Unknown2007-08-04 03:33:14
Cado Angelus, Jasato Kuriskagi says, "Trying to find something to get that 10%
you need quick."
You say, "Have me kill a demigod?"
You cough softly.
You smile angelically, wide-eyed and innocent.
Cado Angelus, Jasato Kuriskagi says, "A bit more then just 10% there."
Jasato chuckles long and heartily.
You say, ""You have slain Krellan/Aesyra/Thoros/Kaervas/Daevos/Forren/Hyrtakos/Exeryte/Lisarel/Ialie." "Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it ascends to the level of Supramortal.""
You say, "Krellan/Aesyra/Thoros/Kaervas/Daevos/Forren/Hyrtakos/Exeryte/Lisarel/Ialie tells you, "I'm going to kill you back into novicehood.""
You nod your head sagely.
you need quick."
You say, "Have me kill a demigod?"
You cough softly.
You smile angelically, wide-eyed and innocent.
Cado Angelus, Jasato Kuriskagi says, "A bit more then just 10% there."
Jasato chuckles long and heartily.
You say, ""You have slain Krellan/Aesyra/Thoros/Kaervas/Daevos/Forren/Hyrtakos/Exeryte/Lisarel/Ialie." "Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it ascends to the level of Supramortal.""
You say, "Krellan/Aesyra/Thoros/Kaervas/Daevos/Forren/Hyrtakos/Exeryte/Lisarel/Ialie tells you, "I'm going to kill you back into novicehood.""
You nod your head sagely.
Arel2007-08-04 09:18:18
Commune Member Rank Position CT
Kaervas Shadow Warden Commune Aide On
Arel Guardian of the Dark Shadow Court On
There are 2 Commune Members on this plane and 0 on other planes.
(Glomdoring): You say, "Well hello, Kaervas. I conquered the commune while you
were away."
(Glomdoring): You say, "I had to kill everyone in the process, though. A shame
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "That explains the rotting corpses and flags of you
raising your fist all over the place."
(Glomdoring): You say, "You don't think those are too overdone, do you?"
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "I'd have made it a bit more dramatic myself, but as
long as you don't kill me I'm fine with it."
(Glomdoring): You say, "I suppose I like you enough to spare you. I do know how
you hate violence and I would feel terrible inflicting it upon you."
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "Definitely, I don't leave a corpse either so it
would be pointless."
(Glomdoring): You say, "Right, right. Well, I suppose you can hang up flags of
you raising your first if you'd like. Not as many as I have, but some."
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "I've already replaced your image with mine on some
of them, the joys of glamours."
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "And that rotting corpse I saw earlier, turns out it
was just Brennan."
(Glomdoring): You say, "I tried using glamours to make him look better once, but
he is just a hopeless case."
Commune Member Rank Position CT
Kaervas Shadow Warden Commune Aide On
Arel Guardian of the Dark Shadow Court On
There are 2 Commune Members on this plane and 0 on other planes.
(Glomdoring): You say, "Well hello, Kaervas. I conquered the commune while you
were away."
(Glomdoring): You say, "I had to kill everyone in the process, though. A shame
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "That explains the rotting corpses and flags of you
raising your fist all over the place."
(Glomdoring): You say, "You don't think those are too overdone, do you?"
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "I'd have made it a bit more dramatic myself, but as
long as you don't kill me I'm fine with it."
(Glomdoring): You say, "I suppose I like you enough to spare you. I do know how
you hate violence and I would feel terrible inflicting it upon you."
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "Definitely, I don't leave a corpse either so it
would be pointless."
(Glomdoring): You say, "Right, right. Well, I suppose you can hang up flags of
you raising your first if you'd like. Not as many as I have, but some."
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "I've already replaced your image with mine on some
of them, the joys of glamours."
(Glomdoring): Kaervas says, "And that rotting corpse I saw earlier, turns out it
was just Brennan."
(Glomdoring): You say, "I tried using glamours to make him look better once, but
he is just a hopeless case."
Aramel2007-08-04 10:09:41
QUOTE(Arel @ Aug 4 2007, 09:18 AM) 431374

Jack2007-08-04 10:57:22
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "Oh hey, I guess they gave the facility an honours line."
3420h, 548m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(Bellator Societas): Marcalo says, "Everything here has a honors line, you fart into the wind and it
offends someone you get a honors line."
3420h, 548m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(Bellator Societas): Lavina says, "Marcalo has severely offended someone standing downwind of him."
3420h, 548m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(Bellator Societas): Marcalo says, "Everything here has a honors line, you fart into the wind and it
offends someone you get a honors line."
3420h, 548m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(Bellator Societas): Lavina says, "Marcalo has severely offended someone standing downwind of him."
Kaervas2007-08-04 16:52:41
QUOTE(Aramel @ Aug 4 2007, 11:09 AM) 431375

You aren't missing much, random stuff like that is a real rarity, it's usually silent except for the Gbtg spam every so often.

Hazar2007-08-04 22:42:49
#96 Daem: 07/31 00:43 "*cry* I'm so sad, my brother isn't going to be here! I need you to be here, I need someone to make me feel better about myself!"
Arix2007-08-05 04:11:56
regarding the morgfyre in a thong post on that other thread
Kuraitaiyo: Morgfyre...
Kuraitaiyo: The thing is
Kuraitaiyo: He would keep shifting
Kuraitaiyo: So first
Kuraitaiyo: Sexay
Kuraitaiyo: Second
Kuraitaiyo: AAAARGH
Kuraitaiyo: Third
Kuraitaiyo: ewww
Kuraitaiyo: etc
Kuraitaiyo: Morgfyre...
Kuraitaiyo: The thing is
Kuraitaiyo: He would keep shifting
Kuraitaiyo: So first
Kuraitaiyo: Sexay
Kuraitaiyo: Second
Kuraitaiyo: AAAARGH
Kuraitaiyo: Third
Kuraitaiyo: ewww
Kuraitaiyo: etc
Ildaudid2007-08-05 04:58:09
(Bellator Societas): ***** says, "Malarious is evolving! ... Malarious is now ... Sybl!"
7941h, 2314m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14811w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** (from the Klangratch Tournies) says, "ROFL."
7941h, 2293m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14811w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Haha."
7941h, 2334m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14812w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Can I turn Sybl into Haiden at level 80?"
7941h, 2294m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14815w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** says, "No."
7941h, 2334m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14815w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** says, "However at level 100, if you trade Sybl, it will evolve into the secret Sano pokemon."
7941h, 2314m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14811w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** (from the Klangratch Tournies) says, "ROFL."
7941h, 2293m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14811w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Haha."
7941h, 2334m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14812w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Can I turn Sybl into Haiden at level 80?"
7941h, 2294m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14815w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** says, "No."
7941h, 2334m, 4115e, 10p, 28765en, 14815w elrxk<>-
(Bellator Societas): ***** says, "However at level 100, if you trade Sybl, it will evolve into the secret Sano pokemon."
Arel2007-08-05 05:08:52
A whirlpool of incorporeal shadows fills the area with an unnatural darkness,
revealing the ghostly figure of Viravain, Lady of the Thorns at their centre as
the umbral filaments dissipate.
A harlot saunters in from the ether, her hips swaying enticingly.
A harlot saunters in from the ether, her hips swaying enticingly.
Coiling sinuously about Her petite frame, stygian shadows cloak Viravain in an
unnatural darkness and evanesce into the aether, leaving behind only the
faintest scent of roses.
A harlot tosses a sultry look over her shoulder before swaying out to the ether.
A harlot tosses a sultry look over her shoulder before swaying out to the ether.
<>: You say, "Lady Viravain, You are aware you are being followed by
harlots, right?"
<>: Viravain says, "I am indeed. They were a steal at twenty
thousand a piece. One of them said she knows you."
<>: You say, "Twenty thousand a peice?! I am afraid you were
swindled. They were only five thousand a piece a few days ago."
<>: Maellio says, "Perhaps they are of higher quality?"
<>: You say, "Not if it is the same one that knows me."
<>: Viravain says, "That is disturbing news...."
<>: You say, "Not that I ah... know her quality or anything."
<>: Maellio says, "..."
<>: You say, "I have some extra gold, if You wouldn't mind letting
me reimburse You the extra gold You were overcharged."
A blood curdling scream echoes from the Skarch Desert as Viravain, Lady of the
Thorns eviscerates Ssaliro Xeth.
revealing the ghostly figure of Viravain, Lady of the Thorns at their centre as
the umbral filaments dissipate.
A harlot saunters in from the ether, her hips swaying enticingly.
A harlot saunters in from the ether, her hips swaying enticingly.
Coiling sinuously about Her petite frame, stygian shadows cloak Viravain in an
unnatural darkness and evanesce into the aether, leaving behind only the
faintest scent of roses.
A harlot tosses a sultry look over her shoulder before swaying out to the ether.
A harlot tosses a sultry look over her shoulder before swaying out to the ether.
harlots, right?"
thousand a piece. One of them said she knows you."
swindled. They were only five thousand a piece a few days ago."
me reimburse You the extra gold You were overcharged."
A blood curdling scream echoes from the Skarch Desert as Viravain, Lady of the
Thorns eviscerates Ssaliro Xeth.
Shiri2007-08-05 05:28:33
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "Ooh, weed."
Your trained eyes scan the surrounding area.
You make out the figure of Aanark.
You make out the figure of Alianna.
You say, "Where?"
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "You tell me."
who spam
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "Just weed in general."
You say, "I don't see him."
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "The plant."
You say, "Oh."
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "Puff puff woo woo."
You say, "Ohhh."
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "That kind."
Aanark snickers softly to himself.
You say, "...worst description ever."
Your trained eyes scan the surrounding area.
You make out the figure of Aanark.
You make out the figure of Alianna.
You say, "Where?"
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "You tell me."
who spam
You look about yourself, rubbing your chin thoughtfully.
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "Just weed in general."
You say, "I don't see him."
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "The plant."
You say, "Oh."
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "Puff puff woo woo."
You say, "Ohhh."
Kalas Alianna, Noyan en-Lam says, "That kind."
Aanark snickers softly to himself.
You say, "...worst description ever."
Reiha2007-08-05 05:31:10
Shiri is so innocent

Arix2007-08-05 05:32:33
I should send him some hash brownies. Pity I ate them all
Lysandus2007-08-05 05:32:59
QUOTE(Arel @ Aug 5 2007, 01:08 PM) 431511
A whirlpool of incorporeal shadows fills the area with an unnatural darkness,
revealing the ghostly figure of Viravain, Lady of the Thorns at their centre as
the umbral filaments dissipate.
A harlot saunters in from the ether, her hips swaying enticingly.
A harlot saunters in from the ether, her hips swaying enticingly.
Coiling sinuously about Her petite frame, stygian shadows cloak Viravain in an
unnatural darkness and evanesce into the aether, leaving behind only the
faintest scent of roses.
A harlot tosses a sultry look over her shoulder before swaying out to the ether.
A harlot tosses a sultry look over her shoulder before swaying out to the ether.
<>: You say, "Lady Viravain, You are aware you are being followed by
harlots, right?"
<>: Viravain says, "I am indeed. They were a steal at twenty
thousand a piece. One of them said she knows you."
<>: You say, "Twenty thousand a peice?! I am afraid you were
swindled. They were only five thousand a piece a few days ago."
<>: Maellio says, "Perhaps they are of higher quality?"
<>: You say, "Not if it is the same one that knows me."
<>: Viravain says, "That is disturbing news...."
<>: You say, "Not that I ah... know her quality or anything."
<>: Maellio says, "..."
<>: You say, "I have some extra gold, if You wouldn't mind letting
me reimburse You the extra gold You were overcharged."
A blood curdling scream echoes from the Skarch Desert as Viravain, Lady of the
Thorns eviscerates Ssaliro Xeth.
revealing the ghostly figure of Viravain, Lady of the Thorns at their centre as
the umbral filaments dissipate.
A harlot saunters in from the ether, her hips swaying enticingly.
A harlot saunters in from the ether, her hips swaying enticingly.
Coiling sinuously about Her petite frame, stygian shadows cloak Viravain in an
unnatural darkness and evanesce into the aether, leaving behind only the
faintest scent of roses.
A harlot tosses a sultry look over her shoulder before swaying out to the ether.
A harlot tosses a sultry look over her shoulder before swaying out to the ether.
harlots, right?"
thousand a piece. One of them said she knows you."
swindled. They were only five thousand a piece a few days ago."
me reimburse You the extra gold You were overcharged."
A blood curdling scream echoes from the Skarch Desert as Viravain, Lady of the
Thorns eviscerates Ssaliro Xeth.
Tsk tsk tsk, what would my daughter Vionne say... *shake*
Vathael2007-08-05 16:39:28
The soul of Ambersia says, "Hey sexy."
Shikha tells you, "Oh... heh -shrug- maybe she was checking out my rockin body? -pose-."
Lord Thoros La'Saet, of the Red Masque says, "50% c*nt 50% blutting."
Shikha tells you, "Oh... heh -shrug- maybe she was checking out my rockin body? -pose-."
Lord Thoros La'Saet, of the Red Masque says, "50% c*nt 50% blutting."
Hazar2007-08-05 23:28:27
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Glom had a zerg!"
Clise2007-08-06 00:37:00
(Bellator Societas): Tael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I've decided
from now on, in order to prevent myself from develop an aneurysm from it. I have
subbed the word Choke with fluffy flower princess."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Choke."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Choke."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Choke."
(Bellator Societas): Tael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Success."
(Bellator Societas): Shayle (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "If you eat
too fast, you might choke."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Yrael is going to choke you, Tael."
(Bellator Societas): Veyda (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "I've always wanted
to get myself a choke."
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You're gonna
get slapped like a choke."
(Bellator Societas): Xenthos (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Tael loves a
(Bellator Societas): Murphy (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I want to
:censored: a choke in the ass."
(Bellator Societas): Veyda (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Just don't lie down
in a choke."
(Bellator Societas): Xenthos (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Tael ==
(Bellator Societas): Tael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Die."
from now on, in order to prevent myself from develop an aneurysm from it. I have
subbed the word Choke with fluffy flower princess."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Choke."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Choke."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Choke."
(Bellator Societas): Tael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Success."
(Bellator Societas): Shayle (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "If you eat
too fast, you might choke."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Yrael is going to choke you, Tael."
(Bellator Societas): Veyda (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "I've always wanted
to get myself a choke."
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You're gonna
get slapped like a choke."
(Bellator Societas): Xenthos (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Tael loves a
(Bellator Societas): Murphy (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I want to
:censored: a choke in the ass."
(Bellator Societas): Veyda (from the Ethereal Plane) says, "Just don't lie down
in a choke."
(Bellator Societas): Xenthos (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Tael ==
(Bellator Societas): Tael (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Die."
Furien2007-08-06 03:11:55
(Bellator Societas): Diamante (from the Earth Elemental Plane) says, "You get
double pay?"
(Bellator Societas): You say, "See? They even flaunt it."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "No."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "MOONDANCER CONSPIRACY."
(Bellator Societas): Diamante (from the Tainted Plane of Nil) says, "Ah right."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "She just said, BUT Admin and Champ."
(Bellator Societas): Geb (from the Aetherways) says, "Revolt."
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "I got no pay either."
(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "MOONDANCER CONSPIRACY."
(Bellator Societas): Veyda says, "Freedom has been slain by Moondancers."
(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "...nuts."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "..."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "ROFL."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "Rofl rofl."
(Serenwilde): Sarrasri says, "Wha?"
(Serenwilde): You say, "Ignore that."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "Nice going Soj."
(Serenwilde): Nejii says, "Niiice."
(Bellator Societas): Lisarel (from the Astral Plane) says, "So its time to take
up the GM and a minister role."
(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "Sorry, I was only flashing my
true colours."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways)
(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "Don't mind that."
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "*eyeshift*."
(Bellator Societas): Veyda says, "....niiiice."
double pay?"
(Bellator Societas): You say, "See? They even flaunt it."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "No."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "MOONDANCER CONSPIRACY."
(Bellator Societas): Diamante (from the Tainted Plane of Nil) says, "Ah right."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "She just said, BUT Admin and Champ."
(Bellator Societas): Geb (from the Aetherways) says, "Revolt."
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "I got no pay either."
(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "MOONDANCER CONSPIRACY."
(Bellator Societas): Veyda says, "Freedom has been slain by Moondancers."
(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "...nuts."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "..."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "ROFL."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "Rofl rofl."
(Serenwilde): Sarrasri says, "Wha?"
(Serenwilde): You say, "Ignore that."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "Nice going Soj."
(Serenwilde): Nejii says, "Niiice."
(Bellator Societas): Lisarel (from the Astral Plane) says, "So its time to take
up the GM and a minister role."
(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "Sorry, I was only flashing my
true colours."
(Bellator Societas): Nejii says, "(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways)
(Serenwilde): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "Don't mind that."
(Bellator Societas): Sojiro (from the Aetherways) says, "*eyeshift*."
(Bellator Societas): Veyda says, "....niiiice."
Maelvin2007-08-06 03:19:17
(Skeleton Hearth): Sojiro says, "Just so you know, size doesn't matter, it's how
you use it."
you use it."
Saaga2007-08-06 03:50:40
As my friend used to say: It is not the size of the ship. it is all about the waves that rock it.
Aramel2007-08-06 06:25:44
(Serenwilde): Lly says, "Um...Sojiro...you can't influence adventurers with Paranoia. Sorry."
(Serenwilde): Accalia says, "I wish I knew about this conspiracy."
(Serenwilde): Accalia says, "I wish I knew about this conspiracy."