A MUSHclient question.

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-08-14 19:19:03
Does MUSHclient use Keybindings, or Hotkeys as they're called on some clients? I'm just curious, because I've got MUSH on my computer (although I havn't registered it yet...) And I'm considering looking at it and making some stuff for it. But, most of my attacks and stuff use Hotkeys/Keybindings. Could someone answer, and say how they're made?

Unknown2006-08-14 19:44:27
those are called "Macros". You just press a key and it does all of what you want

A tip, though. Try to do first an alias with the actual command if you plan on putting conditions or something, and then put the alias in the Key you want to put it

like making an alias called Greetings. If your target is family you will hug them and say hallo. If it's not than you well only say Greetings. Put the alias greetings in F6 and each time you press that key you will greet
Unknown2006-08-14 23:22:58
Yes, MUSHclient does macros/keybindings/hotkeys. You can have them do practically anything you want: I have macros that execute aliases that call script subroutines that do something super-fancy. And it's really pretty simple. I'll caution that you have far fewer possible keys available for this than with zMUD. You can use: the keypad, Ctrl + keypad, Alt + half the alphabet, the F keys, and the F keys with Shift or Alt.

You'll find them under Game > Configure... > Macros/Keypad and in the Send fields you should enter either Lusternia commands or alias names.
Unknown2006-08-14 23:27:49

here's an example of my current Keypad-jabbity love I have
Ethelon2006-08-14 23:30:11
You can use the Accelerator functions to make any key a macro
Unknown2006-08-15 03:35:29
Hmm... What's a Subroutine, then? I've always wondered...