Kharvik2006-08-15 23:42:45
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Aug 15 2006, 05:42 AM) 319609
It's like dominate, the potential is there. It will never live up to it though.
You fool, poison gas is insane. Against anyone decent, they'll be in your demesne longer than 3 mins and once they start to pass out it's pretty much over for them unless they have lots of food.
Also, it might only do 100 damage, but combine that passive damage with your wyrm's pathetic damage, the rockslides 1k+ damage, phantoms 2-500 damage, your staff, other junk, it all adds up in the end and every bit of damage counts.
Ashteru2006-08-15 23:57:53
QUOTE(Kharvik @ Aug 15 2006, 11:42 PM) 319799
You fool, poison gas is insane. Against anyone decent, they'll be in your demesne longer than 3 mins and once they start to pass out it's pretty much over for them unless they have lots of food.
U suck.

Also, it might only do 100 damage, but combine that passive damage with your wyrm's pathetic damage, the rockslides 1k+ damage, phantoms 2-500 damage, your staff, other junk, it all adds up in the end and every bit of damage counts.
Sorry, rockslide does 700 damage, poison does 100 damage, phantoms do 400 damage if I can put them up, staff does 1000 damage. So, basically I could do 3200 damage in a room of 10 seconds, whereas Aquastaff and Aquahailstorm alone do 1500 damage to me in 3.6 seconds. So basically an Aquamancer can do more damage to me by just staffing than me with all demesne and all that shit.
Unknown2006-08-16 00:06:25
Yep, but all your stuff would cause affilctions which can pile up and make his 3.6 seconds longer. Not saying it'd make a huge difference but 

Ashteru2006-08-16 00:19:05
QUOTE(Valdis. @ Aug 16 2006, 12:06 AM) 319802
Yep, but all your stuff would cause affilctions which can pile up and make his 3.6 seconds longer. Not saying it'd make a huge difference but

My stuff doesn't do afflictions... ._.
Diamondais2006-08-16 00:21:30
Yeah it does..if you manage to time tremors and lodestone right. knockdown and broken legs. Starving from poison gas. Cant really remember too much else about the Geo demesne though right now.
Ashteru2006-08-16 00:38:52
QUOTE(diamondais @ Aug 16 2006, 12:21 AM) 319810
Yeah it does..if you manage to time tremors and lodestone right. knockdown and broken legs. Starving from poison gas. Cant really remember too much else about the Geo demesne though right now.
Don't think that tremors still breaks legs, haven't noticed it in ages. Knockdown isn't really an affliction, there's worse than 1.5 seconds stun. And as I said, poison gas isn't bad if you just do it like everyone does and remove the demesne after you go in.
Diamondais2006-08-16 00:42:43
Really? Ill have to test it out later.
Kharvik2006-08-16 00:47:37
You stare deep into Stangmar's soul and discern that:
Stangmar's health stands at 3014/3014.
Stangmar's mana stands at 3191/3191.
Stangmar's ego stands at 2660/2660.
Stangmar's power stands at 10/10.
4600h, 5850m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Dark shadows flicker across the eyes of Daevos.
4600h, 5850m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A small crack appears in the Megalith of Doom as it is drained in power.
4600h, 5850m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Dvyrus places his hands on the Megalith of Doom and disappears in a fountain of
pulsating energy.
4600h, 5850m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Ashteru leaves, following Deathlord Daevos, the Dragon of Midnight.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar gives you the once over.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar says, "Pssshhhh..."
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Veonira places her hands on the Megalith of Doom and disappears in a fountain of
pulsating energy.
The air freshens as a taint wyrm slithers off to the ether.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You scoop up a handful of dirt and spit into it. Molding the tainted mud into a
snake-like form, you breathe life into it. Tossing it to the ground, it wiggles
and grows into a hideous taint wyrm.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 0p Six-
You use your divine power to refresh yourself.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p Six-
The following beings are in your entourage:
A taint wyrm#30134.
The following players are in your entourage:
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p Six-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Finger extended, Stangmar pokes a taint wyrm.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You thump the ground with your foot, and the earth begins to shake, sending out
tremors in all directions.
4600h, 5950m, 5500e, 10p Six-ROCKSLIDE INITIATED
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You pick up a handful of tainted pebbles and toss them to the ground where they
bounce and begin to grow. The earth suddenly tilts, forcing rocks to start to
wobble and slide.
4600h, 5800m, 5500e, 10p Six- LODESTONES INITIATED
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 5800m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
"Ummmm," Stangmar says uncertainly.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You pick up a small stone and rub it against the side of your head. You drop the
stone and the tainted earth hums with a deep, foreboding note.
4600h, 5975m, 5500e, 10p Six-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 5975m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You create an illusory phantom and send it into the mind of Stangmar.
4600h, 5950m, 5500e, 10p Six-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 5950m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
In a moment of forgiveness, you declare that you have no enemies.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar is now one of your enemies.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
"Bastard!" shrieks Stangmar.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar starts to beat on you, his hands taking up a regular rhythm.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Dust clouds rise as the earth shifts and sharp rocks slide and bounce, some
flying into the air. Stangmar yelps in pain as several of them smash into him.
A deep, foreboding hum emanates from the tainted earth, and then Stangmar is
suddenly slammed into the ground by an irresistable force.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You order a taint wyrm to kill Stangmar.
A taint wyrm obeys your command.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Stangmar's eyes.
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Scrunching up his face, Stangmar clenches a fist and scream, "BOOYAH!"
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A taint wyrm opens its maw and exhales a poisonous stench right into Stangmar's
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath stares at Stangmar with a burning intensity.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Dust clouds rise as the earth shifts and sharp rocks slide and bounce, some
flying into the air. Stangmar yelps in pain as several of them smash into him.
A deep, foreboding hum emanates from the tainted earth, and then Stangmar is
suddenly slammed into the ground by an irresistable force.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Archmage Telrath d'Murani says, "Dead."
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Stangmar's eyes.
Stangmar drops over dead, his face frozen in terror.
You have slain Stangmar.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
Stangmar drops some golden sovereigns onto the ground.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat
with Stangmar.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
A reflection of Telrath blinks out of existence.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath suddenly scoops up some gold sovereigns.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
The soul of Stangmar swirls in the air like a sparkling whirlwind, then vanishes
in a flash of chromatic colours.
The Megalith of Doom flares with chromatic colours, as Stangmar steps out of it,
looking remarkably fresh and vitalized.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath takes a long drag off his pipe.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath takes a long drag off his pipe.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You declare that Burgher Stangmar will no longer be one of your enemies.
That's a fair amount of passive damage considering I have no karma buffs, not to mention hunger wasnt there, I just sat and didn't staff, his legs were passively broken, he was stunned, if I had other effects up he'd have gotten a lvl 1 sip penalty, been blinded, and I usually put up reality so there would also be passive stupidity/dimentia/other mind afflictions... then you have two daggers which would probably do about 100 each with afflictions. I repeat, Ashteru you fool!
We are grossly overpowered, accept it.
Stangmar's health stands at 3014/3014.
Stangmar's mana stands at 3191/3191.
Stangmar's ego stands at 2660/2660.
Stangmar's power stands at 10/10.
4600h, 5850m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Dark shadows flicker across the eyes of Daevos.
4600h, 5850m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A small crack appears in the Megalith of Doom as it is drained in power.
4600h, 5850m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Dvyrus places his hands on the Megalith of Doom and disappears in a fountain of
pulsating energy.
4600h, 5850m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Ashteru leaves, following Deathlord Daevos, the Dragon of Midnight.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar gives you the once over.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar says, "Pssshhhh..."
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Veonira places her hands on the Megalith of Doom and disappears in a fountain of
pulsating energy.
The air freshens as a taint wyrm slithers off to the ether.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You scoop up a handful of dirt and spit into it. Molding the tainted mud into a
snake-like form, you breathe life into it. Tossing it to the ground, it wiggles
and grows into a hideous taint wyrm.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 0p Six-
You use your divine power to refresh yourself.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p Six-
The following beings are in your entourage:
A taint wyrm#30134.
The following players are in your entourage:
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p Six-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Finger extended, Stangmar pokes a taint wyrm.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You thump the ground with your foot, and the earth begins to shake, sending out
tremors in all directions.
4600h, 5950m, 5500e, 10p Six-ROCKSLIDE INITIATED
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You pick up a handful of tainted pebbles and toss them to the ground where they
bounce and begin to grow. The earth suddenly tilts, forcing rocks to start to
wobble and slide.
4600h, 5800m, 5500e, 10p Six- LODESTONES INITIATED
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 5800m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
"Ummmm," Stangmar says uncertainly.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You pick up a small stone and rub it against the side of your head. You drop the
stone and the tainted earth hums with a deep, foreboding note.
4600h, 5975m, 5500e, 10p Six-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 5975m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You create an illusory phantom and send it into the mind of Stangmar.
4600h, 5950m, 5500e, 10p Six-
You have recovered equilibrium.
4600h, 5950m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
In a moment of forgiveness, you declare that you have no enemies.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar is now one of your enemies.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
"Bastard!" shrieks Stangmar.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar starts to beat on you, his hands taking up a regular rhythm.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Dust clouds rise as the earth shifts and sharp rocks slide and bounce, some
flying into the air. Stangmar yelps in pain as several of them smash into him.
A deep, foreboding hum emanates from the tainted earth, and then Stangmar is
suddenly slammed into the ground by an irresistable force.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You order a taint wyrm to kill Stangmar.
A taint wyrm obeys your command.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Stangmar's eyes.
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Scrunching up his face, Stangmar clenches a fist and scream, "BOOYAH!"
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A taint wyrm opens its maw and exhales a poisonous stench right into Stangmar's
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath stares at Stangmar with a burning intensity.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Dust clouds rise as the earth shifts and sharp rocks slide and bounce, some
flying into the air. Stangmar yelps in pain as several of them smash into him.
A deep, foreboding hum emanates from the tainted earth, and then Stangmar is
suddenly slammed into the ground by an irresistable force.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Archmage Telrath d'Murani says, "Dead."
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Stangmar eats a bunch of pennyroyal.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Blood trickles out of the corners of Stangmar's eyes.
Stangmar drops over dead, his face frozen in terror.
You have slain Stangmar.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
Stangmar drops some golden sovereigns onto the ground.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat
with Stangmar.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
A reflection of Telrath blinks out of existence.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath suddenly scoops up some gold sovereigns.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
The soul of Stangmar swirls in the air like a sparkling whirlwind, then vanishes
in a flash of chromatic colours.
The Megalith of Doom flares with chromatic colours, as Stangmar steps out of it,
looking remarkably fresh and vitalized.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath takes a long drag off his pipe.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
Telrath takes a long drag off his pipe.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to
buck beneath your feet.
4600h, 6100m, 5500e, 10p eSix-
You declare that Burgher Stangmar will no longer be one of your enemies.
That's a fair amount of passive damage considering I have no karma buffs, not to mention hunger wasnt there, I just sat and didn't staff, his legs were passively broken, he was stunned, if I had other effects up he'd have gotten a lvl 1 sip penalty, been blinded, and I usually put up reality so there would also be passive stupidity/dimentia/other mind afflictions... then you have two daggers which would probably do about 100 each with afflictions. I repeat, Ashteru you fool!

Diamondais2006-08-16 00:49:39
Hes just not timing it right! 

Ashteru2006-08-16 00:55:18
QUOTE(Kharvik @ Aug 16 2006, 12:47 AM) 319821
That's a fair amount of passive damage considering I have no karma buffs, not to mention hunger wasnt there, I just sat and didn't staff, his legs were passively broken, he was stunned, if I had other effects up he'd have gotten a lvl 1 sip penalty, been blinded, and I usually put up reality so there would also be passive stupidity/dimentia/other mind afflictions... then you have two daggers which would probably do about 100 each with afflictions. I repeat, Ashteru you fool!

By all that you forget that all our damage is intbased.

You glance over Stangmar and see that his health is at 3014/3014.
You assess the bodily wounds as follows:
* Head has no wounds.
* Chest has no wounds.
* Gut has no wounds.
* Left arm has no wounds.
* Right arm has no wounds.
* Left leg has no wounds.
* Right leg has no wounds.
5957h, 5007m, 5106e, 10p slrxk<>---/02:51:50.578/
A violent tremor rocks the land, causing the earth to shake and the ground to buck beneath your feet.
A deep, foreboding hum emanates from the tainted earth, and then Stangmar is suddenly slammed into the ground by an irresistable force.
Dust clouds rise as the earth shifts and sharp rocks slide and bounce, some flying into the air. Stangmar yelps in pain as several of them smash into him.
5957h, 5007m, 5106e, 10p slrxk<>---/02:51:51.140/
You must regain equilibrium first.
5957h, 5007m, 5106e, 10p slrxk<>---/02:51:52.125/
You have recovered equilibrium.
5957h, 5082m, 5106e, 10p eslrxk<>---/02:51:53.234/
"Ouch!", Stangmar shrieks in pain.
5957h, 5082m, 5106e, 10p eslrxk<>-
You glance over Stangmar and see that his health is at 2504/3014.
You assess the bodily wounds as follows:
* Head has no wounds.
* Chest has no wounds.
* Gut has no wounds.
* Left arm has no wounds.
* Right arm has no wounds.
* Left leg has no wounds.
* Right leg has no wounds.
Unknown2006-08-16 00:58:11
What is your int compared to Kharviks?
Ashteru2006-08-16 00:58:58
His base int is 18, I think, mine was 16 at the time.
Ashteru2006-08-16 01:27:45
Wrath of Brom, Ashteru d'Illici, Fomentor of Discord
Strength : 14 Dexterity : 15 Constitution : 16
Intelligence : 16 Size : 9 Charisma : 15
That's with a herofete I got after it, but at the moment I am running around with a highfavour, too.
Strength : 14 Dexterity : 15 Constitution : 16
Intelligence : 16 Size : 9 Charisma : 15
That's with a herofete I got after it, but at the moment I am running around with a highfavour, too.
Unknown2006-08-16 02:37:55
Rockslide does more damage if they are prone. He may or may not have been, can't tell from that log if he had levitation up.
And that was only one effect. You forgot phantoms/taint wyrm/hunger and the sip penalty.
Geomancers have no right to be complaining at all, whatsoever.
And that was only one effect. You forgot phantoms/taint wyrm/hunger and the sip penalty.
Geomancers have no right to be complaining at all, whatsoever.
Narsrim2006-08-16 02:48:43
If you hate demesne so much, stfu and change classes. Boohoo, no one stays in my demesne for more than a minute. Boohoo, I have poison gas and six seconds of unconsciousness isn't good enough for me. Boohoo.
Ashteru2006-08-16 10:14:31
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Aug 16 2006, 02:48 AM) 319885
If you hate demesne so much, stfu and change classes. Boohoo, no one stays in my demesne for more than a minute. Boohoo, I have poison gas and six seconds of unconsciousness isn't good enough for me. Boohoo.
Awww, it's cute how you try to insult someone and look like an idiot.

Rockslide does more damage if they are prone. He may or may not have been, can't tell from that log if he had levitation up.
And that was only one effect. You forgot phantoms/taint wyrm/hunger and the sip penalty.
Geomancers have no right to be complaining at all, whatsoever.
He was completely undeffed. You all seem to think Geos are great just because some Demigods do a lot of damage with it. The demesne does shit damage, the wyrm does about another 100, phantoms did 3 or 400 to Iblis. Sip penalty takes 100 from a sip away.
Sylphas2006-08-16 15:22:43
So you'd deal 1k or more passive damage to me, and I'll sip for 600-700? Plus your staff for maybe 800, if not more? That's 1.1k a round more than I would be sipping for, just as an estimate. Half of that is passive. My demesne does maybe 200 and 100 bleeding, if I'm lucky.
Shamarah2006-08-16 15:34:46
I really hope you're not complaining that the druid demesne is inferior, of all things. 

Sylphas2006-08-16 15:48:04
I prefer mage demesnes. We have absolutely no use for asthma (as a Hartstone at least, not sure of Blacktalon) and our damage isn't great. It's hallucinations/confusion/dementia and paralysis each round, along with treelife/treebane. It's really not that bad until we stick sap (or Thornlash I guess, now).
I'm not going to say druid demesnes are crap (although Harststone could use a bit of love, compared to Blacktalon). But each demesne has it's advantages. Geo demesnes are hard to move in and do good damage. They have nearly uncounterable poison gas. I'm just not sure why he's complaining.
I'm not going to say druid demesnes are crap (although Harststone could use a bit of love, compared to Blacktalon). But each demesne has it's advantages. Geo demesnes are hard to move in and do good damage. They have nearly uncounterable poison gas. I'm just not sure why he's complaining.
Ashteru2006-08-16 15:58:00
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Aug 16 2006, 03:22 PM) 320059
So you'd deal 1k or more passive damage to me, and I'll sip for 600-700? Plus your staff for maybe 800, if not more? That's 1.1k a round more than I would be sipping for, just as an estimate. Half of that is passive. My demesne does maybe 200 and 100 bleeding, if I'm lucky.
I'll deal 1k passive damage to you, probably less since the damagesource is still magic, during 10 seconds. So you'll most likely sip twice or thrice in it.