Rhann2007-04-14 06:48:57
First time experiencing astral insanity and I get this tell:
Ixion tells you, "I am afraid of the Elder Gods."
Ixion tells you, "I am afraid of the Elder Gods."
Ixion2007-04-14 07:06:45
Clearly insanity, lies lies lies.
Vix2007-04-14 14:27:42
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Apr 13 2007, 10:33 PM) 398630
The sky glows with glowing sapphire clouds that release a powerful rain that <---- Maelstrom
pounds down upon you in heavy sheets.
pounds down upon you in heavy sheets.
Is it just me or is that an awkward sentence structure? Used "glow" almost successively and double subordinate clauses...
Unknown2007-04-14 14:41:14
Yeah it's badly written.
Unknown2007-04-14 15:30:26
(Bellator Societas): Lisarel (from the Astral Plane) says, "As pertaining to
section B34.1 of the Rules of Engagement, you have to fill out forms CZ-51 in
triplicate and submit them to Glomdoring for admission to raid. During the
waiting period of 2 weeks, Glomdoring has every right to file an appeal against
the Right of Raid."
Lesson learnt.. never ask if you can dare to stay idle online to read your book or not...
Diamondais2007-04-14 15:32:14
Was that a play on Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy?
I remember something like that..
I remember something like that..
Novinha2007-04-14 16:37:07
QUOTE(diamondais @ Apr 14 2007, 11:32 AM) 398720
Was that a play on Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy?
I remember something like that..
I remember something like that..
That trilogy ROCKED.
Aiakon2007-04-14 17:58:49
Message #2758 Sent by: Narsrim
04/14 17:57 "(ooc) The griefing begins!"
Callia2007-04-14 18:29:00
Miss Malie Parayshia, Moondust's Wisdom says to Lowe, "Play that funky music, Lowe boy."
Unknown2007-04-14 20:19:24
Renkek raises a palm which glows with a tiny pinpoint of light. The light turns
into a sparkling current of energy that slams into Marani Veloske, dissolving
her flesh.
The final blow proves too much for Marani Veloske, who expires, pitifully.
Marani Veloske has been slain by Renkek.

into a sparkling current of energy that slams into Marani Veloske, dissolving
her flesh.
The final blow proves too much for Marani Veloske, who expires, pitifully.
Marani Veloske has been slain by Renkek.

Ashteru2007-04-14 23:16:35
Damn you, Insanity.
Diamondais2007-04-15 00:22:02
Tael Talnara, the Silver Fang says, "Don't move."
Tael's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Shamarah, riding a wiccan broom, clambers down from a nearby vantage point in the treetops.
Shamarah gives you a compassionate hug.
Penumbra Shamarah, Servant of Binding says, "HUG OF DEATH."
"What the...?" you say, looking puzzled.
A column of red flame surrounds Shamarah, riding a wiccan broom,, blazing with a scorching heat that does not seem to touch him. The column of flame suddenly vanishes, leaving behind wisps of smoke.
Tael rolls on the floor, laughing.

Shamarah2007-04-15 00:23:21
(Bellator Societas): Tael says, "Sham. You're hug gave Dyl a seizure."
Tael2007-04-15 00:44:53
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Apr 14 2007, 08:23 PM) 398826
(Bellator Societas): Tael says, "Sham. You're hug gave Dyl a seizure."
That should've been a your.. Curse my faulty grammar.
Diamondais2007-04-15 00:46:34
QUOTE(Tael Talnara @ Apr 14 2007, 08:44 PM) 398828
That should've been a your.. Curse my faulty grammar.
Let it be known, as decreed by Tael; Shamarah is a hug with the ability to cause seizures.
Jack2007-04-15 00:48:59
**********The Culture of the Righteous Principality of Magnagora***********
Credibility Rating: 300 (+150 Credibility Bonus)
Third Scholarly Library: 75
Third Literary Library: 75
Cultural Activity: 210 (21%)
Visiting Scholars: 6
Credibility Rating: 300 (+150 Credibility Bonus)
Third Scholarly Library: 75
Third Literary Library: 75
Cultural Activity: 210 (21%)
Visiting Scholars: 6
************The Culture of the Righteous Kingdom of New Celest*************
Fastest Growing Library: 300
Credibility Rating: 300 (+150 Credibility Bonus)
Second Scholarly Library: 150
Second Literary Library: 150
Cultural Activity: 410 (31%) (Highest +100 point bonus)
Visiting Scholars: 27
Fastest Growing Library: 300
Credibility Rating: 300 (+150 Credibility Bonus)
Second Scholarly Library: 150
Second Literary Library: 150
Cultural Activity: 410 (31%) (Highest +100 point bonus)
Visiting Scholars: 27
... Not so much.
Unknown2007-04-15 01:32:50
Are you serious?
That's pretty cool.

Unknown2007-04-15 01:54:23
The shadow of a crow seeps off to the north.
3500h, 4940m, 4460e, 10p, 16388en, 21689w ex-
The shadow of a crow seeps in from the north.
3500h, 4940m, 4460e, 10p, 16388en, 21689w ex-
The shadow of a crow seeps in from the north.

Diamondais2007-04-15 01:56:27
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Apr 14 2007, 09:54 PM) 398842

That is Glomdoring's version of the Pixies. Kuraitaiyo had them.
Unknown2007-04-15 02:10:17
QUOTE(diamondais @ Apr 14 2007, 09:56 PM) 398844
That is Glomdoring's version of the Pixies. Kuraitaiyo had them.
O_O I've never seen them on my glom alts. (which tend to hide in their respective guild halls anyway, so I guess that's not really a good indication) The shadows are only out at night or something anyway right? I must have non-vampiric glom lowbies.