Could somebody help me with triggers/alias/maybe something else
by Minerva
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Minerva2006-08-11 21:11:52
Could somebody make me triggers that would switch between influencing @target with begging and supplication and use si alias to start it pretty please? Yes I have looked through the forums and if I start it it is legal.
Ohh I need it in Mushclient language if it matters its set to vbscript
Ohh I need it in Mushclient language if it matters its set to vbscript
Esano2006-08-12 00:23:31
#CLASS {Influencing}
#VAR {influence} {}
#VAR {target} {}
#VAR {lastinfluence} {}
#ALIAS {influenceon} {influence=1;#ECHO ~}
#ALIAS {influenceoff} {influence=0;#ECHO ~}
#ALIAS {tar} {target=%1;#ECHOP ~}
#TRIGGER {You thrust your hand out to (*) and beg shamlessly.} {lastinfluence=beg}
#TRIGGER {Explaining your abject poverty, you humbly request for a little help from} {lastinfluence=supplication}
#ALIAS {si} {#IF {@influence=1} {#IF {@lastinfluence=beg} {influence @tar with supplication} {influence @tar with begging;#TEMP {You have recovered equilibrium.} {si}}}}
#VAR {influence} {}
#VAR {target} {}
#VAR {lastinfluence} {}
#ALIAS {influenceon} {influence=1;#ECHO ~}
#ALIAS {influenceoff} {influence=0;#ECHO ~}
#ALIAS {tar} {target=%1;#ECHOP ~}
#TRIGGER {You thrust your hand out to (*) and beg shamlessly.} {lastinfluence=beg}
#TRIGGER {Explaining your abject poverty, you humbly request for a little help from} {lastinfluence=supplication}
#ALIAS {si} {#IF {@influence=1} {#IF {@lastinfluence=beg} {influence @tar with supplication} {influence @tar with begging;#TEMP {You have recovered equilibrium.} {si}}}}
There you are. Very messy, made for ZMud. Save it in a notepad file, and import it (settings, import, script, find it). If you do it through the command line, make sure that expanding variables in the command line isn't on (settings, preferences, general, find general parsing in the left hand menu, make sure the box next to expand variables isn't ticked.)
If you don't use ZMud, find someone to translate it.
EDIT: Not tested, but it should work.
Minerva2006-08-12 00:26:21
Thanks you very much