Unknown2007-09-15 06:37:54
(House d'Murani): Ranadae says, "I have a giant hard on that could knock Morgfyre out."
that better not get me in trouble
that better not get me in trouble
Linaeve2007-09-15 06:41:04
QUOTE(Bianca @ Sep 15 2007, 02:37 AM) 442071
(House d'Murani): Ranadae says, "I have a giant hard on that could knock Morgfyre out."
that better not get me in trouble
that better not get me in trouble
Another one for House d'Murani.
Just as scandalous and insightful as usual.
Arix2007-09-15 06:56:02
(The Black Soil Conclave): Reiha says, "Rofl."
(The Black Soil Conclave): Reiha says, "You're too young for hooters, Bali."
(The Black Soil Conclave): Reiha says, "You're too young for hooters, Bali."
Aison2007-09-15 07:32:46
QUOTE(Amarysse @ Sep 14 2007, 07:43 PM) 442015
I agree completely. It's just as easy to describe grey in any number of other ways, and it sounds like she just wants to be difficult. If halter tops are too futuristic, guns bloody well are. Set an example. Explain why it's insane, and politely, compassionately inform her that the only merciful way to permanently remedy insanity is to sever the link between brain and body with a large, rather dull blade. Naturally, it doesn't always work the first time, so repeat treatments may be necessary, but you're willing to make that sacrifice for her mental health. 

Reiha2007-09-15 07:56:05
(Order of Lust and Desire): Lyco (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "*caress
(Order of Lust and Desire): Tael (from the Prime Material Plane) says,
"*backhand Lyco*."
(Order of Lust and Desire): Lyco (from the Prime Material Plane) says,
(Order of Lust and Desire): Tael (from the Prime Material Plane) says,
"*backhand Lyco*."
(Order of Lust and Desire): Lyco (from the Prime Material Plane) says,
Clise2007-09-15 08:43:34
* Yevah puts a do not disturb sign at Cafe Trae.
Vathael2007-09-15 14:25:05
Incabulos tells you, "Next time you use colourburst: "Taste the rainbow, bitch!""
Yrael2007-09-15 15:40:56
You say to Kharvik, "Papa!"
3630h, 4026m, 3630e, 10p, 16310en, 19640w elrxkdb-
l kharvik
He is a towering demigod and is truly slick. A black loincloth can be seen
flapping in the wind around his waist. He is wearing a tattered, multi-coloured
pack, a long black demon adorned cloak, a spiked leather choker, and flowing
robes of midnight black. He walks with the truefavour of Morgfyre.
You say to Kharvik, "Why are you slick, Papa dear?"
Mister Kharvik, the Rat King says, "Smegma."
Aison2007-09-15 16:14:53
QUOTE(Clise @ Sep 15 2007, 01:43 AM) 442092
* Yevah puts a do not disturb sign at Cafe Trae.
It reminds me of the sims...
Stangmar2007-09-15 17:20:41
I usually end up killing my wives in the Sims.....
Unknown2007-09-15 18:33:42
QUOTE(stangmar @ Sep 15 2007, 01:20 PM) 442141
I usually end up killing my wives in the Sims.....
Note to self: Never marry Stangar...

Stangmar2007-09-15 20:14:07
Kharvik2007-09-16 00:28:25
I always made lesbian wives and then drowned them in the pool thus creating a lesbian house of ghosts. Many a :censor: and many a giggle were had.
Jack2007-09-16 00:35:48
QUOTE(Kharvik @ Sep 16 2007, 01:28 AM) 442258
I always made lesbian wives and then drowned them in the pool thus creating a lesbian house of ghosts. Many a
and many a giggle were had.

I don't throw the word "hero" about often.
But you, sir, are the greatest hero in the history of the world.
Verithrax2007-09-16 01:15:22
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Sep 14 2007, 11:53 AM) 441852
Did she seriously use the word 'digigrade'? It's not even a real word, it's more of a slang word, and even in that sense she didn't use it correctly...also, what color is 'gunmetal'?
I think she means digitigrade, a perfectly cromulent word.
Also, contrary to what people have said in this thread: First, gunmetal is actually a reddish coloured brass- or bronze-like alloy. Second, gunmetal is also the name of a particular shade of grey. Third, given how descriptions are OOC and all, there's nothing insane about using the word in a character desscription - Lighten the hell up.
The description IS awful, but for totally different reasons.
Shamarah2007-09-16 02:23:16
** Summary for (Glomdoring) Referendum #149988 *************************
Title:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (Closed)
  Oath Referendum
  Is the oath described in CHELP NEWOATH more suited to
  Glomdoring's interests then the current one? Should the leaders
  of Glomdoring tend to a sapling inscribed with said oath, and
  feed it with their own blood?
    1.  (13) Yes, the new oath is better and a sapling is desired.
    2.  (9) Yes, the new oath is better, but no sapling is desired.
    3.  (5) No, the old oath is better, and no sapling is desired.
    4.  (4) No, the old oath is better, but a sapling is desired.
Title:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (Closed)
  Oath Referendum
  Is the oath described in CHELP NEWOATH more suited to
  Glomdoring's interests then the current one? Should the leaders
  of Glomdoring tend to a sapling inscribed with said oath, and
  feed it with their own blood?
    1.  (13) Yes, the new oath is better and a sapling is desired.
    2.  (9) Yes, the new oath is better, but no sapling is desired.
    3.  (5) No, the old oath is better, and no sapling is desired.
    4.  (4) No, the old oath is better, but a sapling is desired.
(Bellator Societas): Veyda says, "Glomdoring has made me a vampire."
(Bellator Societas): Forren (from the Astral Plane) says, "I come to suck your
Hazar2007-09-16 03:38:51
I've found a better description!
(Bellator Societas): Tael says, "Bellators is like the UN of Lusternia."
(Bellator Societas): Tael says, "Bellators is like the UN of Lusternia."
Arix2007-09-16 03:38:58
Glom's RP doesn't need any help sucking 

Aramel2007-09-16 03:51:56
Was randomly looking through help files:

Further, to reduce unwanted spam from a potentially valuable channel, insulting other players, or gloating over them, is prohibited on shouts.

Arix2007-09-16 04:10:52
Destroyer of Minds, Father Revan Xandul, Dreadlord Apprentice says to you,