Aliases and MushClient

by Unknown

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Unknown2006-08-18 14:09:48
I am trying to make a targeting system using an alias, so far I've tried:
Target *, for the alias
world.SetVariable "Target" , %1

but it doesnt work, any suggestions??
Unknown2006-08-18 14:15:23
Hmm... I'm not sure if this'll work for you, but you could do it another quick way, just do ST TAR , then have your alias do (I'm using the Staffblast ability as an example. Change according to your weapon) POINT STAFF AT &TAR, then just do whatever the alias was for STAFFBLAST, and you attack!
Taika2006-08-18 14:49:40
Make sure you have mushclient send it to SCRIPT rather than WORLD.