Exeryte2007-08-22 03:04:58
You can still show traces of being slightly neurotic for a short while after becoming completely sane. 

Arix2007-08-22 04:01:40
Vilia has fallen to the deadly poisons of Shield of Klaymech, Marcalo De'Unnero, The Scarecrow.
You portal to the Aetherplex Chamber.
The Aetherplex Chamber. (Avechna's Peak.)
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. An arnica bud lies carelessly on the ground. Someone's magically-preserved letter has been lost here. The fossilized remains of Suka are here. A stalk of faeleaf glitters on the ground.
Apprentice Laurali is here. She wields a striated jade and emerald wand in her left hand. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex system. There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30898en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|n
The Aetherware Shoppe. (Avechna's Peak.)
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. The twisted remains of Vilia lie here. The soul of Vilia roams the land, bodiless. Shield of Klaymech, Marcalo De'Unnero, The Scarecrow is here. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand.
You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading south (open door) and up (open door).
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30896en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|
Marcalo picks up the corpse of Vilia.
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30896en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|get corpse
I see no "corpse" to take.
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30896en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|
Marcalo searches the air in front of him, then tugs upon an invisible strand of force.
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30896en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|
(Celest): Shan says, "Vilia down to Marcalo."
6400h, 6700m, 5800e, 10p, 30900en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|Mana: +22|psi id dominate marcalo give corpse to forren
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You change your mind as Avechna whispers in your mind an inquiry on if you wish first declare aggressions.
6400h, 6700m, 5800e, 10p, 30900en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|
(Celest): Jasato says, "Vilia down."
6400h, 6700m, 5800e, 10p, 30900en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|declare marcalo
You declare your intent to bear arms against Marcalo.
6400h, 6700m, 5800e, 10p, 30900en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|psi id dominate marcalo give corpse to forren
You mentally command Marcalo to do your bidding.
Marcalo cocks his head as though hearing a far off sound.
Marcalo gives the corpse of Vilia to you.
6400h, 6700m, 5088e, 8p, 30900en, 32350w esSlrxk<>-|FREE|off|Ego: -712|look
You say to Marcalo, "Thank you."
You portal to the Aetherplex Chamber.
The Aetherplex Chamber. (Avechna's Peak.)
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. An arnica bud lies carelessly on the ground. Someone's magically-preserved letter has been lost here. The fossilized remains of Suka are here. A stalk of faeleaf glitters on the ground.
Apprentice Laurali is here. She wields a striated jade and emerald wand in her left hand. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex system. There is an aetherways portal here.
You see exits leading north (open door), south, and out.
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30898en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|n
The Aetherware Shoppe. (Avechna's Peak.)
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. The twisted remains of Vilia lie here. The soul of Vilia roams the land, bodiless. Shield of Klaymech, Marcalo De'Unnero, The Scarecrow is here. He wields a twisted staff in his left hand.
You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading south (open door) and up (open door).
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30896en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|
Marcalo picks up the corpse of Vilia.
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30896en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|get corpse
I see no "corpse" to take.
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30896en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|
Marcalo searches the air in front of him, then tugs upon an invisible strand of force.
6400h, 6678m, 5800e, 10p, 30896en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|
(Celest): Shan says, "Vilia down to Marcalo."
6400h, 6700m, 5800e, 10p, 30900en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|Mana: +22|psi id dominate marcalo give corpse to forren
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You change your mind as Avechna whispers in your mind an inquiry on if you wish first declare aggressions.
6400h, 6700m, 5800e, 10p, 30900en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|
(Celest): Jasato says, "Vilia down."
6400h, 6700m, 5800e, 10p, 30900en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|declare marcalo
You declare your intent to bear arms against Marcalo.
6400h, 6700m, 5800e, 10p, 30900en, 32400w esSilrxk<>-|FREE|On!|psi id dominate marcalo give corpse to forren
You mentally command Marcalo to do your bidding.
Marcalo cocks his head as though hearing a far off sound.
Marcalo gives the corpse of Vilia to you.
6400h, 6700m, 5088e, 8p, 30900en, 32350w esSlrxk<>-|FREE|off|Ego: -712|look
You say to Marcalo, "Thank you."
Unknown2007-08-22 04:24:49
Dreadlord Murphy, Ur'Tormentor shouts, "You're going to regret this Krellan. I will come after Serenwilders wherever they are, and they will die. I will kill as many until My bloodlust is satisfied, then kill some more. I swear by all that is unholy you and your pathetic Serenwilders will regret killing Me so dishonourably."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes shouts, "What is the phrase you use, Murphy? "Bring it on,
Narsrim D'cente`'s voice reverberates, "Oh no you didn't."
Ember of the Ancestors, Kalodan Faechild, Hierophant of the Wildes shouts, "What is the phrase you use, Murphy? "Bring it on,

Narsrim D'cente`'s voice reverberates, "Oh no you didn't."
Unknown2007-08-22 05:26:31
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "Why do you think Lly's getting a bed and not a hammock?"
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "Because beds can accomodate more than one person!"
Unblooded Bobbl says, "Hammocks rock."
Unblooded Bobbl says, "More den one person can fit on a hammock."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "Yes, but two hammocks are probably more expensive than a cheap bed."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "Lly's tried."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "It don't work."
Unblooded Bobbl says, "Hmmm coulda swore..."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "At least...not with the Hammock outside the Pixie."
Unblooded Bobbl says to Lly, "Maybe if you werent movin around so much 2 people could fit."
Bobbl smirks.
You roll on the floor, laughing.
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says to Bobbl, "Alright...Let's go try it."
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you softly exclaim, "Whoa."
"Heh heh heh" Lekius chuckles.
Staring at Lly causes your eye to twitch and your eyelid to flutter.
Unblooded Bobbl says, "Not what she meant Myrkr."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades grabs Bobbl by the ear.
You double over in laughter, wiping the tears from your eyes.
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "C'mon! Let's go!"
Unblooded Bobbl says, "I didnt do nuthin!"
Unblooded Bobbl says, "She was the one being a perv."
Unblooded Bobbl says, "Lemee go lemee go lemee go!"
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "Because beds can accomodate more than one person!"
Unblooded Bobbl says, "Hammocks rock."
Unblooded Bobbl says, "More den one person can fit on a hammock."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "Yes, but two hammocks are probably more expensive than a cheap bed."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "Lly's tried."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "It don't work."
Unblooded Bobbl says, "Hmmm coulda swore..."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "At least...not with the Hammock outside the Pixie."
Unblooded Bobbl says to Lly, "Maybe if you werent movin around so much 2 people could fit."
Bobbl smirks.
You roll on the floor, laughing.
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says to Bobbl, "Alright...Let's go try it."
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you softly exclaim, "Whoa."
"Heh heh heh" Lekius chuckles.
Staring at Lly causes your eye to twitch and your eyelid to flutter.
Unblooded Bobbl says, "Not what she meant Myrkr."
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades grabs Bobbl by the ear.
You double over in laughter, wiping the tears from your eyes.
Mushroom Chef Lly Faechild, Gosi of Four Blades says, "C'mon! Let's go!"
Unblooded Bobbl says, "I didnt do nuthin!"
Unblooded Bobbl says, "She was the one being a perv."
Unblooded Bobbl says, "Lemee go lemee go lemee go!"
Kharaen2007-08-22 07:09:47
You can fit multiple people on a hammock. I tested out the hammock in the moonhart cottage, otherwise I would have put beds in the rooms.
Tervic2007-08-22 07:13:18
Urazial Inseira says, "That's not Faethorn."
Urazial Inseira says, "That's like with Isluna's tomb or whatnot."
Poor Isluna... Didn't know you were a dead person.
Urazial Inseira says, "That's like with Isluna's tomb or whatnot."
Poor Isluna... Didn't know you were a dead person.
Arix2007-08-22 09:11:07
(Daughters of Attai): Rika says, "SOMEONE QUOTE."
if you insist
if you insist
Ixion2007-08-22 10:38:31
QUOTE(Forren @ Aug 21 2007, 09:54 PM) 435186
Gotta love ganks.
And you trying to be clever by pulling a Thoros and killing guards behind greater pent. Unlike Celest, greater pent doesn't stop me in the least.
Lulz at you getting Vilia's corpse though, nice thinking. It's too bad Marc was being a nub and didn't have selfishness up.
Clise2007-08-22 11:04:22
QUOTE(Ixion @ Aug 22 2007, 06:38 PM) 435290
And you trying to be clever by pulling a Thoros and killing guards behind greater pent. Unlike Celest, greater pent doesn't stop me in the least.
Lulz at you getting Vilia's corpse though, nice thinking. It's too bad Marc was being a nub and didn't have selfishness up.
Lulz at you getting Vilia's corpse though, nice thinking. It's too bad Marc was being a nub and didn't have selfishness up.
Ah Greater Pentagram has changed since Ixion.
Veonira2007-08-22 22:17:05
Fun with dominate, apparently 
Stangmar tells you, "Hey baby, you must be a light switch, coz everytime I see you, you turn me oon!"
Incabulos tells you, "You're like a dictionary - you add meaning to my life!"
Kharvik tells you, "Are you a parking ticket? You got fine written all over you."

Stangmar tells you, "Hey baby, you must be a light switch, coz everytime I see you, you turn me oon!"
Incabulos tells you, "You're like a dictionary - you add meaning to my life!"
Kharvik tells you, "Are you a parking ticket? You got fine written all over you."
Stangmar2007-08-22 22:24:33
Yeah, Kharvik dominated me and incabulos. I dominated Kharvik.
I also made Kharvik tell Kaervas this:
Baby did you fart, 'cause you blow me away!
When kharvik first started it with the light switch one, i was like OMFG YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!
this one REALLY got me
A compelling voice within your mind takes control of you.
You tell Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos Ta'Lykaios, Scythe of the Daughter,
"I'd like to wrap your legs around my head and wear you like a feed bag."
I also made Kharvik tell Kaervas this:
Baby did you fart, 'cause you blow me away!
When kharvik first started it with the light switch one, i was like OMFG YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!
this one REALLY got me
A compelling voice within your mind takes control of you.
You tell Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos Ta'Lykaios, Scythe of the Daughter,
"I'd like to wrap your legs around my head and wear you like a feed bag."
Isluna2007-08-22 22:37:51
QUOTE(Tervic @ Aug 22 2007, 01:13 AM) 435274
Urazial Inseira says, "That's not Faethorn."
Urazial Inseira says, "That's like with Isluna's tomb or whatnot."
Poor Isluna... Didn't know you were a dead person.
Urazial Inseira says, "That's like with Isluna's tomb or whatnot."
Poor Isluna... Didn't know you were a dead person.
No... Dylara is the Goddess here, lets not start with Isluna...
Stangmar2007-08-22 22:44:45
Why the hell do people make names similiar to Gods? I oughta make MorgFire just to see how long before i get zapped.
Ixion2007-08-22 22:47:52
QUOTE(Clise @ Aug 22 2007, 07:04 AM) 435294
Ah Greater Pentagram has changed since Ixion.
I get by it the same way as the "old" pent, so yeah.
Diamondais2007-08-23 02:13:49
QUOTE(stangmar @ Aug 22 2007, 06:44 PM) 435443
Why the hell do people make names similiar to Gods? I oughta make MorgFire just to see how long before i get zapped.
I actually didn't realize it was so close to Dynara. It was a play off Kylara from the Pern books. I just don't like using K.
When it was kinda noted and realized, time was well past and I was getting established as Dylara.
Forren2007-08-23 03:34:33
QUOTE(Ixion @ Aug 22 2007, 06:47 PM) 435447
I get by it the same way as the "old" pent, so yeah.
I missed your dog in the spam of killing guards. Oh well. I didn't do half bad though, for getting attacked by ten guards and six Magnagorans.
Arkzrael2007-08-23 04:58:03
(Skeleton Hearth): Daem (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hey sarra how many people are around in Seren right now?"
(Skeleton Hearth): Kalodan (from Limbo) says, "37."
(Skeleton Hearth): Daem (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You have like triple our people."
(Skeleton Hearth): Daem (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I get excited when Glomdoring has 20 or so."
(Skeleton Hearth): Veyda (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hell."
(Skeleton Hearth): Veyda (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I get excited with 15."
(Skeleton Hearth): Veyda (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sometimes even 10."
(Skeleton Hearth): Daem (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "We have 12 right now, are you excited veyda?"
(Skeleton Hearth): Sarrasri (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Be sure you clean up afterwards boys."
(Skeleton Hearth): Veyda (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh boy, yes."
(Skeleton Hearth): Kalodan (from Limbo) says, "37."
(Skeleton Hearth): Daem (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You have like triple our people."
(Skeleton Hearth): Daem (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I get excited when Glomdoring has 20 or so."
(Skeleton Hearth): Veyda (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Hell."
(Skeleton Hearth): Veyda (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I get excited with 15."
(Skeleton Hearth): Veyda (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Sometimes even 10."
(Skeleton Hearth): Daem (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "We have 12 right now, are you excited veyda?"
(Skeleton Hearth): Sarrasri (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Be sure you clean up afterwards boys."
(Skeleton Hearth): Veyda (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oh boy, yes."
Hyrtakos2007-08-23 05:32:18
every day you find something new to blame sarrasri for in the corruption of the serenwilde. i KNEW she was responsible for their filthy minds too. she lied to me
Unknown2007-08-23 07:05:23
Is it the Sarrasri dictatorship or the Sarrasri conspiracy?
Hyrtakos2007-08-23 07:15:15
well, the current dictatorship is just the remnants which have trickled down from the original sarrasrian coup d'état staged in the late 170s. the conspiracy is every historian knowing that all serenwilde culture was razed to the ground and rebuilt upon her idolator ways, and blatantly denying it to be true!
soooo a little bit of both i would say
soooo a little bit of both i would say