Unknown2006-12-29 10:05:09
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Dec 28 2006, 08:22 PM) 367126
You mean the one I wrote, where you forestcast swarm, raise cudgel, puncture aura, dreamcast blackout, enemy, vine, let swarm hit, shove, climb down, unenemy, and then say, "Leave the room and you pass?"
That really does give me ideas.

Tekora2006-12-29 10:54:27
Verithrax: You should come up to Reiha and be all like,
Verithrax: "SURPRISE! Impregnation!"
Arix: ...
Arix: I should
Arix: she in the realm now?
Verithrax: It's better than surprise buttsex.
Arix: and then spore away
Arix: yay spores
Arix: damn, why does Reiha have to not be here now?
And later...
* Arix throws Verithrax at Faethyr
Faethyr: GAH
* Verithrax latches on to Faethyr's jugular.
Arix: that worked ouy nicely
Arix: out
Faethyr: O.o
Faethyr: WHy me
Arix: cuz
Arix: ummm
Arix: SURPRISE! Impregnate!
Verithrax: Okay, this is getting too freaky for even me.
Verithrax: I'm not playing anymore.
Verithrax: "SURPRISE! Impregnation!"
Arix: ...
Arix: I should
Arix: she in the realm now?
Verithrax: It's better than surprise buttsex.
Arix: and then spore away
Arix: yay spores
Arix: damn, why does Reiha have to not be here now?
And later...
* Arix throws Verithrax at Faethyr
Faethyr: GAH
* Verithrax latches on to Faethyr's jugular.
Arix: that worked ouy nicely
Arix: out
Faethyr: O.o
Faethyr: WHy me
Arix: cuz
Arix: ummm
Arix: SURPRISE! Impregnate!
Verithrax: Okay, this is getting too freaky for even me.
Verithrax: I'm not playing anymore.
Shiri2006-12-29 14:32:56

Faela tells you, "I no longer have the entourage though, but don't worry about
it. It's fine."
You tell Seeker of the Moon, Faela, "Oh, I bet you flew at some point, didn't
Faela tells you, "Yes!"
You tell Seeker of the Moon, Faela, "Yeah. Don't."
You tell Seeker of the Moon, Faela, "Also they're not good at keeping track
when you fall out of trees."
Faela tells you, "*grin* Some fae wandering around the forest somewhere, lost."
Faela tells you, "Giving out to one another for reading the map wrong..."
Faela tells you, "Poor things."
Lysandus2006-12-29 15:35:40
Waranar mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that remains
*** SHIELDED ***
hovering before him.
You say, "This will be messy."
peer cow
You peer at a cow unscrupulously.
A cow chews some cud and looks at you blankly.
Page Waranar, of the Armies of Light looks scared.
You give a cow a push.
A cow ceases to follow you.
A cow wobbles uncertainly, then tips over!
A cow lets out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOO!'
You play a minor second on an iridescent silver lyre and direct the disharmonic
notes towards a cow.
Blood trickles out of a cow's ears and from the corners of her eyes.
You have scored an OBLITERATING CRITICAL hit!
A cow screams and dies, as her eyes fly out of their sockets and blood splurts
out of her ears.
You have slain a cow.
Page Waranar, of the Armies of Light says, "Oh my..."
You begin to wield the corpse of a cow in your right hand.
Page Waranar, of the Armies of Light covers his eyes.
You wave the corpse of a cow about energetically.
You say to Waranar, "Here, catch."
Page Waranar, of the Armies of Light says, "EEK!"
You throw the corpse of a cow at Waranar, but it does little more than startle
Waranar collapses in a heap on the floor, unable to bear the pain any longer.
Poor guy, think it'll haunt him forever
*** SHIELDED ***
hovering before him.
You say, "This will be messy."
peer cow
You peer at a cow unscrupulously.
A cow chews some cud and looks at you blankly.
Page Waranar, of the Armies of Light looks scared.
You give a cow a push.
A cow ceases to follow you.
A cow wobbles uncertainly, then tips over!
A cow lets out a loud, long 'MOOOOOOOOOOO!'
You play a minor second on an iridescent silver lyre and direct the disharmonic
notes towards a cow.
Blood trickles out of a cow's ears and from the corners of her eyes.
You have scored an OBLITERATING CRITICAL hit!
A cow screams and dies, as her eyes fly out of their sockets and blood splurts
out of her ears.
You have slain a cow.
Page Waranar, of the Armies of Light says, "Oh my..."
You begin to wield the corpse of a cow in your right hand.
Page Waranar, of the Armies of Light covers his eyes.
You wave the corpse of a cow about energetically.
You say to Waranar, "Here, catch."
Page Waranar, of the Armies of Light says, "EEK!"
You throw the corpse of a cow at Waranar, but it does little more than startle
Waranar collapses in a heap on the floor, unable to bear the pain any longer.
Poor guy, think it'll haunt him forever

Kaenyte2006-12-29 17:16:10
It'd have been worse if that anti-cow-tipping mechanic was still being used. Shame it isn't, really. Or maybe I was just lied to about it.
Unknown2006-12-29 17:27:54
2006/12/29 14:02:21 - Forren declared Aesyra to be a formal enemy. Reason: this
is a pooka test.
2006/12/29 14:03:37 - Forren declared that Aesyra is no longer an enemy. Reason:
because she is that pretty.
is a pooka test.
2006/12/29 14:03:37 - Forren declared that Aesyra is no longer an enemy. Reason:
because she is that pretty.
Unknown2006-12-29 17:53:16
It -was- a pooka test. You can dominate people into city / order enemying and unenemying.. which is kind of retarded.
Xenthos2006-12-29 18:09:39
QUOTE(shadow @ Dec 29 2006, 12:53 PM) 367476
It -was- a pooka test. You can dominate people into city / order enemying and unenemying.. which is kind of retarded.
I actually asked about that a number of months back, and I was told it didn't work, so I didn't think about it again... until now.
Shorlen2006-12-29 18:41:38
Bug/issue please? That shouldn't be possible.
Unknown2006-12-29 18:46:42
I don't really see what makes it so bad. Its not like you can't just re-enemy/un-enemy.
Tael2006-12-29 19:01:56
QUOTE(Fallen @ Dec 29 2006, 01:46 PM) 367488
I don't really see what makes it so bad. Its not like you can't just re-enemy/un-enemy.
Let us take Billy, who has a Pooka.. and Jimmy, who is sitting at let's say.. The Pool of Stars.. Along with Timmy who has enemy powers.. Billy uses his Pooka on Timmy to enemy Jimmy.. Well, by the time that Timmy unenemies.. You have a dead Jimmy at the Pool of Stars. The end.

Unknown2006-12-29 19:08:37
QUOTE(Fallen @ Dec 29 2006, 07:46 PM) 367488
I don't really see what makes it so bad. Its not like you can't just re-enemy/un-enemy.
If you don't see an issue with that..... then you I can seriously say you're not a metagamer and have a -way- too good natured mind. I can imagine several ways how this could be used to an advantage in a raid.. trust me, you don't want to know them.
I issued it btw, so hush.

PS: I'm -really- starting to wonder now if things like withdrawing gold, city(dis)favouring, (un)citizening, and especially shrine powers are possible to be forced.. yes my mind is in the abusive gutter.
Shamarah2006-12-29 19:15:22
You can't enemy citizens anyway so really forcing it wouldn't do much.
Unknown2006-12-29 19:17:11
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Dec 29 2006, 08:15 PM) 367496
You can't enemy citizens anyway so really forcing it wouldn't do much.
But I could force you to unenemy me and then attack you at the Pool on Celestia.. with the guards watching. Until you figure it out you might just have died.

Shorlen2006-12-29 19:31:17
QUOTE(shadow @ Dec 29 2006, 02:17 PM) 367497
But I could force you to unenemy me and then attack you at the Pool on Celestia.. with the guards watching. Until you figure it out you might just have died. 

No, no, you go jump some newb who was given security for some silly reason, and pooka them to unenemy a friend of yours, who then goes into Celest to kill people indiscriminately. People don't realize that he's been unenemied, and even if they notice, while you have the newb security locked down, you just keep spaming unenemy for your friend.
Reiha2006-12-29 20:14:36
QUOTE(Tekora @ Dec 29 2006, 02:54 AM) 367346

Unknown2006-12-29 21:46:52
(Celest): Neerth says, "Hmph. You shouldn't store your own diary in the
seminary's antechamber, Miss twenty pairs of shoes in one shopping day."
(Celest): Genevieve says, "Hey, I need variety!"
seminary's antechamber, Miss twenty pairs of shoes in one shopping day."
(Celest): Genevieve says, "Hey, I need variety!"
Laysus2006-12-30 00:03:36
With the unenemying thing, what you do is sneak it in after a vapors combo.
Blackout is your friend.
Blackout is your friend.
Gandal2006-12-30 01:17:41
QUOTE(Forren @ Dec 28 2006, 07:17 AM) 367066
I wish I could do it to our snuggling idiots.
QUOTE(Marina_Whytetower @ Dec 28 2006, 03:23 PM) 367144
I thought they were automatically Aquamancers?

Hey! I think they're evenly distributed throughout Celest

Gelo2006-12-30 02:31:55
(Market): Rushemar says, "Seeking my psychotic parents...I know you're out there somewhere."
(Market): Arix says, "Hi, I'm Arix, nice to meet you."