Unknown2007-05-27 00:08:13
QUOTE(Ytraelux @ May 26 2007, 07:00 PM) 412175
...You can stop trolling now. Shoo.
There needs to be a very public disclaimer about everything I say.
I am very sarcastic, almost all the time. If I make any sort of grand or sweeping comment about the game at large that would require much knowledge of the workings of a city or organization, take it as sarcasm since I have no way of speaking with any authority about more or less anything.
If I say something profoundly mean or ill-spirited, I'm probably being sarcastic.
If I hurt someone's feelings or sensibilities, I apologize in advance, it probably wasn't intentional.
I try to make it obvious where I'm being serious and where I'm not, if I don't, I apologize again.
OK, back to your regularly scheduled trolling.
Arix2007-05-27 00:18:10
is Refugee Soraka?
Ialie2007-05-27 00:19:43
Nope! I'm Refugee! He or She is my alt.
Unknown2007-05-27 00:25:47
QUOTE(Ialie @ May 27 2007, 12:19 AM) 412219
Nope! I'm Refugee! He or She is my alt.
Give back my identity prz.
I used to play Shuruk back in Achaea, if that means anything to anyone.
As for my lusternian character, there are those here that know who he is, it really doesn't make a difference since I am actually, genuinely a noob. I had enough experiences with things I said on the forums being taken IG to make the same mistake here.
Unknown2007-05-27 01:44:33
You shout, "I name my little 1 room house-boat the Turkey-Vulture of Isune!
Thanks to all the market buyers who made it possible!"
Ahnn raises an eyebrow questioningly.
The corners of Ryn's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
(White Wind): Wuylinfe says, "Heheh, funny name."
Nejii tells you, "The -what- of Isune?"
Rutharr tells you, "*chuckle* Good work."
You tell Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire, "Turkey-Vulture. That's a
good bird of prey, she'd like that."
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Ahnn makes a quiet clicking noise.
Ahnn Dekoven says, "Silly."
Ahnn gives a tasty pecan cookie to you.
Nejii tells you, "I kind of think she preferred more elegant birds."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Fionn says, "Turkey Vulture?"
Thanks to all the market buyers who made it possible!"
Ahnn raises an eyebrow questioningly.
The corners of Ryn's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
(White Wind): Wuylinfe says, "Heheh, funny name."
Nejii tells you, "The -what- of Isune?"
Rutharr tells you, "*chuckle* Good work."
You tell Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire, "Turkey-Vulture. That's a
good bird of prey, she'd like that."
Using her tongue and the roof of her mouth, Ahnn makes a quiet clicking noise.
Ahnn Dekoven says, "Silly."
Ahnn gives a tasty pecan cookie to you.
Nejii tells you, "I kind of think she preferred more elegant birds."
(The Aethercity of Deepnight): Fionn says, "Turkey Vulture?"
Bah, everybody is a critic.
Seems like the perfect bird for Isune.
If a little dorky...kinda like Tully.
Shamarah2007-05-27 01:59:11
Message #3584 Sent by: Lisarel
05/27 01:58 "You have overdrew by 2 power. Please replace it before you draw
power again."
05/27 01:58 "You have overdrew by 2 power. Please replace it before you draw
power again."
Unknown2007-05-27 02:07:20
First dream I had in my new manse, never had this one before.

First dream I had in my new manse, never had this one before.
Exhilaration floods your being as you fly high over the Basin of Life, pointing
your fingers at the sky above and watching with absolute glee as it purple and
pink streaks touch it. Twisting your head, you turn and gaze lovingly at the
form of a beautiful Goddess beside you, who also flings great lines of colour
into the firmament.
your fingers at the sky above and watching with absolute glee as it purple and
pink streaks touch it. Twisting your head, you turn and gaze lovingly at the
form of a beautiful Goddess beside you, who also flings great lines of colour
into the firmament.

Amarysse2007-05-27 02:08:08
Turkey Vulture of Isune?
...Reminds me of the "Iron Fist of Compassion" clan in Achaea. It's a bit of a slap in the face to people who are serious about their devotion to those gods.
...Reminds me of the "Iron Fist of Compassion" clan in Achaea. It's a bit of a slap in the face to people who are serious about their devotion to those gods.
Shiri2007-05-27 02:09:08
So your idea of Isune's perfect bird is one that vomits on predators and
s on its own legs?
I mean, not that I care, but you can bet Nejii's offended.

I mean, not that I care, but you can bet Nejii's offended.

Unknown2007-05-27 02:14:35
Well, if you read all the birds of prey, Eagles and Falcons have a few disgusting habits as well. Isune likes owls as well, and they vomit up those big bags.
If you ever saw Turkey vultures, they look majestic except up close. We had a whole bunch of them at my old home several years back. From a distance they look and fly just like eagles. And I have a feeling Isune created the stork as well.
We'll have to have an in-game discussion about it sometime.
Edited to Add: Plus, Tully's got the Vulture role of the basin, picking up the "trash", so to speak, so if all those who care for Isune can be considered a bird, Nejii's an Eagle, Kia's a Falcon, Wuylinfe's a Hawk...Tully's a Turkey-Vulture.
If you ever saw Turkey vultures, they look majestic except up close. We had a whole bunch of them at my old home several years back. From a distance they look and fly just like eagles. And I have a feeling Isune created the stork as well.
We'll have to have an in-game discussion about it sometime.
Edited to Add: Plus, Tully's got the Vulture role of the basin, picking up the "trash", so to speak, so if all those who care for Isune can be considered a bird, Nejii's an Eagle, Kia's a Falcon, Wuylinfe's a Hawk...Tully's a Turkey-Vulture.
Unknown2007-05-27 02:28:22
Hm. Interesting.
Now I'm going to think of Tully and his manse whenever I see a vulture flying over the road. ^^;;
Now I'm going to think of Tully and his manse whenever I see a vulture flying over the road. ^^;;
Gero2007-05-27 07:29:26
Unblooded Gartu says, "Well, time to cash in on the walking steaks."
4024h, 2428m, 2884e, 10p elrx-
Gartu waves goodbye.
4024h, 2428m, 2884e, 10p elrx-
Gartu leaves to the north.
He is followed by a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow,
a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, and
a sleek russet horse.
4024h, 2428m, 2884e, 10p elrx-
Gartu waves goodbye.
4024h, 2428m, 2884e, 10p elrx-
Gartu leaves to the north.
He is followed by a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow,
a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, a cow, and
a sleek russet horse.
Korben2007-05-27 11:11:32
QUOTE(Refugee @ May 26 2007, 09:25 PM) 412220
I used to play Shuruk back in Achaea, if that means anything to anyone.
Ahah! Welcome aboard.
Yrael2007-05-27 12:28:49
Ashteru tells you, "Oooh, look, I am standing completely undefended, and
unguarded near Magnagora on the highway, all my gold out."
Yrael2007-05-27 12:39:01
Ashteru tells you, "*clear* I am sitting completely naked right outside
Magnagora, not noticing anything around me and daydreaming, without any chance
to defend myself if I was attacked by a clever archlich aslaran with a cunning
ability to steal things!"
Unknown2007-05-27 12:41:49
Another Ash quote. Because he is an adorable teddy.
Warden Ashteru the Forgetful Father says to a bloated illithoid breeder, "Stop
hitting on my son!"
Warden Ashteru the Forgetful Father says to a bloated illithoid breeder, "Stop
hitting on my son!"
Maelvin2007-05-27 15:01:42
******* tells you, "Heya, um, is it ok if I come over and, um, stroke your "inner worm"?"
I knew there was a reason I shouldn't of chosen Illithoid...
I knew there was a reason I shouldn't of chosen Illithoid...
Unknown2007-05-27 15:23:19
Druid Maldred of the Blackthorn is here. He wields a mystic cudgel in his left
hand. Druid Maelvin of the Blackthorn is here. He wields a golden sickle in his
left hand. Nitens, Murmur in the Dark is here. She wields a wooden lute in her
left hand. Asturis, Murmur in the Dark is here. He wields a wooden lute in his
left hand.
I don't mean the names or anything, just look at the way it is, in a visual way.
hand. Druid Maelvin of the Blackthorn is here. He wields a golden sickle in his
left hand. Nitens, Murmur in the Dark is here. She wields a wooden lute in her
left hand. Asturis, Murmur in the Dark is here. He wields a wooden lute in his
left hand.
I don't mean the names or anything, just look at the way it is, in a visual way.
Unknown2007-05-27 15:59:49
They force me to do this.
Rutharr gives a monstrous gravedigger a compassionate hug.
A monstrous gravedigger dances delightfully.
Rutharr gives a monstrous gravedigger a compassionate hug.
A monstrous gravedigger dances delightfully.
Callia2007-05-27 16:51:58
(Paladins): You say, "Can we have the new sacraments skill be a skill that causes anyone who scrys you to die an instant painful death?"
(Paladins): Snaithy (from the Water Elemental Plane) says, "That would be useful."
(Paladins): Nico (from the Aetherways) says, "That'd be lovely."
(Paladins): You say, "Keep Thoros from annoying me..."
You sense the piercing eyes of Terentia looking upon you.
(Paladins): Snaithy (from the Water Elemental Plane) says, "'Thoros has been Slain due to peeping tom-ness'"
(Paladins): You say, "Ack... Divine scry... guess it is a good thing we don't have that skill... I probably would've been zapped just now."
(Paladins): Snaithy (from the Water Elemental Plane) says, "That would be useful."
(Paladins): Nico (from the Aetherways) says, "That'd be lovely."
(Paladins): You say, "Keep Thoros from annoying me..."
You sense the piercing eyes of Terentia looking upon you.
(Paladins): Snaithy (from the Water Elemental Plane) says, "'Thoros has been Slain due to peeping tom-ness'"
(Paladins): You say, "Ack... Divine scry... guess it is a good thing we don't have that skill... I probably would've been zapped just now."