Nepthysia2006-07-19 07:52:32
Well... since I'm back I guess I'll throw out the fact that I'm still a wonderfully transed tailor. I charge generally somewhere between 20-25% of the manufacturing cost as profit + comms. I.E. > 500gp worth of comms makes me charge you 600-625gp. If you supply the comms I charge you a 100gp flat fee for my time.
Verithrax2006-07-19 08:42:54

Exarius2006-07-21 16:55:35
QUOTE(Nepthysia d'Iasani @ Jul 19 2006, 02:52 AM) 309167
Well... since I'm back I guess I'll throw out the fact that I'm still a wonderfully transed tailor. I charge generally somewhere between 20-25% of the manufacturing cost as profit + comms. I.E. > 500gp worth of comms makes me charge you 600-625gp. If you supply the comms I charge you a 100gp flat fee for my time.
You do realize you could make that much gold easily by hitting a few rats as you walk down the street, don't you?
You also may not have noticed, but basic tailoring comms aren't coming cheap when they come at all lately, and inviting people to bring their own comms invites non-tailors to hoard comms against future jobs for you, which will just keep contributing to the cycle of inflation.
Please have some respect for your time and your craft.
Unknown2006-07-21 17:03:29
...Hiring a havester to get Comms for me
whats the going rate for that anyway???

Verithrax2006-07-21 18:25:41
What Exarius said. Some people actually want to make a living out of their jobs. The main issue with MUD economies is that people break roleplay and don't act anything like tradesmen or professionals.
Taika2006-07-21 19:39:05
Well, honestly, that might be something you have to deal with.
Nep, as much I would love to have cheap tailoring, you might wanna look into raising prices for your own sake. If not, yay!
Nep, as much I would love to have cheap tailoring, you might wanna look into raising prices for your own sake. If not, yay!
Verithrax2006-07-21 20:02:43
Ah, yes. Don't roleplay. Don't act like a plausible persona. Undercut everyone in a happy lovefest that screws with the economic system created by the producers, yaaay.
Nepthysia2006-07-21 20:24:49
Its perfectly acceptable people. Neppy has -always- charged that amount and I see no reason for her to change her perspectives on crafting. I'm not here to make millions of soveriegns (I'm already comfortable from the days when only a select few could make and fully proof great robes) and I don't intend to overcharge people. Seeing as she has been a tailor now for 70 years (as she started as a little girl), it takes her half the time to produce clothing and for now shes just happy to be back with her sewing machine (and guild and city too).
Maybe when she gets her big ego back about making a lot of the patterns people use daily, I'll see fit for her to charge more. Till then I'll simply encourage people to use her services for both a. not being ripped off and b. the roleplaying experience should they want their attire "custom fitted".
Anyone else who wants to hate on my cheapy policies can go chew on an old boot, you'll get a better reaction from its squeaking.
Maybe when she gets her big ego back about making a lot of the patterns people use daily, I'll see fit for her to charge more. Till then I'll simply encourage people to use her services for both a. not being ripped off and b. the roleplaying experience should they want their attire "custom fitted".
Anyone else who wants to hate on my cheapy policies can go chew on an old boot, you'll get a better reaction from its squeaking.
Richter2006-07-21 20:41:15
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Jul 19 2006, 01:42 AM) 309173

Looks like Richter's new best buddy is getting replaced by his first love.

Nepthysia2006-07-21 20:43:07
Awwww -pets the Richter- hello deary
Acrune2006-07-21 23:36:36
Heh, good thing I don't aim to profit much from tailoring. I used to tailor for free for citymates
Mainly so they wouldn't have to overpay Verithrax 

Exarius2006-08-02 17:13:04
QUOTE(Nepthysia d'Iasani @ Jul 21 2006, 03:24 PM) 310187
Maybe when she gets her big ego back about making a lot of the patterns people use daily, I'll see fit for her to charge more. Till then I'll simply encourage people to use her services for both a. not being ripped off and b. the roleplaying experience should they want their attire "custom fitted".
Anyone else who wants to hate on my cheapy policies can go chew on an old boot, you'll get a better reaction from its squeaking.
Not angry at you like Verithrax, nor am I about to go RP self-righteous on you here. And, yes, Verithrax proudly charges people anything he can get away with, and takes pride in his practice of fleecing unsavy customers. That's ripping people off.
There's a huge chasm between ripping people off, though, and charging so little that you actually raise prices for everyone by overtaxing the commodity supply. Suddenly everyone's paying twice as much for silk (I know I haven't found a scrap of it anywhere close to what I'm used to paying since you announced your return, whether you're personally responsible or not), and instead of paying 800 gold for a silk shirt that cost you 700, they're paying you 1500 gold for a shirt that cost you 1400. And where has that extra 700 gold gone? Not into their pockets. It pretty much just disappears from the economy, because even if you bought your supplies from a city or commune, you just forced someone else to go buy theirs from a village.
If that's fine with you just for the joy of getting more short-term business, there's nothing wrong with it. But please don't imply that everyone who refrains from joining you in forcing up prices is ripping people off.
Unknown2006-08-02 17:23:05
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Jul 21 2006, 01:02 PM) 310169
Ah, yes. Don't roleplay. Don't act like a plausible persona. Undercut everyone in a happy lovefest that screws with the economic system created by the producers, yaaay.
Um.. have you ever been involved in business? Its all about undercutting. People go around and look at similar stores to see what prices they have to beat. They sell some things at a loss so that people will be more likely to come back and spend money on something marked up insanely.
That statement is just really ignorant to talk as if they aren't playing their character right. You have this addiction with holding everyone to your standards (which are usually flawed) and refusing to look beyond them. Would you say the REAL people i've met aren't real enough when they make goods by hand and sell them for very little profit simply because they love doing it? Apparently you would, which is just a bit silly.
Nepthysia2006-08-02 17:32:09
Silk, cloth, leather, and other regular things like silver have -all- sat at the same price they were when I returned to the game so blame your own place of purchase.
As for prices going up because I charge what I charge, that only happens if a bunch of people come down to do the same thing - which they aren't from what I know.
So, once again, I'll charge what I feel like charging and anyone who doesn't like it can bugger off
As for prices going up because I charge what I charge, that only happens if a bunch of people come down to do the same thing - which they aren't from what I know.
So, once again, I'll charge what I feel like charging and anyone who doesn't like it can bugger off

Exarius2006-08-02 17:49:49
QUOTE(Nepthysia d'Iasani @ Aug 2 2006, 12:32 PM) 314061
Silk, cloth, leather, and other regular things like silver have -all- sat at the same price they were when I returned to the game so blame your own place of purchase.
As for prices going up because I charge what I charge, that only happens if a bunch of people come down to do the same thing - which they aren't from what I know.
So, once again, I'll charge what I feel like charging and anyone who doesn't like it can bugger off

Now angry about just being pointlessly rude, I could get.
Unknown2006-08-02 19:26:40
You tailors are all ****ing nuts. Every last one of you.
Unknown2006-08-02 20:24:53
Anyone else who wants to hate on my cheapy policies can go chew on an old boot, you'll get a better reaction from its squeaking.
I adore you, we must meet!

Richter2006-08-02 20:37:12
She's dreamy. 

Nepthysia2006-08-03 06:45:13
QUOTE(Exarius @ Aug 2 2006, 01:49 PM) 314065
Now angry about just being pointlessly rude, I could get.
Uh huh... Believe me. That's far from rude for me.
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Aug 2 2006, 03:26 PM) 314095
You tailors are all ****ing nuts. Every last one of you.
I'm not nuts... insane and derranged maybe... but not nuts

QUOTE(SheiaSilverwing @ Aug 2 2006, 04:24 PM) 314117
I adore you, we must meet!

Sure thing, le person I don't know

QUOTE(Richter @ Aug 2 2006, 04:37 PM) 314125
She's dreamy.

*doesn't know what youre talking about*

Verithrax2006-08-10 05:11:29
QUOTE(Exarius @ Aug 2 2006, 02:13 PM) 314046
Not angry at you like Verithrax, nor am I about to go RP self-righteous on you here. And, yes, Verithrax proudly charges people anything he can get away with, and takes pride in his practice of fleecing unsavy customers. That's ripping people off.
No, not really. If you care to bargain, gave a damn about what you wear, or just value clothing ICly, you can get clothing at cost price from Verithrax - Sometimes even for free. If you know what prices to expect, you can get decent prices. But if you're a sucker, you're going to get treated like one. Verithrax believes anyone dumb enough to pay six thousand on highfashion clothing deserves to be ripped off and sucked dry. Particularly, if Verithrax has reasons not to like you, he will get away with as much as he can and laugh about it later. That's just how the character is played; Verithrax acts like a tradesman, not a businessman, as far as his own personal tailoring business is concerned. How he takes care of cartels is entirely different.