Reiha2006-10-07 23:31:54
(The Midnight Legion): Morgfyre says, "Anorexia isn't an advisable lifestyle choice, Veonira."
Shorlen2006-10-07 23:48:00
QUOTE(isluna @ Oct 7 2006, 07:28 PM) 339989
Edited: to point out that the Elryn and crew had left forgoing singing
I am more than a little annoyed at us being told "Hey, you can cheat if you drop your RP entirely!" They did change the request later, but still... The argument among the crew went something like, "Hey, we should sing a song about how much we love Fain!" "Umm... no?" Meh.
Unknown2006-10-08 00:35:12
Estarra's voice shatters the cosmic equilibrium, "Very well then! Nirrti, you
shall thus be guildmistress and founder of a new guild! The first of the bards
guilds shall be founded in Glomdoring!"
shall thus be guildmistress and founder of a new guild! The first of the bards
guilds shall be founded in Glomdoring!"

Genos2006-10-08 00:36:35
QUOTE(Fallen @ Oct 7 2006, 08:35 PM) 340011

Unknown2006-10-08 00:39:09
Yeah, I think everyone in Glomdoring is stunned right now.
Diamondais2006-10-08 00:40:32
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Oct 7 2006, 08:39 PM) 340015
Yeah, I think everyone in Glomdoring is stunned right now.
Pretty much everyone is, and there are probably debates going on in Mag and Celest. Seren's sure as hell having one.
Unknown2006-10-08 00:41:33
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 7 2006, 05:40 PM) 340018
Pretty much everyone is, and there are probably debates going on in Mag and Celest. Seren's sure as hell having one.
Debate about what?
Arix2006-10-08 00:42:04
I'm going to become a bard, and then me, Kalodan, and Kidaen will form a band: Me on bagpipes, Kidaen on lute, and Kalo on vocals
Richter2006-10-08 00:42:30
Does someone have a quote of the song I sang to get Estarra's truefavor?
Diamondais2006-10-08 00:47:35
QUOTE(Fallen @ Oct 7 2006, 08:41 PM) 340019
Debate about what?
Isluna2006-10-08 01:24:26
QUOTE(Richter @ Oct 7 2006, 06:42 PM) 340024
Does someone have a quote of the song I sang to get Estarra's truefavor?
Elryn Greythane sings, "Estarra the Eternal so big and broad, Her eyes are quite
starry and Her mantle be Lord. She sleeps for the ages and cusses quite bad, but
for all of Her flaws we love her like mad."
Full of sorrow, a mournful voice longingly says, "So big and ...broad?"
Estarra, the Eternal sings, "She was broad where a broad should be broad!!"
Funeral music begins pouring from the walls.
Elryn utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
Elryn Greythane says, "Right!"
Archon Richter Carthan sings, "I'm tired, I'm drained, those deaths were a pain,
we're abandoned and lost, but we found the land of frost, take pity on us, look
into our eyes, be nice to us, and still give us the prize."
Adherent of the Mother, Tael Talnara sings, "Lord Fain, so used to getting His
way.. I hope this song is good enough, as I rather don't want to be eaten this
Tully rolls on the floor, laughing.
Estarra collapses heavily into Richter's arms.
The corners of Elryn's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.
Tael coughs softly.
Gorky utters a deep, rumbling laugh at Richter.
Fain, of the Red Masque says to Estarra, "Don't touch that, it's poisonous!"
Fain gives Richter the once-over, eyeing him suspiciously.
Estarra, the Eternal exclaims, "That was good, Richter. I liked it!"
Reolirin licks Richter.
Serenguard Reolirin says, "Nope, he's clean."
Archon Richter Carthan says to Estarra, "Heh, thanks."
Elryn Greythane smiles and says to Morgfyre, "But thank you for the chance to
practice my singing."
Archon Richter Carthan says to Reolirin, "Pfft."

Richter2006-10-08 01:32:33
That's the one! Thanks. 

Shiri2006-10-08 01:37:41
So...everyone is pretty fired up about these bards, huh? 
(I hope I censored all that properly)
EDIT: I didn't. People need to use different avatars!
EDIT: wtf, I deleted the attachment ID! How do you take the stupid thing off?
Let's try this...

(I hope I censored all that properly)
EDIT: I didn't. People need to use different avatars!
EDIT: wtf, I deleted the attachment ID! How do you take the stupid thing off?
Let's try this...
Flacarealah2006-10-08 02:30:15
From two rooms away from the Moonhart Mother-
You lift a hand languidly and send a moonbeam to Aranya.
You gently rise into the air and dance along a moonbeam to Aranya.
A meadow of standing stones.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Rising
from ground is an impressive fighting ring, crafted from black marble and edged
with silver. A figurine of Yini stands here, memorializing her noble spirit. A
golden rose bush grows here, filling the air with a marvelous fragrance. A
painting of Sarrasri is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. A small red
squirrel with a bushy tail looks at you with big brown eyes. Hackles risen,
Elwyn, the Golden Eyed prowls about here. The Eye of Dynara rests on the
ground, suffused with power. Aranya is here, pondering thoughtfully. She wields
an athame dagger in her left hand and a batwing shaped shield in her right.
Charune, the Lord of the Hunt stands here surrounded by an emerald hue. He
wields the Hunter's Horn in His left hand and an elegant Moonhart bow in His
You see a single exit leading down.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
You suddenly scoop up the Eye of Dynara.
You blink.
And that's how you steal an artifact of supreme power
You lift a hand languidly and send a moonbeam to Aranya.
You gently rise into the air and dance along a moonbeam to Aranya.
A meadow of standing stones.
The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Rising
from ground is an impressive fighting ring, crafted from black marble and edged
with silver. A figurine of Yini stands here, memorializing her noble spirit. A
golden rose bush grows here, filling the air with a marvelous fragrance. A
painting of Sarrasri is proudly exhibited on a nearby wall. A small red
squirrel with a bushy tail looks at you with big brown eyes. Hackles risen,
Elwyn, the Golden Eyed prowls about here. The Eye of Dynara rests on the
ground, suffused with power. Aranya is here, pondering thoughtfully. She wields
an athame dagger in her left hand and a batwing shaped shield in her right.
Charune, the Lord of the Hunt stands here surrounded by an emerald hue. He
wields the Hunter's Horn in His left hand and an elegant Moonhart bow in His
You see a single exit leading down.
Your movement causes your magical shield to dissipate.
You suddenly scoop up the Eye of Dynara.
You blink.
And that's how you steal an artifact of supreme power

Jack2006-10-08 02:42:21
(The Dark Carnival): Daevos says, "Any name ideas?"
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "The awesome guild of Ash."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ashsauce."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ashterumaniacs."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ash-lash."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ashisthebest."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ashbeasts."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Those are mine."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "The awesome guild of Ash."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ashsauce."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ashterumaniacs."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ash-lash."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ashisthebest."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Ashbeasts."
3420h, 4590m, 3654e, 10p ex-
(The Dark Carnival): Ashteru says, "Those are mine."
Shyshaeia2006-10-08 03:35:44
(Celest): Kaalak says, "Lyre lyre Doman's on....."
2884h, 4708m, 5102e, 10p ex-
(Celest): Raflein says, "Okay...We'll need a founding a guild
from the city....people in it....a purpose for it...a name....what else?"
2884h, 4708m, 5102e, 10p ex-
(Celest): Doman (from the Aetherways) says, "FIRE."
2884h, 4708m, 5102e, 10p ex-
(Celest): Raflein says, "Okay...We'll need a founding a guild
from the city....people in it....a purpose for it...a name....what else?"
2884h, 4708m, 5102e, 10p ex-
(Celest): Doman (from the Aetherways) says, "FIRE."
Just like the timing of that.
Diamondais2006-10-08 03:43:22
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own says, "It's times like this when I wonder if it's really a BAD thing I've never been up there before."
You grin mischievously at Rinaari.
You say, "Oh, its not so bad."
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own says, "Tentacles."
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own says, "CHASING Tentacles."
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own sticks out her tongue and says, "I get enough from my dreams, sis."
Flacarealah Maschio says, "Kethuru tentacles."
You giggle happily.
"Tentaclessss!" you hiss, sinuously waving your arms at Rinaari.
"Eep!", Rinaari screams in fright.
Rinaari cowers in a corner, fearful of your wrath.
Flacarealah Maschio says, "Now I want to check on Rapture."
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own says, "No Dyla Tentacles!"
"Tentaclessss!" you hiss, sinuously waving your arms at Rinaari.
Flacarealah Maschio asks you, "Come with?"
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own hides behind Flacarealah.
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
I love that Emote!
You grin mischievously at Rinaari.
You say, "Oh, its not so bad."
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own says, "Tentacles."
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own says, "CHASING Tentacles."
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own sticks out her tongue and says, "I get enough from my dreams, sis."
Flacarealah Maschio says, "Kethuru tentacles."
You giggle happily.
"Tentaclessss!" you hiss, sinuously waving your arms at Rinaari.
"Eep!", Rinaari screams in fright.
Rinaari cowers in a corner, fearful of your wrath.
Flacarealah Maschio says, "Now I want to check on Rapture."
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own says, "No Dyla Tentacles!"
"Tentaclessss!" you hiss, sinuously waving your arms at Rinaari.
Flacarealah Maschio asks you, "Come with?"
Serenguard Rinaari Mes'ard, Kia's Own hides behind Flacarealah.
You give a trillingly melodic laugh.
I love that Emote!

Noola2006-10-08 03:46:21
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 7 2006, 10:43 PM) 340164
I love that Emote!

I think it's a funny emote. Noola hates it though!

Unknown2006-10-08 03:55:26
Glom Should focus on the Emo specialization in Music
Mag will focus on the 'rock' ones with back up Geos
Celest will probably be focusing on those church songs we hear every sunday
Serenwilde... probably those meditation type songs and stuff
Me and Doman's conversation in MSN

Mag will focus on the 'rock' ones with back up Geos
Celest will probably be focusing on those church songs we hear every sunday
Serenwilde... probably those meditation type songs and stuff

Me and Doman's conversation in MSN
Arix2006-10-08 04:14:07
The all-Celestian Southern Baptist choir