Arix2006-10-15 04:27:16
Noola2006-10-15 05:43:15
(Market): You say, "Doesn't winning great prizes sound like fun? Well, just buy
a raffle ticket!"
(Market): You say, "Read public post 834 for more details!"
(Market): Ildaudid says, "Do I get to win a Noola?"
(Market): Haiden says, "I already won a Noola."
(Market): Haiden says, "Twice."
Ildaudid tells you, "Come be my daughter
Ildaudid tells you, "Ya want me."
Ildaudid tells you, "As a father."
Ildaudid tells you, "That sounded bad."
a raffle ticket!"
(Market): You say, "Read public post 834 for more details!"
(Market): Ildaudid says, "Do I get to win a Noola?"
(Market): Haiden says, "I already won a Noola."
(Market): Haiden says, "Twice."
Ildaudid tells you, "Come be my daughter

Ildaudid tells you, "Ya want me."
Ildaudid tells you, "As a father."
Ildaudid tells you, "That sounded bad."

Joli2006-10-15 06:49:16
Haiden was the one that vengenced Aia. She's been really busy and has been up for about 24 hours. Cut her some slack.
This seriously startled me. I was pissed off because this novice that just joined the city asked how to be GA a few minutes earlier.
You say to Aia, "What do you think about my sections?"
Aia says, "Other than suggestion for them to act like retards..."
Aia sniggers evilly.
You say, "They do that already."
The model of flawless elegance, a woman's noble voice says, "Greetings."
You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Aia curtseys respectfully before Morgfyre.
Dilettante Arix, of the Blank Note says, "Gah!"
You curtsey respectfully before Morgfyre.
Dilettante Arix, of the Blank Note says, "Oh."
Arix doffs a black, crimson banded top hat with pentacles to Morgfyre.
You say to Morgfyre, "How long were You there, Lord?"
Dilettante Arix, of the Blank Note says, "Was NOT expecting that."
You shift your eyes suspiciously from side to side.
Morgfyre's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Unknown2006-10-15 08:35:06
You follow Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment west to
Sombre Lane.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
The bright sun shines down upon you.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says to Ildar, "I do not like being
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "I want the key to my f'in office!!"
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nigredo says, "Bug Vaur."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar raises an eyebrow questioningly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "-kicks the door in-."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ildar chuckles long and heartily.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath smiles with a wink and says to Ildar,
"I'll be damned if I'll allow it."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Aia says to Haiden, "But you do it enough to others. You get what you give.
Learn it well."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "Vau hasn't signed in in 18 days dude."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-stag if you don't behave. That's the best part
You tell Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment, "If you don't
behave. That's the best part."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-ql
Sombre Lane. (road).
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A sewer
grate looms darkly beneath your feet. A statue of Daevos stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. Spreading its majestic golden wings, a great
eagle searches the ground with piercing eyes. A huge archdemon looms here,
surrounded by black mist. Student of Earthen Truth, Ildar y'Kada is here. He
wields a twisted staff in his left hand and a huge lion's head shield in his
right. Haiden is here, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He wields a bladed
scimitar resembling flame in each hand. Joli is here, leaning on Aia. Penitent
Ereshkigal d'Valeros is here.
You see exits leading east and west.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar winks conspiratorially at Ereshkigal.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar looks about himself suspiciously.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "How the f am i supposed to bug him for it
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar winks conspiratorially at you.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ereshkigal peers at Stagar unscrupulously.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Joli snickers softly to herself.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-grin
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Aia says, "Now, I have better things to do than listen to childish squanders
over ego problems."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Aia inclines her head politely to those around her.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks
over the world's edge, announcing a bright and shining new dawn.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Aia leaves to the east.
A great eagle soars majestically on air currents out to the east.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Joli hugs herself compassionately.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Bah!" Joli retorts disgustedly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath asks, "Now she wishes to leave?"
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Opening his mouth wide, Haiden gapes in wonder.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says, "She didn't do so when I told
her to get the hell away from me and quit provoking personal matters that I
wish not to discuss."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden spits on the ground in disgust.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ereshkigal pets Haiden ingratiatingly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment says, "You need to stop
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-look at er
She is a fiendish master viscanti and stands tall and elegant, holding herself
with much noticeable pride. The first thing you notice about this woman in
particular is the fiendish red tint to her otherwise sensual and delicate skin.
Piercing icy blue eyes with light violet streaks in them stare out from under
long, feminine eyelashes, and stare at you as if trying to see into you, into
your character. Long raven black hair with two bright red streaks in the front
fall down around her face in choppy layers, like a demonic halo. Two torn and
tattered black bat wings come out from between her shoulder blades. Around her
right ankle is a tattoo of a black snake, eating it's own tail. Another tattoo
can be found around her left wrist, this is tattoo is a wreath of thorns. She
is wearing a choker with a dangling pentagram, a crimson robe with pentacles,
and a pair of black velvet shoes.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar takes a long drag off his pipe.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says to Stagar, "Run along."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Joli says to Haiden, "You've got problems.."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Stagar.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Joli leaves to the east.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
The corners of Ashteru's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment says to Haiden, "Indeed,
lots of problems."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden stretches languidly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
The bright sun shines down upon you.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "I love my new necklace."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden waves goodbye at Stagar.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar smirks.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says to Stagar, "Run along back to
your guild hall."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says to Stagar, "Go...practice your
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden licks his lips.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Khan Ashteru, Voice behind the Mask says, "Bards."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ashteru curls his lip and sneers arrogantly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-look at haiden
He is a fiendish undead brood viscanti and and seems transfixed within his own
thought, lifelessly starring out into nothingness. Cornea of violet crystalline
textures lace the partially narrowed eyes of this slender being, who's focus is
perhaps on a different plane of reality. Layers of thin, milky white skin
embrace the Viscanti's slender form that partially exposes his athletic
physique at a glance. Skin holding the pale tone of death, retaining ghostly
white hues, coats his being, acknowledging that he has perhaps been, or already
is within the undead state. Huddled up close to his backside, are a thin pair
of bat-like wings, twitching and writhing about on it's own accord before
spreading it's full wingspan of approximately twelve feet, bestowing glistening
sheens of onyx and gentle hues of blue. After another moment of close
observation, you notice that as he licks his lips, he exposes an onyx glazed
tongue along with finely pointed incisors that fit evenly within his
brilliantly white teeth. A solemn expression suddenly overwhelms his being as
he looks about his person, letting out a deep sigh that seems to bestow the
same unsettled mood as the chilling autumn winds provide. Tribal tattoos sprout
from just below his jaw, curving down his body in all possible directions while
ending on the tops of his hands and feet. Like thin strands of silk, evenly
trimmed hair parted down the middle, dark as a raven's feather, gently falls
down on both sides of his head, hanging just past his chin while curving back
around to the base of his neck. He is wearing a simple silver hoop through his
right ear, a simple silver hoop through his right ear, a simple silver hoop
through his right ear, a golden tribal hoop through his left ear, a golden
tribal hoop through his right ear, a black leather scabbard, a crimson
scabbard, a black leather scabbard, a crimson scabbard, a crimson scabbard, a
crimson scabbard, a simple ring of bloodstone, a howling wolf ring, a howling
wolf ring, a beryl sun ring, a simple ring of bloodstone, a simple ring of
bloodstone, a broad iron ring, a broad iron ring, a ring of intertwined
serpents, a black leather gauntlet bracelet, a black leather gauntlet bracelet,
an onyx and bloodstone necklace, a shimmering set of dual-coloured field plate,
a skull shaped stud through his right ear, a fesix backpack, a simple ring of
bloodstone, and desert sandals of roughened leather.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Khan Ashteru, Voice behind the Mask says, "Guardians for the cheap."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): Yoma says, "Sorry to bother everyone but is there anyone around
that can make clothes?"
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Fingers tightening," sings Stagar, letting a wooden lute loose with blood
chilling notes.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "Its a quarter note, only the note is a
skull heh."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Knuckles whitening," sings Stagar, while screeching notes fly out of a wooden
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): Nepthysia says, "Aye."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ereshkigal's eye twitches in a rather strange manner.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden grins mischievously at Ashteru.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Your life is something I cannot allow," sings Stagar, flailing at a wooden
lute to unloose warbling notes.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-ql
"With my hands around your neck?" sings Stagar, letting a wooden lute sound
with a rocking cacophony.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): Joli says, "Walk safely, Magnagora."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Who will stop me now?" sings Stagar, playing a wooden lute with a throbbing
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says, "Screw that."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
"Unbearable rage turns the world bright red," sings Stagar, making a wooden
lute scream loud enough to wake the dead, and he looks directly at Haiden.
Smoky tendrils rise up around Haiden, wrapping around his arms and legs and
solidifying into iron shackles. He screams in agony as his flesh undulates in
response to unseen tortures.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
The ground rumbles and splits open as a hideous archdemon crawls out and
scuttles to the side of Ashteru, cringing and groveling at his feet.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): Nepthysia says, "Be well Joli."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"I promise i'll give you release, if you don't behave," sings Stagar, while
playing a wooden lute with an intensely wild passion.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Such an easy process as it rolls through my head," sings Stagar, as a wooden
lute screams and glows a demonic red.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Sombre Lane. (road).
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A sewer
grate looms darkly beneath your feet. A statue of Daevos stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. There are 2 hideous archdemons here. Student of
Earthen Truth, Ildar y'Kada is here. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand
and a huge lion's head shield in his right. Penitent Ereshkigal d'Valeros is
here. Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed
scimitar resembling flame in each hand.
You see exits leading east and west.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden mutters and clenches his fists which begin to glow. The glow spreads
across his body and burns away the bonds that tie him.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Here it is now, time to kiss the grave," sings Stagar, while a wooden lute
lets loose with screaming melodies, and he looks directly at Haiden.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden whips a bladed scimitar resembling flame through the air in front of
Stagar, to no effect.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden whips a bladed scimitar resembling flame through the air in front of
Stagar, to no effect.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Haiden strikes at Stagar with a bladed scimitar resembling
flame. Haiden pricks him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Haiden strikes at Stagar with a bladed scimitar resembling
flame. Haiden plunges his blade through his gut, impaling him viciously on the
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Sweat breaks out on Stagar's forehead, as he continues to maintain the
screaming note of his song. Ghostly spiked bands materialize around Haiden,
which slowly begin to spin and screech like rusty iron cogs.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar looks pale and gaunt as his body shudders on the end of the weapon.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Haiden strikes at Stagar with a bladed scimitar resembling
flame. Haiden plunges his blade through his gut, impaling him viciously on the
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden gives his weapon a vicious twist and withdraws it from Stagar's body in
a shower of blood.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden gives his weapon a vicious twist and withdraws it from Stagar's body in
a shower of blood.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Haiden strikes at Stagar with a bladed scimitar resembling
flame. Haiden thrusts the blade into his gut for a nasty belly wound.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ashteru bows his head in prayer and is surrounded by a cloud of darkness. He
grips the shoulder of a hideous archdemon, whose eyes are briefly covered with
an oily black film.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar brings the killing note of the song to a screaming conclusion.
Harmoniously screeching with each rusty turn, the spinning spiked iron bands
close around Haiden, who screams as he is chopped into a bloody puree.
Haiden has been slain by Stagar.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment says, "Idiot."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment says, "Stop whining."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Sombre Lane.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
The bright sun shines down upon you.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says to Ildar, "I do not like being
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden sucks thoughtfully on his teeth.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "I want the key to my f'in office!!"
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nigredo says, "Bug Vaur."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar raises an eyebrow questioningly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "-kicks the door in-."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ildar chuckles long and heartily.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath smiles with a wink and says to Ildar,
"I'll be damned if I'll allow it."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Aia says to Haiden, "But you do it enough to others. You get what you give.
Learn it well."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "Vau hasn't signed in in 18 days dude."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-stag if you don't behave. That's the best part
You tell Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment, "If you don't
behave. That's the best part."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-ql
Sombre Lane. (road).
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A sewer
grate looms darkly beneath your feet. A statue of Daevos stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. Spreading its majestic golden wings, a great
eagle searches the ground with piercing eyes. A huge archdemon looms here,
surrounded by black mist. Student of Earthen Truth, Ildar y'Kada is here. He
wields a twisted staff in his left hand and a huge lion's head shield in his
right. Haiden is here, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He wields a bladed
scimitar resembling flame in each hand. Joli is here, leaning on Aia. Penitent
Ereshkigal d'Valeros is here.
You see exits leading east and west.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar winks conspiratorially at Ereshkigal.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar looks about himself suspiciously.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "How the f am i supposed to bug him for it

3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar winks conspiratorially at you.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ereshkigal peers at Stagar unscrupulously.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Joli snickers softly to herself.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-grin
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Aia says, "Now, I have better things to do than listen to childish squanders
over ego problems."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Aia inclines her head politely to those around her.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks
over the world's edge, announcing a bright and shining new dawn.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Aia leaves to the east.
A great eagle soars majestically on air currents out to the east.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Joli hugs herself compassionately.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Bah!" Joli retorts disgustedly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath asks, "Now she wishes to leave?"
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Opening his mouth wide, Haiden gapes in wonder.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says, "She didn't do so when I told
her to get the hell away from me and quit provoking personal matters that I
wish not to discuss."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden spits on the ground in disgust.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ereshkigal pets Haiden ingratiatingly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment says, "You need to stop
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-look at er
She is a fiendish master viscanti and stands tall and elegant, holding herself
with much noticeable pride. The first thing you notice about this woman in
particular is the fiendish red tint to her otherwise sensual and delicate skin.
Piercing icy blue eyes with light violet streaks in them stare out from under
long, feminine eyelashes, and stare at you as if trying to see into you, into
your character. Long raven black hair with two bright red streaks in the front
fall down around her face in choppy layers, like a demonic halo. Two torn and
tattered black bat wings come out from between her shoulder blades. Around her
right ankle is a tattoo of a black snake, eating it's own tail. Another tattoo
can be found around her left wrist, this is tattoo is a wreath of thorns. She
is wearing a choker with a dangling pentagram, a crimson robe with pentacles,
and a pair of black velvet shoes.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar takes a long drag off his pipe.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says to Stagar, "Run along."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Joli says to Haiden, "You've got problems.."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Stagar.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Joli leaves to the east.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
The corners of Ashteru's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment says to Haiden, "Indeed,
lots of problems."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden stretches languidly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
The bright sun shines down upon you.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "I love my new necklace."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden waves goodbye at Stagar.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar smirks.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says to Stagar, "Run along back to
your guild hall."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says to Stagar, "Go...practice your
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden licks his lips.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Khan Ashteru, Voice behind the Mask says, "Bards."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ashteru curls his lip and sneers arrogantly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-look at haiden
He is a fiendish undead brood viscanti and and seems transfixed within his own
thought, lifelessly starring out into nothingness. Cornea of violet crystalline
textures lace the partially narrowed eyes of this slender being, who's focus is
perhaps on a different plane of reality. Layers of thin, milky white skin
embrace the Viscanti's slender form that partially exposes his athletic
physique at a glance. Skin holding the pale tone of death, retaining ghostly
white hues, coats his being, acknowledging that he has perhaps been, or already
is within the undead state. Huddled up close to his backside, are a thin pair
of bat-like wings, twitching and writhing about on it's own accord before
spreading it's full wingspan of approximately twelve feet, bestowing glistening
sheens of onyx and gentle hues of blue. After another moment of close
observation, you notice that as he licks his lips, he exposes an onyx glazed
tongue along with finely pointed incisors that fit evenly within his
brilliantly white teeth. A solemn expression suddenly overwhelms his being as
he looks about his person, letting out a deep sigh that seems to bestow the
same unsettled mood as the chilling autumn winds provide. Tribal tattoos sprout
from just below his jaw, curving down his body in all possible directions while
ending on the tops of his hands and feet. Like thin strands of silk, evenly
trimmed hair parted down the middle, dark as a raven's feather, gently falls
down on both sides of his head, hanging just past his chin while curving back
around to the base of his neck. He is wearing a simple silver hoop through his
right ear, a simple silver hoop through his right ear, a simple silver hoop
through his right ear, a golden tribal hoop through his left ear, a golden
tribal hoop through his right ear, a black leather scabbard, a crimson
scabbard, a black leather scabbard, a crimson scabbard, a crimson scabbard, a
crimson scabbard, a simple ring of bloodstone, a howling wolf ring, a howling
wolf ring, a beryl sun ring, a simple ring of bloodstone, a simple ring of
bloodstone, a broad iron ring, a broad iron ring, a ring of intertwined
serpents, a black leather gauntlet bracelet, a black leather gauntlet bracelet,
an onyx and bloodstone necklace, a shimmering set of dual-coloured field plate,
a skull shaped stud through his right ear, a fesix backpack, a simple ring of
bloodstone, and desert sandals of roughened leather.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Khan Ashteru, Voice behind the Mask says, "Guardians for the cheap."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): Yoma says, "Sorry to bother everyone but is there anyone around
that can make clothes?"
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Fingers tightening," sings Stagar, letting a wooden lute loose with blood
chilling notes.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(The Dark Carnival): Nepthysia says, "Its a quarter note, only the note is a
skull heh."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Knuckles whitening," sings Stagar, while screeching notes fly out of a wooden
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): Nepthysia says, "Aye."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ereshkigal's eye twitches in a rather strange manner.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden grins mischievously at Ashteru.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Your life is something I cannot allow," sings Stagar, flailing at a wooden
lute to unloose warbling notes.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-ql
"With my hands around your neck?" sings Stagar, letting a wooden lute sound
with a rocking cacophony.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): Joli says, "Walk safely, Magnagora."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Who will stop me now?" sings Stagar, playing a wooden lute with a throbbing
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden looks about himself, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath says, "Screw that."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
"Unbearable rage turns the world bright red," sings Stagar, making a wooden
lute scream loud enough to wake the dead, and he looks directly at Haiden.
Smoky tendrils rise up around Haiden, wrapping around his arms and legs and
solidifying into iron shackles. He screams in agony as his flesh undulates in
response to unseen tortures.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
The ground rumbles and splits open as a hideous archdemon crawls out and
scuttles to the side of Ashteru, cringing and groveling at his feet.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
(Magnagora): Nepthysia says, "Be well Joli."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"I promise i'll give you release, if you don't behave," sings Stagar, while
playing a wooden lute with an intensely wild passion.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Such an easy process as it rolls through my head," sings Stagar, as a wooden
lute screams and glows a demonic red.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Sombre Lane. (road).
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A sewer
grate looms darkly beneath your feet. A statue of Daevos stands here,
memorializing his noble spirit. There are 2 hideous archdemons here. Student of
Earthen Truth, Ildar y'Kada is here. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand
and a huge lion's head shield in his right. Penitent Ereshkigal d'Valeros is
here. Tormentor Haiden de no Koicei, The Wrath is here. He wields a bladed
scimitar resembling flame in each hand.
You see exits leading east and west.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden mutters and clenches his fists which begin to glow. The glow spreads
across his body and burns away the bonds that tie him.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
"Here it is now, time to kiss the grave," sings Stagar, while a wooden lute
lets loose with screaming melodies, and he looks directly at Haiden.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden whips a bladed scimitar resembling flame through the air in front of
Stagar, to no effect.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden whips a bladed scimitar resembling flame through the air in front of
Stagar, to no effect.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Haiden strikes at Stagar with a bladed scimitar resembling
flame. Haiden pricks him in the gut causing him to bleed slightly.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Haiden strikes at Stagar with a bladed scimitar resembling
flame. Haiden plunges his blade through his gut, impaling him viciously on the
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Sweat breaks out on Stagar's forehead, as he continues to maintain the
screaming note of his song. Ghostly spiked bands materialize around Haiden,
which slowly begin to spin and screech like rusty iron cogs.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar looks pale and gaunt as his body shudders on the end of the weapon.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Haiden strikes at Stagar with a bladed scimitar resembling
flame. Haiden plunges his blade through his gut, impaling him viciously on the
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden gives his weapon a vicious twist and withdraws it from Stagar's body in
a shower of blood.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Haiden gives his weapon a vicious twist and withdraws it from Stagar's body in
a shower of blood.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
With a focused look, Haiden strikes at Stagar with a bladed scimitar resembling
flame. Haiden thrusts the blade into his gut for a nasty belly wound.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Ashteru bows his head in prayer and is surrounded by a cloud of darkness. He
grips the shoulder of a hideous archdemon, whose eyes are briefly covered with
an oily black film.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar brings the killing note of the song to a screaming conclusion.
Harmoniously screeching with each rusty turn, the spinning spiked iron bands
close around Haiden, who screams as he is chopped into a bloody puree.
Haiden has been slain by Stagar.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment says, "Idiot."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Stagar takes a drink from a bloodstone vial.
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
Silver-Tongued Devil, Stagar Vae'Sant, Song of Torment says, "Stop whining."
3842h, 3842m, 3380e, 10p elrx-
From Eruttu's point of view.

Ashteru2006-10-15 10:06:04
You forgot to post your ten or so refusals to come to him again, heh. 

Unknown2006-10-15 11:04:30
Silly Haiden should really recognise a new instakill when he sees one
Bardic skill suggestion from a friend:

Your roleplay will be forever ruined as you are forced to wield a flimsy wooden instrument at all times. This will also change your voice to a high-pitched trill and your room entrance/exit messages to include the prancing bounce in your step.
Your roleplay will be forever ruined as you are forced to wield a flimsy wooden instrument at all times. This will also change your voice to a high-pitched trill and your room entrance/exit messages to include the prancing bounce in your step.
Laysus2006-10-15 12:50:05
"Unbearable rage turns the world bright red," sings Stagar, making a wooden
lute scream loud enough to wake the dead, and he looks directly at Haiden.
Smoky tendrils rise up around Haiden, wrapping around his arms and legs and
solidifying into iron shackles. He screams in agony as his flesh undulates in
response to unseen tortures.
Hypochondria symptom, anyone?
lute scream loud enough to wake the dead, and he looks directly at Haiden.
Smoky tendrils rise up around Haiden, wrapping around his arms and legs and
solidifying into iron shackles. He screams in agony as his flesh undulates in
response to unseen tortures.
Hypochondria symptom, anyone?
Unknown2006-10-15 12:57:03
QUOTE(Laysus @ Oct 15 2006, 12:50 PM) 342821
"Unbearable rage turns the world bright red," sings Stagar, making a wooden
lute scream loud enough to wake the dead, and he looks directly at Haiden.
Smoky tendrils rise up around Haiden, wrapping around his arms and legs and
solidifying into iron shackles. He screams in agony as his flesh undulates in
response to unseen tortures.
Hypochondria symptom, anyone?
I think the what you are looking for is Recklessness.
"Unreasoning rage turns the whole world red." Something like that at least.

I just threw together a few stanza's so I could use my abilities, and it turns out they had fit nicely with the tunes you automatically play.
Ashteru: I didn't bother using hyperactive and dropping double aeon, double hanged man, and five moon tarots on him in 5 seconds because it would have been a waste. He would have gotten trashed the second time.. again. Since we have a song that keeps you locked in the room as we perform, the insta-kill would have nailed him a second time regardless of what he did.
Laysus2006-10-15 13:25:14
It's not recklessness - I'm fairly sure it's a message for berserking or something that was in other IRE games, but not this, and wasn't taken out of the hypochondria code, hence you only see it when you have hypochondria. Nonetheless, you shouldn't be using any form of aff message for that.
Sylphas2006-10-15 15:22:56
If your system can't handle an affliction message that's obviously not real (it's in quotes), you need to work on it some more.
Verithrax2006-10-15 15:24:58
QUOTE(Laysus @ Oct 15 2006, 10:50 AM) 342821
"Unbearable rage turns the world bright red," sings Stagar, making a wooden
lute scream loud enough to wake the dead, and he looks directly at Haiden.
Smoky tendrils rise up around Haiden, wrapping around his arms and legs and
solidifying into iron shackles. He screams in agony as his flesh undulates in
response to unseen tortures.
Hypochondria symptom, anyone?
Bards, with their custom-made affliction text, are going to bust a lot of systems. Of course, I'll personally strangle anyone who uses this to mess with people, but lyrics which contain afflition text are easy to ignore in a system. Some clients will have trouble with the variable width lines, though.
Unknown2006-10-15 15:36:05
Unreasoning rage turns the world blood-red.
That is the affliction line. Therefore, that stanza is perfectly legit, as it is not actually an affliction mesage. Similar to it, but it won't screw with your system unless you put the wrong message in there in the first place, in which cast you're just an idiot.
Ildaudid2006-10-15 16:30:18
QUOTE(Stagar Feyranti @ Oct 15 2006, 08:57 AM) 342823
Ashteru: I didn't bother using hyperactive and dropping double aeon, double hanged man, and five moon tarots on him in 5 seconds because it would have been a waste. He would have gotten trashed the second time.. again. Since we have a song that keeps you locked in the room as we perform, the insta-kill would have nailed him a second time regardless of what he did.
Umm envoys?? start sparring bards and get this

Really need to get to work on bard spars and checking their tankiness.... If they are a support class they shouldnt really be able to pull off insane instakills, they should support the fighter/mage/cosmic they have with them... any ways only time will tell....
Unknown2006-10-15 16:59:35
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Oct 15 2006, 09:30 AM) 342877
Umm envoys?? start sparring bards and get this shit in check. I mean locked in a room with no way out?? And able to instakill from it?? Or is it like telekinetic? just gust out the caster?
Really need to get to work on bard spars and checking their tankiness.... If they are a support class they shouldnt really be able to pull off insane instakills, they should support the fighter/mage/cosmic they have with them... any ways only time will tell....
It is faaaar from being locked in a room with no way out. Its much easier to deal with than Barrier.
And sorry, but Bards are not solely a support class. They excel at support, but they are also able to fight solo just fine.
Narses2006-10-15 17:16:54
Fallen, so you're basicly saying they are in par with everyone solo, but even more spooky in a group?
I will be locking myself in the tower before everyone picks up torches and pitchforks to sing the OP NERF song.
- wtf is wrong with this smiley?! it scares the heck out of me.

I will be locking myself in the tower before everyone picks up torches and pitchforks to sing the OP NERF song.


Unknown2006-10-15 17:24:19
QUOTE(Narses @ Oct 15 2006, 10:16 AM) 342890
Fallen, so you're basicly saying they are in par with everyone solo, but even more spooky in a group?

Why is it bad that they can do both?
Plus, psions will tear a bard apart.
Ashteru2006-10-15 17:45:08
To Stagar: You are wrong on a LOT of things in your assumption. 

Narses2006-10-15 18:22:07
Why is it bad that they can do both?
Cause your comment suggested they were only had advantages over others. I know you didn't mean it like that. No worries.
Reiha2006-10-15 18:44:48
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 14 2006, 07:27 PM) 342770

Curse you bards, you stole my Arix!

Narses2006-10-15 18:54:16
Everyone's leaving.... Reiha, maybe you should get the hint?
naw I am kidding

naw I am kidding