guard influencing

by Minerva

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Minerva2006-08-16 20:37:14
Well I use mushclient and all but I was wondering if its posible to do something like this. Hag1 and it would do ih guard and the first hag it finds it sets x and thats sets my target. I'm also wondering if this is posible is anybody willing to help me set it up?
Malarious2006-08-28 09:45:23
Is it possible? Yes. Do I know how? No. Would it be complicated? Probably.

However, would be an utter waste of time. When the trigger would run it might grab the last one since it may repeat for each and everyone that causes it to run (each and every guard matching 'hag'). In the event that was handled grabbing the first guard would suck after influencing the first one... and not worth the time to make an alias for each one or put in all the time to make one omni alias... sorry.

Thought you should get at least one reply though.