Unknown2007-09-26 16:20:30
QUOTE(Yrael @ Sep 26 2007, 03:29 AM) 444316
Navi, Seren Brave (Female Faeling).
As a side note, what is she actually saying at that point? I'm going to go out on a limb and assume it wasn't really "wazzup?" but I could never figure out what it was.
Jack2007-09-26 16:25:33
Veonira2007-09-26 20:52:32
(Bellator Societas): Kaervas says, "I was just thinking it's pretty quiet here at the Ravenwood, then I realized I was standing in a stockroom."
...a few minutes later
(A stockroom): Kaervas says, "Dunno why it's so quiet."
(A stockroom): Forren says, "Wtf."
(A stockroom): You say, "ROFL."
(A stockroom): Thoros says, "Rofl."
(A stockroom): You say, "I love you."
(A stockroom): Pentu says, "Hee."
(A stockroom): Thoros says, "No wonder why it's beenso quiet."
(A stockroom): Revan (from the Aetherways) says, "Geez."
(A stockroom): Thoros says, "I've been in a stockroom."
(A stockroom): Kaervas says, "Ok I'll be fixing the problem now."
(A stockroom): Revan (from the Aetherways) says, "Stop being so

(A stockroom): Thoros says, "Price single veonira 800000 bin 1."
(A stockroom): Forren says, "Hey I think someone should rob this."
(A stockroom): Forren says, "And get shrubbed."
(A stockroom): Thoros says, "Price single forren 1 bin 2."
(A stockroom): Forren says, ":(."
(A stockroom): Thoros says, "Price single kaervas 50000 bin 3."
(A stockroom): Kaervas says, "Revan don't CDF me please."
(A stockroom): Aesyra says, "Buy forren."
(A stockroom): Thoros says, "Price single revan 2 bin 4."
(A stockroom): Forren says, "<3."
(A stockroom): Thoros says, "Price single aesyra notforsale."
(A stockroom): Forren says, ":censor: I'm lower than Revan? Bastard."
(A stockroom): Aesyra says, ":O."
(A stockroom): You say, "Wait."
(An empty stockroom): You say, "I'm for sale."
(An empty stockroom): Revan (from the Aetherways) says, "Cdf kaervas because i can. Corruption ftw."
(An empty stockroom): You say, "And Aesyra isn't."
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "Heh."
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "Someoen bought you all!"
(An empty stockroom): Forren says, "I bought Veo

(An empty stockroom): Pentu says, "Someone robbed the shop!"
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "It's empty."
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "OMFG."
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "SHAMARAH."
(An empty stockroom): Aesyra says, "Who robbed the shop?!"
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "HE ROBBED THE SHOP."
(An empty stockroom): Forren says, "SHAMARAH GIVE IT BACK OR I TDF YOU."
(An empty stockroom): You say, "AHHH."
(An empty stockroom): You say, "GRIEFER."
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "Oh he's not here

(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "Who robbed the shop."
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "@_@."
(An empty stockroom): Pentu says, "Thoros, he's trying to draw attention away from himself!"
(An empty stockroom): Thoros says, "Ooer."
(An empty stockroom): Revan (from the Aetherways) says, "I robbed it by forcing someone to open it, duh."
Unknown2007-09-26 20:55:19
Bah ninja'd!
Unknown2007-09-26 21:05:07
(Emofist): Pentu says, "*attach razors to hands* woot! Lookit my claws!"
Pentu at it's finest.

Pentu at it's finest.
Ryuzaki2007-09-26 21:40:10
(Magnagora): Kashchei says, "So anybody know about that big cloud over CeLest?"
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14771w esSix-
(Magnagora): Chade says, "Haven't heard that, hopefully it's poisonous or full of
the Taint."
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14807w esSix-
(Magnagora): Stangmar says, "There was one a little while ago."
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14831w esSix-
(Magnagora): Felandi (from the Aetherways) says, "That, or the puddlemancers
decided they wanted some rain today."
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14849w esSix-
(Magnagora): Kashchei says, "Rain rain go away, come and bug us another day."
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14861w esSix-
(Magnagora): Stangmar says, "..."
Utter ownage. *still on the floor* XD
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14771w esSix-
(Magnagora): Chade says, "Haven't heard that, hopefully it's poisonous or full of
the Taint."
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14807w esSix-
(Magnagora): Stangmar says, "There was one a little while ago."
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14831w esSix-
(Magnagora): Felandi (from the Aetherways) says, "That, or the puddlemancers
decided they wanted some rain today."
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14849w esSix-
(Magnagora): Kashchei says, "Rain rain go away, come and bug us another day."
2757h, 3702m, 3135e, 10p, 14861w esSix-
(Magnagora): Stangmar says, "..."
Utter ownage. *still on the floor* XD
Xenthos2007-09-27 00:38:59
Watching your prey closely, you caw and suddenly swoop down atop Eol, digging your talons deeply into his flesh before dragging him back up into the branches.
Eol dies as his blood empties out of his veins from the long gashes left by the dirty talons.
You have slain Eol.
You reach over to comfort Eol as he falls to the level of Invincible.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat with Eol.
Eol turns white and drops dead amid the beating of black wings.
You have slain Eol.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The angry voice of Avechna whispers in your mind that Eol may seek vengeance for your bullying.

Eol dies as his blood empties out of his veins from the long gashes left by the dirty talons.
You have slain Eol.
You reach over to comfort Eol as he falls to the level of Invincible.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat with Eol.
Eol turns white and drops dead amid the beating of black wings.
You have slain Eol.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The angry voice of Avechna whispers in your mind that Eol may seek vengeance for your bullying.

Hazar2007-09-27 01:56:38
...there has to be some context to that.
Xavius2007-09-27 02:12:32
QUOTE(Hazar @ Sep 26 2007, 08:56 PM) 444495
...there has to be some context to that.
If you read it closely, both death messages are on there.
...but you shouldn't get suspect for killing someone with lichseed.
Aison2007-09-27 02:30:14
(House Aurendil): Malicia (from the Aetherways) says, "I'm docked on Ixion."
(House Aurendil): Malicia (from the Aetherways) says, "..Xion."
(House Aurendil): You say, "Mali, ew."
(House Aurendil): Malicia (from the Aetherways) says, "DIE."
(House Aurendil): Malicia (from the Aetherways) says, "..Xion."
(House Aurendil): You say, "Mali, ew."
(House Aurendil): Malicia (from the Aetherways) says, "DIE."
Tael2007-09-27 02:31:48
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Sep 26 2007, 08:38 PM) 444474
Watching your prey closely, you caw and suddenly swoop down atop Eol, digging your talons deeply into his flesh before dragging him back up into the branches.
Eol dies as his blood empties out of his veins from the long gashes left by the dirty talons.
You have slain Eol.
You reach over to comfort Eol as he falls to the level of Invincible.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat with Eol.
Eol turns white and drops dead amid the beating of black wings.
You have slain Eol.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The angry voice of Avechna whispers in your mind that Eol may seek vengeance for your bullying.

Eol dies as his blood empties out of his veins from the long gashes left by the dirty talons.
You have slain Eol.
You reach over to comfort Eol as he falls to the level of Invincible.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The voice of Avechna whispers in your mind a warning about initiating combat with Eol.
Eol turns white and drops dead amid the beating of black wings.
You have slain Eol.
Your karma falls in response to your deeds.
The angry voice of Avechna whispers in your mind that Eol may seek vengeance for your bullying.

Jeez, Xenthos. You're such a noob bully.
On the bright side, you managed to kill someone with Crowform! Twice no less.

Shishi2007-09-27 02:35:33
Someone has just left you message #7.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 7p, 16158en, 23126w elrxk-
msgs full
#7 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 7p, 16158en, 23126w elrxk-
tell someone POKEPOKEPOKE
You tell Someone, "POKEPOKEPOKE."
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16198en, 23138w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #8.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16218en, 23144w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #9.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16218en, 23144w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #10.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16218en, 23144w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #11.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16218en, 23144w elrxk-
msgs full
#7 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#8 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#9 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#10 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#11 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16228en, 23150w elrxk-
message someone you win
You sent the following message to Someone: You win
Someone would like you to know that:
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 9p, 16238en, 23164w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #12.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 10p, 16308en, 23212w elrxk-
msgs full
#7 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#8 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#9 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#10 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#11 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#12 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "Thought so."
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 10p, 16308en, 23212w elrxk-
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 7p, 16158en, 23126w elrxk-
msgs full
#7 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 7p, 16158en, 23126w elrxk-
tell someone POKEPOKEPOKE
You tell Someone, "POKEPOKEPOKE."
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16198en, 23138w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #8.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16218en, 23144w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #9.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16218en, 23144w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #10.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16218en, 23144w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #11.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16218en, 23144w elrxk-
msgs full
#7 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#8 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#9 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#10 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#11 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 8p, 16228en, 23150w elrxk-
message someone you win
You sent the following message to Someone: You win
Someone would like you to know that:
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 9p, 16238en, 23164w elrxk-
Someone has just left you message #12.
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 10p, 16308en, 23212w elrxk-
msgs full
#7 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#8 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#9 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#10 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#11 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "POKE."
#12 Someone: 09/27 00:29 "Thought so."
4062h, 5259m, 4998e, 10p, 16308en, 23212w elrxk-
Tervic2007-09-27 02:46:56
QUOTE(Clise @ Sep 15 2007, 01:43 AM) 442092
Just mary Clise or one of its alts.

QUOTE(Ytraelux @ Sep 23 2007, 02:50 AM) 443670
Okay, you asked for it.
Yrael was the His true, unbound form is a vaguely humanoid shape of blinding white energy.
And I'm done.
Yrael was the
And I'm done.
It makes me think of Starcraft Archons.
QUOTE(Thoros LaSaet @ Sep 26 2007, 09:17 AM) 444349
I have found the reason for Lusternia's lag spikes.
Here it is folks, in the flesh....
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb (from the Astral Plane) says, "It is my fault. I am killing astral mobs too quickly for the server to keep up."
9700h, 4870m, 6300e, 10p, 30900en, 29396w exkdb<>-declare geb
You declare your intent to bear arms against Geb.
Here it is folks, in the flesh....
(Disciples of Klangratch): Geb (from the Astral Plane) says, "It is my fault. I am killing astral mobs too quickly for the server to keep up."
9700h, 4870m, 6300e, 10p, 30900en, 29396w exkdb<>-declare geb
You declare your intent to bear arms against Geb.
I misread that as "You declare your internet to bear arms against Geb." I shouldn't forumsbrowse while semidelerious.... ><
You tell Clise Aristata, "Bake me a pie, wench."
Clise tells you, "Ok."
I died a little from shock. She's NEVER that agreeable!
Yevah2007-09-27 04:04:07
(Celest): Geb says, "Anyone near my might up for a spar?"
Acrune2007-09-27 04:07:11
Sorry Geb, I've been playing Halo 3 

Unknown2007-09-27 04:37:13
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We need to start writing plays."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We really, really need to start writing
(The Star Council): You say, "I'm working on one, Forren."
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "I have a book on the way."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We need others to be as well."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Plays in particular."
(The Star Council): You say, "I have three books on the away."
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "Why plays?"
(The Star Council): You say, "Way, excuse me."
(The Star Council): You say, "And at least one play."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "They are judged separately."
(The Star Council): You say, "Anyone up for doing the Worshipping Cow now?"
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "New village equivalent of power?"
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Eh?"
(The Star Council): You say, "The name of my play, Forren."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Ah."
(The Star Council): You say, "Oh my, did that sound bad, I apologize."
(The Star Council): Lysandus says, "Worshipping cow?"
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "Very few times in my life have I been
(The Star Council): You say, "Uh... yeah."
(The Star Council): You say, "Back to aetherships, please?"
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We really, really need to start writing
(The Star Council): You say, "I'm working on one, Forren."
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "I have a book on the way."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We need others to be as well."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Plays in particular."
(The Star Council): You say, "I have three books on the away."
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "Why plays?"
(The Star Council): You say, "Way, excuse me."
(The Star Council): You say, "And at least one play."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "They are judged separately."
(The Star Council): You say, "Anyone up for doing the Worshipping Cow now?"
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "New village equivalent of power?"
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Eh?"
(The Star Council): You say, "The name of my play, Forren."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Ah."
(The Star Council): You say, "Oh my, did that sound bad, I apologize."
(The Star Council): Lysandus says, "Worshipping cow?"
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "Very few times in my life have I been
(The Star Council): You say, "Uh... yeah."
(The Star Council): You say, "Back to aetherships, please?"
Tael2007-09-27 07:08:05
QUOTE(ShricNatsurei @ Sep 27 2007, 12:37 AM) 444529
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We need to start writing plays."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We really, really need to start writing
(The Star Council): You say, "I'm working on one, Forren."
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "I have a book on the way."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We need others to be as well."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Plays in particular."
(The Star Council): You say, "I have three books on the away."
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "Why plays?"
(The Star Council): You say, "Way, excuse me."
(The Star Council): You say, "And at least one play."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "They are judged separately."
(The Star Council): You say, "Anyone up for doing the Worshipping Cow now?"
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "New village equivalent of power?"
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Eh?"
(The Star Council): You say, "The name of my play, Forren."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Ah."
(The Star Council): You say, "Oh my, did that sound bad, I apologize."
(The Star Council): Lysandus says, "Worshipping cow?"
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "Very few times in my life have I been
(The Star Council): You say, "Uh... yeah."
(The Star Council): You say, "Back to aetherships, please?"
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We really, really need to start writing
(The Star Council): You say, "I'm working on one, Forren."
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "I have a book on the way."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "We need others to be as well."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Plays in particular."
(The Star Council): You say, "I have three books on the away."
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "Why plays?"
(The Star Council): You say, "Way, excuse me."
(The Star Council): You say, "And at least one play."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "They are judged separately."
(The Star Council): You say, "Anyone up for doing the Worshipping Cow now?"
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "New village equivalent of power?"
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Eh?"
(The Star Council): You say, "The name of my play, Forren."
(The Star Council): Forren says, "Ah."
(The Star Council): You say, "Oh my, did that sound bad, I apologize."
(The Star Council): Lysandus says, "Worshipping cow?"
(The Star Council): Kaalak says, "Very few times in my life have I been
(The Star Council): You say, "Uh... yeah."
(The Star Council): You say, "Back to aetherships, please?"
None can compare to the genius that is Lendren. NO ONE. *CACKLE*

Unknown2007-09-27 08:50:16

Aison2007-09-27 10:08:00
QUOTE(ShricNatsurei @ Sep 26 2007, 09:37 PM) 444529
Celest play stuff
Worshiping is spelled with one P. If you're gonna write a play, at least spell check the TITLE. :|
Hyrtakos2007-09-27 10:31:55
Never before have I seen someone with such a hairy avatar go to such lengths to split hairs.