Hyrtakos2007-08-29 06:52:40
bug resurgem. same penalties as ressurection plz
Arix2007-08-29 07:10:11
No kidding. I complimented him on staying alive while Alodia and I chased Malarious and Incabulos around water and she just shot him down.
I sent him a tell also

Unknown2007-08-29 09:02:43
QUOTE(hyrtakos @ Aug 29 2007, 08:52 AM) 436905
bug resurgem. same penalties as ressurection plz
Err.. it kind of has that? You lose all defs and you lose exp. Same as divine or demigod resurrection. The only difference is that if you are praying when you get rezzed you come out at the Portal of Fate and not where your soul is. For resurgem you come out where the coven is, always.
Some bal / eq loss after hatching from the egg doesn't sound unreasonable. Liches have to deal with it too and they manage just fine.
EDIT: Or alternatively let's remove ANY resurrection skill that allows you to die and lose -no- exp. I hate them all.
EDIT2: No divine or demigod rezz don't need the corpse.
Ashteru2007-08-29 09:04:52
QUOTE(shadow @ Aug 29 2007, 09:02 AM) 436947
EDIT: Or alternatively let's remove ANY resurrection skill that allows you to die and lose -no- exp. I hate them all.
All except conglut and vitae. *nod me*
Shiri2007-08-29 09:05:49
QUOTE(shadow @ Aug 29 2007, 10:02 AM) 436947
EDIT: Or alternatively let's remove ANY resurrection skill that allows you to die and lose -no- exp. I hate them all.
Unknown2007-08-29 09:07:52
Conglut and vitae cost exp, I was only talking about those that enable you to lose nothing at all. IE lich, transmigrate, darkrebirth, the egg. Give them a loss similar to vitae and I'd be fine with it. They'd still prevent you from having to pray.
Ashteru2007-08-29 09:08:46
QUOTE(shadow @ Aug 29 2007, 09:07 AM) 436954
Conglut and vitae cost exp, I was only talking about those that enable you to lose nothing at all. IE lich, transmigrate, darkrebirth, the egg. Give them a loss similar to vitae and I'd be fine with it. They'd still prevent you from having to pray.
Naw, all skills except conglut and vitae. Would be the most fair one!
Shiri2007-08-29 09:09:34
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Aug 29 2007, 10:08 AM) 436955
Naw, all skills except conglut and vitae. Would be the most fair one!
That would work too.
Unknown2007-08-29 09:14:27
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Aug 29 2007, 11:08 AM) 436955
Naw, all skills except conglut and vitae. Would be the most fair one!
A lot more work too. What would the benefit of lich or transmigrate be then? What would you ever bother using your DarkNest for? I really don't mind it either way but I don't see them majorly redoing several trans skills.

PS: Why not just have pk death in friendly territory not cost any exp? IE If I raid Etheral Glom no glom loses exp if I kill them. I'd lose if I die to them since I'm in enemy (or neutral) territory. If Glom raids Seren no Seren would lose exp for dying as long as they die in Seren territory.
This would only effect you if you are -defending your orgs territory-. You'd lose exp normally for neutral / enemy territory deaths.
No more being griefed from raids! I could raid for hours on end and not feel like the total newb killer

Please please please!
Clise2007-08-29 10:54:59
QUOTE(shadow @ Aug 29 2007, 05:14 PM) 436960
A lot more work too. What would the benefit of lich or transmigrate be then? What would you ever bother using your DarkNest for? I really don't mind it either way but I don't see them majorly redoing several trans skills. 
PS: Why not just have pk death in friendly territory not cost any exp? IE If I raid Etheral Glom no glom loses exp if I kill them. I'd lose if I die to them since I'm in enemy (or neutral) territory. If Glom raids Seren no Seren would lose exp for dying as long as they die in Seren territory.
This would only effect you if you are -defending your orgs territory-. You'd lose exp normally for neutral / enemy territory deaths.
No more being griefed from raids! I could raid for hours on end and not feel like the total newb killer
Please please please!

PS: Why not just have pk death in friendly territory not cost any exp? IE If I raid Etheral Glom no glom loses exp if I kill them. I'd lose if I die to them since I'm in enemy (or neutral) territory. If Glom raids Seren no Seren would lose exp for dying as long as they die in Seren territory.
This would only effect you if you are -defending your orgs territory-. You'd lose exp normally for neutral / enemy territory deaths.
No more being griefed from raids! I could raid for hours on end and not feel like the total newb killer

Please please please!
I disagree, the griefing does NOT only stem from xp loss upon deaths, there are many factors to griefing. As Shayle puts it, what is one man's fun is another man's unfun.
Unknown2007-08-29 11:03:25
QUOTE(Clise @ Aug 29 2007, 12:54 PM) 436973
I disagree, the griefing does NOT only stem from xp loss upon deaths, there are many factors to griefing. As Shayle puts it, what is one man's fun is another man's unfun.
If you die though (even if it's several times) and you basically lose nothing then what would you feel griefed over?
While I was playing Rappelz I got jumped and usually killed every other day. I sighed and walked back to the area that I had been bashing / questing in. There's no exp loss for it so it wasn't more than a minor annoyance and hold up.
Now if someone raided literally for hours on end without pause.. yes it could still get too much. But otherwise I do think that the exp loss from defending is the major aspect why players feel griefed if there are too many raids on their territory. Without it they could just jump in to defend without worry about dying, they could see it instead as a chance to dabble in combat a bit if they are not your usual raiders etc.
EDIT: I didn't meant to say that the exp loss from constant defending is the only factor that causes annoyance with the game. I just said it's a major one. Besides, without it getting raided would be much more fun OOCly.
Hyrtakos2007-08-29 11:19:11
as far back as i remember... power defs has always been the biggest hinderances. hate to mention the name with him seemingly back, but amaru back in the day would always try to spar just to def up. for the sake of argument tho, we'll say defenses. plenty of gold being thrown around, and even if you die and conglut... you know there are defences you'll put up before running back in, so they can't be overlooked
xp loss i think is becoming less and less of a factor within the game, but defs in the ways of minor expenses and time never disappear. beyond that it's probably just an ego thing. nobody likes getting their asses handed to them every day... -especially- the people that don't necessarily like to fight. even more ESPECIALLY when people talk on the newbie channel about how influencing is supposed to be an alternative to combatative skills and then people "oooh okay" and run into faethorn to influence and get whooped...
xp loss i think is becoming less and less of a factor within the game, but defs in the ways of minor expenses and time never disappear. beyond that it's probably just an ego thing. nobody likes getting their asses handed to them every day... -especially- the people that don't necessarily like to fight. even more ESPECIALLY when people talk on the newbie channel about how influencing is supposed to be an alternative to combatative skills and then people "oooh okay" and run into faethorn to influence and get whooped...
Arix2007-08-29 11:21:08
Hey guys? this is quotes. You want to whine about resurrection and Darknest, I believe we have threads for that.
Unknown2007-08-29 12:59:48
QUOTE(hyrtakos @ Aug 29 2007, 01:19 PM) 436975
as far back as i remember... power defs has always been the biggest hinderances. hate to mention the name with him seemingly back, but amaru back in the day would always try to spar just to def up. for the sake of argument tho, we'll say defenses. plenty of gold being thrown around, and even if you die and conglut... you know there are defences you'll put up before running back in, so they can't be overlooked
xp loss i think is becoming less and less of a factor within the game, but defs in the ways of minor expenses and time never disappear. beyond that it's probably just an ego thing. nobody likes getting their asses handed to them every day... -especially- the people that don't necessarily like to fight. even more ESPECIALLY when people talk on the newbie channel about how influencing is supposed to be an alternative to combatative skills and then people "oooh okay" and run into faethorn to influence and get whooped...
xp loss i think is becoming less and less of a factor within the game, but defs in the ways of minor expenses and time never disappear. beyond that it's probably just an ego thing. nobody likes getting their asses handed to them every day... -especially- the people that don't necessarily like to fight. even more ESPECIALLY when people talk on the newbie channel about how influencing is supposed to be an alternative to combatative skills and then people "oooh okay" and run into faethorn to influence and get whooped...
Depends on your class and city / org.
Monks for example have -no- power def, or at least none that drops upon death (ie all I use are yellow /aethersight and they stay up anyhow). Monks also don't even need power to fight.
Sure you'll always have small expenses in the form of enchantment rubs, potion sips and herbs. But hell that's really -minor- now.
Also, power isn't an issue in Serenwilde at least. You are -always- allowed to draw as much as needed for defence. Always and one day. It's really not as much of an issue here. From what I know Glomdoring still has the old open-beta strict power rules though.. so perhaps it's more of a probem for you.
Exp however tends to be something that after a few deaths stacks up and can take hours upon hours of grind like bashing to regain. I still say that that is the major loss when you die.
PS: The only people I currently know about that go into Faethorn regularely to 'whoop' random (un)enemied Serens are all Gloms.

EDIT: I quoted Hyrtakos! It's a quote!
Shiri2007-08-29 13:13:05
No more such posts or I open a new thread and shunt everything there!
Krellan2007-08-29 15:40:19
QUOTE(shadow @ Aug 29 2007, 01:50 AM) 436904
Bug it. Same penality as lich plz.
um no? Liches can move before reforming and they move shroudedly so it's harder to track, even harder if they have a gem. plus they get stat buffs and archliches get freeze auras. I see no problem with a rez skill just rezzing with full eq and balance. I mean if they carry it on them, you bury a monolith in the room and they can't instant spore even if they instant spore there's things like gust or forced movement which will interrupt the spore.
EDIT: i replied before finishing reading Shiribot, sorry
Callus2007-08-29 16:58:26
The quotes I want to display are in my sig. Both recent. Kashchei just kills me.
Unknown2007-08-29 20:01:32
(Daughters of Attai): Caedryn (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "The tackling is half the fun."
(Daughters of Attai): You say, "...."
(Daughters of Attai): You say, "Really Caedryn?"
(Daughters of Attai): Barrin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oi, I am a lean guy, me likes me bones."

(Daughters of Attai): You say, "...."
(Daughters of Attai): You say, "Really Caedryn?"
(Daughters of Attai): Barrin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oi, I am a lean guy, me likes me bones."

Unknown2007-08-29 20:09:31
QUOTE(Marina_Whytetower @ Aug 29 2007, 03:01 PM) 437020
(Daughters of Attai): Caedryn (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "The tackling is half the fun."
(Daughters of Attai): You say, "...."
(Daughters of Attai): You say, "Really Caedryn?"
(Daughters of Attai): Barrin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oi, I am a lean guy, me likes me bones."

(Daughters of Attai): You say, "...."
(Daughters of Attai): You say, "Really Caedryn?"
(Daughters of Attai): Barrin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Oi, I am a lean guy, me likes me bones."

Out of the entire conversation, you chose to quote that part? Ignoring the rod and anals and everything else discussed?
I guess you just wanted to make yourself look like the innocent one, so you decided to pick a small section where you weren't directly involved

Unknown2007-08-29 20:10:38
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Aug 29 2007, 04:09 PM) 437024
Out of the entire conversation, you chose to quote that part? Ignoring the rod and anals and everything else discussed?
I guess you just wanted to make yourself look like the innocent one, so you decided to pick a small section where you weren't directly involved
I guess you just wanted to make yourself look like the innocent one, so you decided to pick a small section where you weren't directly involved

I claim total innocence.