Hazar2007-05-10 02:15:35
Yes. Everyone wants to...
Nevermind. I'm not finishing that sentance.
Nevermind. I'm not finishing that sentance.
Simimi2007-05-10 02:28:31
Go on...
Unknown2007-05-10 04:05:03
After chasing Daedalion around for 10 minutes:
Totally worth it.
You scent at the air, your skilled nose picking up the faint traces of others in the surrounding area.
You make out the scent of Daedalion coming from lower eastern mountain range.
Lord Dirgesinger Daedalion Rillaen, The Stygian Catalyst yells, "This is fun!"
Clear area within Avechna's Teeth.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Lord Dirgesinger Daedalion Rillaen, The Stygian Catalyst is here, shrouded. He wields the Ebony Mandolin of
Mahalla in his left hand and a batwing shaped shield in his right.
You see exits leading north and south.
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Daedalion's gut with an elfen rapier. You plunge your blade through his gut, impaling him viciously on your blade.
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Daedalion's gut with an elfen rapier. You plunge your blade through his gut, impaling him viciously on your blade.
Daedalion takes a drink from a ruby vial.
Daedalion clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
With a look of agony on his face, Daedalion manages to writhe himself free of that which impaled him.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam an elfen rapier down upon Daedalion. You hack off the left ear, leaving only a hole that pours blood.
Daedalion looks pale and gaunt as his body shudders on the end of the weapon.
Blood bubbles and froths from Daedalion's mouth as he gasps his last breath and slides off the weapon.
You have slain Daedalion.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The song that Daedalion was performing fades away.
A ghostly form rises from Daedalion's body followed by a bright flash. A new breathing body appears around the form, restoring him from certain death.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat with Daedalion.
You make out the scent of Daedalion coming from lower eastern mountain range.
Lord Dirgesinger Daedalion Rillaen, The Stygian Catalyst yells, "This is fun!"
Clear area within Avechna's Teeth.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Lord Dirgesinger Daedalion Rillaen, The Stygian Catalyst is here, shrouded. He wields the Ebony Mandolin of
Mahalla in his left hand and a batwing shaped shield in his right.
You see exits leading north and south.
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Daedalion's gut with an elfen rapier. You plunge your blade through his gut, impaling him viciously on your blade.
With a powerful lunge, you strike at Daedalion's gut with an elfen rapier. You plunge your blade through his gut, impaling him viciously on your blade.
Daedalion takes a drink from a ruby vial.
Daedalion clenches his fists and grits his teeth.
With a look of agony on his face, Daedalion manages to writhe himself free of that which impaled him.
With a heavy overhand stroke, you slam an elfen rapier down upon Daedalion. You hack off the left ear, leaving only a hole that pours blood.
Daedalion looks pale and gaunt as his body shudders on the end of the weapon.
Blood bubbles and froths from Daedalion's mouth as he gasps his last breath and slides off the weapon.
You have slain Daedalion.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The song that Daedalion was performing fades away.
A ghostly form rises from Daedalion's body followed by a bright flash. A new breathing body appears around the form, restoring him from certain death.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat with Daedalion.
Totally worth it.
Richter2007-05-10 04:42:24
Unblooded Mazako says, "Ct Richter is the only reason I always carry at least
five antidotes with me at all times."
Nocturne, the morphling looks up curiously.
5434h, 3058m, 4642e, 10p ex -Vote-
Raflein mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
hovering before him.
5434h, 3058m, 4642e, 10p ex -Vote-
Your declaration of intent to bear arms against Tsuhla has expired.
5434h, 3058m, 4642e, 10p ex -Vote-
Unblooded Mazako says, "Er, mis!"
five antidotes with me at all times."
Nocturne, the morphling looks up curiously.
5434h, 3058m, 4642e, 10p ex -Vote-
Raflein mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
hovering before him.
5434h, 3058m, 4642e, 10p ex -Vote-
Your declaration of intent to bear arms against Tsuhla has expired.
5434h, 3058m, 4642e, 10p ex -Vote-
Unblooded Mazako says, "Er, mis!"
Inox2007-05-10 05:45:39
Heard southwest of the tumour:
Kalas Ildaudid sticks out his tongue and says, "Well I see forren has had his
tumour removed, but the least you all could do was leave it in celest."
and later...
Kalas Ildaudid says, "Again I guess it could be Terentia in her true form."

Kalas Ildaudid sticks out his tongue and says, "Well I see forren has had his
tumour removed, but the least you all could do was leave it in celest."
Kalas Ildaudid says, "Again I guess it could be Terentia in her true form."

Unknown2007-05-10 05:48:03
It's Kethuru's brain come to eat us all!!
Isluna2007-05-10 06:29:45
(The Star Council): Forren (from the Astral Plane) says, "8ya."
(The Star Council): Forren (from the Astral Plane) says, "Miss."
He needs to stop eating others... Who ever got him started on that?
(The Star Council): Forren (from the Astral Plane) says, "Miss."
He needs to stop eating others... Who ever got him started on that?

Richter2007-05-10 06:48:21
Focusing on his head, you strike at Tsuhla with Orlachmar's Wrath. You pulp him
for only a glancing blow to the side of his head.
Focusing on his head, you strike at Tsuhla with Urlach's Fury. You pulp his
skull hard, making his head snap back and a dazed expression blankets his face.
The blow continues into Tsuhla's body, causing a sickening cracking and mashing
sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a moment, vanishing
suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
You have slain Tsuhla.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat
with Tsuhla.
Shortly after...
Hefting both weapons above your head, you begin swinging them in circles and
bellow out incomprehensibly.
Focusing on his head, you strike at Reash with Orlachmar's Wrath. You pulp him
savagely in the nose, breaking it across the bridge and causing blood to splurt
Focusing on his head, you strike at Reash with Urlach's Fury. You pulp him in
his head, leaving an ugly bruise.
The blow continues into Reash's body, causing a sickening cracking and mashing
sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a moment, vanishing
suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
You have slain Reash.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
Focusing on his head, you strike at Tsuhla with Orlachmar's Wrath. You pulp him
for only a glancing blow to the side of his head.
Focusing on his head, you strike at Tsuhla with Urlach's Fury. You pulp his
skull hard, making his head snap back and a dazed expression blankets his face.
The blow continues into Tsuhla's body, causing a sickening cracking and mashing
sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a moment, vanishing
suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
You have slain Tsuhla.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat
with Tsuhla.
Shortly after...
Hefting both weapons above your head, you begin swinging them in circles and
bellow out incomprehensibly.
Focusing on his head, you strike at Reash with Orlachmar's Wrath. You pulp him
savagely in the nose, breaking it across the bridge and causing blood to splurt
Focusing on his head, you strike at Reash with Urlach's Fury. You pulp him in
his head, leaving an ugly bruise.
The blow continues into Reash's body, causing a sickening cracking and mashing
sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a moment, vanishing
suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
You have slain Reash.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
Inox2007-05-10 07:18:35
Grr, between that and you poisoning whichever one it was, you caused no end of trouble on our CT.
And then there was the kid who refused to follow a direct order to get away from the tumour...
And then there was the kid who refused to follow a direct order to get away from the tumour...
Arix2007-05-10 07:36:57
that was Soraka's alt, Inox
Unknown2007-05-10 08:14:36
Message #59 Sent by: Zakane
05/09 20:03 "I'll accept your challenge any time. I'm itching to kill you now."
You tell Tormentor Zakane, "So, you want to try to kill me now?"
When we actually get to it, like 30 minutes later...
You thrust your palm towards Zakane and a burst of silver light shoots out from
it burning into Zakane, who cries out in pain.
A frown on Zakane's face suddenly changes to horror as his skin begins to glow
with an inner silver light. Moonlight erupts from the pores of his skin as he
tries to scream but is instead consumed by the power of the moon.
You have slain Zakane.
5 minutes later.....
... You thrust your palm towards Zakane and a burst of silver light shoots out from
it burning into Zakane, who cries out in pain.
A frown on Zakane's face suddenly changes to horror as his skin begins to glow
with an inner silver light. Moonlight erupts from the pores of his skin as he
tries to scream but is instead consumed by the power of the moon.
You have slain Zakane.
Zakane shakes his head.
Tormentor Zakane says, "I shouldn't lose to you."
You say, "You shouldn't?"
You say, "Better fighters than you have lost to me."
Tormentor Zakane says, "I've slain better fighters then you."
Tormentor Zakane says, "Many."
Tormentor Zakane says, "Damage kill."
You say, "I find that hard to believe."
You say, "If you cannot even slay me."
Tormentor Zakane says, "I don't care what you believe."
Tormentor Zakane says, "Wiccans are a joke."
Tormentor Zakane says, "You think you're good?"
Tormentor Zakane says, "Become a warrior."
Tormentor Zakane says, "And let's see how you do."
You say, "I do not wish to be a warrior."
Tormentor Zakane says, "That's because you wouldn't last a second." |Surely being a warrior, I'd be tankier?
You say, "You'd be surprised."
You wink knowingy.
You tap your nose knowingly.
Tormentor Zakane says, "You're annoying for a chick."
You say, "Aren't I?"
Tormentor Zakane says, "And ugly." <---- Gee, THANKS! Much love to you!
You say, "You suck for being a warrior."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Zakane.
Tormentor Zakane says, "We'll see."
You say, "We will?
Tormentor Zakane says, "Yes, we will."
You say, "You wish to try again?"
Tormentor Zakane says, "You deaf, too?"
Zakane rolls his eyes.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Zakane and whisks him away.
You tell Tormentor Zakane, "I take that as a no, you do not wish to try again."
Ahh, that made me chuckle, a lot

05/09 20:03 "I'll accept your challenge any time. I'm itching to kill you now."
You tell Tormentor Zakane, "So, you want to try to kill me now?"
When we actually get to it, like 30 minutes later...
You thrust your palm towards Zakane and a burst of silver light shoots out from
it burning into Zakane, who cries out in pain.
A frown on Zakane's face suddenly changes to horror as his skin begins to glow
with an inner silver light. Moonlight erupts from the pores of his skin as he
tries to scream but is instead consumed by the power of the moon.
You have slain Zakane.
5 minutes later.....
... You thrust your palm towards Zakane and a burst of silver light shoots out from
it burning into Zakane, who cries out in pain.
A frown on Zakane's face suddenly changes to horror as his skin begins to glow
with an inner silver light. Moonlight erupts from the pores of his skin as he
tries to scream but is instead consumed by the power of the moon.
You have slain Zakane.
Zakane shakes his head.
Tormentor Zakane says, "I shouldn't lose to you."
You say, "You shouldn't?"
You say, "Better fighters than you have lost to me."
Tormentor Zakane says, "I've slain better fighters then you."
Tormentor Zakane says, "Many."
Tormentor Zakane says, "Damage kill."
You say, "I find that hard to believe."
You say, "If you cannot even slay me."
Tormentor Zakane says, "I don't care what you believe."
Tormentor Zakane says, "Wiccans are a joke."
Tormentor Zakane says, "You think you're good?"
Tormentor Zakane says, "Become a warrior."
Tormentor Zakane says, "And let's see how you do."
You say, "I do not wish to be a warrior."
Tormentor Zakane says, "That's because you wouldn't last a second." |Surely being a warrior, I'd be tankier?
You say, "You'd be surprised."
You wink knowingy.
You tap your nose knowingly.
Tormentor Zakane says, "You're annoying for a chick."
You say, "Aren't I?"
Tormentor Zakane says, "And ugly." <---- Gee, THANKS! Much love to you!

You say, "You suck for being a warrior."
Your eyes sparkle with amusement at Zakane.
Tormentor Zakane says, "We'll see."
You say, "We will?
Tormentor Zakane says, "Yes, we will."
You say, "You wish to try again?"
Tormentor Zakane says, "You deaf, too?"
Zakane rolls his eyes.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
You trace glyphs in the air, and they begin to glow ominously.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Zakane and whisks him away.
You tell Tormentor Zakane, "I take that as a no, you do not wish to try again."
Ahh, that made me chuckle, a lot

Krellan2007-05-10 09:17:43
QUOTE(Arix @ May 10 2007, 02:36 AM) 406050
that was Soraka's alt, Inox
which one?

Arix2007-05-10 09:20:18
Krellan2007-05-10 10:24:16
The firmament reverberates as the voice of Charune, the Horned One resounds,
"Justice is Me ripping all your tongues out and sparing the rest of us your
diatribes. So do quiet down."
You say, "It must be past His bedtime..."
Kalodan snickers softly to himself.
You look skeptical and say, "Sure sounded grumpy."
(Order): Kalodan says, "Huntsman... do we need to get You Your bedtime pink
You notice the lance of flame rushing towards your location just before it
sears the air around you, slamming directly into Kalodan's chest, causing him
to stretch his mouth out in a wordless cry of pain. As the flame fades from
Kalodan's body, he relaxes again and begins to breathe, surprisingly left with
no mark upon him.
"Eep!", Kalodan screams in fright.
You snicker softly to yourself.
(Order): Kalodan says, "My apologies."
You say, "See?"
(Order): Charune says, "Mmhmm."
"Justice is Me ripping all your tongues out and sparing the rest of us your
diatribes. So do quiet down."
You say, "It must be past His bedtime..."
Kalodan snickers softly to himself.
You look skeptical and say, "Sure sounded grumpy."
(Order): Kalodan says, "Huntsman... do we need to get You Your bedtime pink
You notice the lance of flame rushing towards your location just before it
sears the air around you, slamming directly into Kalodan's chest, causing him
to stretch his mouth out in a wordless cry of pain. As the flame fades from
Kalodan's body, he relaxes again and begins to breathe, surprisingly left with
no mark upon him.
"Eep!", Kalodan screams in fright.
You snicker softly to yourself.
(Order): Kalodan says, "My apologies."
You say, "See?"
(Order): Charune says, "Mmhmm."
Viravain2007-05-10 15:16:36
QUOTE(Krellan @ May 10 2007, 06:24 AM) 406079
The firmament reverberates as the voice of Charune, the Horned One resounds,
"Justice is Me ripping all your tongues out and sparing the rest of us your
diatribes. So do quiet down."
You say, "It must be past His bedtime..."
Kalodan snickers softly to himself.
You look skeptical and say, "Sure sounded grumpy."
(Order): Kalodan says, "Huntsman... do we need to get You Your bedtime pink
You notice the lance of flame rushing towards your location just before it
sears the air around you, slamming directly into Kalodan's chest, causing him
to stretch his mouth out in a wordless cry of pain. As the flame fades from
Kalodan's body, he relaxes again and begins to breathe, surprisingly left with
no mark upon him.
"Eep!", Kalodan screams in fright.
You snicker softly to yourself.
(Order): Kalodan says, "My apologies."
You say, "See?"
(Order): Charune says, "Mmhmm."
"Justice is Me ripping all your tongues out and sparing the rest of us your
diatribes. So do quiet down."
You say, "It must be past His bedtime..."
Kalodan snickers softly to himself.
You look skeptical and say, "Sure sounded grumpy."
(Order): Kalodan says, "Huntsman... do we need to get You Your bedtime pink
You notice the lance of flame rushing towards your location just before it
sears the air around you, slamming directly into Kalodan's chest, causing him
to stretch his mouth out in a wordless cry of pain. As the flame fades from
Kalodan's body, he relaxes again and begins to breathe, surprisingly left with
no mark upon him.
"Eep!", Kalodan screams in fright.
You snicker softly to yourself.
(Order): Kalodan says, "My apologies."
You say, "See?"
(Order): Charune says, "Mmhmm."
It's a commonly known fact that Charune does not wear a pink nightgown. He wears the fuzzy, full body, zip up the front, feet enclosed PJs.
Simimi2007-05-10 15:32:05
Like babies wear? What DO you call those...?
Viravain2007-05-10 15:41:43
QUOTE(Simimi @ May 10 2007, 11:32 AM) 406115
Like babies wear? What DO you call those...?
Yes, those!

Simimi2007-05-10 16:13:42
So, he wears one of those unnamed garments that we can all picture mentally but not voice.
Somehow the idea of Charune in one of those is surprisingly adorable!
Somehow the idea of Charune in one of those is surprisingly adorable!

Unknown2007-05-10 16:16:43
QUOTE(Simimi @ May 10 2007, 11:13 AM) 406123
So, he wears one of those unnamed garments that we can all picture mentally but not voice.
Somehow the idea of Charune in one of those is surprisingly adorable!
Somehow the idea of Charune in one of those is surprisingly adorable!

A teddie?

Oops...I voiced it

Metea2007-05-10 16:17:06