests called me back, and that was because I failed it so bad that they didn't beleive the results were correct. (I scored 1%

Cant go job hunting till this damn infection clears up incase one actually does call me, can you imagine this?
Job interviewer "So, you want to work at our fast food resteraunt?"
Me "Yes, *cough cough cough cough cough* I do."
Job interviewer "Erm.."
Me "..."

Sylphas2006-08-20 05:51:25
If it's fast food, you'd fit right in.
Diamondais2006-08-20 05:53:27
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 20 2006, 01:51 AM) 321949
If it's fast food, you'd fit right in.
Nope, Id have to be a drugy to fit in. Least here anyways.

Acrune2006-08-20 06:30:25
Heh, reminds me of when I threw my back out lifting ~15lbs a few days before interviewing for a job that'd involve heavy lifting (up to 70 lbs if I was unlucky, average weight was probably around 40-45). At least I was able to walk again by interview day
Interestingly enough, I never hurt my back with the things that were actually heavy. 

Geb2006-08-20 06:37:05
QUOTE(Acrune @ Aug 20 2006, 07:30 AM) 321963
Heh, reminds me of when I threw my back out lifting ~15lbs
Is that number correct?

Acrune2006-08-20 06:39:51
Very unlucky. Know those lids on the tank on the back of a toilet? Thats what got me
Most pain I've ever been in, luckily it hasn't happened again, even though I've lifted over 100 lbs a couple times (maybe more then that, I don't keep track

Unknown2006-08-20 07:31:29
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 19 2006, 10:53 PM) 321950
Nope, Id have to be a drugy to fit in. Least here anyways.

Well, could be worse. Back in Del Rio, TX, the only way you could get a job is if you had a relative working at that place. Which none of us, my friends and I and my siblings and their friends, had. And the stupidest thing I've ever heard from a teacher from Del Rio was that "At least we're number 1 in something." And that something is pregenancy in teens. HOW IS THAT GOOD?!?! *mutter*
Unknown2006-08-20 09:32:43
I hate Ichigo 100%
Veonira2006-08-20 18:28:58
Celest, put your filthy e-penises away. It's fine to be happy about something, but do you have to shout EVERY SINGLE TIME to gloat? Sure, lots of people do it, but not in collective like you can at times.
Daganev2006-08-20 18:30:32
QUOTE(Veonira @ Aug 20 2006, 11:28 AM) 322101
Celest, put your filthy e-penises away. It's fine to be happy about something, but do you have to shout EVERY SINGLE TIME to gloat? Sure, lots of people do it, but not in collective like you can at times.
Narsrim and Malicia do that all the time, no matter where they live.
Ashteru2006-08-20 18:32:43
I'll just trigger the line when the star falls to shout
"Dood, r0x0rs, w3 totally 1337! U sUcK!"
That will have the same meaning what those mouthy Celestians shout, AND it will actually be understood by them.
"Dood, r0x0rs, w3 totally 1337! U sUcK!"
That will have the same meaning what those mouthy Celestians shout, AND it will actually be understood by them.
Veonira2006-08-20 18:59:18
Hehehe. Okay I was a little harsh, filthy e-penis just made me giggle to hear it said 

Mirk2006-08-20 19:51:15
I wish Adaeze wouldn't repeat comments so often. I'm sick of hearing Taji and chiku should meditate in the deep navy room or the room with a comfortable weave. I'VE HEARD IT FIVE TIMES.
Ista2006-08-20 21:53:05
I hate it when people know you're nervous about something, such as getting your wisdom teeth removed. So, instead of telling you it will be alright, they instead decide to tell you horror stories from the beyond.
Genos2006-08-20 21:57:54
QUOTE(Ista @ Aug 20 2006, 05:53 PM) 322170
I hate it when people know you're nervous about something, such as getting your wisdom teeth removed. So, instead of telling you it will be alright, they instead decide to tell you horror stories from the beyond.
If this is any consolation getting my wisdom teeth was a walk in the park. I -hardly- swelled at all, everyone that saw me couldn't really tell a difference. I was even on rather weak painkillers compared to what most people get and hardly felt any pain. For instance, I was only given enough painkillers to last 5 days I believe, when one of my friends got three bottles of Vicadin and another still has vicadin from whne he got his wisdom teeth taken out a year ago. The only thing that was bad about it was that I was getting sick and tired of eating jello, pudding, and milkshakes.
EDIT: The only thing I didn't like about having the surgery done was when they put the IV in my arm, I don't have any pain tolerance for that pinching feeling. Also, whatever they used to numb my mouth affected me for a lot longer than it should have which wasn't a big deal. Except that I kept dribbling milkshake all over myself.
Reiha2006-08-20 22:00:47
I don't like spending a couple of real days looking for powerstones to enchant a cube, ONLY TO FRIGGIN' LOSE IT, and it irks me to know someone picked it up and is keeping it to themselves 

Genos2006-08-20 22:04:51
I hate that when specializing in Sacraments you don't immediately get a skill like every other specialization (that I know of).
Acrune2006-08-20 22:16:44
QUOTE(Genos @ Aug 20 2006, 05:57 PM) 322172
If this is any consolation getting my wisdom teeth was a walk in the park. I -hardly- swelled at all, everyone that saw me couldn't really tell a difference. I was even on rather weak painkillers compared to what most people get and hardly felt any pain.
Same, I even skipped the pain killers. Wisdom teeth removal isn't a big deal at all.
QUOTE(Genos @ Aug 20 2006, 06:04 PM) 322176
I hate that when specializing in Sacraments you don't immediately get a skill like every other specialization (that I know of).
Yeah, that was kind of strange
Shorlen2006-08-20 22:21:46
QUOTE(Genos @ Aug 20 2006, 06:04 PM) 322176
I hate that when specializing in Sacraments you don't immediately get a skill like every other specialization (that I know of).