Random Newbie Greeting thing for Nexus

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-06-19 23:18:05
Okay. You know the message that the system gives your guild when a novice joins your guild? Well, I set up an alias that tells them the usual stuff that they need to read in order to get skills, and learn the rules, but it refers to the person as 'newcommer'. How do I make it so the alias'll say something like, "Welcome to the Aquamancers, !' Could I get some help?

Ohh.. and sorry for posting this soo many times! My computer froze up, and I had to go back, and it posted many times!
Vix2006-06-20 01:46:13
What's the exact message again? Sort of paraphrased here.

(Moondust): Newbie has just joined the guild!

Trigger would be um...

{<}(Moondust): {w} has just joined the guild!{>}

gnt Welcome, $1! Blah blah we rock!

Get the exact messages there and you should be good. You probably shouldn't trigger it though. If five people do it then that newbie will be spammed immediately stepping out of the Portal. You should make it an alias and execute it a few seconds after the newbie steps through.
Hazar2006-06-20 02:05:49
My alias runs like this;

gnt Greetings, %1, and welcome to the Ebonguard. Please read HELP GUILDNOVICES EBONGUARD to learn more about who we are. Then read CHELP GLOMDORING to learn how to address the commune. When you've completed those scrolls, you can tell us you're ready to be trained over GNT.

The alias is called 'newwyrm'. I type 'newwyrm Bantomani' and it comes out with his name it - I have to make sure to capitalize it.

So, you're a Moonie, right? So it'd be something like....

#alias novvie gnt Greetings, %1! Welcome to the Moondancers. Please read HELP GUILDNOVICES MOONDANCERS, GHELP LEARNING, and GHELP NEJIIHAREM. When you're done with that, tell us over GNT and one of us can help you begin your training.
Vix2006-06-20 02:09:45
QUOTE(Hazar @ Jun 19 2006, 09:05 PM) 300144

Verithrax2006-06-20 02:17:12
Such triggers are evil. Why? Simple.

(Wimps) Leetgriefer has just joined the guild!
(Wimps) Eviscerator says, "Lol welcome to teh guild please read GHELP LEETNESS and GHELP RPSUXXORS."
(Wimps) Spambot says, "Welcome to the eleet haxxors, Leetgriefer! Please read GHELP MUDSEX and GHELPENJOYCYBERINGSPAMBOT."
(Wimps) Leetspeaxxor says, "Lmao welcome to the haxxors please read ghelp leetspeak."

..And so on, all during the course of a single second or two.
Unknown2006-06-20 02:39:28
...Not helping, Verithrax...
Unknown2006-06-20 02:48:36
I guess you missed the part where its an alias, not a trigger?

Yeah, how to do it has been said a few times.
Terenas2006-06-20 04:07:13
You don't even need to specify the person's name, just make it an alias that does a general message on GNT. No need to even muck around with coding and such.
Verithrax2006-06-20 04:16:52
QUOTE(Azael @ Jun 19 2006, 11:48 PM) 300158

I guess you missed the part where its an alias, not a trigger?

Yeah, how to do it has been said a few times.

D'oh, sorry, disregard that.

You set up an alias to catch the new novice text and store the novice's name in a variable that is read by the alias.
Vix2006-06-20 04:28:59
Hm, in that case, do something like Hazar's.

You do an alias like NEW

GNT Hello, $1! I am helpful!
Unknown2006-07-08 02:58:58
Well, I got it to work... Thanks for the help!
Shryke2006-07-08 07:45:25
An alternative would be to have a trigger for the message to capture the novices name like (Zmud) #trigger {Ebonguard: Please welcome * who joins as a new novice!} {%1=newnovice}
#alias newnovice {#exec gnt Hello @newnovice please read all these semi helpful guildscrolls even though your the fifth damn alt we're going to have to train again wootles!}
Unknown2006-07-08 21:49:03
Yeah. That's roughly what mine is. I had it: (Spouts): Please welcome {w} who joins us as a novice freshman!

Newbie: Welcome %1 to the Aquamancers!...

It's awesome!