Diamondais2007-04-15 02:11:41
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Apr 14 2007, 10:10 PM) 398846
O_O I've never seen them on my glom alts. (which tend to hide in their respective guild halls anyway, so I guess that's not really a good indication) The shadows are only out at night or something anyway right? I must have non-vampiric glom lowbies. 

They are all over the forest (except the GH's), every time of the day.
Unknown2007-04-15 02:20:32
QUOTE(diamondais @ Apr 14 2007, 10:11 PM) 398847
They are all over the forest (except the GH's), every time of the day.
They mustn't like moving around my newbies then. :\\Furien2007-04-15 02:48:57
Krellan says, "Follow Tael. They'll go after me first, so I'll be moving a lot.
-5 minutes later-
Shayle arrives with a big ZERG RUSH.
You are:
entangled in vines
entangled in webs
getting OMFG OW damage
-5 seconds pass-
You have been slain by Lisarel again.
Tael tells you, "Thoust havest been gankethed."

-5 minutes later-
Shayle arrives with a big ZERG RUSH.
You are:
entangled in vines
entangled in webs
getting OMFG OW damage
-5 seconds pass-
You have been slain by Lisarel again.
Tael tells you, "Thoust havest been gankethed."

Unknown2007-04-15 02:56:24
EDIT: Inappropriate personal attacks should be left off the forums.
COUNTER-EDIT: But, but, he deserves it. :'(
COUNTER-EDIT: But, but, he deserves it. :'(
Krellan2007-04-15 03:00:48
QUOTE(Furien @ Apr 14 2007, 09:48 PM) 398853
Krellan says, "Follow Tael. They'll go after me first, so I'll be moving a lot.
-5 minutes later-
Shayle arrives with a big ZERG RUSH.
You are:
entangled in vines
entangled in webs
getting OMFG OW damage
-5 seconds pass-
You have been slain by Lisarel again.
Tael tells you, "Thoust havest been gankethed."

-5 minutes later-
Shayle arrives with a big ZERG RUSH.
You are:
entangled in vines
entangled in webs
getting OMFG OW damage
-5 seconds pass-
You have been slain by Lisarel again.
Tael tells you, "Thoust havest been gankethed."

but they always go for me

Unknown2007-04-15 03:02:22
2002h, 2829m, 3100e, 6p, 16461en, 15404w elrkdb-
Lisarel swings Daerciel, Severer of Threads at you. Lisarel cuts your left arm,
mangling a major artery that explodes blood in all directions.
344h, 2829m, 3100e, 6p, 16461en, 15404w elrkdb-
That's a normal swing and I'm fully deffed with a 101 cutting plate

Lisarel swings Daerciel, Severer of Threads at you. Lisarel cuts your left arm,
mangling a major artery that explodes blood in all directions.
344h, 2829m, 3100e, 6p, 16461en, 15404w elrkdb-
That's a normal swing and I'm fully deffed with a 101 cutting plate

Unknown2007-04-15 03:06:43
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Apr 14 2007, 11:02 PM) 398857
Axes are 50% cutting 50% blunt, I think.
Unknown2007-04-15 03:09:23
Sure you weren't sensitive? 
If not, it would do over 3300 damage to someone without any armor.
...and they say Forren's damage is overpowered.

If not, it would do over 3300 damage to someone without any armor.

Unknown2007-04-15 03:10:12
Be glad she's not a tae'dae!
Unknown2007-04-15 03:28:00
I doubt I was sensitive
and my plate
Physical cutting: 101
Physical blunt: 91
I need trans forging so I can make me a nicer one
and my plate
Physical cutting: 101
Physical blunt: 91
I need trans forging so I can make me a nicer one
Krellan2007-04-15 05:43:28
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Apr 14 2007, 10:09 PM) 398859
Sure you weren't sensitive? 
If not, it would do over 3300 damage to someone without any armor.
...and they say Forren's damage is overpowered.

If not, it would do over 3300 damage to someone without any armor.

that hit one person. Forren's pre hailstorm nerf hit up to 30 enemies I think? roughly 1000 or more depending on the person for what 30k damage?
Ildaudid2007-04-15 07:29:45
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Apr 14 2007, 11:09 PM) 398859
Sure you weren't sensitive? 
If not, it would do over 3300 damage to someone without any armor.
...and they say Forren's damage is overpowered.

If not, it would do over 3300 damage to someone without any armor.

Ah but the question is how much did Forren pay to get his damage? Then compare that to how much Lisarel paid to get that axe to that type of damage. When one spends nothing for damage and the other 1800+ credits at least I would say Lisarel deserves the damage she gets. And also factor in that she has to make sure it was a 463 total stat axe first before she put any runes on it.
Tervic2007-04-15 07:47:18
Treehearth Trademaster Arix Carthan, The Voice of Sanity says, "So, how is Munsia readjusting to Celest?"
Her Majesty Laxinova Arestata, Conspeeracy Theorest says, "She's hawt."
Laxi, is there something you're not telling us?
Her Majesty Laxinova Arestata, Conspeeracy Theorest says, "She's hawt."
Laxi, is there something you're not telling us?
Arix2007-04-15 08:31:10
Her Majesty Laxinova Arestata, Conspeeracy Theorest looks confused and says,
"Is this a two person orgy?"
Her Majesty Laxinova Arestata, Conspeeracy Theorest says to you, "Faeling!"
Her Majesty Laxinova Arestata, Conspeeracy Theorest says to you, "My brother
from another mother!"
"Is this a two person orgy?"
Her Majesty Laxinova Arestata, Conspeeracy Theorest says to you, "Faeling!"
Her Majesty Laxinova Arestata, Conspeeracy Theorest says to you, "My brother
from another mother!"
Catarin2007-04-15 13:32:13
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Apr 15 2007, 01:29 AM) 398901
Ah but the question is how much did Forren pay to get his damage? Then compare that to how much Lisarel paid to get that axe to that type of damage. When one spends nothing for damage and the other 1800+ credits at least I would say Lisarel deserves the damage she gets. And also factor in that she has to make sure it was a 463 total stat axe first before she put any runes on it.
When you say he spent "nothing" that indicates that time itself is worth nothing which is false. If you calculate the hours he spent getting demigod and multiply it by even minimum wage and you'll get a more accurate portrayal of what he "spent". These games are designed so that if you want to be exceedingly successful you can spend a great deal of time or a great deal of money (or both). To discount the time factor spent on Forren's part while granting superior value to the cash factor spent on Lisarel's part is a bit unfair.
Aiakon2007-04-15 14:23:05
QUOTE(Catarin @ Apr 15 2007, 02:32 PM) 398957
When you say he spent "nothing" that indicates that time itself is worth nothing which is false. If you calculate the hours he spent getting demigod and multiply it by even minimum wage and you'll get a more accurate portrayal of what he "spent". These games are designed so that if you want to be exceedingly successful you can spend a great deal of time or a great deal of money (or both). To discount the time factor spent on Forren's part while granting superior value to the cash factor spent on Lisarel's part is a bit unfair.
Lisarel is level 95 and well on her way to Titan.
Catarin2007-04-15 14:55:08
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Apr 15 2007, 08:23 AM) 398979
Lisarel is level 95 and well on her way to Titan.
I'm really not sure what relevance that has to my overall point about the tradeoffs between time and money.....especially given that Ildaudid made no discussion of her level only the amount of artifacts she had purchased.
It very well may be that Forren's damage is idiotic. But claiming that it's okay for idiotic damage from someone who purchased a lot of credits but not okay for someone who spent a lot of time getting to demigod is the point I took issue with.
Ixion2007-04-15 14:58:24
QUOTE(Catarin @ Apr 15 2007, 09:32 AM) 398957
When you say he spent "nothing" that indicates that time itself is worth nothing which is false. If you calculate the hours he spent getting demigod and multiply it by even minimum wage and you'll get a more accurate portrayal of what he "spent". These games are designed so that if you want to be exceedingly successful you can spend a great deal of time or a great deal of money (or both). To discount the time factor spent on Forren's part while granting superior value to the cash factor spent on Lisarel's part is a bit unfair.
Poor argument. I've spent both, and even with my old broadswords I never came close to Forren's current damage. Mind you that I'm considering my old damage when there was no buff downgrade, and with every damage bonus available, liched at night. Even when I had 24+ str (more than Forren's int) it's not close.
Aiakon2007-04-15 15:00:57
QUOTE(Catarin @ Apr 15 2007, 03:55 PM) 398987
I'm really not sure what relevance that has to my overall point about the tradeoffs between time and money.....especially given that Ildaudid made no discussion of her level only the amount of artifacts she had purchased.
I suppose, I'm thinking.. what happens when you have time and money. But hey. I'm not disagreeing with you.
Catarin2007-04-15 15:01:42
QUOTE(Ixion @ Apr 15 2007, 08:58 AM) 398989
Poor argument. I've spent both, and even with my old broadswords I never came close to Forren's current damage. Mind you that I'm considering my old damage when there was no buff downgrade, and with every damage bonus available, liched at night. Even when I had 24+ str (more than Forren's int) it's not close.
If I was arguing that Forren's damage was reasonable and proper then it would be a poor argument. However, I'm not arguing that it is. I personally find it excessive. I also find Lisarel's damage excessive in the example that was shown here. My only argument is to Ildaudid's statement that it is okay for Lisarel to have silly damage due to the amount of credits she has bought and not okay for Forren to have it because all he invested was the time to bash to demigod.