Tzekelkan2006-11-26 09:59:14
QUOTE(Neerth @ Nov 26 2006, 08:30 AM) 357045
The moral of this little story is, good thing this Divine was in a good mood. I'm in New Celest standing around when....
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Don't forget to submit books for the contest!"
- qw
- swoon
- shout I shall always heed my responsibilities and the call of the Divine, particluarly Those whose voice is identifiable...!
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "I didn't mean to insult you, just that you have only a month left."
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "And I can hear you when you reply, so no need to shout *chuckle*."
- someonepowerful Who ever shouts because of NEED? *chuckle* I will submit works before leaving the realms.
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "Celest's been doing awesome on the Libraries, just don't want to see it all be ruined. We all forget to check the time every now and then."
- someonepowerfulandhandsome Thank You for Your encouragement. A little reminder never hurts
The Divine voice of Someone powerful echoes in your head, "*laugh* oh, you brownnoser."
- someonegenerouswithcredits Simply as charming as the next drac....

Need more practice with those dracnari charms of yours, m'boy.
Taraki2006-11-26 12:53:46
Alabaster Road through the Serenwilde. (road).
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. The
stars twinkle in the clear night sky. Loose, white stones pave the road, a
carpet of glittering snowy rocks that stretches through hill, forest and plain.
While many of the white stones have been ground to a fine powder by an age of
heavy travel, most still retain their shape as small pebbles, offering both
traction and beauty. The road winds through the Serenwilde Forest, its
towering, verdant trees crowding on either side of the road, their limbs
hanging over the side of the road, perhaps in welcome, or perhaps in warning. A
wooden spike is planted here, proudly displaying the shrunken head of Krunaria.
There are 4 aslaran pilgrims here. There are 4 dwarven pilgrims here. There are
3 loboshigaru pilgrims here. There are 3 mugwump pilgrims here. There are 2
taurian pilgrims here.
You see exits leading north, east, southwest, and west.
- honours krunaria
Krunaria (Female Elfen).
She is 24 years old, having been born on the 21st of Juliary, 138 years after
the Coming of Estarra.
She is unranked in Lusternia.
She is an extremely credible character.
She is a Vagrant in the Fellowship of Explorers.
Her warcry: 'For Honour and Faith!'
She is considered to be approximately 0% of your might.
She is not currently active in any family.

Kharaen2006-11-26 13:46:24
QUOTE(Taraki @ Nov 26 2006, 07:53 AM) 357072

I remember her. She attacked a pixie and failed to it by dying. She didn't get enemied though, so a shrunken head is a good warning to her the next time she tries to pick a fight with a pixie

Unknown2006-11-26 17:15:04
Out of context FTW! 
Gwylifar: What's the recipe for vitae?
Elaria: it's based on what I find in the cupboard

Gwylifar: What's the recipe for vitae?
Elaria: it's based on what I find in the cupboard
Unknown2006-11-26 17:30:31
Elaria: I need stuff to fill me up
Elaria: I may put on noodles as well
Elaria: or a jacket or something
Elaria: I may put on noodles as well
Elaria: or a jacket or something
Tervic2006-11-27 01:48:04
(Magnagora): Haiden says, "News about a nuclear dildo doesn't die down so quick."
Yuniko2006-11-27 01:51:21
Tervic, you are simply...Evil..
Tervic2006-11-27 01:52:31
QUOTE(Yuniko @ Nov 26 2006, 05:51 PM) 357265
Tervic, you are simply...Evil..

Tervic2006-11-28 03:46:06
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "Cows?"
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "What's a cow?"
Jigan gives a horrified gasp.
You say, "They have four legs and do this."
You let out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'
Sir Liberus Hodinai Jigan, Hodinifu of the Dove says, "Please excuse me a moment."
Viravain blinks.
Sir Liberus Hodinai Jigan, Hodinifu of the Dove says, "She has to see one."
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "My cousin Charune did that to me the other month."
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "Is Charune a cow?"
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "What's a cow?"
Jigan gives a horrified gasp.
You say, "They have four legs and do this."
You let out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'
Sir Liberus Hodinai Jigan, Hodinifu of the Dove says, "Please excuse me a moment."
Viravain blinks.
Sir Liberus Hodinai Jigan, Hodinifu of the Dove says, "She has to see one."
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "My cousin Charune did that to me the other month."
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "Is Charune a cow?"
Unknown2006-11-28 03:48:25
QUOTE(Tervic @ Nov 27 2006, 09:46 PM) 357750
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "Cows?"
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "What's a cow?"
Jigan gives a horrified gasp.
You say, "They have four legs and do this."
You let out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'
Sir Liberus Hodinai Jigan, Hodinifu of the Dove says, "Please excuse me a moment."
Viravain blinks.
Sir Liberus Hodinai Jigan, Hodinifu of the Dove says, "She has to see one."
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "My cousin Charune did that to me the other month."
Viravain, Child of the Wyrd says, "Is Charune a cow?"

Viravain2006-11-28 03:55:48
It's the horn you know. Sounds like a cow when he blows it. 

Tervic2006-11-28 04:02:04
QUOTE(Viravain @ Nov 27 2006, 07:55 PM) 357754
It's the horn you know. Sounds like a cow when he blows it.

Unknown2006-11-28 04:44:58
Proof that Ildaudid is a pimp:
You tell Kalas Ildaudid, "Hey Ildy I could use an empath on my way to Crumkin, could yeh come along?"
Ildaudid tells you, "Rofl yer goin to heaven sweetie, I owe you a nice drink at a nice bar when I come down, thanks -peck-!!!"
You tell Kalas Ildaudid, "..."
You tell Kalas Ildaudid, "Hey Ildy I could use an empath on my way to Crumkin, could yeh come along?"
Ildaudid tells you, "Rofl yer goin to heaven sweetie, I owe you a nice drink at a nice bar when I come down, thanks -peck-!!!"
You tell Kalas Ildaudid, "..."
Ildaudid2006-11-28 05:55:47

Yes that was a mistell
-edit- But Lyco did train me well....

Reiha2006-11-28 06:28:10
QUOTE(B_a_L_i @ Nov 27 2006, 08:44 PM) 357764
Proof that Ildaudid is a pimp:
You tell Kalas Ildaudid, "Hey Ildy I could use an empath on my way to Crumkin, could yeh come along?"
Ildaudid tells you, "Rofl yer goin to heaven sweetie, I owe you a nice drink at a nice bar when I come down, thanks -peck-!!!"
You tell Kalas Ildaudid, "..."

*throws Illy's crap onto the couch and uses his credits to buy that shop I want*
Ildaudid2006-11-28 06:29:22
Ya like you don't know what that tell was about
Tryin to throw a fit heh 

Reiha2006-11-28 06:33:40
I actually don't know what it was about...
But if it has anything to do with Yukari or Yuniko, then I know for sure it's okay
Nigredo, tho... *eye*

But if it has anything to do with Yukari or Yuniko, then I know for sure it's okay

Nigredo, tho... *eye*
Sarrasri2006-11-28 18:52:32
Dysolis tells you, "I have big boobies I long for you to touch."
You tell Dysolis, "..."
Dysolis tells you, "You have a problem with me telling you such personal,
private things about myself and my feelings for you, oh great Serenwilder?"
Dysolis has just left you message #552.
Message #552 Sent by: Dysolis
11/28 18:48 "Dont you like me or some such? I thought we were to be intimate,
more then just friends."
You tell Dysolis, "..."
Dysolis tells you, "You have a problem with me telling you such personal,
private things about myself and my feelings for you, oh great Serenwilder?"
Dysolis has just left you message #552.
Message #552 Sent by: Dysolis
11/28 18:48 "Dont you like me or some such? I thought we were to be intimate,
more then just friends."
Aiakon2006-11-28 19:00:27
....what on earth is that about??
Daganev2006-11-28 19:01:00
logged into the wrong alt?