Ildaudid2006-10-17 22:23:28
QUOTE(Forren @ Oct 17 2006, 01:56 AM) 343513
(Market): You say, "Seeking a wife, paying for dates."
Yeah I told you like 10 times Ad 123, too bad she removed her add.... you could have a real winner there

QUOTE(Kharvik @ Oct 17 2006, 07:33 AM) 343565
Yeah, crow and crow alone

Thanks Kharvik

Simimi2006-10-18 01:53:56
Terentia, the Even Bladed says, "Ql."
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14595en, 14313w exk-
Terentia clears Her throat in an attempt to gain everyone's attention.
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14605en, 14319w exk-
Bhairan has been torn to shreds by Zyaran, the Midnight Eagle.
You see the death occur at cleared and cavernous conjunction.
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14605en, 14319w exk-
You blush furiously.
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14615en, 14325w exk-
(House of Shadows): Nymerya says, "Generally late in my day."
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14615en, 14325w exk-
Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "I'll think on that for a bit."
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14625en, 14331w exk-
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14595en, 14313w exk-
Terentia clears Her throat in an attempt to gain everyone's attention.
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14605en, 14319w exk-
Bhairan has been torn to shreds by Zyaran, the Midnight Eagle.
You see the death occur at cleared and cavernous conjunction.
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14605en, 14319w exk-
You blush furiously.
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14615en, 14325w exk-
(House of Shadows): Nymerya says, "Generally late in my day."
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14615en, 14325w exk-
Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "I'll think on that for a bit."
2995h, 2995m, 2500e, 10p, 14625en, 14331w exk-
Unknown2006-10-18 04:45:49
During the recent angkrag influencing, celestians pissed me off, so I decided to be supportive, and found it thrilling!
(I kinda which there was a better way to know just who was hurt, I useally just heal random people blindly until I find someone who is fighting atm.). It's not without danger though. I believe I've overhealed myself three-four times in the last week or two.
I useally die before I've used enough skills to get it down, and the death replenishes it again. 
QUOTE(warrior hp ouch)
3500h, 4700m, 4460e, 10p, 16130en, 22354w exkdb-farheal daevos
You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Daevos from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
413h, 4700m, 4460e, 10p, 16105en, 22304w xkdb-sip health
healing myself spam, deathspam
3500h, 4700m, 3457e, 10p, 16120en, 22268w exkdb-farheal daevos
You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Daevos from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
413h, 4700m, 3457e, 10p, 16095en, 22218w xkdb-
Healing/Curing combatants from a sanctuary during influencing is fun! You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Daevos from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
413h, 4700m, 4460e, 10p, 16105en, 22304w xkdb-sip health
healing myself spam, deathspam
3500h, 4700m, 3457e, 10p, 16120en, 22268w exkdb-farheal daevos
You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Daevos from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
413h, 4700m, 3457e, 10p, 16095en, 22218w xkdb-

QUOTE(titan faeling hp ouch)
3500h, 3610m, 3978e, 10p, 16400en, 22077w ex-farheal athana
You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Athana from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
823h, 3610m, 3978e, 10p, 16375en, 22033w x-sip health
healing myself spam, deathspam
You have recovered equilibrium.
3500h, 3538m, 2975e, 10p, 16380en, 21991w ex-farheal athana
You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Athana from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
823h, 3538m, 2975e, 10p, 16355en, 21941w x-
There was a stretch there while I was helping various people out and I noticed I had used up about 8000 willpower just from using healing skills too, which was surprising You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Athana from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
823h, 3610m, 3978e, 10p, 16375en, 22033w x-sip health
healing myself spam, deathspam
You have recovered equilibrium.
3500h, 3538m, 2975e, 10p, 16380en, 21991w ex-farheal athana
You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Athana from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
823h, 3538m, 2975e, 10p, 16355en, 21941w x-

Sylphas2006-10-18 05:21:50
Healing seriously needs some work. For less damage than that I can trueheal someone. Granted, that's not ranged. But still, you'd think Healing would be better at it.
Reiha2006-10-18 05:52:11
(Magnagora): Revan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Haiden, stop picking
on the young citizens."
(Magnagora): Revan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Shut up, Cervius."
on the young citizens."
(Magnagora): Revan (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Shut up, Cervius."
And it wasn't taken out of context.

Tsuki2006-10-18 06:04:26
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Oct 18 2006, 01:21 AM) 343877
Healing seriously needs some work. For less damage than that I can trueheal someone. Granted, that's not ranged. But still, you'd think Healing would be better at it.
And Zenji's not even trans. He'd've taken even more damage if he'd've been trans and farhealing.

Joli2006-10-18 06:05:49
We were discussing dancing. I thought this was interesting.. reminds me of a gentlemen's club.
Exarius tells you, "Maybe what the basin needs is a good clan just for inviting
people to attend 'members only' performances. If they act creepy or ungrateful or just offer you all the feedback of a bump on a log, they could lose their membership."
Exarius tells you, "Maybe what the basin needs is a good clan just for inviting
people to attend 'members only' performances. If they act creepy or ungrateful or just offer you all the feedback of a bump on a log, they could lose their membership."
Verithrax2006-10-18 06:35:54
Under Exarius' guidance, it could easily turn to something exceedingly creepy.
Unknown2006-10-18 06:51:10
You raise a palm in the air and try to heal Athana from afar. You absorb his
wounds into your own body.
Does nobody but me find that odd?

Ixion2006-10-18 09:57:35
For the record, my wife is not transgendered.
So bug it!
So bug it!
Kharvik2006-10-18 12:04:26
QUOTE(Ytraelux @ Oct 18 2006, 02:51 AM) 343904
Does nobody but me find that odd?

It's the dark Kalas family secret.
Fain2006-10-18 15:37:44
QUOTE(Ytraelux @ Oct 18 2006, 02:51 AM) 343904
Does nobody but me find that odd?

For every bug that's quoted but not reported there shall be one castration and one equally-unpleasant-thing-for-women.
Fair warning.
Request Denied and all that.
Aiakon2006-10-18 15:50:48
Ista2006-10-18 15:54:34
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Oct 18 2006, 09:50 AM) 343996
Except for the early menopause, that probably wouldn't be that big of a threat to most people. Unless of course they want babies. I, for one, will be the first to have this done. Yay for no periods!
Unknown2006-10-18 15:55:52
QUOTE(Fain @ Oct 18 2006, 08:37 AM) 343987
Request Denied and all that.

Acrune2006-10-18 16:09:07
QUOTE(Fain @ Oct 18 2006, 11:37 AM) 343987
For every bug that's quoted but not reported there shall be one castration and one equally-unpleasant-thing-for-women.
Take away their credit cards.
Unknown2006-10-18 16:14:27
FYI--Hysterectomies aren't something easy to go through. My Mom had to go through that because she had an ovarian cyst in side her (and I had a high school teacher who went through the same thing a few years earlier). It really changes a woman to have her complete uterus removed. It takes months to recover, can create a lot of hormonal imbalances, and is very rough. Nobody uses it for "birth control".
But that can't be done akin to castration--that's either an operation or something else, not just playing with a sword. The technical "threatening" equivalent is "female circumcision", a very vile practice done in Africa.
Sorry for the "dark hijack"--Let's just agree that people should report bugs, or Fain will do something VERY BAD to the players.
But that can't be done akin to castration--that's either an operation or something else, not just playing with a sword. The technical "threatening" equivalent is "female circumcision", a very vile practice done in Africa.
Sorry for the "dark hijack"--Let's just agree that people should report bugs, or Fain will do something VERY BAD to the players.

Cairam2006-10-18 18:16:58
QUOTE(Phred @ Oct 18 2006, 09:14 AM) 344008
FYI--Hysterectomies aren't something easy to go through. My Mom had to go through that because she had an ovarian cyst in side her (and I had a high school teacher who went through the same thing a few years earlier). It really changes a woman to have her complete uterus removed. It takes months to recover, can create a lot of hormonal imbalances, and is very rough. Nobody uses it for "birth control".
But that can't be done akin to castration--that's either an operation or something else, not just playing with a sword. The technical "threatening" equivalent is "female circumcision", a very vile practice done in Africa.
Sorry for the "dark hijack"--Let's just agree that people should report bugs, or Fain will do something VERY BAD to the players.

Unknown2006-10-18 18:32:01
QUOTE(Fain @ Oct 18 2006, 11:37 AM) 343987
For every bug that's quoted but not reported there shall be one castration and one equally-unpleasant-thing-for-women.
Fair warning.
Request Denied and all that.

*runs to make out a typo report*

Kamion2006-10-18 21:23:33
This was in the duel arena... Trying to figure out which defense I had lost. (About this time I had finally worked out that it WASN'T VITALITY THAT WAS MISSING.)
You say, "What am I missing..?"
2799h, 1728m, 2034e, 10p exk-
(Celest): Fionn (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Meeee."
2799h, 1728m, 2034e, 10p exk-
You cough softly.
2799h, 1728m, 2034e, 10p exk-
You say, "That was random."
2799h, 1728m, 2034e, 10p exk-
"Heh heh heh" Abethor chuckles.
Nice timing, Fionn.
You say, "What am I missing..?"
2799h, 1728m, 2034e, 10p exk-
(Celest): Fionn (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Meeee."
2799h, 1728m, 2034e, 10p exk-
You cough softly.
2799h, 1728m, 2034e, 10p exk-
You say, "That was random."
2799h, 1728m, 2034e, 10p exk-
"Heh heh heh" Abethor chuckles.
Nice timing, Fionn.