Nymerya2006-12-14 06:14:02
You say, "Need one wood if you want a black shirt. I thought I still had some."
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "You can have all the wood you wish, dear."
You say, "As generous as ever."
You suck thoughtfully on your teeth.
You say, "Trying to think where there might be some."
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "Or you could, if I wasn't just making veiled sexual innuendo and had actually checked whether I had some of the commodity in the first place."
Shinza gives a wood commodity to you.
Shinza Tharedia says, "Since Rhysus has trouble finding his."
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "Ah, Shinza!"
Shinza's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "Lovely, that."
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "I'll pay you back in spades, I promise you that."
Rhysus's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "It's a dreaded affliction, when one cannot find their most valued commodity, no?"
Shinza raises her hand to her mouth and titters girlishly.
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "Indeed. I'll never be Prince again without the Key to the City."
You say, "Right. If we're -quite- finished, to the workshop."
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "You can have all the wood you wish, dear."
You say, "As generous as ever."
You suck thoughtfully on your teeth.
You say, "Trying to think where there might be some."
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "Or you could, if I wasn't just making veiled sexual innuendo and had actually checked whether I had some of the commodity in the first place."
Shinza gives a wood commodity to you.
Shinza Tharedia says, "Since Rhysus has trouble finding his."
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "Ah, Shinza!"
Shinza's eyes sparkle with amusement.
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "Lovely, that."
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "I'll pay you back in spades, I promise you that."
Rhysus's eyes sparkle with amusement.
You say, "It's a dreaded affliction, when one cannot find their most valued commodity, no?"
Shinza raises her hand to her mouth and titters girlishly.
Starcrest Admiral Rhysus Saros, Akashic Ipsissimus says, "Indeed. I'll never be Prince again without the Key to the City."
You say, "Right. If we're -quite- finished, to the workshop."
Forren2006-12-14 06:22:41
(The Dawn Brigade): You say, "Narsrim is in a bedroom."
(The Dawn Brigade): Genevieve says, "Sexy."
(The Dawn Brigade): Tervic says, "Do we really want to know?"
(The Dawn Brigade): Genevieve says, "Sexy."
(The Dawn Brigade): Tervic says, "Do we really want to know?"
Ildaudid2006-12-14 06:29:57
(Celest): Terentia says, "You're off to see the city, the wonderful city of Celest."
(Celest): Genevieve (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Follow follow follow follow follow the imperial road!"
I actually lost RP points for telling Ladantine, "It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the whip again."
So seeing that, especially with a divine starting it... is kind of sad.... Terentia and Genevieve need to lose some RP points there

Unknown2006-12-14 06:41:36
Yeah not the best RP standards, but it's funny...
Rauros2006-12-14 07:04:33
Actually, Terentia was responding to what Genevieve said. Arix got the quotes backwards. I almost made a reply to Terentia privately, but after seeing what happened to Verithrax, I was afraid of being zapped.
Verithrax2006-12-14 07:30:32
Yeah. Terry don't like people knocking her leet argh pee skillz.
Unknown2006-12-14 08:07:44
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Dec 13 2006, 11:41 PM) 363026

Arix2006-12-14 08:31:02
Rauros|atwork: There's a reason God gave men a penis, so they can amuse themselves
Shorlen2006-12-14 08:45:52
Krellan says, "Maybe if we give them a room they'll come fight."
Caedryn, Warden of the Moonhart says, "To the...northeast!"
Spinner Arkzrael Le'Vondati, Gossamer Co(The resonating centre of Glomdori)
Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos (The resonating centre of Glomdori)
Shorlen Mes'ard, of Broken Stones (Trees of warding)
Serenguard Rika, Eagle Scout (Trees of warding)
Lord Dirgesinger Daedalion Rillaen, The (The resonating centre of Glomdori)
Caedryn, Warden of the Moonhart (Trees of warding)
Krellan (Trees of warding)
Harbinger Yurika, Spirit of the Shadows (The resonating centre of Glomdori)
Huntress Yini Maschio, Poet of Arrey Arr(Trees of warding)
Hyrtakos tells you, "Well gee I guess they left... dumdeedum here I come."
You tell Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos, "Shh!"
You tell Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos, "We're trying to be stealthy here!"

Caedryn, Warden of the Moonhart says, "To the...northeast!"
Spinner Arkzrael Le'Vondati, Gossamer Co(The resonating centre of Glomdori)
Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos (The resonating centre of Glomdori)
Shorlen Mes'ard, of Broken Stones (Trees of warding)
Serenguard Rika, Eagle Scout (Trees of warding)
Lord Dirgesinger Daedalion Rillaen, The (The resonating centre of Glomdori)
Caedryn, Warden of the Moonhart (Trees of warding)
Krellan (Trees of warding)
Harbinger Yurika, Spirit of the Shadows (The resonating centre of Glomdori)
Huntress Yini Maschio, Poet of Arrey Arr(Trees of warding)
Hyrtakos tells you, "Well gee I guess they left... dumdeedum here I come."
You tell Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos, "Shh!"
You tell Master of the Bloodhunt, Hyrtakos, "We're trying to be stealthy here!"

Arix2006-12-15 00:02:19
Joli: I have two paddles now though 
Verithrax: Yeaaah, not asking what those are for.
Joli: They are for you, darling love baby.
Joli: the red one has never been used.
Joli: The other one is broken

Verithrax: Yeaaah, not asking what those are for.
Joli: They are for you, darling love baby.
Joli: the red one has never been used.
Joli: The other one is broken
Nymerya2006-12-15 01:37:09
QUOTE(Marina_Whytetower @ Dec 14 2006, 07:07 PM) 363087

I deny ever having said that.
Arix2006-12-15 06:18:44
Despite witnesses?
Cairam2006-12-15 07:24:06
QUOTE(Marina_Whytetower @ Dec 14 2006, 12:07 AM) 363087

Lacostian's boxers have a name?
Now I'm curious... What is it?

Arix2006-12-15 07:26:23
Unknown2006-12-15 07:45:41
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Dec 14 2006, 09:45 AM) 363093

Tekora2006-12-15 08:47:09
*** Verithrax is now known as Goat-in-the-woods-with-a-thous.
*** Goat-in-the-woods-with-a-thous is now known as Goat-in-the-woods-with-1K-youn.
*** Goat-in-the-woods-with-1K-youn is now known as Verithrax|NotHere.
*** Goat-in-the-woods-with-a-thous is now known as Goat-in-the-woods-with-1K-youn.
*** Goat-in-the-woods-with-1K-youn is now known as Verithrax|NotHere.
Tervic2006-12-15 10:28:54
(House of Shadows): Dvyrus says, "Ixion actually isn't. He's underneath your
Unknown2006-12-15 14:34:33
QUOTE(Tekora @ Dec 15 2006, 03:47 AM) 363308
*** Verithrax is now known as Goat-in-the-woods-with-a-thous.
*** Goat-in-the-woods-with-a-thous is now known as Goat-in-the-woods-with-1K-youn.
*** Goat-in-the-woods-with-1K-youn is now known as Verithrax|NotHere.
Poor Verithrax, thwarted by IRC's nick length limit.
Kharaen2006-12-15 16:55:23
(Braves): Please welcome Herpes who joins as a novice freshman!

EDIT: I imagine Herpes is an affliction that plagues many a freshmen.
Acrune2006-12-15 16:55:43
Herpes sticks out a long tongue and licks Luthe.