Bashara2007-06-20 03:05:47
The combination of being shocked out of bashing and the scrollfest that is combat on this lousy computer makes for a very uncaring me whenever a fight goes down. I'm better when I'm prepared, have a fighting axe in hand, and actually care.
Krellan2007-06-20 03:43:36
i kind of thought this was funny. Was after I forced Narsrim to sip absinthe a few times.
You recall that Narsrim told you:
"Well, that's going tto get ch *hic* anged quickly."
You recall that Narsrim told you:
"Well, that's going tto get ch *hic* anged quickly."
Unknown2007-06-20 04:21:26
QUOTE(Narsrim @ Feb 15 2006, 04:02 AM) 258388
Shamarah killed me in a FFA once with possess. He gave me a vial of absinthe and a vial of crotamine. He made me sip crotamine a bunch and then obliterated me with absinthe.
When it ended, I tried to sip antidote like 37 times in a row and it failed... and then I died.
When it ended, I tried to sip antidote like 37 times in a row and it failed... and then I died.
Not too quickly. He's known about it for well over a year.

Daereth2007-06-20 05:17:16
This is what happends when you kill old people.
You say to Bashara, "Kick meh."
Bashara Blackmane says, "No."
"Awwwww!" you say.
You say, "Comon!"
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "I refuse."
You give a horrified gasp.
Childishly, Bashara sticks his tongue out at you.
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "You killed me."
You say, "Evil man!"
Bashara turns his back on you and pointedly ignores you.
Bashara cackles hellishly.
Bashara Blackmane exclaims, "It's true, I'm chaotic evil!!!"
Maellio rolls on the floor, laughing.
Bashara Blackmane says, "Well, more lawful evil than anything."
Glaring at Bashara, you prod him repeatedly, showing your frustration.
You say, "I'm gonna poke you untill you kick me."
Bashara Blackmane says, "It might even be more like lawful neutral."
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
Bashara performs a quick search of the surroundings.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "Is there a fly down there?"
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
You grumble angrily.
Bashara tells you, "I could swear I feel something tickling me."
Glaring at Bashara, you prod him repeatedly, showing your frustration.
Bashara Blackmane says, "I could swear I feel something tickling me."
Bashara performs a quick search of the surroundings.
Bashara Blackmane says, "Can't... seem... to... find..... that god damn fly."
You narrow your eyes at Bashara in an unnerving manner.
You thump Bashara on the forehead.
You thump Bashara on the forehead.
You thump Bashara on the forehead.
Bashara performs a quick search of the surroundings.
Bashara ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Wierd, I'm getting the same tickly feeling on my
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "Have you seen the flies?"
You slump down dejectedly.
Bashara Blackmane says to Maellio, "I could swear there's some around here."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "Nope, don't see a thing."
Bashara ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Wonder what it could be."
You thwap Bashara on the head.
You thwap Bashara on the head.
You thwap Bashara on the head.
Bashara stares blankly into space.
You hop up and down on Bashara's foot.
You hop up and down on Bashara's foot.
You slap Bashara on the cheek.
You slap Bashara on the cheek.
Bashara ponders the situation.
You crease your brow in a frown.
Bashara Blackmane asks a black direwolf, "Do you see what's causing all this
You narrow your eyes at Bashara in an unnerving manner.
Bashara Blackmane asks a black direwolf, "Anything?"
Bashara Blackmane says to a black direwolf, "Thought so."
You step up to Bashara and, in one smooth motion, backhand him viciously across
the face.
You peer at Bashara unscrupulously.
You slap Bashara on the cheek.
You viciously smack Bashara about the chops.
You crease your brow in a frown.
You give a pained sigh.
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "Something wrong?"
You say, "Comon! I won't kill you again."
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "What are you talking about?"
You say, "Kick me."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Why?"
You say, "So I can get rid of the status."
You hop up and down on Bashara's foot.
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "Do you know what he's going on about?"
Bashara Blackmane says to Maellio, "I've plumb forgot."
You say, "Kick me grandpa!"
Bashara blinks.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "Hrm? I wasn't paying attention."
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "Who are you?"
You frown at Bashara.
You say, "Hit me with the axe."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Why?"
You say, "Becuse!"
You say, "You feel like it."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "I do?"
You say, "Yes.. you do."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to you, "You're insulting me, don't go calling
people younger then me 'grandpa'"
Bashara blinks.
You say, "Ah, sorry."
Maellio shrugs helplessly.
Bashara Blackmane says to Maellio, "If I'm grandpa, you're great-grandpa."
You narrow your eyes at Bashara in an unnerving manner.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "My point exactly, I think...what were
we talking about?"
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
Bashara blinks incredulously at Maellio.
You collapse in a heap on the floor, unwilling to bear the pain any longer.
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "I thought you knew?"
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says, "Bashara Not really, I've just been playing along
for kicks."
You say, "You guys forget your medication?"
The corners of Maellio's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Bashara blinks incredulously at Maellio.
Bashara Blackmane smiles impishly and says to Maellio, "You always were a
kiniving old bastard."
Bashara leans on Maellio seeking consolation.
Bashara Blackmane says, "I remember this one time, this guy kept asking me to
kick him."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "So it would seem."
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "Do you remember that?"
Glaring at Bashara, you prod him repeatedly, showing your frustration.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "Sure, why not."
Bashara chuckles long and heartily.
Bashara Blackmane says, "I thought so."
Bashara blinks.
You cry aloud and tear at your hair.
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "What were we talking about?"
You give a pained sigh.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind smiles with a wink and says to Bashara, "I don't know,
ask Daedalion here. He seems to know something."
You say, "I do!"
Bashara Blackmane asks, "What?"
You say, "You want to kick me to get rid of your suspect!"
Bashara Blackmane asks, "What?"
You say, "You heard me!"
Bashara Blackmane says, "What?!?!?!"
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "No need to shout boy."
Bashara Blackmane says, "I can hear perfectly fine."
You stare blankly at Bashara.
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "What?"
You say, "Kick me.."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says, "So can I, can't see too well though. Thankfully
he's speaking and not writing."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Dae what?"
You say, "Kick me!"
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "What's he saying?"
You say, "KICK ME!"
Bashara Blackmane says to Maellio, "Speaking some kind of gibberish, can't
hardly understand him."
You collapse in a heap on the floor, unwilling to bear the pain any longer.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "I think I heard either 'kick me' or
'lick me'"
You say, "Kick me."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Ohhhh, lick me."
Bashara licks you.
You say, "K i c k m e."
Bashara nods his head emphatically.
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "There you go."
You say, "KICK."
You say, "Not lick."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Ohhh, lick, not kick!"
Bashara licks you.
"Damn it!" you swear in frustration.
You say, "Damn you!"
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "That's a horrible thing to say."
You stare blankly at Bashara.
You say, "Kick me and I'll take it back."
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "I oughta take you down to teh creek and wash
your mouth out with soap."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "Pehaps you should just kick him out
of the way, before he kills you or something...again..."
Bashara ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "Why would he do that?"
"Damn it!" you swear in frustration.
Bashara gives you the once-over, eyeing you suspiciously.
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "Odd young feller."
You give a pained sigh.
You say, "I give up."
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "Aww, come on, I'm sure she'd like you if you
gave her flowers."
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "Girls like flowers."
Bashara nods his head sagely.
You say, "Who?"
You stare blankly at Bashara.
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "...."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "What are we talking about?"
You say to Bashara, "...."
You say to Bashara, "No idea."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says, "So now we're on the same page, are we?"
You say to Bashara, "I think maellio wants you to kick me."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says, "Maorw?"
Bashara blinks.
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Huh?"
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Who am I?"
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Who are you?"
You say, "You?"
You say, "No clue."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "What is this place?"
You say, "This is celst."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Really?"
You shake your head.
Bashara Blackmane says, "Thought Celest was brighter than this..."
You say, "This is magnagora of course."
Bashara Blackmane exclaims, "Oh, of course!!"
You say, "Rule number one."
You say, "Everyone that lives here must kick daedalion."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Okay."
You say to Bashara, "Hurry up."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Sounds like a fairly simple rule."
Bashara Blackmane rears back to kick Daedalion.
Bashara Blackmane says, "Wait...."
Bashara gives you the once-over, eyeing you suspiciously.
You say to Bashara, "I hate you."
Bashara Blackmane says, "I know."
Bashara gives you a compassionate hug.
Avechna whispers in your mind that Bashara is now fair game to slay.
Bashara leaps into the the air and launches a flying kick at you.
Bashara connects painfully.
You say to Bashara, "Kick meh."
Bashara Blackmane says, "No."
"Awwwww!" you say.
You say, "Comon!"
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "I refuse."
You give a horrified gasp.
Childishly, Bashara sticks his tongue out at you.
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "You killed me."
You say, "Evil man!"
Bashara turns his back on you and pointedly ignores you.
Bashara cackles hellishly.
Bashara Blackmane exclaims, "It's true, I'm chaotic evil!!!"
Maellio rolls on the floor, laughing.
Bashara Blackmane says, "Well, more lawful evil than anything."
Glaring at Bashara, you prod him repeatedly, showing your frustration.
You say, "I'm gonna poke you untill you kick me."
Bashara Blackmane says, "It might even be more like lawful neutral."
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
Bashara performs a quick search of the surroundings.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "Is there a fly down there?"
With your mighty index finger extended, you poke Bashara.
You grumble angrily.
Bashara tells you, "I could swear I feel something tickling me."
Glaring at Bashara, you prod him repeatedly, showing your frustration.
Bashara Blackmane says, "I could swear I feel something tickling me."
Bashara performs a quick search of the surroundings.
Bashara Blackmane says, "Can't... seem... to... find..... that god damn fly."
You narrow your eyes at Bashara in an unnerving manner.
You thump Bashara on the forehead.
You thump Bashara on the forehead.
You thump Bashara on the forehead.
Bashara performs a quick search of the surroundings.
Bashara ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Wierd, I'm getting the same tickly feeling on my
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "Have you seen the flies?"
You slump down dejectedly.
Bashara Blackmane says to Maellio, "I could swear there's some around here."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "Nope, don't see a thing."
Bashara ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Wonder what it could be."
You thwap Bashara on the head.
You thwap Bashara on the head.
You thwap Bashara on the head.
Bashara stares blankly into space.
You hop up and down on Bashara's foot.
You hop up and down on Bashara's foot.
You slap Bashara on the cheek.
You slap Bashara on the cheek.
Bashara ponders the situation.
You crease your brow in a frown.
Bashara Blackmane asks a black direwolf, "Do you see what's causing all this
You narrow your eyes at Bashara in an unnerving manner.
Bashara Blackmane asks a black direwolf, "Anything?"
Bashara Blackmane says to a black direwolf, "Thought so."
You step up to Bashara and, in one smooth motion, backhand him viciously across
the face.
You peer at Bashara unscrupulously.
You slap Bashara on the cheek.
You viciously smack Bashara about the chops.
You crease your brow in a frown.
You give a pained sigh.
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "Something wrong?"
You say, "Comon! I won't kill you again."
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "What are you talking about?"
You say, "Kick me."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Why?"
You say, "So I can get rid of the status."
You hop up and down on Bashara's foot.
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "Do you know what he's going on about?"
Bashara Blackmane says to Maellio, "I've plumb forgot."
You say, "Kick me grandpa!"
Bashara blinks.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "Hrm? I wasn't paying attention."
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "Who are you?"
You frown at Bashara.
You say, "Hit me with the axe."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Why?"
You say, "Becuse!"
You say, "You feel like it."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "I do?"
You say, "Yes.. you do."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to you, "You're insulting me, don't go calling
people younger then me 'grandpa'"
Bashara blinks.
You say, "Ah, sorry."
Maellio shrugs helplessly.
Bashara Blackmane says to Maellio, "If I'm grandpa, you're great-grandpa."
You narrow your eyes at Bashara in an unnerving manner.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "My point exactly, I think...what were
we talking about?"
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
Bashara blinks incredulously at Maellio.
You collapse in a heap on the floor, unwilling to bear the pain any longer.
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "I thought you knew?"
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says, "Bashara Not really, I've just been playing along
for kicks."
You say, "You guys forget your medication?"
The corners of Maellio's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Bashara blinks incredulously at Maellio.
Bashara Blackmane smiles impishly and says to Maellio, "You always were a
kiniving old bastard."
Bashara leans on Maellio seeking consolation.
Bashara Blackmane says, "I remember this one time, this guy kept asking me to
kick him."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "So it would seem."
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "Do you remember that?"
Glaring at Bashara, you prod him repeatedly, showing your frustration.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "Sure, why not."
Bashara chuckles long and heartily.
Bashara Blackmane says, "I thought so."
Bashara blinks.
You cry aloud and tear at your hair.
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "What were we talking about?"
You give a pained sigh.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind smiles with a wink and says to Bashara, "I don't know,
ask Daedalion here. He seems to know something."
You say, "I do!"
Bashara Blackmane asks, "What?"
You say, "You want to kick me to get rid of your suspect!"
Bashara Blackmane asks, "What?"
You say, "You heard me!"
Bashara Blackmane says, "What?!?!?!"
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you shout, "Oh my GOD!"
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "No need to shout boy."
Bashara Blackmane says, "I can hear perfectly fine."
You stare blankly at Bashara.
Bashara Blackmane asks you, "What?"
You say, "Kick me.."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says, "So can I, can't see too well though. Thankfully
he's speaking and not writing."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Dae what?"
You say, "Kick me!"
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "What's he saying?"
You say, "KICK ME!"
Bashara Blackmane says to Maellio, "Speaking some kind of gibberish, can't
hardly understand him."
You collapse in a heap on the floor, unwilling to bear the pain any longer.
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "I think I heard either 'kick me' or
'lick me'"
You say, "Kick me."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Ohhhh, lick me."
Bashara licks you.
You say, "K i c k m e."
Bashara nods his head emphatically.
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "There you go."
You say, "KICK."
You say, "Not lick."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Ohhh, lick, not kick!"
Bashara licks you.
"Damn it!" you swear in frustration.
You say, "Damn you!"
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "That's a horrible thing to say."
You stare blankly at Bashara.
You say, "Kick me and I'll take it back."
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "I oughta take you down to teh creek and wash
your mouth out with soap."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says to Bashara, "Pehaps you should just kick him out
of the way, before he kills you or something...again..."
Bashara ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Bashara Blackmane asks Maellio, "Why would he do that?"
"Damn it!" you swear in frustration.
Bashara gives you the once-over, eyeing you suspiciously.
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "Odd young feller."
You give a pained sigh.
You say, "I give up."
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "Aww, come on, I'm sure she'd like you if you
gave her flowers."
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "Girls like flowers."
Bashara nods his head sagely.
You say, "Who?"
You stare blankly at Bashara.
Bashara Blackmane says to you, "...."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "What are we talking about?"
You say to Bashara, "...."
You say to Bashara, "No idea."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says, "So now we're on the same page, are we?"
You say to Bashara, "I think maellio wants you to kick me."
Maellio Oushi, the Blind says, "Maorw?"
Bashara blinks.
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Huh?"
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Who am I?"
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Who are you?"
You say, "You?"
You say, "No clue."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "What is this place?"
You say, "This is celst."
Bashara Blackmane asks, "Really?"
You shake your head.
Bashara Blackmane says, "Thought Celest was brighter than this..."
You say, "This is magnagora of course."
Bashara Blackmane exclaims, "Oh, of course!!"
You say, "Rule number one."
You say, "Everyone that lives here must kick daedalion."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Okay."
You say to Bashara, "Hurry up."
Bashara Blackmane says, "Sounds like a fairly simple rule."
Bashara Blackmane rears back to kick Daedalion.
Bashara Blackmane says, "Wait...."
Bashara gives you the once-over, eyeing you suspiciously.
You say to Bashara, "I hate you."
Bashara Blackmane says, "I know."
Bashara gives you a compassionate hug.
Avechna whispers in your mind that Bashara is now fair game to slay.
Bashara leaps into the the air and launches a flying kick at you.
Bashara connects painfully.
Amarysse2007-06-20 05:55:33

Oh, dear sweet gods, pity me, for I cannot stop laughing and I fear that all the spiritual fortitude in the world won't save me from the ill effects of sheer, prolonged hilarity and a Route 44 Cherry Limeade from Sonic.
Arix2007-06-20 07:45:04
i kind of thought this was funny. Was after I forced Narsrim to sip absinthe a few times.
You recall that Narsrim told you:
"Well, that's going tto get ch *hic* anged quickly."
You recall that Narsrim told you:
"Well, that's going tto get ch *hic* anged quickly."
Why is Narsrim still an envoy?
Also, there needs to be a different command for handing a decapitated head to someone. Giving heads to people at the Megalith just seems wrong
Laysus2007-06-20 23:49:53
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 20 2007, 02:18 AM) 418805
It's called stancing. Try, y'know, hitting something else next time. Or use crushes.
Want to know something sad? As far as I am aware, until he actually hit me, I was stancing legs.
Also, the waving wasn't me being dickish, Elsiani'd just come from raiding, so I tracked her down for a slightly belated revenge, and I hadn't any problem with you or Sharael. so I was saying bye! I'm a nice guy really

Unknown2007-06-21 03:21:28
Beware healers of the basin, for hemophiliac faelings. 
I went ‘whoa’ IRL, as I got spammed by my clotting on that one, gave me a little chuckle.
For the most part it's fun farhealing/cureing in sanc during violent influencing, it's about the best situation for a Healer to be in. Still, it sucks that the most dangerous things out there can't be cured by the healing skillset, and with the eq time on farheal, they can just outpace my help with more damage. (As-is, I came within 50-100hp of overhealing around half a dozen times during the course of the village being up.)

You raise a palm in the air and try to cure Laysus from afar.
You absorb the bleeding wounds of Laysus into yourself.
3629h, 4940m, 4175e, 10p, 16360en, 22888w xk-
You feel the comforting presence of the mother briefly touch you.
3850h, 4940m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22894w xk-
You bleed 792 health.
3058h, 4940m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22894w xk-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4880m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22882w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4820m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22870w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4760m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22858w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4700m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22846w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4640m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22834w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4580m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22822w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4520m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22810w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4460m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22798w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4400m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22786w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4340m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22774w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4280m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22762w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4220m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22750w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4160m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22738w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4100m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22726w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4040m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22714w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3980m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22702w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3920m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22690w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3860m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22678w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3800m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22666w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3740m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22654w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3680m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22642w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3620m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22630w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3560m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22624w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3500m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22612w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3440m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22600w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3380m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22588w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3320m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22576w xk-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3058h, 3320m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22576w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3260m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22564w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3200m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22552w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3140m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22540w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3005m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22528w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2945m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22516w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2885m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22504w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2825m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22492w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2765m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22480w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2705m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22468w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2645m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22456w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2585m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22444w exk-
A sprite flies up and places a hand on your head, channeling mana to you.
3058h, 2943m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22444w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2883m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22432w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2823m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22420w exk-
You do not bleed, my friend.
You absorb the bleeding wounds of Laysus into yourself.
3629h, 4940m, 4175e, 10p, 16360en, 22888w xk-
You feel the comforting presence of the mother briefly touch you.
3850h, 4940m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22894w xk-
You bleed 792 health.
3058h, 4940m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22894w xk-clot
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4880m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22882w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4820m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22870w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4760m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22858w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4700m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22846w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4640m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22834w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4580m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22822w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4520m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22810w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4460m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22798w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4400m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22786w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4340m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22774w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4280m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22762w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4220m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22750w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4160m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22738w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4100m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22726w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 4040m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22714w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3980m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22702w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3920m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22690w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3860m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22678w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3800m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22666w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3740m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22654w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3680m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22642w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3620m, 4175e, 10p, 16370en, 22630w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3560m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22624w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3500m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22612w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3440m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22600w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3380m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22588w xk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3320m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22576w xk-
You have recovered equilibrium.
3058h, 3320m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22576w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3260m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22564w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3200m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22552w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3140m, 4175e, 10p, 16380en, 22540w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 3005m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22528w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2945m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22516w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2885m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22504w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2825m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22492w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2765m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22480w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2705m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22468w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2645m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22456w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2585m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22444w exk-
A sprite flies up and places a hand on your head, channeling mana to you.
3058h, 2943m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22444w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2883m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22432w exk-
You exert superior mental control and your wounds clot before your eyes.
3058h, 2823m, 4264e, 10p, 16380en, 22420w exk-
You do not bleed, my friend.
I went ‘whoa’ IRL, as I got spammed by my clotting on that one, gave me a little chuckle.
For the most part it's fun farhealing/cureing in sanc during violent influencing, it's about the best situation for a Healer to be in. Still, it sucks that the most dangerous things out there can't be cured by the healing skillset, and with the eq time on farheal, they can just outpace my help with more damage. (As-is, I came within 50-100hp of overhealing around half a dozen times during the course of the village being up.)
Krellan2007-06-21 03:40:44
hah you did awesome though, you definately need to start a project or set up a program in the guild teaching all the healers how to do that effectively
Yrael2007-06-21 13:53:01
Lisarel tells you, "HAII."
Unknown2007-06-21 18:26:45
The vile darkness of Supreme Master Luciphage permeates your very soul and you
cannot help but gasp in revulsion.
Before the Megalith of Doom.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything
here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. Elusive, crazed angles and bizarre
alien geometries comprise the seething shrine of monolithic, hieroglyph engraved
spires that stands as testament to the mythic and terrible power of Lord
Morgfyre. There are 20 Ur'Guard Grand Marshals here. There are 5 plague lords
You see exits leading southeast and southwest.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
Supreme Master Luciphage rages, seeing his attack fall on your reflection.
cannot help but gasp in revulsion.
Before the Megalith of Doom.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything
here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. Elusive, crazed angles and bizarre
alien geometries comprise the seething shrine of monolithic, hieroglyph engraved
spires that stands as testament to the mythic and terrible power of Lord
Morgfyre. There are 20 Ur'Guard Grand Marshals here. There are 5 plague lords
You see exits leading southeast and southwest.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
Supreme Master Luciphage rages, seeing his attack fall on your reflection.
Unknown2007-06-21 20:22:11
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jun 21 2007, 01:26 PM) 419253
The vile darkness of Supreme Master Luciphage permeates your very soul and you
cannot help but gasp in revulsion.
Before the Megalith of Doom.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything
here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. Elusive, crazed angles and bizarre
alien geometries comprise the seething shrine of monolithic, hieroglyph engraved
spires that stands as testament to the mythic and terrible power of Lord
Morgfyre. There are 20 Ur'Guard Grand Marshals here. There are 5 plague lords
You see exits leading southeast and southwest.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
Supreme Master Luciphage rages, seeing his attack fall on your reflection.
cannot help but gasp in revulsion.
Before the Megalith of Doom.
Rising up from cracks in the floor, the Megalith of Doom towers above everything
here, polluting the air with its foul fumes. Elusive, crazed angles and bizarre
alien geometries comprise the seething shrine of monolithic, hieroglyph engraved
spires that stands as testament to the mythic and terrible power of Lord
Morgfyre. There are 20 Ur'Guard Grand Marshals here. There are 5 plague lords
You see exits leading southeast and southwest.
One of your reflections has been destroyed! You have 0 left.
Supreme Master Luciphage rages, seeing his attack fall on your reflection.
Luci was picking on you while you were at the megalith? Someone must have been playing with illusions...looks like fun!
Jitwix2007-06-21 21:29:33
I thought I'd mail myself a letter to see what kind of owl delivered it. But they are far too clever for me.
-mail letter to jitwix
The postal clerk takes the letter from you, and then hands it back, her job done.
The postal clerk takes the letter from you, and then hands it back, her job done.
Unknown2007-06-21 22:01:19
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Jun 21 2007, 04:22 PM) 419269
Luci was picking on you while you were at the megalith? Someone must have been playing with illusions...looks like fun!
No, see what happens, is once you get into his room, one of the only ways out while he is alive is to beg at his feet, or some emote similar to that, been awhile since my Mag alt was on Nil.Whenever you do that, he touches you and sends you back to the Megalith, but he does a load of damage too, so that's what the reflection was protecting against.
Yrael2007-06-22 02:51:05
(The Dark Carnival): Arix says, "Your phone bill must be insane."
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "Heh."
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "I meant by my character name

(The Dark Carnival): Arix says, "Calling all those phone sex places and telling
them to call you Veonira
Arix2007-06-22 02:57:27
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "Isn't that right, Veonira?"
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "You're a bit leery of random men turning up to meet you?"
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "What."
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "Yes sort of."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "There you go."
(The Dark Carnival): You say, "What would you do if some random person showed up
where you worked and asked for 'Veonira'?"
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "Be like, what the hell."
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "I think anyone would, haha."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "What would you do if you recognised it was
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "It's weird enough if people call me that on
the phone."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "(The police are the word you're looking for.)"
(The Dark Carnival): You say, "People call you Veonira on the phone, Richter?"
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "Oops. I phrased that wrong."
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "Rofl."
An old rat darts into the shadows and disappears.
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "Richter in a blonde wig with oranges down his
shirt would be hot."
(The Dark Carnival): You say, "Your phone bill must be insane."
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "Heh."
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "I meant by my character name
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "I don't talk about lusternia irl."
(The Dark Carnival): You say, "Calling all those phone sex places and telling
them to call you Veonira."
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "Rofl."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "Quotegasm."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "You're a bit leery of random men turning up to meet you?"
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "What."
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "Yes sort of."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "There you go."
(The Dark Carnival): You say, "What would you do if some random person showed up
where you worked and asked for 'Veonira'?"
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "Be like, what the hell."
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "I think anyone would, haha."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "What would you do if you recognised it was
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "It's weird enough if people call me that on
the phone."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "(The police are the word you're looking for.)"
(The Dark Carnival): You say, "People call you Veonira on the phone, Richter?"
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "Oops. I phrased that wrong."
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "Rofl."
An old rat darts into the shadows and disappears.
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "Richter in a blonde wig with oranges down his
shirt would be hot."
(The Dark Carnival): You say, "Your phone bill must be insane."
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "Heh."
(The Dark Carnival): Richter says, "I meant by my character name

(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "I don't talk about lusternia irl."
(The Dark Carnival): You say, "Calling all those phone sex places and telling
them to call you Veonira."
(The Dark Carnival): Veonira says, "Rofl."
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "Quotegasm."
Shamarah2007-06-22 04:04:05
(The Dark Carnival): Yrael says, "And just because I can:
off, tampon adds.
Having a tampon called "thin and flexy" doesn't mean you're thin and flexy, OR A

Having a tampon called "thin and flexy" doesn't mean you're thin and flexy, OR A

Amarysse2007-06-22 05:00:01
Oh, for
"The Dark Carnival" clan was one of the worst blights on Achaea since the game was opened.
How lovely to see it making an appearance here, as well.

"The Dark Carnival" clan was one of the worst blights on Achaea since the game was opened.
How lovely to see it making an appearance here, as well.
Shiri2007-06-22 05:06:03
It's been here since the start of the game.
Amarysse2007-06-22 05:10:15
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jun 22 2007, 12:06 AM) 419427
It's been here since the start of the game.
Well, there goes my level of respect... I always despised the people in that clan for, among other things, writing a giant marital aid into a shop description.