Ashteru2007-07-24 01:07:22
The three Night Avatars owning. Lhiannan, Gwyllgi...and Ashteru.
Unknown2007-07-24 01:25:11
QUOTE(Cuber @ Jul 23 2007, 08:57 PM) 428001
After all, Verithrax suicided so he doesn't count.
That is deliciously ironic.
Unknown2007-07-24 01:31:41
QUOTE(Kromsh @ Jul 24 2007, 03:25 AM) 428024
That is deliciously ironic.
I know.

Simimi2007-07-24 01:57:23
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT
Sheia 19 On On
Aison * Administrator On On
Volchanolv NOV On On
Aldera NOV On On
Ahnn 1 On On
Hyperion 3 On On
Uiae 1 On On
Creslin * Guildmaster On On
Araura 3 Undersecretary On On
Neraka 6 Security On On
Alodia 19 Security On On
Simimi 7 On On
Type MORE to continue reading. (89% shown)
3191h, 3014m, 2837e, 10p, 14855en, 13970w ex-
There are 12 members on this plane and 2 on other planes.
3191h, 3014m, 2837e, 10p, 14855en, 13970w ex-
~14 or 15 of us... be afraid Basin, be very afraid.
Guildmember Rank Position GT GNT
Sheia 19 On On
Aison * Administrator On On
Volchanolv NOV On On
Aldera NOV On On
Ahnn 1 On On
Hyperion 3 On On
Uiae 1 On On
Creslin * Guildmaster On On
Araura 3 Undersecretary On On
Neraka 6 Security On On
Alodia 19 Security On On
Simimi 7 On On
Type MORE to continue reading. (89% shown)
3191h, 3014m, 2837e, 10p, 14855en, 13970w ex-
There are 12 members on this plane and 2 on other planes.
3191h, 3014m, 2837e, 10p, 14855en, 13970w ex-
~14 or 15 of us... be afraid Basin, be very afraid.
Unknown2007-07-24 02:16:24
There were 46 Seren's around a little bit ago
I blame monks.

Unknown2007-07-24 02:22:23
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Jul 24 2007, 02:16 AM) 428034
There were 46 Seren's around a little bit ago
I blame monks.

Where'd they all go? (I blame the Avatars of Night

Hazar2007-07-24 02:28:05
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro says, "My weapons have Great Runes of Lagging on them."
Ashteru2007-07-24 02:35:07
Xoxo has been cut down by Penitent Ariadne.
You see the death occur at before the Lich Gate.
(Skeleton Hearth): Synl says, "How the mighty have fallen."
He's so awesome.
Unknown2007-07-24 14:01:53
Heh, well to be fair on all of those deaths, you have to realize that Gwyllgi was immune, so we couldn't attack him even while he beat the hell out of us. Xenthos was doing a pretty good job of using squall (which apparently blows people all the way through icewalls - impressive!), and we got Lhiannan down to where she was shielding. The choke at the end definitely did us in. I do have to give credit to Gloms defenders - there were hardly any there, but they did pretty well for what they had. Still, if only Gwyllgi and Glumki weren't immune, we probably could have killed all three of them with that insane group.
Shiri2007-07-24 14:10:05
Choke was pretty much the problem. A Gloom put it pretty aptly on a clan: "That's why you don't raid when there's a shadowdancer around." bashing aliases dying didn't help though.
EDIT: Has that always been the angry smiley since the inception of the stupid crown smileys? Hmm. bashing aliases dying didn't help though.

EDIT: Has that always been the angry smiley since the inception of the stupid crown smileys? Hmm.
Diamondais2007-07-24 14:14:31
(Serenguard): You say, "None of which I want to talk about."
(Serenguard): Raguel says, "..."
(Serenguard): Raguel says, "Erm in what sense."
(Serenguard): Raguel says, "Cos so far my mind is running along the lines of "he has excellent qualities in the bedroom"."
Wait. How did we get there?
(Serenguard): Raguel says, "..."
(Serenguard): Raguel says, "Erm in what sense."
(Serenguard): Raguel says, "Cos so far my mind is running along the lines of "he has excellent qualities in the bedroom"."
Wait. How did we get there?
Unknown2007-07-24 16:16:58
(Daughters of Attai): Ixion (from Limbo) says, "( .)( .)"
Kharaen made me post it
Kharaen made me post it

Kharaen2007-07-24 16:24:55
QUOTE(MrShrimp @ Jul 24 2007, 12:16 PM) 428175
(Daughters of Attai): Ixion (from Limbo) says, "( .)( .)"
Kharaen made me post it
Kharaen made me post it

You only posted the one. What about the twisted nipple and leaking breasts?
Unknown2007-07-24 20:05:03
Emperor Ladantine VII shouts, "My ship! My ship! It cannot sink again! Damn you,
Prince of the White Stag, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes shouts, "A
cake! A cake! My honey for a cake! Damn you, Shiro!"
Prince of the White Stag, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes shouts, "A
cake! A cake! My honey for a cake! Damn you, Shiro!"
Bashara2007-07-24 21:03:14
In the mountains above surrounded by Avechna's Teeth.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.
You see exits leading northeast, south, and down.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
scale up
You cannot scale any higher than you already are.
deathsense on
You shut your eyes and concentrate on the end of life. A moment later, you feel
inextricably linked with the strings of fate.
summon Nerra
You violently grab some strands of aether and whip them out towards Nerra.
A swirl of sparkling motes of light appears over head and dumps Nerra
unceremoniously to the ground.
Unable to keep her footing, Nerra slips and tumbles down the mountainside.
Nerra has been slain by misadventure.
A few minutes later...The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth.
You see exits leading northeast, south, and down.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
scale up
You cannot scale any higher than you already are.
deathsense on
You shut your eyes and concentrate on the end of life. A moment later, you feel
inextricably linked with the strings of fate.
summon Nerra
You violently grab some strands of aether and whip them out towards Nerra.
A swirl of sparkling motes of light appears over head and dumps Nerra
unceremoniously to the ground.
Unable to keep her footing, Nerra slips and tumbles down the mountainside.
Nerra has been slain by misadventure.
Nerra tells you, "So duel me."
You tell Nerra Natsurei, "Why?"
You tell Nerra Natsurei, "I forget easily."
You tell Nerra Natsurei, "Remind me."
Nerra tells you, "I wanna see if you an actually kill me when I'm paying
You tell Nerra Natsurei, "Why?"
Nerra tells you, "Call it an honour thing."
You tell Nerra Natsurei, "Honour?"
Nerra tells you, "Yeah."
Nerra tells you, "And if oy win, you get to kill me again."
You tell Nerra Natsurei, "You mean to tell me Seren's actually think they have
Nerra tells you, "Yes."
Nerra tells you, "Now are you a coward or not?"
You tell Nerra Natsurei, "XD."
You tell Nerra Natsurei, "I'm sorry, I'm paralyzed from laughter."
Well...... I thought it was funny

Unknown2007-07-24 21:14:23
(Magnagora): Daevos says, "Greetings."
(Magnagora): Crylia says, "Hail Warlord."
(Magnagora): Sybl says, "Hail, Warlord."
(Magnagora): Kashchei says, "Hail Warlord!"
(Magnagora): Shikha says, "Hail, Warlord!"
(Magnagora): Airth says, "Hail Warlord."
(Magnagora): Iytha says, "Hail, Warlord!"
(Magnagora): Melia says, "Hail Warlord."
(Magnagora): Crylia says, "Hail Warlord."
(Magnagora): Sybl says, "Hail, Warlord."
(Magnagora): Kashchei says, "Hail Warlord!"
(Magnagora): Shikha says, "Hail, Warlord!"
(Magnagora): Airth says, "Hail Warlord."
(Magnagora): Iytha says, "Hail, Warlord!"
(Magnagora): Melia says, "Hail Warlord."
Glory be to Daevos?
Kharaen2007-07-24 21:14:59
Kharaen has honour :/
Yevah2007-07-24 22:34:41
You give a handful of loti spores to Kalas Aesyra, Khan en-Wilde.
Kalas Aesyra, Khan en-Wilde has stopped her own heart, killing herself instantly.
Aesyra tells you, "You killed me!"
I have killed a Demigod without even attacking her.
You sense the piercing eyes of Aesyra looking upon you.
Aesyra has declared you a formal enemy of the Collective of Serenwilde.
You sense the piercing eyes of Aesyra looking upon you.
Aesyra tells you, "You have been enemied to the Wilde for slaying me at Mother with loti spores!"
Kalas Aesyra, Khan en-Wilde has stopped her own heart, killing herself instantly.
Aesyra tells you, "You killed me!"
I have killed a Demigod without even attacking her.
You sense the piercing eyes of Aesyra looking upon you.
Aesyra has declared you a formal enemy of the Collective of Serenwilde.
You sense the piercing eyes of Aesyra looking upon you.
Aesyra tells you, "You have been enemied to the Wilde for slaying me at Mother with loti spores!"
Unknown2007-07-24 23:15:24
QUOTE(Yevah @ Jul 24 2007, 06:34 PM) 428277
You give a handful of loti spores to Kalas Aesyra, Khan en-Wilde.
Kalas Aesyra, Khan en-Wilde has stopped her own heart, killing herself instantly.
Aesyra tells you, "You killed me!"
I have killed a Demigod without even attacking her.
You sense the piercing eyes of Aesyra looking upon you.
Aesyra has declared you a formal enemy of the Collective of Serenwilde.
You sense the piercing eyes of Aesyra looking upon you.
Aesyra tells you, "You have been enemied to the Wilde for slaying me at Mother with loti spores!"
Kalas Aesyra, Khan en-Wilde has stopped her own heart, killing herself instantly.
Aesyra tells you, "You killed me!"
I have killed a Demigod without even attacking her.
You sense the piercing eyes of Aesyra looking upon you.
Aesyra has declared you a formal enemy of the Collective of Serenwilde.
You sense the piercing eyes of Aesyra looking upon you.
Aesyra tells you, "You have been enemied to the Wilde for slaying me at Mother with loti spores!"
From the logs...
2007/07/24 22:37:41 - Aesyra declared Yevah to be a formal enemy. Reason:
killing me at mother by giving me loti spores. Both loti spores and mushrooms
should be banned from the wilde for they are more dangerous than crotamine.
2007/07/24 22:45:12 - Kalodan declared that Yevah is no longer an enemy. Reason:
Ahem. Some of us are still recovering from our Undervault Adventures.
Unknown2007-07-25 01:31:23
From a few days ago. I logged it, but it took me awhile to find and edit out most of the junk of me running around the wilde.
QUOTE( New Years Eve Mayhem!)
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land
in utter darkness.
It is now the 25th of Roarkian, 181 years after the Coming of Estarra.
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Happy New Years Eve, all."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "You too, Kalo."
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Let the next year come bountiful, and our enemies
fall before our swords and sickles."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Ahem...And shofas."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "And athames..."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Yeah...but you don't really use the ATHAMES..."
(Serenwilde): Everiine says, "And hammers and flails and axes and fists and
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "Yes we do."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "...You don't stab people with them."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "Ever seem us do an nature curse without an athame?
the diffrence is there."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "It's a magical athame."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Actually, yes."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "Acts as focus, I think."
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "I'm a classist. I despise the Shofangi,
non-blademaster or pureblade Serenguard, all Moondancers, and all
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Nature talisman."
(Serenwilde): Sevz says, " bonk people in the heads with talismans.."
(Serenwilde): Everiine says, "I hope for your sake that was sarcasm."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "...Daaaaad!"
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "Kalodan, you don't -have- to be here, you know."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "That hurts..."
(Serenwilde): Gorath says, "You despise me and i'm a blademaster of the
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Or perhaps saying "...our enemies fall before our
swords and sickle and athames and shofas and talismans and axes and fists and
feet and cudgels and moon bursts and hammers and clubs and maces and angry
divine fire." I was really hoping Charune or Lisaera would step in and smite the lot of them for arguing about such a trivial thing at this moment
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Was just a bit too much."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "You've got a point..."
(Serenwilde): Sevz says, "Forgot moonbeams."
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "They don't attack with moonbeams."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "...Moonburst."
(Serenwilde): Gubbga says, "And... um... my twigs. Woorp."
(Serenwilde): Sevz says, "..knew I got that wrong."
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "I mentioned moon bursts."
Me checking to see if any of them had attacked kalodan yet.
Kalodan is:
Kalodan currently has 3877 out of 3658 health.darn still alive
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "After cudgels and before hammers."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "...What about...Headbutts?"
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Mrr."
in utter darkness.
It is now the 25th of Roarkian, 181 years after the Coming of Estarra.
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Happy New Years Eve, all."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "You too, Kalo."
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Let the next year come bountiful, and our enemies
fall before our swords and sickles."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Ahem...And shofas."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "And athames..."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Yeah...but you don't really use the ATHAMES..."
(Serenwilde): Everiine says, "And hammers and flails and axes and fists and
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "Yes we do."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "...You don't stab people with them."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "Ever seem us do an nature curse without an athame?
the diffrence is there."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "It's a magical athame."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Actually, yes."
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "Acts as focus, I think."
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "I'm a classist. I despise the Shofangi,
non-blademaster or pureblade Serenguard, all Moondancers, and all

(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Nature talisman."
(Serenwilde): Sevz says, " bonk people in the heads with talismans.."
(Serenwilde): Everiine says, "I hope for your sake that was sarcasm."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "...Daaaaad!"
(Serenwilde): Suzari says, "Kalodan, you don't -have- to be here, you know."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "That hurts..."
(Serenwilde): Gorath says, "You despise me and i'm a blademaster of the
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Or perhaps saying "...our enemies fall before our
swords and sickle and athames and shofas and talismans and axes and fists and
feet and cudgels and moon bursts and hammers and clubs and maces and angry
divine fire." I was really hoping Charune or Lisaera would step in and smite the lot of them for arguing about such a trivial thing at this moment
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Was just a bit too much."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "You've got a point..."
(Serenwilde): Sevz says, "Forgot moonbeams."
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "They don't attack with moonbeams."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "...Moonburst."
(Serenwilde): Gubbga says, "And... um... my twigs. Woorp."
(Serenwilde): Sevz says, "..knew I got that wrong."
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "I mentioned moon bursts."
Me checking to see if any of them had attacked kalodan yet.
Kalodan is:
Kalodan currently has 3877 out of 3658 health.darn still alive
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "After cudgels and before hammers."
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "...What about...Headbutts?"
(Serenwilde): Kalodan says, "Mrr."