Forging Idea...

by Raysicia

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Raysicia2006-09-10 19:45:24
May already be proposed... new smiting me if they are...

First thing... questions... does your chance for better stats increase if you are transcendant at forging?

Ok that question out of the way... as a Transcendant forger... which should mean there is no skill I could learn to possible be better... should it not be possible to try and forge for a specific stat, something that gives you a better chance of getting.

something like: 'forge for xxxx fast' will try and get you a fast sword?
Soll2006-09-10 19:47:42
Fast swords are rapiers.
Damaging swords are broads.
Precise swords are scimitars.

That's how it goes, really.
Raysicia2006-09-10 19:49:29
I mean if I am forging a rapier, be able to forge for specific stats. I was trying to get a max speed rapier, and I hit max precision 12 times, and max damage almost 15 times, but it took me over 100 forges to get speed
Soll2006-09-10 19:51:43
That is the disadvantage of forging, and it's meant to be like that. It takes a lot of work to get above-average weapons. That's why they're above-average.
Unknown2006-09-10 19:52:53
From what I've seen, it's like this: think of the weapon of your dreams. Think of you wielding it and killing almost everyone with it. Now snap back to reality, you'll probably never going to get a weapon with the exact stats you want. Forging for weapons is much like gambling, you risk when you are reforging. So think well if you really want or not the weapon.

If you want a super fast rapier, forge, reforge. Basically, bet and gamble.