Arix2007-07-11 07:27:09
no, I had forgotten about that.
Inox2007-07-11 08:16:43
Hmm, sorry for bringing it up again, then. If I'd have noticed the other posts about it earlier, I would have commented on them, but I've been in hiding for a few days.
Rattusk2007-07-11 09:34:10
Fun as a Tailor
Haiden Shopping for Shoes
Haiden tells you, "Simple black shoes."
Haiden tells you, "Don't care of the design, really. Just need the comms asap.
You tell Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower, "Pfft. Have
some variety."
Haiden tells you, "Bah."
Haiden tells you, "Any black shoe, does not matter."
You tell Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower, "This is what I
get when I tailor for men."
Haiden tells you, "Oi."
You tell Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower, "Women spend
more. Its a fact. Keeps my little white fur in buisness."
You tell Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower, "Shhh."
Haiden’s … Request
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "I want a men's
You blink incredulously at Haiden.
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "Hot pants."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "And men's
Niahm stares implacably at Haiden.
You say, "Umm."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "Asap."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "Chop chop."
Beads of sweat break out on your face.
Haiden snickers softly to himself.
Seditionist Niahm Ayn'nele says to you, "Don't listen to him."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "Yes, don't."
You say to Haiden, "Please tell me you are NOT going to dance in that."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "No."
You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
Seditionist Niahm Ayn'nele says to you, "Only for me."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "I'm going to
Haiden takes a deep breath, and his very presence seems to brighten.
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
Haiden bounces up and down.
Haiden Shopping for Shoes
Haiden tells you, "Simple black shoes."
Haiden tells you, "Don't care of the design, really. Just need the comms asap.
You tell Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower, "Pfft. Have
some variety."
Haiden tells you, "Bah."
Haiden tells you, "Any black shoe, does not matter."
You tell Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower, "This is what I
get when I tailor for men."
Haiden tells you, "Oi."
You tell Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower, "Women spend
more. Its a fact. Keeps my little white fur in buisness."
You tell Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower, "Shhh."
Haiden’s … Request
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "I want a men's
You blink incredulously at Haiden.
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "Hot pants."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "And men's
Niahm stares implacably at Haiden.
You say, "Umm."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "Asap."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "Chop chop."
Beads of sweat break out on your face.
Haiden snickers softly to himself.
Seditionist Niahm Ayn'nele says to you, "Don't listen to him."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "Yes, don't."
You say to Haiden, "Please tell me you are NOT going to dance in that."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "No."
You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
Seditionist Niahm Ayn'nele says to you, "Only for me."
Second Lieutenant Haiden Ayn'nele, Keeper of the Tower says, "I'm going to
Haiden takes a deep breath, and his very presence seems to brighten.
Throwing back your head, you scream agonizingly.
Haiden bounces up and down.
Yrael2007-07-11 10:15:06
You're just jealous of his fashion sense. He looks simply DIVINE in stiletto heels.
Arix2007-07-11 10:36:39
Jack2007-07-11 13:22:11
Simimi2007-07-11 15:27:32
Laysus2007-07-12 01:43:18
Why fae shouldn't be timeable.
A banshee stares at Xenthos, then suddenly emits a high-pitched screech at him, causing the colour to drain from his face.
Drawing back on his tiny bow, a pixie shoots an arrow straight at Xenthos.
Drawing back on his tiny bow, a pixie shoots an arrow straight at Xenthos.
Xenthos's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
Drawing back on his tiny bow, a pixie shoots an arrow straight at Xenthos.
Drawing back on his tiny bow, a pixie shoots an arrow straight at Xenthos.
Drawing back on his tiny bow, a pixie shoots an arrow straight at Xenthos.
Xenthos's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
Drawing back on his tiny bow, a pixie shoots an arrow straight at Xenthos.
Reiha2007-07-12 02:41:24
(Daughters of Attai): Kharaen (from the Aetherways) says, "I can see it now."
(Daughters of Attai): Kharaen (from the Aetherways) says, "It's twilight, the stars are bright. The two kittens are resting beneath the enduring glow of Alianna's giant glow-butt."
(Daughters of Attai): Kharaen (from the Aetherways) says, "It's twilight, the stars are bright. The two kittens are resting beneath the enduring glow of Alianna's giant glow-butt."
Hazar2007-07-12 02:54:16
Mhmmm. Kinky.
Kharaen2007-07-12 03:01:56
We were talking about me drawing Mischief and Namnam for an Artisanal, then Alianna interjected, or you could draw me and my giant glowbutt, so I said that...
Shiri2007-07-12 03:12:15
(Daughters of Attai): Kharaen (from the Aetherways) says, "It's twilight, the stars are bright. The two kittens are resting beneath the enduring glow of Alianna's giant glow-butt."
^-- this cracked me up IRL. GJ.
^-- this cracked me up IRL. GJ.
Arix2007-07-12 09:46:12
Yevah: I need Forren.
Yevah: Ohh
Yevah: I feel dirty.
Yevah: Ohh
Yevah: I feel dirty.
Tsuki2007-07-12 10:39:37
Because it amused me, and has the added bonus of a chance to make Shiri tear out his hair in frustration:
3186h, 4590m, 4824e, 10p, 14814en, 21850w ex-se
The Glinshari Circle.
Ephemeral visions of the virtue of Duty slip through your mind, small whispers
of the power of the Hunt echoing in your ears and indicating a shield shrine of
Charune nearby. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. In the center of the
circle stands a large, circular stone basin. There are 4993 blue flames
crackling within the basin, burning pure and bright. A mature oak tree stands
proudly here. Reaching up as high as the eye can see looms the awesome presence
of a living totem. Leading deep into the forest, a tangled path twists every
which way.
You see exits leading southwest, northwest, and through a path twists every
which way here.
3186h, 4590m, 4824e, 10p, 14812en, 21850w ex-
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have
advanced to level 79.
You have reached the illustrious level of Metamortal.
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
3186h, 4590m, 4824e, 10p, 14814en, 21850w ex-se
The Glinshari Circle.
Ephemeral visions of the virtue of Duty slip through your mind, small whispers
of the power of the Hunt echoing in your ears and indicating a shield shrine of
Charune nearby. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. In the center of the
circle stands a large, circular stone basin. There are 4993 blue flames
crackling within the basin, burning pure and bright. A mature oak tree stands
proudly here. Reaching up as high as the eye can see looms the awesome presence
of a living totem. Leading deep into the forest, a tangled path twists every
which way.
You see exits leading southwest, northwest, and through a path twists every
which way here.
3186h, 4590m, 4824e, 10p, 14812en, 21850w ex-
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have
advanced to level 79.
You have reached the illustrious level of Metamortal.
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
Unknown2007-07-13 03:54:26
You say to Thoros, "Is it done yet?"
Thoros tilts his head and listens intently to you.
Fain's Scalpel, Thoros La'Saet, of the Red Masque says, "What?"
Aia arrives from the ether.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Aia and whisks her away.
Shishi Carthan says, "Richter didn't realize I was his kid until I was oh, in my
mid sixties and he's been my mentor since I stepped out of the portal."
You say to Thoros, "The butt kicking and what not."
Krin arrives from the ether.
Fain's Scalpel, Thoros La'Saet, of the Red Masque says, "The
kicking will
never be over."
You tell Fain's Scalpel, Thoros La'Saet, of the Red Masque, "((Quoted!))"
Thoros tilts his head and listens intently to you.
Fain's Scalpel, Thoros La'Saet, of the Red Masque says, "What?"
Aia arrives from the ether.
A cone of sparkling light rises up around Aia and whisks her away.
Shishi Carthan says, "Richter didn't realize I was his kid until I was oh, in my
mid sixties and he's been my mentor since I stepped out of the portal."
You say to Thoros, "The butt kicking and what not."
Krin arrives from the ether.
Fain's Scalpel, Thoros La'Saet, of the Red Masque says, "The

never be over."
You tell Fain's Scalpel, Thoros La'Saet, of the Red Masque, "((Quoted!))"

Aramel2007-07-13 04:56:53
Yesterday, just before the Weakening raid. We were at Mother, and someone asked "Which Gloms are around?" so I started randomly scrying people, when this happened. It was embarrassing, but I sort of had that coming.

Gazing up at the sky, you bring the image of Shayle into your mind's eye and
overlay it on the constellations. The power of the stars manifests as an image
of under a dark root forms before your eyes.
Shayle tells you, "Yes?"
You wince in pain.
Shayle tells you, "Did you need something, Aramel?"
Myrkr pats you in a friendly manner.
Warlock Tael Talnara, the Lunar Tempest says, "The Queen of Night has more bark than bite."
You tell Queen of the Night, Shayle d'Iasani Treeripper, "Not really."
Hyperactive Myrkr Dekoven, the Mini Midwife says, "Nice rhyme, Tael."
Shayle tells you, "Just checking up on the Queen of the Night then?"
You tell Queen of the Night, Shayle d'Iasani Treeripper, "Yes. Would you rather I didn't?"
Shayle tells you, "I'm quite safe, thank you ever so much for your concern. No, feel free to do so as you please. I am touched."
You tell Queen of the Night, Shayle d'Iasani Treeripper, "Why thank you. You are most kind."
Shayle tells you, "Naturally."
overlay it on the constellations. The power of the stars manifests as an image
of under a dark root forms before your eyes.
Shayle tells you, "Yes?"
You wince in pain.
Shayle tells you, "Did you need something, Aramel?"
Myrkr pats you in a friendly manner.
Warlock Tael Talnara, the Lunar Tempest says, "The Queen of Night has more bark than bite."
You tell Queen of the Night, Shayle d'Iasani Treeripper, "Not really."
Hyperactive Myrkr Dekoven, the Mini Midwife says, "Nice rhyme, Tael."
Shayle tells you, "Just checking up on the Queen of the Night then?"
You tell Queen of the Night, Shayle d'Iasani Treeripper, "Yes. Would you rather I didn't?"
Shayle tells you, "I'm quite safe, thank you ever so much for your concern. No, feel free to do so as you please. I am touched."
You tell Queen of the Night, Shayle d'Iasani Treeripper, "Why thank you. You are most kind."
Shayle tells you, "Naturally."

Anarias2007-07-13 04:57:31
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Jul 12 2007, 04:39 AM) 424990
Because it amused me, and has the added bonus of a chance to make Shiri tear out his hair in frustration:
3186h, 4590m, 4824e, 10p, 14814en, 21850w ex-se
The Glinshari Circle.
Ephemeral visions of the virtue of Duty slip through your mind, small whispers
of the power of the Hunt echoing in your ears and indicating a shield shrine of
Charune nearby. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. In the center of the
circle stands a large, circular stone basin. There are 4993 blue flames
crackling within the basin, burning pure and bright. A mature oak tree stands
proudly here. Reaching up as high as the eye can see looms the awesome presence
of a living totem. Leading deep into the forest, a tangled path twists every
which way.
You see exits leading southwest, northwest, and through a path twists every
which way here.
3186h, 4590m, 4824e, 10p, 14812en, 21850w ex-
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have
advanced to level 79.
You have reached the illustrious level of Metamortal.
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
3186h, 4590m, 4824e, 10p, 14814en, 21850w ex-se
The Glinshari Circle.
Ephemeral visions of the virtue of Duty slip through your mind, small whispers
of the power of the Hunt echoing in your ears and indicating a shield shrine of
Charune nearby. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. In the center of the
circle stands a large, circular stone basin. There are 4993 blue flames
crackling within the basin, burning pure and bright. A mature oak tree stands
proudly here. Reaching up as high as the eye can see looms the awesome presence
of a living totem. Leading deep into the forest, a tangled path twists every
which way.
You see exits leading southwest, northwest, and through a path twists every
which way here.
3186h, 4590m, 4824e, 10p, 14812en, 21850w ex-
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your karma rises in response to your deeds.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have
advanced to level 79.
You have reached the illustrious level of Metamortal.
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
A pixie throws a handful of sparkling dust into the stone basin, which flares
brightly as it hits the blue fire. Another blue flame blossoms within the basin.
A pixie exclaims, "That is all the magic I have to help keep the Flame of
Glinshari alive!"
Yay fireworks!

Aramel2007-07-13 05:07:43
And later, just before the Etherglom raid:
Oh, the craziness that is Seren.
Marisa ponders the situation.
Marisa's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "Onwards!"
Nerra's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "FORESTCAST HAMMOCK! INVOKE LAZY!"
Kalodan's eyes fill with proud joy as he declaims, "The world is divided into two; Nature and the enemy."
Myrkr's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "Kares made me do it."
Krellan's eyes fill with proud joy as he declaims, "Boom!"
Nejii's eyes fill with battle rage as he screams out, "Shine!"
Kaorin's eyes fill with battle rage as she screams out, "Rawr!"
You are filled with proud joy as you declaim, "Be nice, please."
Nerra snickers softly to herself.
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Half of your warcries are terrible."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Krellan claps his hands excitedly and yells, "Boom!" at Nejii at the top of his lungs.
Kaorin snickers softly to herself.
Apprentice Midwife Marisa, Adherent of the Mother says, "I like mine."
You say, "Mine isn't even a warcry."
Prince of the White Stag, Kalodan Faechild, Rose Gardener says, "Mine's the best."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Marisa's is...bland, but acceptable."
Aanark's eyes fill with battle rage as he screams out, "Feed the Trees!!"
Hyperactive Myrkr Dekoven, the Mini Midwife looks skeptical and says, "I like my motto..."
Tael's eyes fill with proud joy as he declaims, "Under Sterling Glow, Her Wisdom shall I know."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Kalodan's is okay."
Felix's eyes fill with proud joy as he declaims, "Idiots."
Myrkr's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "Kares made me do it."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Myrkr's is terrible."
You are filled with proud joy as you declaim, "Be nice, please."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Ok, ok."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "When I'm impatient or whatever I get snappy."
Tael's eyes fill with battle rage as he screams out, "May the Shadows flee in sight from the Silver Light!"
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Flee in sight?""
Daphyne's eyes fill with battle rage as she screams out, "I LOVE MY MOTHER!"
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "What does that even mean?"
You snicker softly to yourself.
Dedicant Felix, Follower of the Doe says, "Patience is running out like Gwylligi life span."
Marisa's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "Onwards!"
Nerra's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "FORESTCAST HAMMOCK! INVOKE LAZY!"
Kalodan's eyes fill with proud joy as he declaims, "The world is divided into two; Nature and the enemy."
Myrkr's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "Kares made me do it."
Krellan's eyes fill with proud joy as he declaims, "Boom!"
Nejii's eyes fill with battle rage as he screams out, "Shine!"
Kaorin's eyes fill with battle rage as she screams out, "Rawr!"
You are filled with proud joy as you declaim, "Be nice, please."
Nerra snickers softly to herself.
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Half of your warcries are terrible."
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
Krellan claps his hands excitedly and yells, "Boom!" at Nejii at the top of his lungs.
Kaorin snickers softly to herself.
Apprentice Midwife Marisa, Adherent of the Mother says, "I like mine."
You say, "Mine isn't even a warcry."
Prince of the White Stag, Kalodan Faechild, Rose Gardener says, "Mine's the best."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Marisa's is...bland, but acceptable."
Aanark's eyes fill with battle rage as he screams out, "Feed the Trees!!"
Hyperactive Myrkr Dekoven, the Mini Midwife looks skeptical and says, "I like my motto..."
Tael's eyes fill with proud joy as he declaims, "Under Sterling Glow, Her Wisdom shall I know."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Kalodan's is okay."
Felix's eyes fill with proud joy as he declaims, "Idiots."
Myrkr's eyes fill with proud joy as she declaims, "Kares made me do it."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Myrkr's is terrible."
You are filled with proud joy as you declaim, "Be nice, please."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Ok, ok."
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "When I'm impatient or whatever I get snappy."
Tael's eyes fill with battle rage as he screams out, "May the Shadows flee in sight from the Silver Light!"
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "Flee in sight?""
Daphyne's eyes fill with battle rage as she screams out, "I LOVE MY MOTHER!"
Spiral Stargazer Nejii Talnara, Moon's Fire says, "What does that even mean?"
You snicker softly to yourself.
Dedicant Felix, Follower of the Doe says, "Patience is running out like Gwylligi life span."
Oh, the craziness that is Seren.

Arix2007-07-13 05:46:17
so very glad I moved to Magnagora
Aramel2007-07-13 07:07:52
You're as crazy as the next person.
You're as crazy as the next person.