Richter2006-10-10 22:28:57
Dang, that's cool. But let me make a few suggestions...
This is the fountain it's modeled after. Note that it's huge, and you can sit around it:

Here's another picture:

It's actually my mistake, because I've either talked about, or referenced in room descriptions (though I hope not!) that the archway is both above and to the side of the fountain. In my head, the fountain appears as above, with the archway covering from the middle of one side to the adjacent middle of the next side.
Kind of like this:
|Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |
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|\\Â Â ()Â Â |
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Edit: crap, it didn't show correctly... IM me later or something.
This is the fountain it's modeled after. Note that it's huge, and you can sit around it:

Here's another picture:

It's actually my mistake, because I've either talked about, or referenced in room descriptions (though I hope not!) that the archway is both above and to the side of the fountain. In my head, the fountain appears as above, with the archway covering from the middle of one side to the adjacent middle of the next side.
Kind of like this:
|Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |
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|\\Â Â ()Â Â |
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|Â Â \\Â Â Â Â |
Edit: crap, it didn't show correctly... IM me later or something.
Verithrax2006-10-10 22:59:04
Jillian2006-11-17 18:54:14
I must say, google scetchup is amazingly nice for a free program. I like the things you made so far, am inspired now to get better with it myself.
How do you make domes with it? Seen you use a couple of them, but I just can't figure out how they are done. Same with the complicated shape in the middle of the fountain. Poked around the help a bit already but didn't find an answer 

Verithrax2006-11-17 23:31:50
There's a tool called 'follow me', which works somewhat like extrusion over a path and can do a lot of things. Basically what I do to get a dome is place a circle on a surface (That circle is a tracing of the dome's base) and then place the dome's profile perpendicular to it. I cut the profile halfway through vertically and close it as a surface, then use the follow me tool (Using the original baseline circle as my guideline) to rotate it, creating a dome or a lathe-like effect.
Jillian2006-11-18 00:33:48
Thanks for the explanation, that's a handy tool indeed. Kinda weird logic there's a lot of stuff hidden in the menu and that there's no icon for it though. But heh, it's free, can't complain 

Verithrax2006-11-18 13:16:08
You can customise the menus to have that tool as a button, don't remember how exactly though.