Unknown2006-12-15 17:00:05
Quoted too soon. It's still going on.
2006/12/15 16:51:53 - Herpes stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a novice.
2006/12/15 16:57:31 - Hymen stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a novice.
2006/12/15 16:51:53 - Herpes stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a novice.
2006/12/15 16:57:31 - Hymen stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a novice.
Kharaen2006-12-15 17:00:11
Shortly joining after Herpes...
Novices are much source of
by Dinoniel. 
(Braves): Please welcome Hymen who joins as a novice freshman!
Novices are much source of


Acrune2006-12-15 18:40:45
QUOTE(MrShrimp @ Dec 15 2006, 12:00 PM) 363366
Quoted too soon. It's still going on.
Oh, I know, I just found the insanity message amusing. The names are just stupid

Unknown2006-12-15 19:11:56
(House Aurendil): Malicia says, "We r in ur earth."
(House Aurendil): Malicia says, "Bashin ur
While Celestians run around trying to find things to kill/grief
Edit: (House Aurendil): Malicia says, "I'd like you to add a notation to that funnies quote."
(House Aurendil): Malicia says, "That I'm going to kill you for posting it."
(House Aurendil): Malicia says, "Bashin ur

While Celestians run around trying to find things to kill/grief
Edit: (House Aurendil): Malicia says, "I'd like you to add a notation to that funnies quote."
(House Aurendil): Malicia says, "That I'm going to kill you for posting it."
Forren2006-12-16 03:53:17
Acrune tells you, "Boobs are hard to throw, their owners tend to be a little possessive."
Verithrax2006-12-16 05:17:54
Nymerya2006-12-16 05:35:55
Why do you all have such perverse pleasure in quoting me?
Why do you all have such perverse pleasure in quoting me?
Unknown2006-12-16 05:43:04
QUOTE(Nymerya @ Dec 16 2006, 12:35 AM) 363507
Why do you all have such perverse pleasure in quoting me?
Cuz you keep saying funny stuff?

Gelo2006-12-16 05:45:10
(Hartstone): Dylara says, "See ya Gelo!"
Dylara waves goodbye.
Dylara grows still and her lips begin to move silently.
(Hartstone): You say, "Bye Dylara!"
Flacarealah waves goodbye at Dylara.
bug dylara
Your bug is too short, indicating that you have likely not provided us with
enough information. Please resubmit your bug with as much information as
possible. Thank you.
You say, "Eek."
Dylara is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, her soul safe
until she returns to Lusternia.
You wave and say "Goodbye!"
I wanted to do bye and then hug.
EDIT: another
Mazeb tells you, "Spar?"
Mazeb tells you, "Eep nevermind."
Mazeb tells you, "Don't have a cleanse."
Dylara waves goodbye.
Dylara grows still and her lips begin to move silently.
(Hartstone): You say, "Bye Dylara!"
Flacarealah waves goodbye at Dylara.
bug dylara
Your bug is too short, indicating that you have likely not provided us with
enough information. Please resubmit your bug with as much information as
possible. Thank you.
You say, "Eek."
Dylara is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, her soul safe
until she returns to Lusternia.
You wave and say "Goodbye!"
I wanted to do bye and then hug.

EDIT: another
Mazeb tells you, "Spar?"
Mazeb tells you, "Eep nevermind."
Mazeb tells you, "Don't have a cleanse."

Arix2006-12-16 09:11:23
Joli: yes, do me now, Arix.
Diamondais2006-12-16 15:55:37
QUOTE(Gelo @ Dec 16 2006, 12:45 AM) 363512
(Hartstone): Dylara says, "See ya Gelo!"
Dylara waves goodbye.
Dylara grows still and her lips begin to move silently.
(Hartstone): You say, "Bye Dylara!"
Flacarealah waves goodbye at Dylara.
bug dylara
Your bug is too short, indicating that you have likely not provided us with
enough information. Please resubmit your bug with as much information as
possible. Thank you.
You say, "Eek."
Dylara is enveloped in translucent fire for a moment and is gone, her soul safe
until she returns to Lusternia.
You wave and say "Goodbye!"
I wanted to do bye and then hug.

Sorry Gelo, while its sad I have to leave.. its never a bug!

Hazar2006-12-16 16:51:01
(Glomdoring): Moralis says, "To quote mortal combat, WHUSSSY!"
Kharaen2006-12-16 19:07:46
QUOTE(Hazar @ Dec 16 2006, 11:51 AM) 363604
(Glomdoring): Moralis says, "To quote mortal combat, WHUSSSY!"
Glomdoring being the nitpicky community they are, hopefully gave him an ass whuping for saying that

Adee2006-12-16 20:06:48
QUOTE(Kharaen d'Attai @ Dec 16 2006, 02:07 PM) 363632
Glomdoring being the nitpicky community they are, hopefully gave him an ass whuping for saying that

...doubtful. Very doubtful.

Hazar2006-12-16 20:51:07
Well, not in public. Bad form to ridicule him in front of newbies. We just all shut up and then teased him about it in private.
Adee...sarcasm is unbecoming.
Adee...sarcasm is unbecoming.
Kharaen2006-12-16 21:04:00
Unfortunately I don't have all of this, as it scrolled off, but here's an amusing conversation that Ashteru and Kharaen had:
Ashteru tells you, "One Aw, I don't see the problem. Two, I am actually a
changeling, so I can be whatever you want. And Three....yes, I quite deserve it,
as well! Isn't that attractive?!"
(I think he said he could enchant Kharaen, which she responded that he wasn't an enchanter, was a gloomfolk, and was a commune enemy.)
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I'm only interested in loboshigaru,
and I already found myself one."
Ashteru tells you, "Aw, that hurt. Though I can only congratulate the lucky
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Sure, he's Dinoniel."
Ashteru tells you, "...it's interesting how strong loboshigaru females seem to
look for weaker mates."
Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn (Male Human).
He is 67 years old, having been born on the 23rd of Juliary, 96 years after the
Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 14th in Lusternia.
He has triumphed 1 time in the combat rankings.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Cosmic Wayfarer in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is an enemy of your commune.
He is a member of the clan called 'Children of Crow.'
He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
His motto: 'Nothing to want, nothing to lose.'
He is considered to be approximately 90% of your might.
He has been divorced once.
He is a first generation member of the d'Illici family.
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You're weaker then me mate, so you're
in no position to be speaking."
Ashteru tells you, "Aah, that is indeed true. Why do you think I opted for your
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Because I have a manse, a ship, a
manse shop, an artisan cartel, and am winning constantly in the artisanals at
least a merit?"
Ashteru tells you, "Eh, and I am the next in line of titan and have a manse
myself. I go for personality, not for the belongings!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You've never met me, so how could you
know my personality? Especially when our communes will forever have a war going
on between them?"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Tell you what. You become a
Serenwilder, and I'll consider your suit."
Ashteru tells you, "Hrm, how about you become a Glomdoringer and I'll show you a
real commune?"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I swore a vow to remain in the same
spot. You however have been at least Magnagoran before you were a Gloomfolk. If
anyone's changing residence, its you."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Yes, because nothing says romantic
like a bunch of carnivorous trees, the ebonglom wyrm's ass, and a mucky swamp."
Ashteru tells you, "Remaining in the same spot isn't quite as what it used to
be, trust me. And a strong, fierce loboshigaru like you, a race I quite adore
and whose skin I assume often enough, should do well in Glomdoring."
Ashteru tells you, "Nono, see. The Wyrdling is like a butterfly, beautiful and
deadly. And the trees don't actually bite off stuff, they just gnaw. And the
swamp...well, guess the reason I am 60 something and have a perfect skin?"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "First you'd have to off of Dinoniel
somehow, which I don't see happening. Then you'd have to try really hard to
convince me that a Commune that's been content to killing me whenever they get
the opportunity to is worth switching for a community that's been somewhat there
for me. Then you'd have to convince me why I'd want you in the first place."
Ashteru tells you, "Dinoniel, Shmimoniel. If I should kill him to prove to you
that I am better than him, I shall. Or I can crush him in debates, tear him into
four pieces, or make him bleed, your wish would be my order. And of course,
Glomdoringers killed you, but I never did, did I? Unfortunate as it is, a lot of
people get killed in this war, under them a few as enchanting persons as you.
Once you join Glomdoring, you'll see that you'll never want to go back to
Serenwilde anymore. We are a brother and sisterhood of likeminded individuals,
helping each other whenever necessary. And third...why would you want me? Well,
I heard a few compliments for my smile, or my eyes. I also got a few for my
quick wits and my ability to flatter. And of course, why would you want me most
of all? Why, because I am made for you!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Is Glomdoring so desperate for more
commune mates that they are pimping out their availables?"
Ashteru tells you, "No, not really. I'd probably get whipped a bit for speaking
with you. But I just liked the sight of you, and thought I'd try to chat you
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "How could you like the sight of me,
if we've never met?"
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, I saw you once! I can not remember where, but I did."
Ashteru tells you, "Love on first sight, my fierce warrior!"
Ixion tells you, "*flirts with you*."
You tell Lord Marshal Kalas Ixion, "Hehe."
Ixion tells you, "*waits for the lashing*."
You tell Lord Marshal Kalas Ixion, "Nah, I'll just tell Athana. She'll lash for
Ixion tells you, "..."
You tell Lord Marshal Kalas Ixion, "I bet she can be much more viscous then me!"
Ixion tells you, "Viscous? *Laugh*."
Ixion tells you, "Try vicious."
You tell Lord Marshal Kalas Ixion, "That too, erk."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "What do I look like?"
Ashteru tells you, "The last I saw you, Black fur, smallish head...grey eyes,
yes, I think."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Took you a while to answer."
Ashteru tells you, "I have a huge memory, m'dear."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You're wrong though, so I guess you
saw someone else." (broad skull rather then small head, he was close though.)
Ashteru tells you, "Which is not the only huge thing I possess, by the way."
Ashteru tells you, "Ouch, that hurts. Though I have to say, I am quite enchanted
by speaking with you! Love on first sound!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Loboshigaru have an excellent voice,
this is true."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Well I suppose we can discuss the
possible future."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "First you would have to become a
Loboshigaru any time I am within the realms."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Then you would have to escort me
wherever I go."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Next you would have to shave your
manparts, and have an especially fluffy ruff."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You would have to be willing to
snuggle me at all times of the day, and cry each time I die."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You would have to forsake your family
and create the Attai family with me."
Ashteru tells you, "...does Dinoniel do that too?" (He doesn't, but I had to lie
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Of course. He does everything I want
him to do."
Ashteru tells you, "Very dominating, I see."
Ashteru tells you, "Well, I can bear to drop a few tears if you die...which will
never happen if you follow glorious Crow. And I do not mind letting you snuggle
me once or twice, though, as I prolly will be a Loboshigaru, we should always
watch out for the electrostatics that rubbing fur on fur could create. Thirdly,
escorting you everywhere..how about you follow me sometimes, as well? Hunting
might do you good. And....family business can be talked about later."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "See, its my terms or no terms."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I already have someone willing to do
all that for me and I don't have to move communes."
Ashteru tells you, "True, dat...but I am sure that sometimes bores you, m'dear.
If you wanted a pet, you could always become a hunter!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I am a hunter."
(The Daughters of Attai): Raguel (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Shave em
off!!" (Hehe)
Ashteru tells you, "Aah, I see. You created your own little pack."
Ashteru tells you, "Well, I shall ponder your terms. Though the shaving the
manhood part is the hardest, indeed, fairest of the loboshigaru."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You make no mention of shaving
manparts. If you do not do that, and I shall inspect on a monthly basis. If I
find you've disobeyed me, I'll strap you up to one of those gnawing trees, and
shave them myself. Then I'll shave your buttocks for added humialition. Then
you'll have to walk skyclad in the Glomdoring and leashed until you learn
Ashteru tells you, "If you intended this to push me away, you just managed the
complete opposite, m'dear."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Hrm. I don't like taking bathes after
I fight gorgogs or stinkfish. I like acquire that nice scent and rub it all over
myself. Bathing even once a year shall be a forbidden act for you."
Ashteru tells you, "But of course, I'll do as my dominant mate would require me
to do, and raise it two ten years without a bath!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Sheesh you're trying hard. Usually
people give up right away, especially at racial taunts."
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, but I told you. Races means as much as hairstyle to me,
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Pity, since I'm very proud to be a
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, I certainly like it too, and probably can find racial
pride after a year or so."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I'm still not going to leave
Serenwilde, heh."
Ashteru tells you, "Ah, this hurts my poor, old heart, mightiest of the wolves!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "They've done me no injustice, and
loyalty is important to me. You who have been in three places and already
divorced once would no little of steadfast devotion."
(The Daughters of Attai): Dylara (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Psh. Bad
Ashteru tells you, "Ah, but I will tell you a story, embodiment of beauty. I
divorced my wife because she was not as loyal to Magnagora as I was."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Which you then quit."
(The Daughters of Attai): You say, "You missed the manparts shaving part
(The Daughters of Attai): Dylara (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Burn."
Ashteru tells you, "Of course, but for reasons unknown to you, muse of my
sleepless nights."
(The Daughters of Attai): Ixion (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What's
wrong with shaving manparts."
(The Daughters of Attai): Dylara (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "..Maybe
Ill go back to sleep then."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I hate to tell you this... Well no,
not really. I love embarassing people. I've shared every moment of this amusing
conversation with my fellow Attaiains."
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, why, and I laughed with my family, dearest daughter of
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You've been laughing at me? How dare
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, not at you, beauty of the evening. Over the
conversation, why of course!"
Ixion tells you, "You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Rofl @ the
Ixion tells you, "Ashteru tells you, "Thanks.
Honing my flirting, mate!""
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "(OOC: Thanks for this. I've really
enjoyed this conversation, and haven't laughed this much in a while.)"
Ashteru tells you, "((Hehe, no problem.
And I laughed a lot too...especially
over your...small demands. ^^))"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "((Hehe, unfortunately I'm out of
ideas now :/))"
Ashteru tells you, "((don't worry, I started to have to think about compliments
as well.
(The Daughters of Attai): Raguel (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I need a
(The Daughters of Attai): Ixion (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Go for
Ashteru also, Rageul."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Well sadly I've nothing more to say.
So I'll end this with a respectful..."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "No."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "(I think I'll quote this
conversation. That alright?)"
Ashteru tells you, "Always a pleasure to hear your sweet voice,
Ashteru tells you, "((sure, why not, heh.
Ashteru tells you, "One Aw, I don't see the problem. Two, I am actually a
changeling, so I can be whatever you want. And Three....yes, I quite deserve it,
as well! Isn't that attractive?!"
(I think he said he could enchant Kharaen, which she responded that he wasn't an enchanter, was a gloomfolk, and was a commune enemy.)
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I'm only interested in loboshigaru,
and I already found myself one."
Ashteru tells you, "Aw, that hurt. Though I can only congratulate the lucky
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Sure, he's Dinoniel."
Ashteru tells you, "...it's interesting how strong loboshigaru females seem to
look for weaker mates."
Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn (Male Human).
He is 67 years old, having been born on the 23rd of Juliary, 96 years after the
Coming of Estarra.
He is ranked 14th in Lusternia.
He has triumphed 1 time in the combat rankings.
He is an extremely credible character.
He is a Cosmic Wayfarer in the Fellowship of Explorers.
He is an enemy of your commune.
He is a member of the clan called 'Children of Crow.'
He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
His motto: 'Nothing to want, nothing to lose.'
He is considered to be approximately 90% of your might.
He has been divorced once.
He is a first generation member of the d'Illici family.
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You're weaker then me mate, so you're
in no position to be speaking."
Ashteru tells you, "Aah, that is indeed true. Why do you think I opted for your
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Because I have a manse, a ship, a
manse shop, an artisan cartel, and am winning constantly in the artisanals at
least a merit?"
Ashteru tells you, "Eh, and I am the next in line of titan and have a manse
myself. I go for personality, not for the belongings!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You've never met me, so how could you
know my personality? Especially when our communes will forever have a war going
on between them?"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Tell you what. You become a
Serenwilder, and I'll consider your suit."
Ashteru tells you, "Hrm, how about you become a Glomdoringer and I'll show you a
real commune?"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I swore a vow to remain in the same
spot. You however have been at least Magnagoran before you were a Gloomfolk. If
anyone's changing residence, its you."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Yes, because nothing says romantic
like a bunch of carnivorous trees, the ebonglom wyrm's ass, and a mucky swamp."
Ashteru tells you, "Remaining in the same spot isn't quite as what it used to
be, trust me. And a strong, fierce loboshigaru like you, a race I quite adore
and whose skin I assume often enough, should do well in Glomdoring."
Ashteru tells you, "Nono, see. The Wyrdling is like a butterfly, beautiful and
deadly. And the trees don't actually bite off stuff, they just gnaw. And the
swamp...well, guess the reason I am 60 something and have a perfect skin?"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "First you'd have to off of Dinoniel
somehow, which I don't see happening. Then you'd have to try really hard to
convince me that a Commune that's been content to killing me whenever they get
the opportunity to is worth switching for a community that's been somewhat there
for me. Then you'd have to convince me why I'd want you in the first place."
Ashteru tells you, "Dinoniel, Shmimoniel. If I should kill him to prove to you
that I am better than him, I shall. Or I can crush him in debates, tear him into
four pieces, or make him bleed, your wish would be my order. And of course,
Glomdoringers killed you, but I never did, did I? Unfortunate as it is, a lot of
people get killed in this war, under them a few as enchanting persons as you.
Once you join Glomdoring, you'll see that you'll never want to go back to
Serenwilde anymore. We are a brother and sisterhood of likeminded individuals,
helping each other whenever necessary. And third...why would you want me? Well,
I heard a few compliments for my smile, or my eyes. I also got a few for my
quick wits and my ability to flatter. And of course, why would you want me most
of all? Why, because I am made for you!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Is Glomdoring so desperate for more
commune mates that they are pimping out their availables?"
Ashteru tells you, "No, not really. I'd probably get whipped a bit for speaking
with you. But I just liked the sight of you, and thought I'd try to chat you
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "How could you like the sight of me,
if we've never met?"
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, I saw you once! I can not remember where, but I did."
Ashteru tells you, "Love on first sight, my fierce warrior!"
Ixion tells you, "*flirts with you*."
You tell Lord Marshal Kalas Ixion, "Hehe."
Ixion tells you, "*waits for the lashing*."
You tell Lord Marshal Kalas Ixion, "Nah, I'll just tell Athana. She'll lash for
Ixion tells you, "..."
You tell Lord Marshal Kalas Ixion, "I bet she can be much more viscous then me!"
Ixion tells you, "Viscous? *Laugh*."
Ixion tells you, "Try vicious."
You tell Lord Marshal Kalas Ixion, "That too, erk."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "What do I look like?"
Ashteru tells you, "The last I saw you, Black fur, smallish head...grey eyes,
yes, I think."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Took you a while to answer."
Ashteru tells you, "I have a huge memory, m'dear."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You're wrong though, so I guess you
saw someone else." (broad skull rather then small head, he was close though.)
Ashteru tells you, "Which is not the only huge thing I possess, by the way."
Ashteru tells you, "Ouch, that hurts. Though I have to say, I am quite enchanted
by speaking with you! Love on first sound!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Loboshigaru have an excellent voice,
this is true."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Well I suppose we can discuss the
possible future."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "First you would have to become a
Loboshigaru any time I am within the realms."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Then you would have to escort me
wherever I go."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Next you would have to shave your
manparts, and have an especially fluffy ruff."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You would have to be willing to
snuggle me at all times of the day, and cry each time I die."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You would have to forsake your family
and create the Attai family with me."
Ashteru tells you, "...does Dinoniel do that too?" (He doesn't, but I had to lie

You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Of course. He does everything I want
him to do."
Ashteru tells you, "Very dominating, I see."
Ashteru tells you, "Well, I can bear to drop a few tears if you die...which will
never happen if you follow glorious Crow. And I do not mind letting you snuggle
me once or twice, though, as I prolly will be a Loboshigaru, we should always
watch out for the electrostatics that rubbing fur on fur could create. Thirdly,
escorting you everywhere..how about you follow me sometimes, as well? Hunting
might do you good. And....family business can be talked about later."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "See, its my terms or no terms."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I already have someone willing to do
all that for me and I don't have to move communes."
Ashteru tells you, "True, dat...but I am sure that sometimes bores you, m'dear.
If you wanted a pet, you could always become a hunter!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I am a hunter."
(The Daughters of Attai): Raguel (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Shave em
off!!" (Hehe)
Ashteru tells you, "Aah, I see. You created your own little pack."
Ashteru tells you, "Well, I shall ponder your terms. Though the shaving the
manhood part is the hardest, indeed, fairest of the loboshigaru."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You make no mention of shaving
manparts. If you do not do that, and I shall inspect on a monthly basis. If I
find you've disobeyed me, I'll strap you up to one of those gnawing trees, and
shave them myself. Then I'll shave your buttocks for added humialition. Then
you'll have to walk skyclad in the Glomdoring and leashed until you learn
Ashteru tells you, "If you intended this to push me away, you just managed the
complete opposite, m'dear."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Hrm. I don't like taking bathes after
I fight gorgogs or stinkfish. I like acquire that nice scent and rub it all over
myself. Bathing even once a year shall be a forbidden act for you."
Ashteru tells you, "But of course, I'll do as my dominant mate would require me
to do, and raise it two ten years without a bath!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Sheesh you're trying hard. Usually
people give up right away, especially at racial taunts."
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, but I told you. Races means as much as hairstyle to me,
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Pity, since I'm very proud to be a
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, I certainly like it too, and probably can find racial
pride after a year or so."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I'm still not going to leave
Serenwilde, heh."
Ashteru tells you, "Ah, this hurts my poor, old heart, mightiest of the wolves!"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "They've done me no injustice, and
loyalty is important to me. You who have been in three places and already
divorced once would no little of steadfast devotion."
(The Daughters of Attai): Dylara (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Psh. Bad
Ashteru tells you, "Ah, but I will tell you a story, embodiment of beauty. I
divorced my wife because she was not as loyal to Magnagora as I was."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Which you then quit."
(The Daughters of Attai): You say, "You missed the manparts shaving part
(The Daughters of Attai): Dylara (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Burn."
Ashteru tells you, "Of course, but for reasons unknown to you, muse of my
sleepless nights."
(The Daughters of Attai): Ixion (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "What's
wrong with shaving manparts."
(The Daughters of Attai): Dylara (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "..Maybe
Ill go back to sleep then."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "I hate to tell you this... Well no,
not really. I love embarassing people. I've shared every moment of this amusing
conversation with my fellow Attaiains."
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, why, and I laughed with my family, dearest daughter of
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "You've been laughing at me? How dare
Ashteru tells you, "Oh, not at you, beauty of the evening. Over the
conversation, why of course!"
Ixion tells you, "You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Rofl @ the
Ixion tells you, "Ashteru tells you, "Thanks.

You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "(OOC: Thanks for this. I've really
enjoyed this conversation, and haven't laughed this much in a while.)"
Ashteru tells you, "((Hehe, no problem.

over your...small demands. ^^))"
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "((Hehe, unfortunately I'm out of
ideas now :/))"
Ashteru tells you, "((don't worry, I started to have to think about compliments
as well.

(The Daughters of Attai): Raguel (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I need a

(The Daughters of Attai): Ixion (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "Go for
Ashteru also, Rageul."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "Well sadly I've nothing more to say.
So I'll end this with a respectful..."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "No."
You tell Druid Ashteru of the Blackthorn, "(I think I'll quote this
conversation. That alright?)"
Ashteru tells you, "Always a pleasure to hear your sweet voice,
Ashteru tells you, "((sure, why not, heh.

Ashteru2006-12-16 21:32:22
My friends call me "Mister Smooth". 

Forren2006-12-16 22:02:18
No no, it goes like this:
"Suck me beautiful."
"My friends call me Nova.. as in.. Casanova."
(House Aurendil): Livictus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I drank a lava lamp."
(House Aurendil): You say, "..."
(House Aurendil): Livictus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It wasn't lava."
"Suck me beautiful."
"My friends call me Nova.. as in.. Casanova."
(House Aurendil): Livictus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "I drank a lava lamp."
(House Aurendil): You say, "..."
(House Aurendil): Livictus (from the Prime Material Plane) says, "It wasn't lava."
Hazar2006-12-16 22:49:53
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Dec 16 2006, 03:32 PM) 363668
My friends call me "Mister Smooth".

And you complain that I'm bad at courting.

Ildaudid2006-12-16 23:58:54
QUOTE(Hazar @ Dec 16 2006, 11:51 AM) 363604
(Glomdoring): Moralis says, "To quote mortal combat, WHUSSSY!"
Wow, that actually gives the glommies a reason to kill Moralis... I am surprised that RP was broken there period.... what is the dark forest becoming?