Isluna2006-10-06 14:27:53
QUOTE(MrShrimp @ Oct 6 2006, 06:54 AM) 339471
man, how long till a character gets deleted?
Really depends, log into it and I think the time limit for deleting is reset.
You put a bit of light essence into the Pool of Stars.
You hold no more Enchantress Aia y'Kada, Crimson Vengeance.

Edit: Really reminds me of the lessons bug. That brought some good humor.

Unknown2006-10-06 14:51:00
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Oct 5 2006, 10:53 PM) 339132
Drinking starbucks gives you a third nipple!
I was just drinking something when I read that. Had to try not to choke and then wipe the rest of it off my screen

Isluna2006-10-07 00:40:20
cast dig
You tap the ground with your foot and the earth churns below you, bringing up
hidden treasure.
You unearth Calico, who had burrowed underground!
You tell Tully, Janitor of the Basin, "What do I get for a glom novice?
I found finding him funny.
You tap the ground with your foot and the earth churns below you, bringing up
hidden treasure.
You unearth Calico, who had burrowed underground!

You tell Tully, Janitor of the Basin, "What do I get for a glom novice?
I found finding him funny.
Unknown2006-10-07 00:46:17
I had a lot of trouble understanding what happened...that makes sense!
Arix2006-10-07 01:34:56
(Magnagora): Ichiouse says, "Gonna get them little boys and girls!"
Daganev2006-10-07 01:35:21
***********************CURRENT POLITICS IN LUSTERNIA***********************
Cultural Center: The Righteous Principality of New Celest
Stewartsville: The Alliance of Serenwilde
Estelbar: The Alliance of Serenwilde
Acknor: The Mighty Dominion of Magnagora
Delport: The Clan of The Moonhart Circle
Rockholm: The Forest of Glomdoring
Southgard: The Righteous Principality of New Celest
Angkrag: The Mighty Dominion of Magnagora
Dairuchi: The Alliance of Serenwilde
Paavik: The Alliance of Serenwilde
Shanthmark: The Alliance of Serenwilde
For specifics on a city or commune, see POLITICS
For specifics on a village, see POLITICS
Diamondais2006-10-07 01:40:21
Went to the Clan, then Serenwilde and now back to Celest. 

Unknown2006-10-07 01:44:04
Wonder who was doing the unrecognizable shouts. Hmm...
Maybe this is something new...clans being able to influence? Maybe Deepnight can "pwn" the basin now. LOL...
Maybe this is something new...clans being able to influence? Maybe Deepnight can "pwn" the basin now. LOL...
Acrune2006-10-07 05:36:14
There are currently these Elections:
107422 (Celestines) Election for Guildmaster of Celestines
89692 (Celestines) Contention for Guildmaster of Celestines
** Summary for (Celestines) Election #107422 ***************************
Title: (Already voted) (Days until close: 45)
Election for Guildmaster of Celestines
Being displeased with the performance of Ecclesiarch Sheia,
Curio of the Even Blade in the position of Guildmaster of the
Celestines, this vote of no confidence has been called. The
following individuals believe they can better perform the duties
required of the position.
1. Sheia
2. Talkan
** Summary for (Celestines) Election #89692 ****************************
Contention for Guildmaster of Celestines
Hoping to fill the vacancy in the position of Guildmaster of the
Celestines, this vote has been called. The following individuals
believe they can better perform the duties required of the
1. Alodia
Hmm... wonder how thats going to work out.

Tsuki2006-10-07 06:28:25
Kidaen, the Empyrean Minstrel shouts, "Ladies and Gentelmen, Boys and Girls,
-and- Nejii!"
Reiha2006-10-07 07:02:10
Magnagoran Princess Kharvik, the wo-Man
He is a demigod and is truly slick. A black loincloth can be seen flapping in the wind around his waist. He is wearing an ivory brocade bodice.
Thick brocade, a pure ivory in hue, has been fashioned into this
lovely bodice. Strapless, the front rises up to cover the breasts
completely, revealing not even a hint of cleavage. The back dips
down somewhat, and the waist curves along just above the hips. A
silken gold ribbon twines through the back of the bodice, woven
through small eyelets of gold. The garmet conforms to the figure,
little adornment or colour breaking up the material. The material
appears quite plain at first, but on closer inspection reveals
embroidery all over, curlicues and swirls forming a seemingly
random pattern, changing plain silk into brocade. Tiny embroidered
lilies weave along the top and bottom hems, stitched with golden
thread, and another line of lilies is stitched into it, to rest
just below the breasts.
It has 38 months of usefulness left.
It weighs 10 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench.
I don't understand why he didn't take it off right away....*cough*
He is a demigod and is truly slick. A black loincloth can be seen flapping in the wind around his waist. He is wearing an ivory brocade bodice.
Thick brocade, a pure ivory in hue, has been fashioned into this
lovely bodice. Strapless, the front rises up to cover the breasts
completely, revealing not even a hint of cleavage. The back dips
down somewhat, and the waist curves along just above the hips. A
silken gold ribbon twines through the back of the bodice, woven
through small eyelets of gold. The garmet conforms to the figure,
little adornment or colour breaking up the material. The material
appears quite plain at first, but on closer inspection reveals
embroidery all over, curlicues and swirls forming a seemingly
random pattern, changing plain silk into brocade. Tiny embroidered
lilies weave along the top and bottom hems, stitched with golden
thread, and another line of lilies is stitched into it, to rest
just below the breasts.
It has 38 months of usefulness left.
It weighs 10 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Veonira d'Murani, the Earth Wench.
I don't understand why he didn't take it off right away....*cough*
Richter2006-10-07 07:21:41
QUOTE(Phred @ Oct 6 2006, 06:44 PM) 339721
Wonder who was doing the unrecognizable shouts. Hmm...
Maybe this is something new...clans being able to influence? Maybe Deepnight can "pwn" the basin now. LOL...
Shiri2006-10-07 07:35:40
Censored tells you, "OK I'M NOT GOING TO SET "hamster" AS AN AUTOMATIC TRIGGER
Poor thing...

Ixion2006-10-07 08:34:29
*Spam shouts of poetry*
(Order): Charune says, "Ixion I blame you for all this verse!"

(Order): Charune says, "Ixion I blame you for all this verse!"

Unknown2006-10-07 10:18:02
I thought this was cute
You say, "Have ye seen my contest yet? Nobody's seemed to find my box yet."
You say, "There's a note in a box buried in the mountains for 50,000 gold if ye bring the box and the note back to me..."
Utterly entranced, Srisa emits a long "Ooooh."
You say, "Ye just need a shovel or the ability to dig."
Srisa starts to dig furiously.
A well-fitted bodice of pale green is unearthed by her efforts!
Srisa blinks.
Srisa shifts her eyes suspiciously from side to side.
You say, "Er, not here--up in the mountains..."
Finger extended, Srisa pokes a well-fitted bodice of pale green.
Srisa giggles happily at you.
You people bury some strange stuff!
You say, "Have ye seen my contest yet? Nobody's seemed to find my box yet."
You say, "There's a note in a box buried in the mountains for 50,000 gold if ye bring the box and the note back to me..."
Utterly entranced, Srisa emits a long "Ooooh."
You say, "Ye just need a shovel or the ability to dig."
Srisa starts to dig furiously.
A well-fitted bodice of pale green is unearthed by her efforts!
Srisa blinks.
Srisa shifts her eyes suspiciously from side to side.
You say, "Er, not here--up in the mountains..."
Finger extended, Srisa pokes a well-fitted bodice of pale green.
Srisa giggles happily at you.
You people bury some strange stuff!
Kharaen2006-10-07 17:22:09
Cause it was enjoyable, Gorky's joke shout contest!
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "It's time for another little game! Ole
Gorky's in need of cheerin' up and would like to hear some jokes. Please keep
them clean, non-vulgar and about the Basin of Life. Bad jokes will result in
somethin' painful and the best joke a present."
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "Please shout them for all to hear so
everyone can have a laugh!"
Grunt Rowoc Xandul, Ur'guard Initiate shouts, "When you have a fat friend, there
are no seesaws. Only catapults!"
Aeralin shouts, "If you make a bonfire, that's as tall as the Moonhart mother
tree, and say to the guy next to, 'that's one pathetic excuse for a fire, yooou
might be a Gaudiguchian."
Aeralin shouts, "If you'r idea of a hot bath is a lava pool, or a volcano, yooou
might be a Gaudiguchian."
Krellan echoes, "Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."
Apprentice of Gravynia, Khaul De'Unnero shouts, "So far krellan is winning heh."
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "That was a bad joke, Krellan! It didnae
even make sense!"
Penumbra Calico, Servant of Death shouts, "What do you call a Seren with a
conscience? Extinct!"
Krellan echoes, "But I bet i got more laughs than all the other jokes!"
Scholar of the Low Tide, Noola Tanestra, Songchild shouts, "A Tae'dae enters a
bar and tells the bartender "I'd like an ale, a whiskey, and..........a glas of
wine." The bartender says, "Sure, why the big pause?" The Tae'dae replies, "I
don't know, my dad had them too.""
Knight Ordos Dekoven, Wings of the Dove shouts, "Estarra and Morgfyre are
walking along Ackleberry highway."Look!," says Estarra, "A forest!" "Where?" as
Morgfyre answers, "I can't see anything but trees!""
Penumbra Calico, Servant of Death shouts, "What do you get when you mix Serens
together? A Seren-aid."
Flacarealah Maschio echoes, "What does a Magnagoran say to a decapitated
Celestian?- "Ur'dead!!""
Tekora Freewind, Songbird Vagabond shouts, "Ok. 2 Ur'guard, a Captain and a
Grunt, are out on patrol. They get attacked by a Gorgog and the Captain is
gravely injured. The Grunt calls out over his guild aether, "Can anyone help?
We've been attacked by a Gorgog and I think the Captain might be dead!""
Tekora Freewind, Songbird Vagabond shouts, "Another senior officer replies, "All
right, first thing you need to make sure that he's dead." The sound of a blade
being unsheathed, then sheathed again can be heard over the aether. The Grunt
then replies, "Ok, now what?""
You shout, "How many Glomdorings does it take to light a lantern? None, since
they can't do anything now that Lady Viravain is gone."
(Xenthos has declared you a formal enemy of the Forest of Glomdoring.) <-- Found that amusing.
Apprentice Lylly shouts, "Two aslarans and a trill walk into a tavern. The trill
looks to the first aslaran and says, "What's for dinner?" Both aslarans answer,
"You, birdboy.""
Druid Ciaran of the Hemlock shouts, "How many Magnagorans does it take to open a
door? One to raise a vote on if it should be opened, ten to vote, one to break
the tie, and one Daevos to behead them all and open the door."
Priest of the Moon, Derian, Hand of the Crone shouts, "What do you call a
dolphin with half a brain?"
Professor Marzolan, the Flowing Quill shouts, "What do you call a civil
druidess? Also extinct."
Shamarah shouts, "A mortal decides to bother Estarra. He says, "How much is a
thousand credits to you?" Estarra replied, "It is but a single gold sovereign."
He says, "How long is a million years to you?" She replied, "It seems like
merely a second." He asks, "Could I have a gold sovereign?" Estarra replies,
"One second."
Ialie Starfall, Rainbow Princess booms, "One day there was a little Glomdoring
boy named Calico and on this glorious day he found a beautiful rainbow! He
followed the rainbow to its end and found a cute little leprechaun. The Little
leprechaun said to him "Oh you have found me, I'll tell you what, instead of all
my riches, I'll let you name one thing and then you'll become it, why just the
other day a little Seren found me and she shouted "Unicorn!" and she became a
wonderful unicorn." Now Calico was very pleased so just as he was about to shout
what he wanted to be, a large group of seren's moonbeamed in and started to
attack him. Calico was soooo afraid that he opened his mouth and shouted "BLOODY
SHITE!" ....."
Druid Kundu of the Rowan shouts, "What do you call the offspring of a Dracnari
and a Human? Lizard Lips."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero, Blood Swordsman shouts, "Was that even a joke,
Soll shouts, "How long does it take for something to be agreed upon and relayed
by Serenwilde? Too effing long, that's what."
Miriamele Silverias shouts, "What do you call a Merian who won't shut up?
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "That and we've heard a ton of wonderful
Initiate of Alluvium, Rosalinn shouts, "Two friends, a human and a Clangoru,
engage in a friendly discussion. " How does it smell then?" Inquires the dwarf. After a brief pause, the human
replies: "You know what? I really hate bad jokes"."
Kalas Ixion, Moonlit Ranger's voice reverberates, "How many angels are needed to
keep the celestia choir... ah drat, they're all dead anyway."
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "No more pot shots. This contest was to
be lighthearted and fun, nae insultin'."
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "The votes are counted and Shamarah's
joke of the Lady Creatrix wins."
So, congrats to Shamarah!
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "It's time for another little game! Ole
Gorky's in need of cheerin' up and would like to hear some jokes. Please keep
them clean, non-vulgar and about the Basin of Life. Bad jokes will result in
somethin' painful and the best joke a present."
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "Please shout them for all to hear so
everyone can have a laugh!"
Grunt Rowoc Xandul, Ur'guard Initiate shouts, "When you have a fat friend, there
are no seesaws. Only catapults!"
Aeralin shouts, "If you make a bonfire, that's as tall as the Moonhart mother
tree, and say to the guy next to, 'that's one pathetic excuse for a fire, yooou
might be a Gaudiguchian."
Aeralin shouts, "If you'r idea of a hot bath is a lava pool, or a volcano, yooou
might be a Gaudiguchian."
Krellan echoes, "Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."
Apprentice of Gravynia, Khaul De'Unnero shouts, "So far krellan is winning heh."
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "That was a bad joke, Krellan! It didnae
even make sense!"
Penumbra Calico, Servant of Death shouts, "What do you call a Seren with a
conscience? Extinct!"
Krellan echoes, "But I bet i got more laughs than all the other jokes!"
Scholar of the Low Tide, Noola Tanestra, Songchild shouts, "A Tae'dae enters a
bar and tells the bartender "I'd like an ale, a whiskey, and..........a glas of
wine." The bartender says, "Sure, why the big pause?" The Tae'dae replies, "I
don't know, my dad had them too.""
Knight Ordos Dekoven, Wings of the Dove shouts, "Estarra and Morgfyre are
walking along Ackleberry highway."Look!," says Estarra, "A forest!" "Where?" as
Morgfyre answers, "I can't see anything but trees!""
Penumbra Calico, Servant of Death shouts, "What do you get when you mix Serens
together? A Seren-aid."
Flacarealah Maschio echoes, "What does a Magnagoran say to a decapitated
Celestian?- "Ur'dead!!""
Tekora Freewind, Songbird Vagabond shouts, "Ok. 2 Ur'guard, a Captain and a
Grunt, are out on patrol. They get attacked by a Gorgog and the Captain is
gravely injured. The Grunt calls out over his guild aether, "Can anyone help?
We've been attacked by a Gorgog and I think the Captain might be dead!""
Tekora Freewind, Songbird Vagabond shouts, "Another senior officer replies, "All
right, first thing you need to make sure that he's dead." The sound of a blade
being unsheathed, then sheathed again can be heard over the aether. The Grunt
then replies, "Ok, now what?""
You shout, "How many Glomdorings does it take to light a lantern? None, since
they can't do anything now that Lady Viravain is gone."
(Xenthos has declared you a formal enemy of the Forest of Glomdoring.) <-- Found that amusing.
Apprentice Lylly shouts, "Two aslarans and a trill walk into a tavern. The trill
looks to the first aslaran and says, "What's for dinner?" Both aslarans answer,
"You, birdboy.""
Druid Ciaran of the Hemlock shouts, "How many Magnagorans does it take to open a
door? One to raise a vote on if it should be opened, ten to vote, one to break
the tie, and one Daevos to behead them all and open the door."
Priest of the Moon, Derian, Hand of the Crone shouts, "What do you call a
dolphin with half a brain?"
Professor Marzolan, the Flowing Quill shouts, "What do you call a civil
druidess? Also extinct."
Shamarah shouts, "A mortal decides to bother Estarra. He says, "How much is a
thousand credits to you?" Estarra replied, "It is but a single gold sovereign."
He says, "How long is a million years to you?" She replied, "It seems like
merely a second." He asks, "Could I have a gold sovereign?" Estarra replies,
"One second."
Ialie Starfall, Rainbow Princess booms, "One day there was a little Glomdoring
boy named Calico and on this glorious day he found a beautiful rainbow! He
followed the rainbow to its end and found a cute little leprechaun. The Little
leprechaun said to him "Oh you have found me, I'll tell you what, instead of all
my riches, I'll let you name one thing and then you'll become it, why just the
other day a little Seren found me and she shouted "Unicorn!" and she became a
wonderful unicorn." Now Calico was very pleased so just as he was about to shout
what he wanted to be, a large group of seren's moonbeamed in and started to
attack him. Calico was soooo afraid that he opened his mouth and shouted "BLOODY
SHITE!" ....."
Druid Kundu of the Rowan shouts, "What do you call the offspring of a Dracnari
and a Human? Lizard Lips."
Myrmidon Marlucia De'Unnero, Blood Swordsman shouts, "Was that even a joke,
Soll shouts, "How long does it take for something to be agreed upon and relayed
by Serenwilde? Too effing long, that's what."
Miriamele Silverias shouts, "What do you call a Merian who won't shut up?
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "That and we've heard a ton of wonderful
Initiate of Alluvium, Rosalinn shouts, "Two friends, a human and a Clangoru,
engage in a friendly discussion. "
replies: "You know what? I really hate bad jokes"."
Kalas Ixion, Moonlit Ranger's voice reverberates, "How many angels are needed to
keep the celestia choir... ah drat, they're all dead anyway."
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "No more pot shots. This contest was to
be lighthearted and fun, nae insultin'."
Gorky Hardbottom's voice reverberates, "The votes are counted and Shamarah's
joke of the Lady Creatrix wins."
So, congrats to Shamarah!
Shamarah2006-10-07 17:28:46
I won a contest while logged off. How awesome is that?
Message #2820 Sent by: Malicia
10/07 17:16 "Noob! You won the contest."
Message #2820 Sent by: Malicia
10/07 17:16 "Noob! You won the contest."
Shayle2006-10-07 17:29:20
Enemy status was SO earned. 

Unknown2006-10-07 17:31:39
You shout, "How many Glomdorings does it take to light a lantern? None, since they can't do anything now that Lady Viravain is gone."
(Xenthos has declared you a formal enemy of the Forest of Glomdoring.) <-- Found that amusing.
If it's part of a joke contest, I'm sorry but that's not cool. (Not just picking on Glomdoring here, it would be like Daevos enemying people for saying stuff about him).
The celebrations are to be a little bit lighthearted and fun.
Kharaen2006-10-07 17:32:13
QUOTE(Shayle @ Oct 7 2006, 01:29 PM) 339887
Enemy status was SO earned.

Yet worth it