Stangmar2007-05-24 00:22:08
Psh, i was copying lyrics for a friend over MSN and....went to the wrong window. Scout's Honor
wait, lowe's a guy?
that's the theory, anyway

Yrael2007-05-24 01:15:42
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
Suicide is not the answer
PS--Guido Flagg Says Hello!
Reiha2007-05-24 01:16:38
QUOTE(Aison @ May 23 2007, 11:06 AM) 411185
And Yrael, that was possibly the most RP-suited snubbing I've ever heard of. Ha.
Which is ironic, because snubbing is not supposed to have an RP purpose. Which was the point, I guess

Yrael2007-05-24 01:19:42
Change your avatar. IT's absoloutly ADOWABLE. Cuddly wuggly kitty witty..
Razenth2007-05-24 01:21:58
Yrael keeps me on my toes. I scry him every so often now just to make sure I don't get jumped.
Unknown2007-05-24 01:33:36
He reminds me of Jeremy Piven's character Ari from Entourage. He wants to 'hug it out' before he screws you.
Richter2007-05-24 01:35:36
QUOTE(TheBoogieMan @ May 23 2007, 04:46 PM) 411235
I almost feel bad for Yrael. He nabbed my pack but was so disgusted with its emptiness he mailed it back to me.
A little tip, next time pick a target that hasn't been away from the game for a RL year. I've barely managed to clothe my character and pick up a single set of vials since I've been back.
A little tip, next time pick a target that hasn't been away from the game for a RL year. I've barely managed to clothe my character and pick up a single set of vials since I've been back.
And this is why people let him get away with stealing things... He's hilarious.

Unknown2007-05-24 01:40:32
People were telling me to look out for him when I was paying 5,000 gold per dead cave fisher earlier today. So he has a good rep. I think maybe he should go into the "protection racket". (Okay, I'll give you 10% of what I have if you promise not to steal for a few years)...
Yrael2007-05-24 01:45:30
And people wonder why my ego is through the roof.
Sarrasri2007-05-24 02:04:19
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "I almost went "attach fish to shield"."
(Skeleton Hearth): Arkzrael says, "A Forrenshield would be entertaining..."
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "That'd be an OP shield."
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "It'd kill for you."
(Skeleton Hearth): Rutharr says, "Nerf."
(Skeleton Hearth): Arkzrael says, "A Forrenshield would be entertaining..."
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "That'd be an OP shield."
(Skeleton Hearth): You say, "It'd kill for you."
(Skeleton Hearth): Rutharr says, "Nerf."
Vix2007-05-24 02:16:24

Unknown2007-05-24 03:22:24
QUOTE(Soraka @ May 11 2007, 12:49 PM) 406415
That's my job. 

Why the hell is that your job? The fact that you have so many alts that we can't keep track of them? The fact that you seep into every aspect of everyones life, when clearly you aren't welcomed? Killing me CERTAINLY isn't your job... at best, it's Shiida's job, and you can NEVER take that from her.
Stop make useless, irrelevant, untrue claims, and maybe you'll fit in better.
Reiha2007-05-24 03:36:50
QUOTE(Seraphi @ May 23 2007, 06:22 PM) 411311
Why the hell is that your job? The fact that you have so many alts that we can't keep track of them? The fact that you seep into every aspect of everyones life, when clearly you aren't welcomed? Killing me CERTAINLY isn't your job... at best, it's Shiida's job, and you can NEVER take that from her.
Stop make useless, irrelevant, untrue claims, and maybe you'll fit in better.
Stop make useless, irrelevant, untrue claims, and maybe you'll fit in better.
Eh, I thought Soraka didn't play anymore

And yay, I think Yrael is a cat person

Anarias2007-05-24 05:38:41
QUOTE(Yrael @ May 23 2007, 07:15 PM) 411265
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
Suicide is not the answer
PS--Guido Flagg Says Hello!
Suicide is not the answer
PS--Guido Flagg Says Hello!

Verithrax2007-05-24 09:35:36
QUOTE(Yrael @ May 23 2007, 10:15 PM) 411265
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
Suicide is not the answer
PS--Guido Flagg Says Hello!
Suicide is not the answer
PS--Guido Flagg Says Hello!

Arix2007-05-24 09:52:44
Unknown2007-05-24 09:58:52
QUOTE(Vix @ May 23 2007, 10:16 PM) 411282

Clise2007-05-24 14:01:29
Ixion tells you, "I should get the gender one, and have hot lesbo action with my wife XD."
Ixion2007-05-24 14:02:37
Lies! I'm never in realms anymore. Hmph-ity-hmph-hmph.
Stangmar2007-05-24 22:47:28
* Stangmar chasm's Daermon
* Daermon dies.
His dies emote was in response to something else, i just had good timing.