Shryke2007-09-18 19:24:36
QUOTE(Meliana @ Sep 18 2007, 11:46 AM) 442786
(Celest): Arin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I can only make magic in
your mouth."
(Celest): Penna (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Now there's a
conversation stopper."
(Celest): Tervic (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "So.... ew."
(Celest): Tervic (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Save me from my own
(Celest): Arlent (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I enjoy Arin's mouth
(Celest): Lasair (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You are perverted..."
(Celest): Nezha (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "*shivers*." <--- NOOOOOOOO
(Celest): Arin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I echo Lasair's comment."
your mouth."
(Celest): Penna (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Now there's a
conversation stopper."
(Celest): Tervic (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "So.... ew."
(Celest): Tervic (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Save me from my own
(Celest): Arlent (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I enjoy Arin's mouth
(Celest): Lasair (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "You are perverted..."
(Celest): Nezha (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "*shivers*." <--- NOOOOOOOO
(Celest): Arin (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I echo Lasair's comment."
AND, the whole premise of that quote is sad...

Shamarah2007-09-18 19:42:18
You are part of the following clans:
    6) The Swarm
          as Protectors of the Wyrd
--> You appear to have caused an untrapped error in the code. Please don't
execute this command again right now.
    6) The Swarm
          as Protectors of the Wyrd
--> You appear to have caused an untrapped error in the code. Please don't
execute this command again right now.
And lo, even the clan code itself didst mourn the passing of the Disciples of Klangratch.
Kaalak2007-09-18 20:24:16
You tell Merciful Judge Aison La'Saet, "AISON *HUG*."
Aison tells you, "Hello!"
You tell Merciful Judge Aison La'Saet, "Awww. I wuvs the Aison."
Aison tells you, "I'm a married woman!"
You tell Merciful Judge Aison La'Saet, "In a stricly platonic manner."
Aison tells you, "Ah. Platonic love. Beautiful in an unfair sort of way."
Aison tells you, "Hello!"
You tell Merciful Judge Aison La'Saet, "Awww. I wuvs the Aison."
Aison tells you, "I'm a married woman!"
You tell Merciful Judge Aison La'Saet, "In a stricly platonic manner."
Aison tells you, "Ah. Platonic love. Beautiful in an unfair sort of way."
Creslin2007-09-18 22:48:40
QUOTE(Meliana @ Sep 18 2007, 01:46 PM) 442786
Celest quote thing.
Boo Celest

Numidian2007-09-19 02:31:04
This is when Jim Gaffigan would say - "Wait a minute...I like Celest....jerk." 

Stangmar2007-09-19 02:56:16
Xavius2007-09-19 04:48:24
(Glomdoring): Estarra says, "A blonde says to a brunette, ''Excuse me, but each
time I sip my coffee, my eye seems to hurt.''"
(Glomdoring): Estarra says, "Ack."
(Glomdoring): Estarra says, "I mean."
(Glomdoring): Estarra says, "Viravain once asked me, ''Excuse me, every time I
sip my tea, my eye seems to hurt.''"
time I sip my coffee, my eye seems to hurt.''"
(Glomdoring): Estarra says, "Ack."
(Glomdoring): Estarra says, "I mean."
(Glomdoring): Estarra says, "Viravain once asked me, ''Excuse me, every time I
sip my tea, my eye seems to hurt.''"
Acrune2007-09-19 04:50:44
I want Estarra to tell us jokes in Celest too 

Xavius2007-09-19 04:51:37
Fly Izekeal, Ward of Hyrtakos says, "How many Creatrixes does it take to tell a
Fly Izekeal, Ward of Hyrtakos says, "Three. One to think it up. One to tell it,
and one to reweave it so it's funny."
Fly Izekeal, Ward of Hyrtakos says, "Three. One to think it up. One to tell it,
and one to reweave it so it's funny."
Xavius2007-09-19 05:01:00
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "What's orange and sounds like a parrot?"
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "A carrot!"
Fly Izekeal, Ward of Hyrtakos has stopped his own heart, killing himself
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "A carrot!"
Fly Izekeal, Ward of Hyrtakos has stopped his own heart, killing himself
Myndaen2007-09-19 05:25:48
(Disciples of Klangratch): Forren says, "I mean he drains it dry so you can't bash there."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Right."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Accusations."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "THROWN LEFT AND RIGHT."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I'm so misunderstood :'(."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "You are understood perfectly well."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "Thoros is going to do what Thoros feels is best for Thoros, and let no one get in Thoros way or Thoros will do nasty things to anyone not Thoros, or FAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Right."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Accusations."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "THROWN LEFT AND RIGHT."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I'm so misunderstood :'(."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "You are understood perfectly well."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "Thoros is going to do what Thoros feels is best for Thoros, and let no one get in Thoros way or Thoros will do nasty things to anyone not Thoros, or FAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN."

Unknown2007-09-19 05:26:10
I summoned a sprite to help a young get mana back. And she does this:
Penumbra Cassie, Servant of Wisdom dances with the lively sprite on her head.
I thought that was adorably cute! So I started laughing........
Penumbra Cassie, Servant of Wisdom dances with the lively sprite on her head.
I thought that was adorably cute! So I started laughing........
Rakor2007-09-19 05:59:46
QUOTE(Myndaen @ Sep 19 2007, 01:25 AM) 442901
(Disciples of Klangratch): Forren says, "I mean he drains it dry so you can't bash there."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Right."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Accusations."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "THROWN LEFT AND RIGHT."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I'm so misunderstood :'(."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "You are understood perfectly well."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "Thoros is going to do what Thoros feels is best for Thoros, and let no one get in Thoros way or Thoros will do nasty things to anyone not Thoros, or FAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Right."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Accusations."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "THROWN LEFT AND RIGHT."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Thoros (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I'm so misunderstood :'(."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "You are understood perfectly well."
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb says, "Thoros is going to do what Thoros feels is best for Thoros, and let no one get in Thoros way or Thoros will do nasty things to anyone not Thoros, or FAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIN."

Hahahah Thoros drain Scorpio and I will castrate you
Shryke2007-09-19 07:53:14
QUOTE(Numidian @ Sep 18 2007, 07:31 PM) 442863
This is when Jim Gaffigan would say - "Wait a minute...I like Celest....jerk." 

You my friend, win the internet.
Arix2007-09-19 07:56:26
(Magnagora): Sybl says, "Give it to me. Now."
Arin2007-09-19 09:25:23
QUOTE(Shryke @ Sep 19 2007, 05:24 AM) 442791
AND, the whole premise of that quote is sad...
Boo Celest

First of all the context of the quote is taken out of context!
Someone asked for an enchantment and I just announced a herofete and thus the comment... and those sickos took it out of context.
and 2 Nezha is pretty new... so OOC comments can be excused for first offense

Hazar2007-09-19 22:24:38
(Bellator Societas): Eilar says, "Xenthos, the Martin Luther King of Lusternia."
(Bellator Societas): Xenthos (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Mmhm."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Let freedom ring in the Mountains of Madness?"
(Bellator Societas): Xenthos (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Aye, aye."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "He has a dream...that Blacktalon children, and
Shadowdancer children, can play together in peace."
(Bellator Societas): Eilar says, "And then Estwald shot him."
(Bellator Societas): Eilar says, "Oh noes."
(Bellator Societas): Xenthos (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Mmhm."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "Let freedom ring in the Mountains of Madness?"
(Bellator Societas): Xenthos (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Aye, aye."
(Bellator Societas): You say, "He has a dream...that Blacktalon children, and
Shadowdancer children, can play together in peace."
(Bellator Societas): Eilar says, "And then Estwald shot him."
(Bellator Societas): Eilar says, "Oh noes."
Hazar2007-09-19 22:58:22
(Glomdoring): Sissinn says, "What is soft, fuzzy, and wants to rule the world?"
(Glomdoring): You say, "Nejii."
(Glomdoring): You say, "Nejii."
Hazar2007-09-19 23:01:33
I'm stopping soon, I swear.
(Glomdoring): Moralis says, "I'm...not entirely sure HOW You pronounced that
(Glomdoring): Feyarri (from the Aetherways) says, "I have a long tongue?"
(Glomdoring): Moralis says, "I'm...not entirely sure HOW You pronounced that
(Glomdoring): Feyarri (from the Aetherways) says, "I have a long tongue?"
Yevah2007-09-19 23:16:53
Her motto: 'Swing a little more, on Estarra's dance floor!'
<3 Flogging Molly.