Ixion2006-10-26 01:48:32

That's even more funny than Munsrim trying to jump me.
Vix2006-10-26 01:49:19
Just... wow... 

Unknown2006-10-26 01:49:47
Verithrax2006-10-26 01:52:47
Hehe, it's funny seeing Narsrim acting like a schoolyard kid.
I can citizen Munsia!
Can not!
Can too!
Can not!
Can too!
Can not!
Can too!
I can citizen Munsia!
Can not!
Can too!
Can not!
Can too!
Can not!
Can too!
Vix2006-10-26 02:00:49
(Serenwilde): ***** says, "Hello im a pro gamer mostly rpgs where I live I amm a newb here though XD."

Furien2006-10-26 02:01:10

(Serenwilde): Faelok says, "Hello im a pro gamer mostly rpgs where I live I amm
a newb here though XD."

Acrune2006-10-26 02:09:32
QUOTE(Furien @ Oct 25 2006, 10:01 PM) 346719
(Serenwilde): ***** says, "Hello im a pro gamer mostly rpgs where I live I amm
a newb here though XD."
So he's 13 and has no friends?

Ildaudid2006-10-26 02:11:13
QUOTE(Cairam @ Oct 24 2006, 03:50 PM) 346287
There was a pumpkin butt? I wanna see it. How can people get upset over a pumpkin butt when you can see a butt in Nepthysia's banner, anyway?
Cairam... it is way less scary than those old saggy breasts you shared with us earlier
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 25 2006, 09:47 PM) 346704
2006/10/25 21:14:01 - Narsrim citizened Munsia.
2006/10/26 01:12:57 - Mitch kicked out Munsia.
2006/10/26 01:14:12 - Narsrim citizened Munsia.
2006/10/26 01:14:55 - Narsrim citydisfavoured Mitch for: mitch has no authority
to remove munsia and violated the star council's permission in doing so.
2006/10/26 01:17:40 - Mitch kicked out Munsia.
2006/10/26 01:19:04 - Narsrim citizened Munsia.
2006/10/26 01:21:12 - Mitch kicked out Munsia.
2006/10/26 01:22:13 - Narsrim citizened Munsia.
2006/10/26 01:23:08 - Mitch kicked out Munsia.
2006/10/26 01:23:15 - Narsrim citizened Munsia.

Ixion2006-10-26 02:31:09
Too bad you missed him being rocked in the catacombs when he ported in to gank Nayl 

Anarias2006-10-26 02:41:56
...I'd have thought Mitch would have been kicked too.
Nobody stopped them?
Nobody stopped them?
Nementh2006-10-26 03:24:24
From what I can tell, Celest is prolly cheering Mitch on :-p
And "(Serenwilde): Faelok says, "Hello im a pro gamer mostly rpgs where I live I amm a newb here though XD.""
Funny thing is, out of the small amount of Professional Gamers, there is no 'Profession' for RPGs... it is mostly FPS and RTS which always have clear and defined winners... we saw need to 'pwn' this kid :-p
And "(Serenwilde): Faelok says, "Hello im a pro gamer mostly rpgs where I live I amm a newb here though XD.""
Funny thing is, out of the small amount of Professional Gamers, there is no 'Profession' for RPGs... it is mostly FPS and RTS which always have clear and defined winners... we saw need to 'pwn' this kid :-p
Tekora2006-10-26 03:40:24
Typical Wednesday night in the IRC chat.
blastron: ahh, I love genderbend.
blastron: Dulchaise tells you, "((Weren't you a man at one point?))"
blastron: You tell Penitent Dulchaise, "((Perhaps.))"
Verithrax: Tell him about how the healers got a new skill, GenderChangeSurgery.
Tekora: Forget that. Tell him about the Sleazy Back Alley in Magnagora.
blastron: nah, I like the healing one.
Drathys: Tell him you're a member of the "takes it any way he can get it" club
Felix: >_<
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: LOL
Tekora: LOL
Drathys: That's the true purpose of genderbending
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: I want genderbend
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: to be a katoey
blastron: You tell Penitent Dulchaise, "((It's a new Healing skill, you can permanently
blastron: change other people's gender.))"
blastron: Dulchaise tells you, "(( Uh.. what the hell does that heal?))"
blastron: You tell Penitent Dulchaise, "((Deep-set psychological distress caused by
blastron: feelings of being in the wrong body.))"
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: walk around in a skirt with a huge....pocketbelt... >_>
blastron: <3 clueless people.
Drathys: carry a cudgel in your pocket
Felix: Mimi remember Akrune?
Verithrax: "Is that an athame in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
blastron: what guild are pentients?
Tekora: Nihilist.
Drathys: "no, but wanna see my wand of enlarge?"
blastron: Want to touch my Rod of Lordly Might?
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: hmm
blastron: If you hit the right button, it might extend!
Verithrax: "Will it make me bigger?"
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: I remember... some katoey faeling getting it on with a paladin in the park named Yila
Verithrax: "No, it only targets itself."
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: who was me
Verithrax: Seksay.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: I was like... every katoey faeling
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: Yila, Lanna, Yila, Lanna, Shye...
Felix: Why are you obessed with that Mimi?
Felix: :|
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: no idea, it just interests me
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: and a lot of my friends are katoey ooc
daganev: damn, someone bought all my sparklbery
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: and they are like my sisters, we are very close
Felix: >.>
Felix: Close huh.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: yes
Felix: anyway, moving on.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: in a non naughty way
Felix: I know.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: they don't like girls.. =(
Felix: Moving on.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: Mai is reaaaaaly hot though, kinda sucks in a way
blastron: So.
blastron: Dulchaise tells you, "((Weren't you a man at one point?))"
blastron: You tell Penitent Dulchaise, "((Perhaps.))"
Verithrax: Tell him about how the healers got a new skill, GenderChangeSurgery.
Tekora: Forget that. Tell him about the Sleazy Back Alley in Magnagora.
blastron: nah, I like the healing one.
Drathys: Tell him you're a member of the "takes it any way he can get it" club
Felix: >_<
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: LOL
Tekora: LOL
Drathys: That's the true purpose of genderbending
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: I want genderbend
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: to be a katoey
blastron: You tell Penitent Dulchaise, "((It's a new Healing skill, you can permanently
blastron: change other people's gender.))"
blastron: Dulchaise tells you, "(( Uh.. what the hell does that heal?))"
blastron: You tell Penitent Dulchaise, "((Deep-set psychological distress caused by
blastron: feelings of being in the wrong body.))"
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: walk around in a skirt with a huge....pocketbelt... >_>
blastron: <3 clueless people.
Drathys: carry a cudgel in your pocket
Felix: Mimi remember Akrune?
Verithrax: "Is that an athame in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
blastron: what guild are pentients?
Tekora: Nihilist.
Drathys: "no, but wanna see my wand of enlarge?"
blastron: Want to touch my Rod of Lordly Might?
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: hmm
blastron: If you hit the right button, it might extend!
Verithrax: "Will it make me bigger?"
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: I remember... some katoey faeling getting it on with a paladin in the park named Yila
Verithrax: "No, it only targets itself."
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: who was me
Verithrax: Seksay.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: I was like... every katoey faeling
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: Yila, Lanna, Yila, Lanna, Shye...
Felix: Why are you obessed with that Mimi?
Felix: :|
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: no idea, it just interests me
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: and a lot of my friends are katoey ooc
daganev: damn, someone bought all my sparklbery
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: and they are like my sisters, we are very close
Felix: >.>
Felix: Close huh.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: yes
Felix: anyway, moving on.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: in a non naughty way
Felix: I know.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: they don't like girls.. =(
Felix: Moving on.
Mimi_FiftyKPowah: Mai is reaaaaaly hot though, kinda sucks in a way
blastron: So.
Drathys2006-10-26 06:17:42
Joli: I like little boys.
Drathys: quote
* Joli finds the divider.
Drathys: quote
* Joli finds the divider.
Joli2006-10-26 06:28:32
At least make it make sense.. They were accusing me of being a pedo!
With no context, of course, Drathys.
* Joli begins putting the divider back up.
I like little boys too. Marinara, or a la mode.
* Joli takes Verithrax behind the divider. You hear a few strange noises then followed by a small scream of, "No, mommy, no!"
"Don't do that! No, not that thing again. Aaaaaaaaggh- yes, that thing again."
* Verithrax shrieks like a chipmunk on speed.
Why do you hurt mommy so?
damn it they have it fixed so I can't be Viravain.
* Verithrax crawls from behind the divider, twitching and panicking, but is dragged back behind it.
* Joli puts on her Viravain mask.
You know what, I have tests tomorrow, and I really need to be able to sleep tonight, so fare thee well, folks.
Tekora is running 
Yes, yes I am.
I'd run too if I wasn't bound and gagged.
* Tekora has quit IRC (Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)
I can't continue since Verithrax would probably be miffed.
* Verithrax coughs, hides the gimp mask behind his back.
Very much so, yes.
* Joli begins putting the divider back up.
* Joli takes Verithrax behind the divider. You hear a few strange noises then followed by a small scream of, "No, mommy, no!"
* Verithrax shrieks like a chipmunk on speed.
* Verithrax crawls from behind the divider, twitching and panicking, but is dragged back behind it.
* Joli puts on her Viravain mask.

* Tekora has quit IRC (Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)
* Verithrax coughs, hides the gimp mask behind his back.
Unknown2006-10-26 08:57:42
(Serenwilde): Fedor says, "Hi all im da man."
A shiny new leaf unfurls on the Moonhart Mother Tree, a symbol of new growth.
Nessa blinks.
(Serenwilde): Caedryn says, "I've got it."
Oh, beware all and prepare for the newest newbies around.A shiny new leaf unfurls on the Moonhart Mother Tree, a symbol of new growth.
Nessa blinks.
(Serenwilde): Caedryn says, "I've got it."
Newbies are cute, and I somehow picture Caedryn running around, in fullplate with an apron over it, chasing baby furrikin novices all over the serenwilde.

Tsuki2006-10-26 09:52:26
Tatine went crazy and gave us Dolphin spheres, and Belisma was confused so we nominated Tatine to explain Astrolomigizing to her:
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "I'm only
moonlighting as an astro-wytch though!"
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "I don't know
very much."
You smile with a wink and say to Tatine, "Close enough."
Belisma becomes overwhelmed by it all and faints.
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "There's two
types of astrocasting."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Rays and
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Rays are
Belisma snickers softly to herself.
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Spheres are
Sivriel L'Eternae, Silver Rain says, "It's about stars moving and birthdays and
months and moon and I think the colour of your cape if you have one matters too,
and how many honeycakes you ate last month."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Certain spheres
do certain things depending on the positions of the aspects in constellations."
Belisma giggles happily at Sivriel.
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "And some things
depend on things that happen like never."
You say to Sivriel, "Don't forget how many pine needles you stepped on, and
which way they were lying."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "And they can
have good influences and bad influences."
Sivriel flaps her arms madly.
Sivriel nods her head at you.
The corners of Sivriel's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "At the moment
the constellation of Dolphin is sextile or semisextile to the Sun in some other
constellation I can't remember."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Which is a
positive influence."
Belisma L'Eternae, Adherent of Luna says, "...sextile?"
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "There's big
words that mean good or bad."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Some words are
more good than other words."
Belisma L'Eternae, Adherent of Luna says, "Gotcha."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "I'm only
moonlighting as an astro-wytch though!"
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "I don't know
very much."
You smile with a wink and say to Tatine, "Close enough."
Belisma becomes overwhelmed by it all and faints.
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "There's two
types of astrocasting."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Rays and
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Rays are
Belisma snickers softly to herself.
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Spheres are
Sivriel L'Eternae, Silver Rain says, "It's about stars moving and birthdays and
months and moon and I think the colour of your cape if you have one matters too,
and how many honeycakes you ate last month."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Certain spheres
do certain things depending on the positions of the aspects in constellations."
Belisma giggles happily at Sivriel.
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "And some things
depend on things that happen like never."
You say to Sivriel, "Don't forget how many pine needles you stepped on, and
which way they were lying."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "And they can
have good influences and bad influences."
Sivriel flaps her arms madly.
Sivriel nods her head at you.
The corners of Sivriel's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "At the moment
the constellation of Dolphin is sextile or semisextile to the Sun in some other
constellation I can't remember."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Which is a
positive influence."
Belisma L'Eternae, Adherent of Luna says, "...sextile?"
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "There's big
words that mean good or bad."
Moonlighting Astro-Wytch Tatine Shelley, Discombobulator says, "Some words are
more good than other words."
Belisma L'Eternae, Adherent of Luna says, "Gotcha."
Shiri2006-10-26 10:04:44

Shorlen2006-10-26 12:20:31
(Joking about how Arafinwe can't climb trees or cling anymore)
Arafinwe clings to the branches with ease. <-- illusion
3149h, 4535m, 4766e, 10p, 14645en, 21575w ex-
Arafinwe is blown, flailing, out of the tree. <-- not an illusion
Arafinwe clings to the branches with ease. <-- illusion
3149h, 4535m, 4766e, 10p, 14645en, 21575w ex-
Arafinwe is blown, flailing, out of the tree. <-- not an illusion
Sylphas2006-10-26 12:41:10
Climb should really, you know, let us climb. 

Shorlen2006-10-26 13:30:56
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Oct 26 2006, 08:41 AM) 346847
Climb should really, you know, let us climb. 

Climbing out of pits faster is so much better than climbing trees. It's something you can't learn any other way