Kharaen2006-09-21 02:09:12
Okay, so I made this in frustration of Shorlen spewing out a bunch of numbers at me, and I'm going er....
So here it is! It's basic, my coding isn't great, but I'm sure someone can perfect this little bit of code!
#CLASS {Learning}
#ALIAS ll {learn %1 @learning from shorlen;#add lessons %1}
#VAR learning {discipline}
#VAR goal {0} {0}
#VAR lessons {0} {0}
#TRIGGER {^Shorlen bows to you - the lesson in @learning is over.$} {#if (@lessons < @goal) {ll 15}}
If you were learning 912 lessons in Discipline, per se, you'd put goal as 912, and learning as discipline!
So here it is! It's basic, my coding isn't great, but I'm sure someone can perfect this little bit of code!
#CLASS {Learning}
#ALIAS ll {learn %1 @learning from shorlen;#add lessons %1}
#VAR learning {discipline}
#VAR goal {0} {0}
#VAR lessons {0} {0}
#TRIGGER {^Shorlen bows to you - the lesson in @learning is over.$} {#if (@lessons < @goal) {ll 15}}
If you were learning 912 lessons in Discipline, per se, you'd put goal as 912, and learning as discipline!
Acrune2006-09-21 03:20:18
Now to make one for everyone else you could possibly learn from besides Shorlen! Good effort, though it does need a little work. As I said, it'd only work if you learn from Shorlen. It also looks like you'd only learn in multiples of 15, so if you tried to learn 40 lessons, you'd stop at 30.
Also doesn't look like you have a way to change your goal or what you want to learn without editing the actual code, though thats easy enough to fix.
Also doesn't look like you have a way to change your goal or what you want to learn without editing the actual code, though thats easy enough to fix.
Diamante2006-09-21 05:44:10
simple just make another varible @tutor
#CLASS {Learning}
#ALIAS ll {learn %1 @learning from @tutor;#add lessons %1}
#VAR learning {discipline}
#VAR goal {0} {0}
#VAR lessons {0} {0}
#VAR tutor {}
#TRIGGER {the lesson in @learning is over.$} {#if (@lessons < @goal) {ll 15}}
#CLASS {Learning}
#ALIAS ll {learn %1 @learning from @tutor;#add lessons %1}
#VAR learning {discipline}
#VAR goal {0} {0}
#VAR lessons {0} {0}
#VAR tutor {}
#TRIGGER {the lesson in @learning is over.$} {#if (@lessons < @goal) {ll 15}}
Soll2006-09-21 07:32:30
#CLASS {Learning}
#ALIAS ll {learn %1 @learning from @tutor;#add lessons %1}
#ALIAS lg {#var goal %1;#echo Set learning goal to: @goal.}
#VAR learning {discipline}
#VAR goal {0} {0}
#VAR lessons {0} {0}
#VAR tutor {}
#TRIGGER {the lesson in @learning is over.$} {#if (@lessons < @goal) {#if ((@goal-@lessons)<15) {#math learnamount (@goal-@lessons);ll @learnamount} {ll 15}}}
#ALIAS ll {learn %1 @learning from @tutor;#add lessons %1}
#ALIAS lg {#var goal %1;#echo Set learning goal to: @goal.}
#VAR learning {discipline}
#VAR goal {0} {0}
#VAR lessons {0} {0}
#VAR tutor {}
#TRIGGER {the lesson in @learning is over.$} {#if (@lessons < @goal) {#if ((@goal-@lessons)<15) {#math learnamount (@goal-@lessons);ll @learnamount} {ll 15}}}
Kharaen2006-09-21 12:45:17
See? I knew you guys would perfect it. Now I'm going to take Soll's code and add it to my own. Thanks!