Neat Little Script

by Kharaen

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Kharaen2006-09-10 00:19:15
It took me a while to make this, but I finally have it, and I'm quite proud of it. It's more of a conveniance thing, and if you don't use you status window, it shouldn't take up much screen space. This script simply keeps track of which spiritbonds are on/off.

Typing spirits should make it all appear 'off' unless you have some on, and the defaults are set to the 'off' state, so that they turn off when you log off.

If there's a way to make this look better, I wouldn't mind seeing it. This is my first attempt at messing with status windows, so any advice would be appreiciated, thanks!

#CLASS {Totems}

#ALIAS sbsq {spiritbond squirrel}
#ALIAS sbnight {spiritbond night}
#ALIAS sbsun {spiritbond sun}
#ALIAS sbrock {spiritbond rock}
#ALIAS sbmoon {spiritbond moon}
#ALIAS sbcrow {spiritbond crow}
#ALIAS sbtree {spiritbond tree}
#ALIAS sbgh {spiritbond groundhog}
#ALIAS sbtrout {spiritbond trout}
#ALIAS sbw {spiritbond wolf}
#ALIAS sbb {spiritbond bear}
#ALIAS sbsk {spiritbond skunk}
#ALIAS sbc {spiritbond crow}
#ALIAS sbear {spiritbond bear}
#ALIAS sbn {spiritbond nature}
#ALIAS sbm {spiritbond monkey}
#ALIAS sbs {spiritbond snake}
#ALIAS sbh { spiritbond horse}
#ALIAS sbstag {spiritbond stag}
#ALIAS sbr { spiritbond river}

#TRIGGER {^The spirit of squirrel grants you the ability to forage.} {Squirrel=~Squirrel...... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of squirrel, silently thanking the spirit for bonding} {Squirrel=~Squirrel. = NOT Bonded ~}
#COND {with you.$} {}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of squirrel to provide sustenance for you. You cannot} {Squirrel=~Squirrel...... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^During the dark hours, the spirit of mother night will conceal you.$} {Night=~Night......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of night, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Night=~Night..... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of mother night to hide you. Her dark presence makes } {}
#COND {your skin crawl.$} {Night=~Night......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^Under the night sky, your mana replenishes, a gift from the spirit of the moon.$} {Moon=~Moon.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of moon, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Moon=~Moon...... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of moon and a soft shaft of moonlight beams down upon } {}
#COND {you, filling you with power.$} {Moon=~Moon.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of sun, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Sun=~Sun....... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of sun and a warm ray of sunlight infuses you with } {}
#COND {confidence.$} {Sun=~Sun........... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^By the grace of the spirit of the sun, your ego shall replenish during the day.$} {Sun=~Sun........... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^In the presence of mystic trees, be healed by virtue of the spirit of tree.$} {Tree=~Tree.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^The spirit of skunk grants you the dubious gift of stink.$} {Skunk=~Skunk......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of skunk, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Skunk=~Skunk..... = NOT Bonded ~|}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of skunk. You wrinkle your nose as his musky presence } {}
#COND {envelops you.$} {Skunk=~Skunk......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^Make others flee with the power of the spirit of crow.$} {Crow=~Crow.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^Burrow through the ground with the spirit of groundhog.$} {Groundhog=~Groundhog..... = Bonded~ | }
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of groundhog, silently thanking the spirit for bonding } {}
#COND {you.$} {Groundhog=~Groundhog. = NOT Bonded ~|}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of groundhog to grant you the gift of burrowing. Your } {}
#COND {nostrils fill with the scent of earth and a claw brushes your cheek gently.$} {Groundhog=~Groundhog..... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of crow and feel oily black feathers caress your skin, } {}
#COND {making you shudder.$} {Crow=~Crow.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of crow, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Crow=~Crow...... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^The spirit of bear grants you great strength.$} {Bear=~Bear.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of bear, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Bear=~Bear...... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of bear and feel a powerful rush of strength course } {}
#COND {through your veins. You let loose a vigorous roar of exhilaration.$} {Bear=~Bear.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of wolf, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Wolf=~Wolf...... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^Find courage within yourself by the spirit of wolf.$} {Wolf=~Wolf.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of wolf to give you courage. As the power of Wolf } {}
#COND {infuses you, you let out a howl of the wild.$} {Wolf=~Wolf.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of rainbow trout, and a fine spray of water cools your } {}
#COND {skin.$} {Trout=~Trout......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You gain the ability to trueswim and breathe underwater by the spirit of trout.$} {Trout=~Trout......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of trout, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Trout=~Trout..... = NOT Bonded~ |}
} {Moon=~Moon...... = NOT Bonded~ |
Horse=~Horse..... = NOT Bonded~ |
Monkey=~Monkey.... = NOT Bonded~ |
Rock=~Rock...... = NOT Bonded~ |
Snake=~Snake..... = NOT Bonded~ |
Stag=~Stag...... = NOT Bonded~ |
River=~River..... = NOT Bonded~ |
Tree=~Tree...... = NOT Bonded~ |
Night=~Night..... = NOT Bonded~ |
Sun=~Sun....... = NOT Bonded~ |
Bear=~Bear...... = NOT Bonded~ |
Crow=~Crow...... = NOT Bonded~ |
Skunk=~Skunk..... = NOT Bonded ~|
Groundhog=~Groundhog. = NOT Bonded~ |
Squirrel=~Squirrel.. = NOT Bonded~ |
Trout=~Trout..... = NOT Bonded~ |
Wolf=~Wolf...... = NOT Bonded |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of tree to heal you. A gentle breeze carries a rich and} {}
#COND {loamy scent which envigorates you.$} {Tree=~Tree.......... = Bonded~ | }
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of tree, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Tree=~Tree...... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^The spirit of rock will help root you to the earth.$} {Rock=~Rock.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of the great rock to ground you to the earth, and you } {}
#COND {feel your feet become encased in clay.$} {Rock=~Rock.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of rock, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Rock=~Rock...... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of the river daughter and laugh joyously as water } {}
#COND {swirls over your body.$} {River=~River......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^While in the waters of a raging river, the spirit of river will heal you.$} {River=~River......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of river, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {River=~River..... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of snake and feel cool silky coils winding over your } {}
#COND {skin.$} {Snake=~Snake......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^Resist venoms by virtue of the spirit of snake.$} {Snake=~Snake......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of snake, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Snake=~Snake..... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of stag and your scalp itches as invisible antlers } {}
#COND {sprout from your head.$} {Stag=~Stag.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^Run free and fast like the spirit of stag.$} {Stag=~Stag.......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of stag, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {Stag=~Stag...... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#COND {you.$} {}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of monkey and surrender yourself to a sudden urge to } {}
#COND {drag your knuckles on the ground and whoop.$} {Monkey=~Monkey........ = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^The spirit of monkey grants you the ability to move about the trees.$} {Monkey=~Monkey........ = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of monkey, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Monkey=~Monkey.... = NOT Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You call upon the spirit of horse and an electrifying surge of energy ripples } {}
#COND {through your legs, forcing you to neigh loudly.$} {Horse=~Horse......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^Leap over obstacles by virtue of the spirit of horse.$} {Horse=~Horse......... = Bonded~ |}
#TRIGGER {^You release the spirit of horse, silently thanking the spirit for bonding with } {}
#COND {you.$} {Horse=~Horse..... = NOT Bonded~ |}

#VAR Squirrel {Squirrel.. = NOT Bonded |} {Squirrel.. = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Night {Night..... = NOT Bonded |} {Night..... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Skunk {Skunk..... = NOT Bonded |} {Skunk..... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Sun {Sun....... = NOT Bonded |} {Sun....... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Rock {Rock...... = NOT Bonded |} {Rock...... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Moon {Moon...... = NOT Bonded |} {Moon...... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Crow {Crow...... = NOT Bonded |} {Crow...... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Tree {Tree...... = NOT Bonded |} {Tree...... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Groundhog {Groundhog. = NOT Bonded |} {Groundhog. = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Trout {Trout......... = Bonded |} {Trout..... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Wolf {Wolf...... = NOT Bonded |} {Wolf...... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Bear {Bear...... = NOT Bonded |} {Bear...... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Stag {Stag...... = NOT Bonded |} {Stag...... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Horse {Horse......... = Bonded |} {Horse..... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Snake {Snake..... = NOT Bonded |} {Snake..... = NOT Bonded |}
#VAR Monkey {Monkey.... = NOT Bonded |} {Monkey.... = NOT Bonded |}

#STAT {||}
#STW {+=========================+%{cr}| SPIRITBONDS >>>>>>>>>>>>| %{cr}+=========================+%{cr}| DAY / ENVIRONMENT BONDS |%{cr}| @Moon%{cr}| @Night%{cr}| @River%{cr}| @Rock%{cr}| @Sun%{cr}| @Tree%{cr}+-------------------------+%{cr}| ANIMAL BONDS .......... |%{cr}| @Bear%{cr}| @Crow%{cr}| @Groundhog%{cr}| @Horse%{cr}| @Monkey%{cr}| @Skunk%{cr}| @Snake%{cr}| @Squirrel%{cr}| @Stag%{cr}| @Trout%{cr}| @Wolf%{cr}+-------------------------+}