"You killed my role-play!"

by Exarius

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Unknown2006-07-29 21:17:49
Gwylifar, some of the posts that he has written I have read but more or less what he does post, I don't read because its too damn long. And my poor peepers are usually tired by the time he posts/I read whatever he's said, so I'm like skim it.

If he does derive pleasure...whatever from being hated, then the best way to stop him from doing that sort of stuff is by ignoring him. Eventually he will go away if no one pays attention to him. If you ignore something long enough it eventually fades into the folds of history.

Gwylifar2006-07-30 14:07:04
Sure, that'd stop him if everyone did it, but where's the fun in that? If he insists on being... like he is, then everyone else has the right to laugh. Same contract we all have in a public place.
Everiine2006-08-02 06:09:09
Whatever people's opinions are, deal with it. Rants are fine, most in fact are pretty funny, which is why I usually read them. Just everyone admit that no one will see your point of view just as you see it and expect people to jump all over you for it.