Genos2006-07-20 22:09:37
I just wish they made Trill more birdlike instead of humans with wings like Atavians in Achaea. The only thing that makes them really more "birdlike" is downy feathers instead of hair. I would have preferred them to have added more things to the help files because I'm tired of seeing Trill characters with descriptions as a human that happens to have wings. If one of my characters was a Trill I'd have talonlike feet (maybe just less toes and more flexibility), a beak, inverted knees, and a small tail made of feathers. Just -something- different. This goes for all races, on most of my characters I make the nonhumans as different as possible.
EDIT: If you couldn't tell the Trill picture for the website was my least favorite.
EDIT: If you couldn't tell the Trill picture for the website was my least favorite.
Tekora2006-07-20 22:10:45
QUOTE(Shou @ Jul 20 2006, 06:00 PM) 309663
Trill have hollow bones so I could see why they have the slightly low con, and also the slightly high dex. Trill are graceful people.
Yeah, but that low con is the most painful part of playing a Trill. We can't tank anything. Thus, we're forced to try to kill the other person before they kill us, which is usually pretty quick. As for the hollow bones statement, maybe a weakness to blunt damage in addition to the increased fire weakness in return for faster Equilibrium and Balance.
I REALLY want faster equilibrium and balance for Trills. Lvl 1 for both. In return, we take Lvl 1 or 2 weakness to blunt and Lvl 2 weakness to fire. I think it sounds fair.
Edit: I really don't get where people are getting the whole 'Trills should be like birds, not people' thing. It's bothered me since the idea started spreading around the Tirita. Trillillial was a Star Goddess. Star Gods were shaped like people, ie. 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 head. Thus, Trills should look like people, with wings.
Genos2006-07-20 22:12:35
QUOTE(Tekora @ Jul 20 2006, 05:55 PM) 309659
- Buff the Flying HP and Mana regen to Level 3. No one fights in the skies anyway, (Hexagram/Geyser, anyone?) so our regen is really only useful against mobs.
Once Aeromancers come out I'm sure Trills will regen in that type of environment (even on the ground) since they changed Merians to regen in shallow water the Aquamancers make using Flood without Deluge.
Natarm2006-07-20 22:15:38
Please, overhaul Taurian. They always get forgotten. Doesn't hurt there's only two or three of us (And I'm not sure if Amaru is actually a Taurian, or just a changeling stuck in that form =p)
Ashteru2006-07-20 22:17:51
QUOTE(Natarm @ Jul 20 2006, 10:15 PM) 309670
Please, overhaul Taurian. They always get forgotten. Doesn't hurt there's only two or three of us (And I'm not sure if Amaru is actually a Taurian, or just a changeling stuck in that form =p)
Hey....actually, Taurian rock. I bashed the Catas as one easily, as a mage.
Unknown2006-07-20 22:20:16
QUOTE(Tekora @ Jul 20 2006, 09:55 PM) 309659
- +1 CON buff. I'd prefer if this was free, but if you must, take it from DEX.
- +1 INT buff. Take this from DEX too.
Actually, I've always thought that the 14 INT and 14 DEX was there for aesthetic reasons, to serve as the counterpart to the Lucidian's 14 CONST and INT. Anyway, I've never played a Trill, so I don't know how much that hurts you guys. Must be bad, huh. Maybe the 14 DEX could be reduced and the charisma could be buffed up to 14, to keep the symmetry and give Hallifax good influencers.
Anyway, out of curiosity, what was the original Dwarf like? I've never played before the race changes.
As for the current Dwarf, it's not so bad, really. I mean, yes, there's severe disadvantages, such as being unable to influence a Toscha monk without getting close to shattered, at level 73. But in terms of fighting and bashing, Dwarf warriors, like all other weapon-specialized races never miss. The low dexterity's a bit awkward, though - a race of miners, gem pickers, and jewellers should probably have higher dexterity.
Tekora2006-07-20 22:29:28
I've played as a Trill my entire Lusty career, and our influencing is fine. We need the CON and the INT, because we die too fast and our spell offense is mediocre at best. Trust me. I've played all 3 guilds in Celest. I know what needs changing. And what needs changing is we need more HP and more offense. Trill as it is now, is not a suitable race for combat.
Unknown2006-07-20 22:33:27
QUOTE(Natarm @ Jul 20 2006, 12:15 PM) 309670
Please, overhaul Taurian. They always get forgotten. Doesn't hurt there's only two or three of us (And I'm not sure if Amaru is actually a Taurian, or just a changeling stuck in that form =p)
Ummm what?
Taurian's are my tanky race of choice, they rock. When I need to changeling into something tanky for group combat or difficult bashing, I go Taurian.
Amaru is not a Changeling, and that is his race. He holds the position that Celestians do not kill with speed or damage, only timing (I.E. setting up inquisition/soulless). Therefore, he chooses the tankiest race possible that doesn't have any equilibrium penalties. That leaves Loboshigaru and Taurian. I'd prefer Loboshigaru as my tanky race, I however have a level 2 health regeneration ring, giving me a cumulative level 3 as a Taurian, which it wouldn't stack with a Loboshigaru.
Sylphas2006-07-20 23:39:52
If Hexes are only good with Mugwump, I'd say buff hexes and look at Mugwump seperately. This is one of the issues where races are decent, but not quite good enough that you'd likely ever pick them over the one that's excellent. Mugwump, in the case of Hex users.
Unknown2006-07-21 00:15:27
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Jul 20 2006, 01:39 PM) 309701
If Hexes are only good with Mugwump, I'd say buff hexes and look at Mugwump seperately. This is one of the issues where races are decent, but not quite good enough that you'd likely ever pick them over the one that's excellent. Mugwump, in the case of Hex users.
No, there's traditionally always been certain individual skills or abilities that are best utilized or only useful for certain races. Curses, Evileye, and dstab/puncture (Saboteurs) come to mind as a Ssylsin in Imperian. Evileye/Curses is basically what Hexes is. Only Hexes uses equilibrium where those two used balance. Ssylsin have a level 2 balance bonus, and due to our adjusted speeds, that's essentially identical to Mugwump level 3 equilibrium. Ssylsin also did not suffer nearly as harsh of penalties as Mugwumps.
You can still do fine as a Moondancer with another race (especially a tankier one), it's just a different style of play. A Mugwump focuses pretty much entirely on the hexes skills, whereas another race would bring some of the other skills to bear instead.
Bringing up Malignists again, the two most popular races were Ssylsin (for really fast Evileye deadeye combos) or Sidhe for going for catharsis kills and utilizing other abilities more.
Shorlen2006-07-21 00:42:11
When I was a high elfen moondancer hexe, I used few hexes to as great of an effect as I could. For instance, while waning them and having my fae hit, I would try to sneak in a recklessness/anorexia whammy while they were fully healed, so they wouldn't realize they were reckless for a bit. I also would try to time sleep hexes to hit in time with a pixie. Things like that don't require fast speed to be effective if done right.
An elfen though simply can't cover their foe in hex after hex, faster than the hexes can be cured, as a Mugwump can.
An elfen though simply can't cover their foe in hex after hex, faster than the hexes can be cured, as a Mugwump can.
Unknown2006-07-21 03:30:07
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Jul 20 2006, 02:42 PM) 309739
faster than the hexes can be cured, as a Mugwump can.
This is simply false. Even with 6 hexes prepped, you'll only come out maybe one affliction ahead of their curing by the time you toss them all with doublewhammy, then they have 6 more seconds to cure as you draw out another round.
Unknown2006-07-21 04:55:02
Yes, I believe they do need another rebalancing.
However, this time the general trend should be to lessen advantages of the races which are too good, rather than like last time which was a global upgrade. We're moving too far into extremes, and there's no need to do so further.
I'd like to see Human, Merian, Mugwump downgraded for sure; Furrikin and Faeling considered; and Trill and Viscanti improved slightly.
However, this time the general trend should be to lessen advantages of the races which are too good, rather than like last time which was a global upgrade. We're moving too far into extremes, and there's no need to do so further.
I'd like to see Human, Merian, Mugwump downgraded for sure; Furrikin and Faeling considered; and Trill and Viscanti improved slightly.
Unknown2006-07-21 05:07:44
QUOTE(Genos @ Jul 20 2006, 10:09 PM) 309667
I just wish they made Trill more birdlike instead of humans with wings like Atavians in Achaea. The only thing that makes them really more "birdlike" is downy feathers instead of hair. I would have preferred them to have added more things to the help files because I'm tired of seeing Trill characters with descriptions as a human that happens to have wings. If one of my characters was a Trill I'd have talonlike feet (maybe just less toes and more flexibility), a beak, inverted knees, and a small tail made of feathers. Just -something- different. This goes for all races, on most of my characters I make the nonhumans as different as possible.
EDIT: If you couldn't tell the Trill picture for the website was my least favorite.
So what? Some Trill are more birdlike than others, and I'm sure quite a few have interbred with humans or other races, diluting the extremity of their features.
And remember the order in which the races came about: Trills are not humans with wings, humans are trills without wings. *sagenod*
Kyleel2006-07-21 06:16:17
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Jul 21 2006, 07:22 AM) 309620
Too bad:
Yes, yes. Viscanti need more love.
Especially this Viscanti

Lazurus2006-07-21 06:27:03
yes there need to be more and there should really be more dracnari too, I hate logging on everytime and their being only like two other dracnari on 

Tervic2006-07-21 06:45:26
QUOTE(Shou @ Jul 20 2006, 03:00 PM) 309663
I've noticed that there are some more trill around nowadays, usually at least four or more, compared to 1 or 2 in the old days >.> Sometimes even 10 are on! But anyway, I really don't mind the small pop'n, it kinda makes sense too since their home is frozen and they don't even have their own village, but when Halli comes around in the next 5 years or so, they should get some nice specializations. Regardless!, some things I thought would be nifty for trill would be more charisma, since they're an artsy-fartsy race, no? And maybe a racial attribute that can distinguish them from other flyers, such as flying and moving into another room at the same time, 'cuz they got big strong wings.
edit: Huh, it seems different trill got differing opinions
Trill have hollow bones so I could see why they have the slightly low con, and also the slightly high dex. Trill are graceful people.
edit: Huh, it seems different trill got differing opinions

Artsyfartsy no. That's the lucidiens' job.
QUOTE(Nax @ Jul 20 2006, 03:20 PM) 309672
Actually, I've always thought that the 14 INT and 14 DEX was there for aesthetic reasons, to serve as the counterpart to the Lucidian's 14 CONST and INT. Anyway, I've never played a Trill, so I don't know how much that hurts you guys. Must be bad, huh.
If by bad you mean 3.2k health at level 77 then yes, bad. But the high int makes for much fun when surged

QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Jul 20 2006, 10:07 PM) 309895
And remember the order in which the races came about: Trills are not humans with wings, humans are trills without wings. *sagenod*

And as one of the Basin's resident trill...
No buffs for Trill! that way nobody will play them and I can hog all the racial glory for myself. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Actually, I would like to see a little modification for trill, namely higher stats, perhaps give a potential to resist/evade hexagram/geyser/stonerain(?) since trill are natural-born fliers and could probably evade such nasties. and yes, PLEASE give us a racial language.

Unknown2006-07-21 06:59:53

Sylphas2006-07-21 12:03:06
I'd love even just one more con. I seem to always end up playing races that don't break 3k until level 73. 

Shiri2006-07-21 12:32:14
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Jul 21 2006, 01:03 PM) 309949
I'd love even just one more con. I seem to always end up playing races that don't break 3k until level 73.

Furrikin are fine. Don't argue about it or you'll get us nerfed.

(Seriously, I think we're fine. We could afford to lose a bit of the magic resistance, I guess, but eh.)