Utility Abilities/Effects

by Estarra

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Verithrax2006-09-04 23:22:22
Obligatory CBG quote:

"I was married once in an online fantasy game. We were thinking of having children but that would've severely drained my power crystals."
Unknown2006-09-05 08:07:29
QUOTE(Nementh @ Sep 4 2006, 11:08 PM) 327793

None of those exist in real life either... I was just pointing out that it makes no sense to be able to sleep and fly. Flying just requires to much work.

It doesn't "make sense" to be able to stare at cuts to make them heal, or to concentrate on mototr skills to get them back. If you can do this, then I would say you can make wingbeats subconcious.
Sylphas2006-09-05 12:22:58
You pretty much lose all voluntary motor function while sleeping, and I believe your brain actually paralyses you for a good bit of it, so you don't go running off a cliff because you're dreaming. That most definitely precludes flying.

Also, all those other abilities do make sense within the context of Lusternia, whereas flying while asleep does not. They're all based on force of mind, of which you basically have none while you're sleeping.
Shiri2006-09-05 12:37:02
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Sep 5 2006, 01:22 PM) 327995

You pretty much lose all voluntary motor function while sleeping, and I believe your brain actually paralyses you for a good bit of it, so you don't go running off a cliff because you're dreaming. That most definitely precludes flying.

How do you sleepwalk then?
Unknown2006-09-05 13:46:48
On another note, how do dolphins come up to breathe air while sleeping? Easy, they sleep only one half of their brain at a time so that they are never completely unconscious. They will be in this resting state about 8 hours a day.

I do not see how this couldn't apply to flying in regards to Trill in a fantasy setting.
Unknown2006-09-05 14:06:46
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Sep 5 2006, 02:46 PM) 328004

On another note, how do dolphins come up to breathe air while sleeping? Easy, they sleep only one half of their brain at a time so that they are never completely unconscious. They will be in this resting state about 8 hours a day.

I do not see how this couldn't apply to flying in regards to Trill in a fantasy setting.

It could very easily work for Trill. Flying is as a natural part of our lives as it is for birds. If we can do any of the things in discipline, you would have thought we could keep part of our brains concious dunno.gif
Sylphas2006-09-05 15:06:06
QUOTE(Shiri @ Sep 5 2006, 08:37 AM) 327996

How do you sleepwalk then?

I'm sure your brain is functioning differently when sleepwalking then it is while actually asleep.

Also, if Trill were always flying, I could imagine it being possible. As it is, though, game mechanics keep them tied to the ground, with flying used for utility here and there. Maybe someone RPs a Trill who only lands when absolutely neccessary, but I somehow doubt it. :shrug: I'm probably just biased, though, the thought of anything being able to fly while asleep strikes me as ridiculous and I can't make it fit into my brain. It would be hard for me to see this in game and not stop and say "WTF?".
Shorlen2006-09-05 15:25:20
Unknown2006-09-05 21:55:17
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Sep 5 2006, 04:06 PM) 328022

I'm sure your brain is functioning differently when sleepwalking then it is while actually asleep.

Also, if Trill were always flying, I could imagine it being possible. As it is, though, game mechanics keep them tied to the ground, with flying used for utility here and there. Maybe someone RPs a Trill who only lands when absolutely neccessary, but I somehow doubt it. :shrug: I'm probably just biased, though, the thought of anything being able to fly while asleep strikes me as ridiculous and I can't make it fit into my brain. It would be hard for me to see this in game and not stop and say "WTF?".

Give me a difference between someone to whom flying comes naturally sleepflying, and someone to whom walking comes naturally sleepwalking. Both flying and walking come naturally to a trill.

And seeing as we are discussing the basis for an idea for a utility skill, this is not off topic tongue.gif
Daganev2006-09-05 22:44:07
Definitly, we should rework the entire combat system so that when a man goes down or gets hit, you have to call in a medic. Then, you have to take them to the hospital for weeks of recoup.
Mirk2006-09-05 22:51:20
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Sep 5 2006, 07:22 AM) 327995

You pretty much lose all voluntary motor function while sleeping, and I believe your brain actually paralyses you for a good bit of it, so you don't go running off a cliff because you're dreaming. That most definitely precludes flying.

Also, all those other abilities do make sense within the context of Lusternia, whereas flying while asleep does not. They're all based on force of mind, of which you basically have none while you're sleeping.

Sooty Tern breeds in colonies on rocky or coral islands. It nests in a ground scrape or hole and lays one to three eggs. It feeds by picking fish from the surface in marine environments, often in large flocks, and rarely comes to land except to breed, and can stay out to sea (either soaring or floating on the water) for between 3 to 10 years
via wikipedia

Activities such as eating, dressing or even driving cars and whistling have also been recorded as taking place while the subjects are technically asleep.

also wikipedia

Physiologically, certain neurons in the brain stem, known as REM sleep-on cells (located in the pontine tegmentum), are particularly active during REM sleep, and are probably responsible for its occurrence. The release of certain neurotransmitters, the monoamines (norepinephrine, serotonin and histamine), is completely shut down during REM. This causes REM atonia, a state in which the motor neurons are not stimulated and thus the body's muscles don't move (AKA paralysis). The lack of REM atonia causes REM Behavior Disorder; sufferers act out the movements occurring in their dreams.

I.e., your body is only 'paralyzed' during rem sleep

and more from wikipedia

I wub.gif wikipedia.
Sylphas2006-09-05 23:25:14
Either soaring or floating on the surface of the water

I'd assume this is when they are sleeping.

Birds fly far more often than Trill, yet I still haven't seen evidence that anything at all sleeps while in flight.

Anyway, if you get it, cool. I'll just have to strip levitation off all the sleeping Trill I see flying and then send them crashing into the ground. evil.gif
Verithrax2006-09-06 00:04:05
QUOTE(Mirk @ Sep 5 2006, 07:51 PM) 328279

Sooty Tern breeds in colonies on rocky or coral islands. It nests in a ground scrape or hole and lays one to three eggs. It feeds by picking fish from the surface in marine environments, often in large flocks, and rarely comes to land except to breed, and can stay out to sea (either soaring or floating on the water) for between 3 to 10 years
via wikipedia

Activities such as eating, dressing or even driving cars and whistling have also been recorded as taking place while the subjects are technically asleep.

also wikipedia

Physiologically, certain neurons in the brain stem, known as REM sleep-on cells (located in the pontine tegmentum), are particularly active during REM sleep, and are probably responsible for its occurrence. The release of certain neurotransmitters, the monoamines (norepinephrine, serotonin and histamine), is completely shut down during REM. This causes REM atonia, a state in which the motor neurons are not stimulated and thus the body's muscles don't move (AKA paralysis). The lack of REM atonia causes REM Behavior Disorder; sufferers act out the movements occurring in their dreams.

I.e., your body is only 'paralyzed' during rem sleep

Not that I don't think Trill shouldn't be able to sleep during flight, but not getting any REM sleep is pretty much the same as not sleeping at all.
Nementh2006-09-06 00:53:33
REM is the phase of sleep in which the mind is 'maintaining' itself. To give an allusion to computers, it is basically benchtesting fixes made in the other phases, and then defragging. (Literally defraging. That is why dreams may seem to be combine from random memories. The mind is recalling them and storing them better.)

Lack of REM sleep causes acclerated memory decay. Also, the muscles which are normally paralyzed, do not get the 'rest' they need, and they stay just as weary as they were before going to sleep.

You'd wake up feeling just as tired as you were when you went to sleep, and after several nights of no REM sleep, you would be essentially useless.

Good luck having the mental discipline to sleep while flying when you lack the mental clairty to even realize you have wings...

(A study done on rats, who were prevented from having REM sleep, showed that after a fairly short time of lack of REM sleep, the rats acted as if drunk, and then eventually died... REM sleep is OBVIOUSLY important.)
Unknown2006-09-06 07:23:45
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Sep 6 2006, 01:04 AM) 328311

Not that I don't think Trill shouldn't be able to sleep during flight, but not getting any REM sleep is pretty much the same as not sleeping at all.

Unless they do go into REM sleep, but develop a way to not be affected by atonia when asleep.

QUOTE(Nementh @ Sep 6 2006, 01:53 AM) 328325

REM is the phase of sleep in which the mind is 'maintaining' itself. To give an allusion to computers, it is basically benchtesting fixes made in the other phases, and then defragging. (Literally defraging. That is why dreams may seem to be combine from random memories. The mind is recalling them and storing them better.)

Lack of REM sleep causes acclerated memory decay. Also, the muscles which are normally paralyzed, do not get the 'rest' they need, and they stay just as weary as they were before going to sleep.

You'd wake up feeling just as tired as you were when you went to sleep, and after several nights of no REM sleep, you would be essentially useless.

Good luck having the mental discipline to sleep while flying when you lack the mental clairty to even realize you have wings...

(A study done on rats, who were prevented from having REM sleep, showed that after a fairly short time of lack of REM sleep, the rats acted as if drunk, and then eventually died... REM sleep is OBVIOUSLY important.)

Even if a human doesn't realise he has legs, he can still stand up in the mornings and walk about sleepily. At that age, walking comes naturally to humans. Humans focus on their legs for movement. Trill focus on their legs and wings for movement, and flying comes naturally to them. They just walk around more because thats where everything happens.

Most species of bird fly most of the time because, for them, it's heaps faster than walking/running/hopping, so they are more dependent on flying than trill are.
Gelo2006-09-06 08:22:42
QUOTE(Richter @ Sep 5 2006, 07:53 AM) 327788

I like the marriage skillset idea. I think Ragnarok has something like that, don't they?

In RO, the females could use an ability that would give buff to her husband. The males could use an ability that will let them take the damage their wives receive. I think you can only do this once a minute or something... not entirely sure. Given the nature of marriages in Lusternia, male-male, female-female, male-female, undecided/still confused-bi.. this could become interesting. smile.gif

And I also think theres an artifact in Achaea that will let 2 people teleport to each other under similar conditions as to magi portal. Perhaps this could be introduced to the married couple? dunno.gif
QUOTE(Anonymous @ Sep 5 2006, 11:46 PM) 328004

On another note, how do dolphins come up to breathe air while sleeping? Easy, they sleep only one half of their brain at a time so that they are never completely unconscious. They will be in this resting state about 8 hours a day.

On another note, Sharks could drown in water while sleeping if they dont face the direction of the currents. I heard they have to face the direction of the current so water could enter their gills.
Genos2006-09-06 20:43:26
I think it would be cool for some extra utility to flying. Maybe have Trills (and maybe Faelings but I don't see them flying as high as a Trill could) to SOAR and DESCEND which takes them extremely high up into the air so they can be protected from things like Hexagram/Sylph but maybe have it so they use more endurance and maybe could take random asphyxiation damage since there's a lower amount of oxygen high up in the air (if the atmosphere in Lusternia is the same as in RL).

Also, if you have the ability to Fly and walk out of the trees into a room without tress you automatically glide to the ground instead of falling.
Sylphas2006-09-06 23:21:42
QUOTE(Genos @ Sep 6 2006, 04:43 PM) 328593
Also, if you have the ability to Fly and walk out of the trees into a room without tress you automatically glide to the ground instead of falling.

I've always assumed that you suddenly tumble from the trees, not that you realize their aren't trees and have time to float down, otherwise you'd just climb down and move normally. If you're falling out of a tree and didn't expect it, it would be nearly impossible to spread your wings and catch the air enough to glide.

That said, it would be a very neat ability and would be cool to see it implemented. (It doesn't break my brain nearly as much as sleeping in flight would.)
Gelo2006-09-07 06:33:18
Ally list - not your allies but shows the list of people who considers you an ally. Same for enemy list. THis would be nice, I think.
Shorlen2006-09-08 01:23:56
A skill to make a room glow with light such that movements by shrouded people into and out of the room are visible, and shrouded people are visible inside the room.

Oooh! The ability to SHOVE npcs out of the trees biggrin.gif Get those guards back on the ground, and denizens like Ladies and Daughters. If they're aggressive on you, they'll just climb back up.