Unknown2007-05-04 11:04:17
QUOTE(Aiakon @ May 4 2007, 07:02 AM) 404258
You made a personal attack, however you look at it. And you are, basically, subjecting poor lil'Novinha to crass playground bullying tactics, which (however well deserved) make this forum look like a less pleasant environment (than it might otherwise be) to any new comer who might not be aware of the context. Save yer squishing for when the trolling is directly aimed at you. The grass is verdant on the high moral ground, and pet owners clean up after their pets.. so you can walk around bare-foot without that sinking feeling of luke-warm turd oozing between your toes.
Metaphors... about lawns?

Anyway, lets get back to the quotes?
Arin2007-05-04 11:07:28
(Celest): You say, "Me chef."
(Celest): You say, "Food good."
(Celest): Elostian says, "Me God, Me dislike people no speak good."
EDIT: Not so much a quote but...
ex>-touch me
Try as you might, you just cannot seem to inflict harm upon yourself.
Seems touching yourself is harmful...
(Celest): You say, "Food good."
(Celest): Elostian says, "Me God, Me dislike people no speak good."
EDIT: Not so much a quote but...
ex>-touch me
Try as you might, you just cannot seem to inflict harm upon yourself.
Seems touching yourself is harmful...
Noola2007-05-04 13:33:57
QUOTE(Arin @ May 4 2007, 06:07 AM) 404261
ex>-touch me
Try as you might, you just cannot seem to inflict harm upon yourself.
Seems touching yourself is harmful...
Try as you might, you just cannot seem to inflict harm upon yourself.
Seems touching yourself is harmful...
You'll grow hair on your palms!
Forren2007-05-04 15:14:46
You leap into the air and launch a flying kick at Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
You connect!
The final blow proves too much for Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
You connect!
The final blow proves too much for Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
Unknown2007-05-04 15:45:26
QUOTE(Forren @ May 4 2007, 05:14 PM) 404320
You leap into the air and launch a flying kick at Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
You connect!
The final blow proves too much for Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
You connect!
The final blow proves too much for Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
ZOMG. Griefer

But still... Pretty funny.
Daganev2007-05-04 15:51:40
QUOTE(Forren @ May 4 2007, 08:14 AM) 404320
You leap into the air and launch a flying kick at Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
You connect!
The final blow proves too much for Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
You connect!
The final blow proves too much for Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of Klaymech, Lord of the Soiled Earth.
Proof that Mage bashing is OP and warrior bashing is UP.
It took Ixion two World shattering crits to take down one mob

Reiha2007-05-04 17:19:35
Message #10 Sent By: Kharaen
"HAI REIREI!!!1! HOW R U?!?"
Freaked me out when I was checking my msgs on the website, but made me feel warm and fuzzy. And afraid.
"HAI REIREI!!!1! HOW R U?!?"
Freaked me out when I was checking my msgs on the website, but made me feel warm and fuzzy. And afraid.

Unknown2007-05-04 20:49:30
(Serenwilde): Lowe says, "Ba-bye all. May the...erm...singing of wild...um,
goats bless your...hearts?"
Ashteru2007-05-04 22:13:30
9946h, 3238m, 6145e, 10p, 31416en, 18295w exk /00:10:13.437/<>-
A festering garghoul hisses and spits a glob of green acid at you, causing your
flesh to burn and singe.
9851h, 3238m, 6145e, 10p, 31416en, 18295w exk /00:10:14.109/<>-
I was told to post here.
Nerf Tae'dae?
A festering garghoul hisses and spits a glob of green acid at you, causing your
flesh to burn and singe.
9851h, 3238m, 6145e, 10p, 31416en, 18295w exk /00:10:14.109/<>-
I was told to post here.
Nerf Tae'dae?

Aramel2007-05-05 00:23:40
(Serenwilde): You say, "Sweet. I finally managed to kill a rift gorgog."
(Serenwilde): Valaria says, "You did? nice."
(Serenwilde): Valaria says, "Good job."
<5 seconds later>(Serenwilde): Valaria says, "You did? nice."
(Serenwilde): Valaria says, "Good job."
You have been slain by an enormous gorgog.
(Serenwilde): Valaria says, "Ouch."
(Serenwilde): Tross says, "What?"
(Serenwilde): Valaria says, "Bad job."
(Serenwilde): Dylara says, "Aramel down."
(Serenwilde): Aia (from the Aetherways) says, "Aramel - 1; Gorgog - 1."
(Serenwilde): Valaria says, "Ouch."
(Serenwilde): Tross says, "What?"
(Serenwilde): Valaria says, "Bad job."
(Serenwilde): Dylara says, "Aramel down."
(Serenwilde): Aia (from the Aetherways) says, "Aramel - 1; Gorgog - 1."

Aramel2007-05-05 00:36:44
So that's what they did with the Oath...
QUOTE(Luciphage @ May 4 2007, 03:12 AM) 404180
Eilia Helfarch Sarrasri Talnara, Memory of the Crone shouts, "I pledge myself
to the Moondance Coven. Five times this pledge I have spoken."
High Priestess, Accalia Caelicus echoes, "I pledge my heart to the Lunar Cry
and Mother Moon, so valiantly high."
Transmortal Valaria Parayshia, Moon Guide shouts, "I pledge my mind to the
Silver LIght That blesses me with the One true Sight."
Eilia Helfarch Sarrasri Talnara, Memory of the Crone shouts, "I pledge my soul
to the Guiding Spirit. I shall defeat all opposition and not fear it."
Destroyer of Minds, General Revan Xandul, Telepathic Tormentor shouts, "I
pledge my tainted staff to young nubile female Serens, so that I may taint them
thoroughly with its sticky goo when I twirl it thusly."
I endorse this one hundred percent,.
to the Moondance Coven. Five times this pledge I have spoken."
High Priestess, Accalia Caelicus echoes, "I pledge my heart to the Lunar Cry
and Mother Moon, so valiantly high."
Transmortal Valaria Parayshia, Moon Guide shouts, "I pledge my mind to the
Silver LIght That blesses me with the One true Sight."
Eilia Helfarch Sarrasri Talnara, Memory of the Crone shouts, "I pledge my soul
to the Guiding Spirit. I shall defeat all opposition and not fear it."
Destroyer of Minds, General Revan Xandul, Telepathic Tormentor shouts, "I
pledge my tainted staff to young nubile female Serens, so that I may taint them
thoroughly with its sticky goo when I twirl it thusly."
I endorse this one hundred percent,.
So that's what they did with the Oath...

Furien2007-05-05 02:20:00
You steer The Silver Sickle to the east.
Sliding through the slipstream.
An elegant iron-framed bed rests here, looking quite inviting. A great mahogany
writing desk rests here with its gilded drawers closed. A finely wrought
mahogany chair stands here.
The Silver Sickle floats here in aether.
Earth Plane is to the south.
So -that's- where the Divine hide their offices. Guess they all like the cities, psh.
Sliding through the slipstream.
An elegant iron-framed bed rests here, looking quite inviting. A great mahogany
writing desk rests here with its gilded drawers closed. A finely wrought
mahogany chair stands here.
The Silver Sickle floats here in aether.
Earth Plane is to the south.
So -that's- where the Divine hide their offices. Guess they all like the cities, psh.
Diamondais2007-05-05 02:35:03
QUOTE(Furien @ May 4 2007, 10:20 PM) 404466
You steer The Silver Sickle to the east.
Sliding through the slipstream.
An elegant iron-framed bed rests here, looking quite inviting. A great mahogany
writing desk rests here with its gilded drawers closed. A finely wrought
mahogany chair stands here.
The Silver Sickle floats here in aether.
Earth Plane is to the south.
So -that's- where the Divine hide their offices. Guess they all like the cities, psh.
Sliding through the slipstream.
An elegant iron-framed bed rests here, looking quite inviting. A great mahogany
writing desk rests here with its gilded drawers closed. A finely wrought
mahogany chair stands here.
The Silver Sickle floats here in aether.
Earth Plane is to the south.
So -that's- where the Divine hide their offices. Guess they all like the cities, psh.
Well, that'd be the quietest place to work. Nothing to bother you but the odd mortal driving a ship. And they're easy enough to get rid of.
Diamondais2007-05-05 04:04:24
(Ship): Avaerin says, "Fine fine, shut up Krellan. Krellan challenges you to a duel."
3297h, 3783m, 4026e, 10p ex-
Nierr'ta, Gentle Aetherfoal of the Wildes rumbles as her shield stops a blast
from Avaerin.
My crew's bored, Avaerin knew it.
3297h, 3783m, 4026e, 10p ex-
Nierr'ta, Gentle Aetherfoal of the Wildes rumbles as her shield stops a blast
from Avaerin.
My crew's bored, Avaerin knew it.
Unknown2007-05-05 04:15:46
QUOTE(diamondais @ May 5 2007, 12:04 AM) 404487
(Ship): Avaerin says, "Fine fine, shut up Krellan. Krellan challenges you to a duel."
What the heck did you people do to Elryn's beautiful aether-forest?Diamondais2007-05-05 04:17:14
QUOTE(Wesmin @ May 5 2007, 12:15 AM) 404489
What the heck did you people do to Elryn's beautiful aether-forest?
Nothing! They hit us.

edit: And that's the Empath speaking. We're on the Aetherfoal.
Shiri2007-05-05 04:17:37
Hijacked it for exploiting the Aetherfoal crew with! 
EDIT: Untrue, Dylara, you definitely hit us back, it took Amavan like 6 heals to fix the shield up. I don't see how an empath is supposed to keep up in an actual battle.

EDIT: Untrue, Dylara, you definitely hit us back, it took Amavan like 6 heals to fix the shield up. I don't see how an empath is supposed to keep up in an actual battle.
Unknown2007-05-05 04:19:04
You violently force your derisive feelings into a small screech owl's mind,
striking at him empathically.
A small screech owl's entire body sinks to the ground as he admits defeat, his
thoughts becoming morose and weak.
Arching your eyebrow and cocking your head at a small screech owl, you exclaim,
"Oh really?!"
A small screech owl hoots at you softly.
striking at him empathically.
A small screech owl's entire body sinks to the ground as he admits defeat, his
thoughts becoming morose and weak.
Arching your eyebrow and cocking your head at a small screech owl, you exclaim,
"Oh really?!"
A small screech owl hoots at you softly.
Furien2007-05-05 04:20:45
I think Rika's a specialized Empath. It barely took her one or two shots to heal the orb, so that probably means something.
Diamondais2007-05-05 04:21:44
QUOTE(Shiri @ May 5 2007, 12:17 AM) 404492
Hijacked it for exploiting the Aetherfoal crew with! 
EDIT: Untrue, Dylara, you definitely hit us back, it took Amavan like 6 heals to fix the shield up. I don't see how an empath is supposed to keep up in an actual battle.

EDIT: Untrue, Dylara, you definitely hit us back, it took Amavan like 6 heals to fix the shield up. I don't see how an empath is supposed to keep up in an actual battle.