Unknown2006-08-20 19:04:15
67000 gold for all contents. Chervil and spice calculated at 1g apiece, the rest at standard market value and then rounded down. Contains all healing herbs. All in all, a pretty good deal.
PM me or send me a tell.
Glancing into the Rift, you see:
  arnica            calamus            chervil
  coltsfoot          faeleaf            galingale
  horehound          kafe              kombu
  marjoram          myrtle            pennyroyal
  reishi            sparkleberry      spices
  wormwood          yarrow
  arnica            calamus            chervil
  coltsfoot          faeleaf            galingale
  horehound          kafe              kombu
  marjoram          myrtle            pennyroyal
  reishi            sparkleberry      spices
  wormwood          yarrow
PM me or send me a tell.
Unknown2006-08-20 22:08:22