Unknown2006-12-01 10:21:25
QUOTE(Gandal @ Nov 30 2006, 10:19 PM) 358662

depends on my mood, if I am just lazily doing it probably 400-500. If I really wanted to try I could probably up that to about 1000.
Unknown2006-12-01 11:18:59
QUOTE(AlyssandraAbSidhe @ Nov 30 2006, 11:17 PM) 358661
Not really, bashing requires much more concentration since there is actually a chance of you taking some damage

What concentration?

Old Astral, especially Sagitarritus (sp?) was wonderful for this. I'd pull out my ebook, hit my link/unlink alias every few seconds, and read read read. Or watch a movie or do homework. As Nihilist Viscanti with the old putre on tainted ground or Dracnari Celestine I hardly had to sip. Good old times..

Unknown2006-12-01 13:59:10
QUOTE(shadow @ Dec 1 2006, 11:18 AM) 358857
What concentration?

Old Astral, especially Sagitarritus (sp?) was wonderful for this. I'd pull out my ebook, hit my link/unlink alias every few seconds, and read read read. Or watch a movie or do homework. As Nihilist Viscanti with the old putre on tainted ground or Dracnari Celestine I hardly had to sip. Good old times..

Yeah but you used health and mana. Ratting is completely free.
Unknown2006-12-01 20:20:51
Only if you're a warrior (with a two-hander or high crit rate). Other guilds still use mana, and I know quite a few mana-based attacks that don't take down certain rats in one hit.
Gandal2006-12-01 23:29:20
QUOTE(AlyssandraAbSidhe @ Dec 1 2006, 05:21 AM) 358849
depends on my mood, if I am just lazily doing it probably 400-500. If I really wanted to try I could probably up that to about 1000.
In 8 hours? ...I'd go crazy.
Unknown2007-01-21 17:28:13
I have an Achaean alt who I got to level 54 on ratting... I was going to dragon, but found it was way too depressing to sit in front of my computer that long every day. I was getting about 200 rats an hour (4000 gold/1.2% exp at that level).
It's possible, just ridiculous.
Maybe if you could share accounts and had different people bashing every hour for every day... hrm.
It's possible, just ridiculous.
Maybe if you could share accounts and had different people bashing every hour for every day... hrm.
Vix2007-01-21 19:43:32
Chinese sweatshop labor! 

Unknown2007-01-23 17:55:11
Status report?
Noola2007-01-23 17:59:28
QUOTE(Vix @ Jan 21 2007, 01:43 PM) 375761
Chinese sweatshop labor!