Idea for a Diag curing thing...

by Unknown

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Mirk2006-06-20 21:55:18
QUOTE(Ytraelux @ Jun 20 2006, 01:53 AM) 300218

I tried putting aliases into Nexus for each of the Star-Rays, much easier than typing ASTROCAST SIDIAK RAY AT at high speed, and after 10 aliases, it blew up in my face. Took hours to respond to anything, unless concussion gives you invisible aeon.

I don't think it was nexus that had the problem, I have a bunch of aliases, and it has completly locked up on me, and some of them are more complex than just NATURE CURSE $TAR. Don't know what caused your problem, maybe just a bad connection? Or does amnesia not tell you when you fail to do something?

But as to the thing, you may want to have it wait a very small amount of time (to get info back from lusternia) and then have the actual curing go through a seperate alias, cause nexus doesn't seem to like if you try to capture something from the game and use that info in the same alias, at least from my experience...