Acrune2007-01-23 01:56:52
On the plus side, the name does make me feel pretty.
Kharaen2007-01-23 02:04:18
QUOTE(Acrune @ Jan 22 2007, 08:56 PM) 376344
On the plus side, the name does make me feel pretty.
It's french, so it should.
Clise2007-01-23 06:44:50
Felandi2007-01-23 11:11:59
(Deepnight): Richter says, "Tully, for someone so short, you are incredibly loud."
Tervic2007-01-23 11:58:06
Aiwendil: Stop playing with the net!
Aiwendil: Play with ME!
Aiwendil: Stop playing with the net!
Aiwendil: Play with ME!
Clise2007-01-23 13:15:49
(House of Shadows): Sobran says, "Yes. Yes. I am a beast. Big and burly."
(House of Shadows): Sobran says, "Hear my big burly beastiness roar."
(House of Shadows): Sobran says, ".....moew."
(House of Shadows): You say, "Quoting that."
(House of Shadows): Sobran says, "I hate you."
(House of Shadows): Sobran says, "Hear my big burly beastiness roar."
(House of Shadows): Sobran says, ".....moew."
(House of Shadows): You say, "Quoting that."
(House of Shadows): Sobran says, "I hate you."
Adee2007-01-23 18:08:37
I found this one else might...but I do!
(Newbie): Ghor says, "390 hp! cool =)"
Unknown2007-01-23 19:38:25
QUOTE(Adee @ Jan 23 2007, 06:08 PM) 376524
I found this one else might...but I do!

Laysus2007-01-23 22:21:51
(Guides): Viravain says, "Wait! Don't go cry! I <3 you Morgy!"
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Krellan says, "I knew it!!"
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Forren says, "Tentaclessssssss."
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Viravain says, "*weep*."
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Terentia says, "BABEH!"
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): You say, "Ex."
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Soll says, ".. Schwing."
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Morgfyre says, "Muahahaha."
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Elostian says, "I just know that's getting quoted."
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Fain says, "BABIES! HUNDREDS OF BABIES."
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Terentia says, "Babies!!"
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-
(Guides): Morgfyre says, "I HAVE MY REVENGE!"
2873h, 4616m, 5351e, 10p exk-

Diamondais2007-01-23 22:40:02
(Serenwilde): Mimi says, "Sometimes, when no one is looking, I pretend I'm Kethuru, and chase down nine weevils and destroy them from existence by sucking their vernal weevil essence out. But then I sell them, and combined in gold form, they beat my greedy heart."

Astraea2007-01-23 23:04:22
(Serenwilde): Mimi says, "Sometimes, when no one is looking, I pretend I'm Kethuru, and chase down nine weevils and destroy them from existence by sucking their vernal weevil essence out. But then I sell them, and combined in gold form, they beat my greedy heart."
QUOTE(Valarien @ Feb 6 2006 @ 05:33 PM)
Astraea, Devout of Night says, "Sometimes, when no one is looking, I pretend I'm Kethuru, and chase down nine weevils and destroy them from existence by sucking their vernal weevil essence out. But then I sell them, and combined in gold form, they beat my greedy heart."
Shennanigans! Shennanigans I call! She stole my Weevil metaphor.
Shamarah2007-01-24 01:27:21
(Forren becomes Demigod.)
(Bellator Societas): Athana (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Now forren and aes
are gonna make out in the havens."
(Bellator Societas): Veonira says, "Ew."
(Bellator Societas): Chade says, "Ganking time."
(Bellator Societas): Sipelus says, "Ew."
(Bellator Societas): Forren says, "Yep."
(Bellator Societas): Forren says, "<3 Aesyra."
(Bellator Societas): Aesyra says, "<3 Forren."

(Bellator Societas): Athana (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Now forren and aes
are gonna make out in the havens."
(Bellator Societas): Veonira says, "Ew."
(Bellator Societas): Chade says, "Ganking time."
(Bellator Societas): Sipelus says, "Ew."
(Bellator Societas): Forren says, "Yep."
(Bellator Societas): Forren says, "<3 Aesyra."
(Bellator Societas): Aesyra says, "<3 Forren."

Anarias2007-01-24 01:48:38
QUOTE(Astraea @ Jan 23 2007, 04:04 PM) 376585
Shennanigans! Shennanigans I call! She stole my Weevil metaphor.
It makes entirely more sense coming from you than random Seren.
Diamondais2007-01-24 02:50:31
Just made me actually giggle.
You say, "What happens when ten Fae are brought to a single Avatar of Moon?"
Dedicant Gehn Mes'ard, Hart's Glory says, "A Lady is... erm... beamed down?"
You say, "What happens when ten Fae are brought to a single Avatar of Moon?"
Dedicant Gehn Mes'ard, Hart's Glory says, "A Lady is... erm... beamed down?"
Tervic2007-01-24 03:19:12
Daermon: It vibrated at the right times.
Daermon: I'm wondering how the hell that works.
Daermon: I'm wondering how the hell that works.
Gandal2007-01-24 03:25:09
QUOTE(Clise @ Jan 23 2007, 01:44 AM) 376408
Wait...wasn't Nejii's last name Talnara...? And what's Acrune's?
Kharaen2007-01-24 03:36:39
(The Daughters of Attai): Nerra (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Noooo, it
needs to be naturally, or else it feels forced, cause it is sorta."
needs to be naturally, or else it feels forced, cause it is sorta."
Context is unnecessary.

Tervic2007-01-24 08:36:17
Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos, Scythe of the Daughter says, "Let's come down
here and get freaky then."
Aison2007-01-24 09:32:15

Tervic2007-01-24 18:29:26
QUOTE(Aison @ Jan 24 2007, 01:32 AM) 376781

Best part was that later he accused ME of having a dirty mind.